Chapter 15

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Rank from first to last the recommended steps for improving delivery, putting the first step at the top. 2.create 3. practice 4. polish 5. do

Which of the following situations is most likely to involve impromptu delivery?

Answering questions at a job interview

Which of the following statements are true about the rate at which a person delivers a speech?

It varies with the occasion. It depends on mood the speaker is trying to create.

Which of the following is not one of the four basic methods of speech delivery?

Playing a recording

Which of the following statements about articulation are true?

Poor articulation is more common than mispronunciation among college students. You can articulate a word clearly and still mispronounce it. Poor articulation can be corrected with effort.

Which of the following are examples of body movements that have been shown to affect listeners' reception of a speech?

Posture Facial expressions Eye contact

Which of the following are ways to practice your delivery?

Practice aloud with visual aids.Perform a dress rehearsal.

Which of the following are elements of the speaker's voice that should be controlled to make a speech more effective?

Pronunciation Volume Pitch

Which of the following are articulation problems?

Saying goin' instead of going Saying didja instead of did you

A political leader gives a speech about generating energy. She adds a "u" to the word nuclear so it sounds like "nucular." Which of the following is true?

She has mispronounced the word "nuclear."

During Jessica's question-and-answer session, she listened carefully to a question that she was sure she covered in her presentation. How should she approach her answer?

She should assume that her original explanation was not completely clear and use the time as an opportunity to expand on the point

Ideally, how should audience members perceive their relationship to a speaker who is reading from a manuscript?

The speaker is talking with them.

Which of the following statements about audience question-and-answer sessions is true?

They can make or break a presentation.

How does good delivery help convey a message?

It is clear and interesting. It doesn't call attention to itself. It doesn't distract an audience.

How can pauses contribute to effective speech delivery?

They can signal the end of a thought. They can make a statement more dramatic. They can give time for an idea to sink in.

May Ellen is from a small town in Georgia. She is attending college in the state of Oregon, and most of her classmates are from the Pacific Northwest. How would her classmates most likely react if May Ellen's speech makes heavy use of her dialect?

They would make negative judgments about her intelligence and competence.

When called upon suddenly to give an impromptu speech, which of the following strategies should you employ?

Use signposts. Act calm.

When can public speakers wear unusual or very casual outfits without undermining the effectiveness of a speech?

When they are widely regarded as an eccentric genius.

Which of the following are potential pitfalls of reading a speech from a manuscript?

Wooden or artificial delivery Poor pacing Not making eye contact

If a speaker expects to be asked questions by the audience after delivering the speech, what should the speaker do to prepare?

Write and practice answers to expected questions.

The use of "um" and "uh" instead of brief silence is referred to as

a vocalized pause.

When delivering a speech from memory, speakers must remember to

concentrate on communicating with the audience.

In a question-and-answer session, answers to simple questions should be about ______, and answers to more complicated questions should be ______.

30 seconds; 2 to 3 minutes

In which of the following scenarios would you be least likely to use a microphone and therefore need to pay extra attention to the volume of your voice?

A classroom speech

A manuscript delivery of a speech would be most appropriate in which of the following situations?

A governor's address to the legislature

Sheila is preparing a speech on the technical topic—the role of neural networks in machine learning. After the speech, she will be participating in a brief question-and-answer session. Which of the following should she consider preparing?

A handout for people who want more information Plain-language explanations of complex terms and concepts

Carol grew up in Boston and has a strong New England accent, though she has learned to deemphasize it and take on a more neutral dialect when necessary. In which of the following scenarios should Carol feel most comfortable using a heavy New England dialect?

A speech at her high school reunion

In which situation is a speech most likely to be memorized?

A toast to a new couple

Brianne is giving a speech on how explosions are created in movies. She states everything in a similar manner, with little inflection. Eventually, despite the topic of the speech, she notices that many in her audience are looking bored, and one is actually taking a nap. Which of the following would be the most effective way to make the delivery of her speech more engaging?

Alter her pitch

In her speech, Jacqueline said, "I wanna show you jus' what to do to prepare your kite for flight." Which part of her vocal delivery needs practice?


