chapter 14 learn smart

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select all of the following that are names of domains of life

-archaea -eukarya -bacteria

select all the ways in which humans are creating situations that cause extinctions of animals and plants on earth

-destruction of habitat -releasing pollution into the atmosphere and water -fragmentation of habitat -introducing species

select all the reasons that could cause a species to go extinct

-habitat loss -new disease -natural disaster -new predator

select all the post zygotic reproductive barriers

-hybrid breakdown -hybrid inviability -hybrid infertility

match the post zygotic reproductive barrier on the left with its example on the right

-hybrid inviability: hybrid eucalyptus seeds do not germinate; seedlings die very early -hybrid infertility: lion-tiger (liger) is infertile -hybrid breakdown: offspring of hybrid mosquitoes have abnormal genitalia

select all of the reasons why the biological species concept is not a perfect definition of a species

-it doesn't apply to asexually reproducing organisms -it is impossible to apply to extinct organisms known only from fossils -it only accounts for absolute reproductive isolation

select all lines of evidence used by biologists to construct phylogenetic trees

-molecular sequences -fossils -physiological adaptations behaviors

select all the examples of organisms from the fossil record that offer evidence of punctuated equilibrium

-mollusks -bryozoans -mammals

select all of the areas covered by the definition of taxonomy

-naming organisms -classifying organisms -describing organisms

select the two theories that explain what may have contributed to earth's mass extinctions in the past

-plate tectonics -impact theory

select all of the following that are prevented by post zygotic reproductive barriers

-production of fertile offspring -survival of offspring to maturity

select scenarios that may lead to allopatric speciation

-rising sea levels trap a population on an island -rivers or glaciers divide a habitat -organisms are unable to reach part of an ecosystem where other members of the species live

select the reasons why it is difficult for biologists to determine whether a speciation event is allopatric or sympatric

-the size of a geographic barrier needed to separate populations depends on the species -it is hard to detect all the barriers that are important to different species

select the common features of cladograms from the choices below

-the tips of the branches represent taxa -cladograms depict evolutionary relationships -each node indicates where two groups arose from a common ancestor

rank the following taxonomic groups into a hierarchy, from the most inclusive group at the top to the most specific group at the bottom

1. domain 2. kingdom 3. phylum 4. class 5. order 6. family

rank the following in chronological order of how scientists think meteorites or comets striking earth caused mass extinctions, beginning with the first event at the top of the list

1. impact of meteor or comet onto earth's surface 2. dust and debris sent into the atmosphere 3. sunlight blocked 4. plants die 5. animals die without food or shelter

___ speciation is a type of speciation in which a barrier physically separates a population into two groups that cannot interbreed


speciation of populations separated by a physical barrier is called ___ speciation, while ___ speciation occurs in populations that live in the same physical area

allopatric; sympatric

in cladistics, ___ characters are inherited attributes that resemble those of past relatives of the organism, whereas ___ characters are features that are different from those found in the group's past relatives

ancestral; derived

what type of extinction results from the gradual loss of a species as populations shrink in the face of new challenges?


carolus Linnaeus classified species based upon ___ but not upon ___

body structure; evolutionary relationships

in phylogenetic analyses, a group of species united by a singe evolutionary pathway is called a(n)


a diagram depicting evolutionary relationships based on shared derived characters is called a


in cladistics, the outgrip is the

comparator organisms that do not possess the derived traits being examined

what groups form a clade?

crocodiles, nonavian dinosaurs, and birds

if speciation is the beginning of a species, then ___ is the end of a species


linnaeus designed a system of assigning names to organisms. the first word in an organism's scientific name designates the broader classification level called the ___ of the organism, and the second word designated the ___

genus; species

the ___ model of speciation proposes that evolution proceeds in small, incremental changes over many generations


the figure labeled A represents ___, and the figure labeled B represents ___

gradualism; punctuated equilibrium

___ tends to span very long periods of time, whereas ___ events can be observed over a few years

macroevolution; microevolution

a population of snails is separated when an eight-lane highway is built. after 50 years, the two separate populations can no longer interbreed. this describes the process of

new species forming

prezygotic barriers to reproduction ___, while postzygotic barriers to reproduction ___

occur before fertilization; reduce fitness of hybrid offspring

___ are evolutionary trees that are used by biologists to represent hypothesized relationships among species or groups


a condition called ___ occurs when the number of sets of chromosomes increases


what can lead to sympatric speciation due to doubling of chromosomes or errors in meiosis?


assuming fertilization occurs during a mating between two different species, viable and fertile offspring are prevented by ___ barriers

post zygotic

what type of reproductive isolating barrier occurs after the formation of a zygote and reduces the fitness of the hybrid?

post zygotic

if a zygote cannot form between two organisms, then a type of ___ reproductive barrier is present


what eukaryotic kingdom shares common ancestors with three other kingdoms, and is therefore not a clade?


the model that proposes that speciation occurs in brief bursts interrupted by long periods of little change is ___ ___

punctuated equilibrium

cladistic groups organisms by characters that best indicate

shared ancestry

when a population contains two separate groups that can no longer interbreed and produce fertile offspring, then ___ has occurred


select the correct statement from the ones below with respect to how speciation may occur

speciation may be gradual or occur in bursts

which description best describes phylogenetics?

studying evolutionary relationships among species

if a population diverges genetically from its parent population while remaining in the same physical area, this is an example of ___ speciation


___ is the study of classification and incorporates both taxonomy and phylogenetics


the movement of ___ over time, which affected environments on earth, has been offered as a possible explanation of mass extinctions of organisms on earth

tectonic plates

select the statement from the choices below that accurately reflects a relationship between shared features and taxonomic levels

the more features that two organisms have in common the more taxonomic levels they share

what phrase describes macroevolution?

the process of new species appearing and other species going extinct on earth over long periods of time

according to the biological species concept, a species is a population

whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring

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