chapter 15

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when was EOP estanlished

1939 ..eop

how many government corporations are there today?

50 ...governmet corps today

how many government corporations are there

50... government corpoations

Development of the Civil Service

About 2.7 million civilians work for the Federal Government today. Only about 300,000 work in or around Washington, DC...devolpment of the civil service

father of the spoil system

Andrew Jackson...father spoils

Hierarchical authority

Bureaucracies are based on a pyramid structure with a chain of command running from top to bottom. Hietarchical


Congress has given them certain legislative-like... quasi


Each department is headed by ...secretary

Office of National Drug Control PolicyEO{P

Established in 1989, this agency's existence dramatizes the nation's concern over drugs. drugs

what event cause the civil service act

Garfield being shot..event lead civil service act


In order to enact and enforce policy, Congress and the President have created an... adminastration

Examples of independent executive agencies

NASA, the General Services Administration, and the EPA. ...examples indepentednt

Political Activities

Several laws and a number of OPM regulations place restrictions on the political activities of federal civil servants:... political avtivities

Council of Economic Advisers

The Council of Economic Advisers ..consists of three of the country's leading economists, and acts as the President's major source of information and advice on the nation's economy.

The Civil Service Today

The Merit Systems Protection Board enforces the merit principle in the federal bureaucracy...civil service Today

The National Security Council

The National Security Council... (NSC) acts to advise the President on all domestic, foreign, and military matters that relate to the nation's security

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

The OMB's.. major task is the preparation of the federal budget, which the President must submit to Congress.

The West Wing

The President's closest advisors work in the ..West Wing ..of the White House, near the oval office.

The White House Office

The White House Office comprised of the President's key personal and political staff.

Formalized rules.

The bureaucracy does its work according to a set of established regulations and procedures ...formalized

What are the major elements of the federal bureaucracy?

The federal bureaucracy is all of the agencies, people, and procedures through which the Federal Government operates... major bur

independent executive agencies

The most important difference between the independent executive agencies and the 14 executive departments is that they simply do not have Cabinet status.... indepetent executive agencies

The Name Game

The name department is reserved for agencies of the Cabinet rank.

common tittles

agency, administration, commission, corporation, and authority.... common titeas

The Hatch Act of 1939

allows federal workers to vote in elections, but forbids them from taking part in partisan ...political activities.

Government corporations

are also within the executive branch and subject to the President's direction and control. ...government corporations

chief of staff,

assistants to the President, ...cheif

Lorretta Lynch

attorney general ..lorretta

what is one of the reasons for independent agencies

being assigned a task or function that does not fit well within the existing departmental structure; ...reasons for independent agencies

independent agencies

created by Congress and located outside the executive departments. Independent agencies have been formed for numerous reasons... indepent agencies

The U.S. Postal Service is an example of

independent regulatory commission. ...u,s. postal service

What is a bureaucracy?

is a large organization or buisness bureaucracy

Executive Office of the President

is an umbrella agency of separate agencies... executive president

civil service

is that group of public employees who perform the administrative work of government, excluding the armed forces...civil service


judicial-like powers. ..quasi


lists of qualified people who have taken these tests... registers

executive departments,

often called the Cabinet departments, are the traditional units of federal administration. ..executive departments

Job specialization.

or person who works for the organization, has certain defined duties and responsibilities. job

Line agencies

perform tasks for which the organization exists. Line


practice of choosing your friends for office..patrnage

another reason for independent agencies

protecting the agency's purposes from the influence of both partisan and pressure politics; ...another reason for indepentedt

The Federal Employees Political Activities Act of 1993

relaxes many of the restrictions of the Hatch Act. It still forbids federal workers from: (1) running in partisan elections; (2) engaging in party work on government property or while on the job; (3) collecting political contributions from subordinates or the general public; or (4) using a government position to influence an election... federal employees 1993

The Cabinet

s an informal advisory body brought together by the President to serve his needs. cabnit

ash carter

secretary of defense ..ash

John Kerry,

secretary of state... john kerry

Staff agencies

serve in a support capacity ..staff

independent regulatory commissions

stand out among the independent agencies because they are largely beyond the reach of presidential direction and control. ...independent refulartory commisions

EOP serves as what

the presidents right arm ..eop

The Civil Service today

today has almost completely replaced the Spoils System...the civil service today

attorney general.

whose work is directed by the general.

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