Speakers can help ensure proper pronunciation by doing which of the following?

Consulting a dictionary for any words about which they are unsure Practicing in front of friends who can give gentle correction

A listener was confused when the speaker, a student from Rhode Island, referred to eating a "cabinet." The listener did not know that "cabinet" is a common term for "milkshake" in Rhode Island. What aspect of delivery confused the listener?


While presenting a speech on auto repairs, Jeff switches between staring at his visual aids and looking at a spot in the middle of his audience. How should he have been looking at his audience?

He should have attempted to make eye contact with as many people as possible. He should have looked at more than one spot in the audience.

Drew showed up for his classroom speech with his normal torn jeans and a sweatshirt with the word "crazy" written across the front in giant letters. If this was not a costume illustrating his topic, which of the following statements apply to Drew's situation?

He should not have worn torn jeans. He should have chosen a different shirt.

During his question-and-answer session, Don is confused by a question. What actions should he take?

He should rephrase the question to make sure he understands it. He should ask the audience member to repeat the question.

Elaine is listening to a speech on endangered salmon habitat. She pays close attention to what the speaker is saying but disagrees with some of his points. After the speech audience members are asked to speak if they have comments or questions. Elaine raises her hand. What type of speech will she make?

Impromptu speech

In which of the following ways does conversational quality enhance an extemporaneous speech?

It makes the speech sound spontaneous, which is appealing to the audience.

Which of the following is true of memorized speeches?

Memorized speeches are generally short speeches.

Aaron is running for a city council position in his home town and is giving a speech to voters on why they should trust him more than his opponent. Which of the following actions would be the most likely to undermine his speech?

Not making eye contact with listeners

Michelle would like to add more vocal variety to her speeches. Which aspects of delivery should she work on?

Pitch fluctuation Changes in rate Changes in volume

In order to optimize practice time, speakers should do which of the following?

Record a rehearsal in order to carry out a self-critique Make sure notes are easy to read Rehearse aloud, including examples and quotations

What is the best way to ensure that your pitch matches the meaning of your words?

Record and listen to yourself as you practice your speech.

When speakers reach the end of a presentation, they should remember to do which of the following?

Remain cool and collected until they return to their seats Maintain eye contact for several seconds after they are done speaking

What are recommended guidelines for managing a question-and-answer session?

Repeat the question so that everyone can understand what is being asked. Listen carefully to the question. Stay calm, even if the questioner is argumentative.

Sonya delivered a speech to her managers about some new technologies that she thought could make her team more efficient. After she finished her speech, she was out of breath and realized that she hadn't even paused to take a real breath when she was speaking. Nevertheless, she felt that she did a good job following her speech outline. Although they were paying close attention during the speech, the managers seemed confused about how the ideas she presented fit into the company's business model, and asked Sonya several questions. Which of the following would be a factor most likely to have been the problem with Sonya's speech?

She spoke too quickly.

Juanita read most of her speech from note cards and, as a result, members of her audience were likely to believe which of the following about her?

She was not sincere. She did not know what she was talking about. She did not prepare sufficiently

Aidan is delivering an extemporaneous speech on diversity in literature. He speaks slowly, makes sure he speaks loudly enough, uses inflections appropriately, and pronounces his words carefully. Despite this, he notices that many of his listeners losing interest. What can Aidan do to improve his delivery?

Speak at a rate that keeps the audience's interest

Which of the following are basic guidelines for good delivery that should be implemented by a beginning public speaker?

Speak intelligibly. Make eye contact.

Which method of delivery is preferred by most speakers and teachers?

Speaking extemporaneously

Susan gave a speech to incoming college student about their rights and responsibilities, followed by a question-and-answer session in which students asked a lot of questions that Susan found boring. Although the reception to the speech was largely positive, after the question-and-answer session, many audience members appeared disappointed and frustrated. Which of the following would be a likely explanation?

Susan evaded questions or appeared annoyed.

When responding to a previous speaker in an impromptu speech, you can prepare by doing which of the following?

Thinking of your points while listening Taking notes

What is the primary purpose of practicing and improving your style of speech delivery?

