Chapter 14: The Brain and Cranial Nerves

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Which best defines "cerebral cortex?"

The layer of gray matter covering the surface of the cerebral hemispheres

Which is the definition of the term "rostral"?

Toward the nose; toward the forehead; or higher (vertical)

Which cranial nerve functions to sense touch, pain, and temperature on the upper and lower face and to transmit motor impulses needed for chewing?


Which nerve is indicated by the arrow in the picture of the base of the brain?


Which nerve is indicated by the arrow?


True or false: A brain wave is the electrical activity that results from voltage changes in the cells of the brain.


Which is least likely to get through the blood-brain barrier?


Which cranial nerve plays a major role in the control of cardiac, pulmonary, digestive and urinary functions?


Which nerve transmits sensory signals for hearing and equilibrium?

Vestibulocochlear (VIII)

Which is a special sense?


Which are considered "special senses"?

Vision Hearing Taste Smell Equilibrium

Name the area of the brain that is responsible for interpreting the meaning of written and spoken language?

Wernicke area

Where is the gray matter of the cerebrum located?

basal nuclei, limbic system and cerebral cortex

The term ______ means "toward the tail".


Sensory perception, thought, reasoning, judgment, learning, memory, imagination, and intuition are all examples of ______.


The outer layer of the cerebrum, called the cerebral ____, is formed by gray matter.


A brain wave is a measure of the ____ activity in the cells of the brain.


Which structures produce CSF?

ependymal cells of the choroid plexus

The chief functions of the ____ lobe include voluntary motor functions, memory, mood, emotion, social judgment and aggression.


The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus of the ______ lobe.


The ____________ provides critical function in motivation, logical reasoning, expression of emotion, and social attitudes.

frontal lobe

The ____ region of the diencephalon forms the floor of the third ventricle and extends anteriorly to the optic chiasm.


The deepest of the cerebral lobes, the ____________ , is also the smallest and least understood.


The three-layer fibrous membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord are collectively called the ____.


The pons develops from an embryonic secondary brain vesicle called the ____.


How is the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve functionally classified?


How is the abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) classified?


The frontal lobes also include the primary ____________ , which controls voluntary motor functions.

motor cortex

The ______ lobe contains the primary visual center of the brain.


Housing the visual centers, the ____________ receive input from the optic radiation.

occipital lobe

The ____ nerves (cranial nerve I) pass through the cribriform plate in the roof of the nasal cavity functioning in the sense of smell.


The ____ lobe starts at the central sulcus and extends caudally to the parieto-occipital sulcus.


The____ lobe starts at the central sulcus and extends caudally to the parieto-occipital sulcus.


The ____________ exhibit receipt and association of general body sensations.

parietal lobes

The ______ is where a person decides the appropriate ways to show feelings.

prefrontal cortex

The letter A indicates the _____ on this diagram?

primary motor area

After an injury to the head, Hans cannot remember the past several years of his life. Hans has a type of amnesia called ____ amnesia.


The term ______ means "toward the nose".


The ____ colliculi play an important role in visual attention and visual tracking of moving objects.


Fluid-filled internal chambers of the brain are called ____.


The portion of the cerebellum that connects the right and left cerebellar hemispheres is the ______.


Which are examples of general (aka somatosensory or somatic) senses?

-Heat -Pain -Touch -Pressure -Cold

Which cranial nerve is indicated on this diagram?


Equilibrium involves consciousness of which of the following?

Body movements Orientation in space

Identify the temporal lobe.


Which letter corresponds to the vermis in this picture?


How many ventricles are located in the brain?


Which term refers to the differences in function between the right and left sides of the cerebrum?

Hemispheric lateralization

Which cerebral lobe is located deep to the lateral sulcus and is not visible from the surface of the brain?


Which statement about the reticular formation is true?

It is a loose web of gray matter that runs through multiple levels of the brainstem.

Which groove in the brain separates the parietal lobe from the temporal lobe?

Lateral sulcus

Although it may be different in some people, the Wernicke area is usually located in which hemisphere?


Which cerebral hemisphere is usually specialized for spoken and written language and for the analytical reasoning used in math?


How is the accessory (XI) nerve classified?


How is the hypoglossal (XII) nerve classified according to function?


Which term refers to the sense of smell?


Which type of primary sensory cortex is located in the medial surface of the temporal lobe and inferior surface of the frontal lobe?


How is the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) functionally classified?

Predominantly Sensory

How is the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III) classified?

Predominantly motor

Which type of tract, found within the cerebral white matter, carries information between the cerebrum and the rest of the body?


Where does cranial nerve II originate?


How is the optic nerve (cranial nerve II) classified?


Which cranial nerve is indicated in the figure?

Trigeminal nerve

Which nerve controls eye movement?

