Chapter 18

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This European nation was able to remain outside of Napoleons Empire...


Social class


Legislative body made up of representatives of the three estates of pre-revolution France.


These 2 nations monarchs signed the Declaration of Pilnitz threatening to intervene to protect the French Monarchy

Prussia and Austria

System of government in which officials are chosen by the people.


Goals of this meeting was to preserve peace to suppress revolutionary uprises throughout Europe to restore Monarchies

The congee of Vienna

After overthrowing the directory in 1799, napoleon set up a three men governing board called

the consulate

Symbol of reign of terror

the guillotine

The old order of society in pre-revolution France. It consisted of three estates (First, Second, and Third).

Ancien Regime

This group created the constitution of 1791 advocating for a limited monarchy

the national assembly

This government was created by the radicals when the national convention met in 1792

A republic

To give up or step down from power.


How did social, economic, and political condition before the French Revolution affect ordinary citizens?

Before the French Revolution, the nation was on the brink of bankruptcy from years of deficit spending. The clergy and nobles fiercely resisted any attempt to make them pay taxes. The majority of French people formed the Third Estate. Though the Third Estate was a diverse group, peasants and urban workers composed most of it. They were the lowest class in society and had little money or political power. They resented the privileges enjoyed by those above them in social status. They especially resented having to pay taxes while the privileged classes did not. Enlightenment ideas led many ordinary citizens to question such inequalities. The Third Estate wanted meaningful voting rights in the Estates-General. Delegates of the Third Estate formed a National Assembly to try to force the king to allow them to participate in government. However, rumors spread that the king planned to dissolve the National Assembly. These social, economic, and political abuses led the French people to storm the Bastille, which they saw as a symbol of these abuses.

In what ways were the Jacobins and the sans-culottes similar and different?

Both the Jacobins and sans-culottes were French radicals. Both supported a republican form of government. The sans-culottes, however, were working-class men and women who were not in the Legislative Assembly. The Jacobins were a revolutionary political club of mostly middle-class lawyers and intellectuals. They had members in the Assembly.

Wealthy middle class men that belonged to the Third Estate.


This group belonged to the first estate


A strategy of economic warfare that Napoleon used to cripple Britain. It closed European ports to British goods.

Continental System

Dissenting group of people.


What groups of society comprise the various estates in France's old order? Also, what are the approximate percentages of the population in each of the different estates? Who were members of the bourgeoisie? Who were the poorest members of the third estate

France's old order known as the Ancien Regime consisted of the First Estate (1%), Second Estate (2%), and Third Estate (97%); The bourgeoisie were considered the wealthy middle class people who fell into the Third Estate; The poorest members of the Third Estate were the urban workers.

Hit-and-run raids.

Guerrilla Warfare

Method of carrying out executions during the Reign of Terror.


What did Napoleon do to replace the Directory in 1799? What was the Napoleonic Code?

He overthrew the Directory and installed a three-man governing board known as the Consulate. He then gave himself the title First Consul, and later crowned himself Emperor of the French; The Napoleonic Code was a set of laws based upon the Enlightenment principles. It was noted for restoring men's power over their wives.

Why was Jacques Necker dismissed by his position by King Louis XIV?

He proposed taxing first and second estates.

King of France and target of French Revolution

Louis XIV

French Monarch at the onset of the French Revolution. He and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were executed. He was recognized as a well-meaning, but weak ruler.

Louis XVI

In 1791, what form of new government for France did the National Assembly create? In 1792, what form of new government for France did the radicals in the National Assembly create?

In 1791, the National Assembly created a Limited Monarchy; In 1792, the radicals in the National Assembly created a republic.

Served as financial advisor to Louis XVI briefly. He was dismissed for proposing that the First and Second Estates should pay taxes to alleviate some of the huge financial debt held by France.

Jacques Necker

Who was Jacques Necker and why was King Louis XVI forced to dismiss him from his position?