To enhance the impact of your ideas To allow the audience to clearly understand your ideas

Which of the following is the primary rule for using gestures during a speech?

Use any gestures that feel natural as long as they do not distract from your message.

True or false: The world's most famous orators have all been blessed with golden voices that were naturally pleasing to their listeners.


When practicing your speech, it helps to do which of the following?

gett feedback from other people once you have learned the speech Read through your preparation outline to check the initial length Work on the wording of quotations and examples

The type of vocal variation that gives a speaker vitality and helps indicate meaning and emotion is referred to as


A sense of conviction and a desire to communicate is likely to make your voice

lively and conversational.

The best way to maintain effective eye contact during a speech is to

look briefly at one person, then another, then another.

It is important for speakers to remember that gestures should

not distract from the message. be suited to the audience.

Concerning gestures, speakers need to

refrain from playing with rings. avoid wringing their hands together.

True or false: Reading verbatim from a manuscript is an acceptable method for delivering a speech.


CHow can a speaker determine how to dress and groom for a speech?

Adapting to both the audience and the occasion

how can a speaker determine how to dress and groom for a speech?

Adapting to both the audience and the occasion

Which of the following are reasonable options when you do not know the answer to a question when handling a question-and-answer period?

Admit that you do not know the answer. Allow a qualified person from the audience to respond. Offer to find the answer later.

While listening to Garth give his speech, some audience members were unsure whether he said "share" or "chair." What area of delivery does Garth need to work on?


A speaker who tells the audience that he or she is "delighted" to be with them will undermine her statement by doing which of the following?

Avoiding eye contact

Which of the following are recommended methods to help you prepare for question-and-answer sessions?

Be ready to explain more technical aspects of your speech. Rehearse possible answers ahead of time. Ask friends and colleagues to critique your speech and ask you questions.

Which of the following actions are likely to undermine the effectiveness of a speech delivered from memory?

Breaking eye contact to recall what you memorized Speaking in a dull, monotone voice as you recite your speech

Which of the following are aspects of conversational speaking that audiences tend to prefer in formal speeches?

Directness Vocal and facial expressiveness

Concerning movement, a speaker should remember which of the following?

Distracting motions will negatively affect listeners. Fidgety movement makes the speaker appear nervous.

In which of the following scenarios are our vocabularies the most limited, making us more likely to mispronounce or misuse a word?

During spontaneous speech

Which of the following pitch patterns are likely to distract or bore an audience?

Ending all sentences with a downward inflection Speaking in monotone Ending all sentences with an upward inflection

Which of the following are basic methods of speech delivery?

Extemporaneous Impromptu From memory Read from a manuscript

Which of the following are true of delivery in extemporaneous speeches? Remember that extemporaneous speeches are not the same as impromptu speeches, even if popular usage sometimes uses "extemporaneous" to mean "without preparation."

Extemporaneous speeches have slightly different wording each time they're delivered. Extemporaneous speaking encourages a conversational quality. Extemporaneous speeches rely on brief notes or a speaking outline.

True or false: The amount and form of eye contact considered appropriate in everyday conversation is the same across cultures.


Derek just finished giving a speech to his class, and asked for his classmates' feedback. The class thought Derek was well prepared and found the subject matter informative and easy to follow, but they noted that at certain points they felt as if Derek was shouting at them. Which aspect of the speech should Derek work on?

Speaker's voice

What characteristics should gestures have in a speech?

Spontaneous in appearance Suited to the occasion

Which of the following are acceptable when managing a question-and-answer session?

Stop a questioner's extended monologue. Offer to get the answer for a question to which you do not know the answer. Admit that you do not know the answer to a question.

If a speaker sees listeners leaning forward with strained looks on their faces and their hands cupping their ears, the speaker's first reaction should be to increase which aspect of his or her voice?


Which of the following statements about speaking volume is true?

Your voice will sound louder to you than to a listener

When speakers want to be more expressive with their voice, they focus most on ______.

vocal variety

Which of the following is the most likely to detract from a speaker's credibility and may create negative perceptions about the speaker's intelligence?

vocalized pauses

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