Trochlear (IV)

Olfaction and hearing are processed in the ____________ .

temporal lobes

The ____ is an oval-shaped structure in the diencephalon located at the superior end of the brainstem beneath the cerebral hemispheres.


How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?


How many divisions does the trigeminal nerve have?

3 divisions

The cerebral cortex constitutes about ______ of the mass of the brain.


How many lobes are found in each of the cerebral hemispheres?


How many branches does the facial nerve have?

5 branches

Which letter indicates the olfactory bulb?


Which nerve innervates muscles that move the eyeball laterally?

Abducens (VI)

Which nerve sends motor signals for swallowing, and moving the head, neck, and shoulders?


Which term refers to the general inability to describe past events?


Where is the reticular formation located?

Brainstem and spinal cord

Most motor fibers of cranial nerves begin in which of the following?

Brainstem nuclei

Which cranial nerves are purely sensory?

CN I and II

The blood-brain barrier consists of tight junctions between which of the following?

Capillary endothelial cells

Which groove in the brain separates the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe?

Central sulcus

Which is NOT one of the five cerebral lobes?

Cerebellar lobe

What fills the ventricles of the brain, the central canal of the spinal cord, and the space between the CNS and dura mater?

Cerebrospinal fluid

The forebrain includes of which of the following structures?

Cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus

Which term refers to the range of mental processes by which knowledge is acquired and used?


Which type of tract, found within the cerebral white matter, carries information between the two cerebral hemispheres?


Name the large, C-shaped structure that contains most of the commissural tracts of the brain.

Corpus callosum

Name the prominent C-shaped band of nerve tracts that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres to each other.

Corpus callosum

The gray matter of the cerebrum forms which of the following?


Which arise from the base of the brain, exit the cranium through its foramina, and lead to muscles and sense organs in the head and neck?

Cranial nerves

Identify the vagus (X) nerve.


The abducens nerve is indicated by which letter in this diagram?


Which term refers to the sense of balance?


Where does cranial nerve III (the oculomotor nerve) terminate?

External eye muscles Constrictor of the iris Ciliary muscle of the lens

True or false: "Cerebral lateralization" refers to the fact that one of the two cerebral hemispheres is dominant in each person.


True or false: A lesion in the right side of the brainstem will usually cause a sensory or motor deficit on left side of the head.


True or false: The chief functions of the occipital lobe include voluntary motor functions, memory, mood, emotion, social judgment and aggression.


True or false: The chief functions of the parietal lobe include voluntary motor functions, memory, mood, emotion, social judgment and aggression.


True or false: The midbrain and the cerebellum interact to control emotional feelings and memories.


Where does optic nerve carry visual information?

From the eye to the brain

The primary motor cortex is located in the precentral gyrus of the


Which cerebral lobe is responsible for voluntary motor function, motivation, memory, mood, and aggression?


Which nerve transmits both sensory and motor impulses to the head, neck and thoracic region?

Glossopharyngeal (IX)

Which cranial nerve is identified by the arrow?


Which nerve controls tongue movements?


Which structure serves as the major control center of the endocrine and autonomic nervous system?


Where are the sensory receptors for equilibrium located?

Inner ear

Which term refers to the connective tissue membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord?


The pons develops from which region of the neural tube?


Where does cranial nerve III (the oculomotor nerve) originate?


How is the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) classified?


How is the trigeminal nerve classified according to function?


What type of nerve is the vagus nerve?


How is the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV) classified according to


How is the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV) classified according to function?


How are cranial nerves traditionally classified according to function?

Motor, sensory or mixed

Where does the olfactory (I) nerve originate?

Mucosa of the nasal cavity

The medulla oblongata develops from which of the following?


The embryonic hindbrain consists of which secondary vesicles?

Myelencephalon Metencephalon

Within the first three weeks of embryonic development, the neural plate sinks and its edges thicken to form which of the following?

Neural groove

Which embryonic structure develops first?

Neural plate

Which lobe is at the rear of the head?


Which nerve controls movements of the eyeball, and upper eyelid as well as pupillary constriction and focusing?

Oculomotor (III)

Where does the olfactory (I) nerve terminate?

Olfactory bulb

Which cranial nerve transmits sensory information for vision?

Optic (II)

Which cerebral lobe is responsible for receiving and interpreting input from the general senses, as well as for some taste and visual processing?


Which groove in the brain separates the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe?

Parieto-occipital sulcus

Which term refers to a temporary state of unconsciousness from which one can awaken when stimulated?


Which term refers to vision, equilibrium, hearing, taste, and smell?

Special senses

Which midbrain structures mediate visual reflexes?

Superior colliculi

Which best describes the cerebral cortex?

Surface layer of gray matter on the cerebrum

Which embryonic brain regions develop into the forebrain?

Telencephalon Diencephalon

Which structure is sometimes called the "gateway to the cerebral cortex?"


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