Chapter 18 IH homework

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Determine whether each item is a formed element or part of the plasma

Formed Elements -White blood cells -Neutrophils -Eosinophils -Basophils Plasma -Electrolytes -Water -Proteins -Wastes

Place a single word into each sentence to make it correct

The structure of hemoglobin consists of ____ chains. -four Two of the chains are ____ and two are beta proteins. -alpha Each of the protein chains are conjugated to a nonprotein ____ group. -heme This group contains a (n) ____ ion in the center -iron There are four of these groups that will bind ____ for delivery to body tissues. -oxygen

Match the blood component with their specific function

1) A simple protein that makes up approximately 58% of the plasma proteins. Many act as transport molecules. -albumins 2) A simpke protein that makes up approximately 38% of the plasma proteins. Many act as part of the immune system. -globulins 3) A protein that forms blood clots. -fibrin 4) Plasma without the clotting factors. -serum 5) The liquid portion of blood connective tissue. -plamsa

match the common name with the function and then match the common name with the scientific name

1) About 95% of the volume of the formed elements; transports oxygen and carbon dioxide -red blood cells (RBCs); erythrocytes 2) Most of the remaining 5% of the volume of the formed elements; are involved in immunity -white blood cells (WBCs); leukocytes 3) Tiny cell fragments involved in blood clotting -platelets; thrombocytes

The term differential count measures amount of each type of leukocyte in your blood. The normal range of leukocytes in circulating blood ranges from 4,500 to 11,000 cells per microliter, where 50-70% of these are ____, 20-40% are ____, 2-8% are ____, 1-4% are ____, and less than 1% are ____/

Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils

label the blood types accordingly

Type A: surface antigen A; anti-B antibodies Type B: surface antigen B; anti-A antibodies Type AB: surface antigen A & B; neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies Type O: neither surface antigen A & B; both anti-A and anti-B antibodies

The percentage of the volume of ____ in the blood is called the hematocrit. This medical dicitionary definition of the true hematocrit differs slightly from the clinical definition, which equates the hematocrit to the percentage of ____. Hematocrit values vary somewhat and are dependent upon the age and sex of the individual. Adult males tend to have a hematocrit ranging between ____, whereas adult females' hematocrits range from ____. Males have a ____ hematocrit because ____ stimulates the kidney to produce the hormone ____, which promotes erythrocyte production

All formed elements Only erythrocytes 42% and 56% 38% and 46% higher testosterone erythropoietin

When a blood vessel is damages, the ____ fibers within the connective tissue beneath the endothelial cells in the vessel wall become exposed. Platelets adhere to these fibers with the assistance of a plasma protein called ____. As the platelets start to stick to the vessel wall, their morphology changes dramatically. They develop ____ that further adhere them to the blood vessel wall. As more and more platelets aggregate to the site, a(n) ____ develops to close off the injury. This is a ____ measure to block the flow of blood to an area where a vessel wall is damaged. Platelets undergo thsi morphologic change and become activated. Their cytoplams ____ releasing chemicals to assist with hemostasis.

collagen von Willebrand factor long processes platelet plug temporary degranulates

The most abundant formed elements of the blood is/are


Platelets are formed from

pieces of the megakaryocyte breaking off.

The cell fragments that are a component of blood are


Test your knowledge about normal results found during a routine complete blood count test

1) Approximately 5 million cells per microliter of blood -red blood count (RBC) 2) Approximately 16 grams (g)/100 mL of blood -hemoglobin 3) Approximately 46% of the total blood volume -hematocrit 4) Approximately 7000 cells per microliter of blood -white blood count (WBC) 5) 250,000-400,000 per microliter of blood -platelet

Test your knowledge about the specific functions of the five steps below

1) Release histamine, which promotes inflammation -Basophils 2) The cytoplasm is a thing ring around the nucleus -Lymphocytes 3) Conatin cytoplasmic granules that stain bright red with eosin -Eosinophils 4) The most common type of white blood cell. -Neutrophil 5) Two- to four-lobed nuclei -Neutrophils 6) Enlarged and become macrophages which engulf foreign substances -Monocytes 7) Contain large cytoplasmic granules that stain dark blue or purple with basic dye -Basophils

complete the sentences about blood

Blood conatins numerous ____ red blood cells in a featureless matrix, called ____. -biconcave; plasma The numerous red cells are also called ____. These cells are unique because they lack nuclei. -erythrocytes There are smaller numbers of larger white cells with large, multilobed nuclei called ____, or white blood cells. -leukocytes Blood is located within the ____ system where it functions in the transport of nutrients, gases, wastes, and other biologically releveant molecules -cardivascular

Choose the correct statement regarding the function of platelets

They secrete procoagulants, or clotting factors, which promote blood clotting.

Platelets are sometimes called ____. Platelets are continually produced in the ____ by ____. Normally, the concentration of platelets in an adult ranges from ____, although the count may rise further during times of stress. Platelets can circulate in the blood for 8 to 10 days, unless they are needed earlier for blood clotting. An abnormally small number of platelets in circulating blood is termed____.

Thrombocytes red bone marrow megakaryocyte 150,000 to 400,000 thrombocytopenia

Complete the sentences about the WBC life cycle

____ blood cells are responsible for the defense system in the body -white There are approximately 5 to 10 ____ white blood cells per microliter of blood -thousands Like red blood cells, the white blood cells are formed from the stems of the ____. -bone marrow The typical WBC has a lifespan of a couple of ____. -days

Blood is a type of ____ tissue that can be described based on its physical characteristics. -Volume: the average volume of blood in a ____ adult is 5 to 6 L. A ____ adult has an average blood volume of 4 to 5 L. -Color: the color of blood depends upon whether it is oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor. Oxygen-rich blood is ____. Contrary to popular belief, oxygen-poor blood is not ____; rather, oxygen-poor blood is ____.

connective male female bright red blue dark red

The red pigmented protein in erythrocytes that transports oxygen and carbon dioxide is called


The line of blood cell development that results in the formation of erythrocytes, megakaryocytes, and all leukocytes except for lymphocytes is the ____ line.


During erythropoiesis, the developing cell is referred to as a ____ during the final stage before becoming a fully mature erythrocyte.


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