Chapter 16 Reproductive System

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Which structure is present after ovulation?

corpus luteum

The endometrium

receives the developing embryo for implantation.

Sperm are produced by the __________ of males and eggs are produced in the __________ of females. __________ and __________ produced by the testes and ovaries, respectively, create the masculine and feminine features characteristic of each gender.

Testes; ovaries; Testosterone; estrogen

What do all birth control methods have in common?

They all attempt to prevent fertilization and/or implantation.

During implantation, the embryo embeds within the endometrium of the uterus.


In its tertiary stage, syphilis can cause death.


Spermatogenesis occurs within the seminiferous tubules located within the testes.


The host cell for HIV is the helper T lymphocyte.


the most common cause of infertility in females is

body weight.

Which of the following STDs can be treated with antibiotics?


Menstruation begins in response to

decreasing progesterone levels.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is different from other gonadotropic hormones because it

does not stimulate any tissue in the body.

Without meiosis, the human chromosome number would __________ every generation.


Pregnancy occurs

following fertilization and implantation.

Which of the following STDs is caused by viruses?

genital herpes

Which of the following is caused by the humanpapilloma virus?

genital warts

The uterus

is connected to both the oviducts and the vagina.

When you injure yourself, the cell division called __________ takes place to replace the damaged cells. When eggs and sperm are produced, the cell division called __________ reduces the number of chromosomes from 46 to 23. After __________, the zygote has __________ chromosomes.

mitosis; meiosis; fertilization; 46

The urethra is part of the reproductive tract in

only the male.

A vasectomy

prevents sperm from reaching seminal fluid.

Which of the following organs add secretions to seminal fluid?

seminal vesicles prostate glands bulbourethral glands

The vas deferens

transports sperm

Which of the following is NOT an assisted reproductive technology?

tubal ligation

When sperm enter the female reproductive tract, they are deposited into the __________. From there, they pass through the __________ of the uterus. They swim up through the __________ until they reach the egg cell.

vagina; cervix; oviduct

Ovulation occurs

Due to hormonal changes.

A human zygote contains half the number of chromosomes as a human adult.


Meiosis is also known as duplication division.


The secondary oocyte is produced as a result of meiosis I and contains the same number of chromosomes as the primary oocyte.


Which of these means of birth control prevents implantation?


Which hormone stimulates the production of testosterone?


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