Jacques Necker was appointed financial advisor under Louis XVI's reign. He was popular with the Third Estate, but was removed from his appointment after proposing that the First and Second Estates be made to pay taxes.

He strongly opposed the ideas of the Declaration of the Rights of Man

King Louis XIV

Why were many nobles dissatisfied with the French monarch before the revolution and why did they want the king to call the Estates-General?

Many nobles hated the absolute control of the monarchy. They resented the fact that the royal bureaucracy gave government jobs to middle-class men that were once reserved for them. They also feared losing their traditional privileges, especially their freedom from paying taxes. As it became clear that something had to be done about the nation's mounting economic troubles, the nobles wanted the king to call the Estates-General. This would give the nobles a say in any changes to be made. The nobles hoped that they could use the Estates-General to bring the absolute monarch under their control. This would enable the nobles to safeguard their own privileges.

Austrian-born wife of Louis XVI. She was often criticized for her life of extravagance which upset the people.

Marie Antoinette

Served as the head of the French National Guard. He also fought alongside George Washington in the American Revolution.

Marquis de Lafayette

he was head of French Revolution and fought with George Washington

Marquis de Lafayette

Recognized as the architect of the Reign of Terror. He led the Committee of Public Safety.

Maximilien Robespierre

He believed that France could achieve a republic of virtue only through terror.

Maximillion Robespierre

A popular military hero that rose to political power amongst the chaos of the French Revolution. He would go on to establish the Consulate and create the Napoleonic Code.

Napoleon Bonaparte

What were the countries that Napoleon conquered and make part of his French empire?

Napoleon conquered the Netherlands, Belgium, and parts of Italy and Germany. However, he was never able to conquer Britain.

A group of laws that reflected Enlightenment principles.

Napoleonic Code

This group belonged to the second estate


She was a journalist that demanded equal rights for women. She was executed for her beliefs.

Olympe de Gouge

The congress of Vienna promoted the principe of legitimacy by restoring this..

Peace and Hereditary monarchy

What was the Reign of Terror? Who had the authority to conduct trials and executions during the Reign of Terror? What was the Directory phase?

Period of the French Revolution from September 1793 until July 1794. The chief architect of the Reign of Terror was Maximilien Robespierre; During the Reign of Terror, the Committee of Public Safety was responsible for conduction trials and executions; The Directory phase was the third stage of the French Revolution. It set up a five-man Directory and two-house legislature elected by male citizens. The bourgeoisie (middle class people) were the dominant force during this phase of the revolution.

Ballot in which voters have a direct say on an issue.


How did Robespierre believe that France could achieve a "republic of virtue"?

Robespierre believed that France could achieve a "republic of virtue" only through the use of terror.

A disastrous attempt to invade this country was the beginning of Napoleons downfall


Working-class men and women who made the French Revolution more radical.


Military tactic used by Russia to defeat Napoleon. It involved soldiers destroying everything in their path to hurt the enemy.

Scorched-Earth Policy

This tactic helped the Russians defeat Napoleon.

Scorched-earth policy and the Russian winter

Right to vote.


This place became a symbol of French monarchy tyranny

The Bastille

How did the status of the Church in France change throughout the French Revolution?

The Catholic Church came under government control in France during the French Revolution. Under the Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 1790, bishops and priests became elected - salaried officials, papal authority over the French Church ended, convents and monasteries were dissolved, and the Assembly voted to take over and sale Church lands to pay off the huge national debt.

What was the Congress of Vienna and what did it promote?

The Congress of Vienna was a meeting of diplomats and heads of state for the purpose of restoring stability and order in Europe. They attempted to do this by promoting the principle of legitimacy (restoring hereditary monarchies).

This economic policy was a form of economic warfare.

The Continental System (used on: England)

What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen? What was the inspiration for creating this document?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was a document similar to that of the American Declaration of Independence.

What was the Estates-General? What was the Tennis Court Oath?

The Estates-General was the law making body of France; The Tennis Court Oath was a pledge members of the Third Estate made after being locked out of the Estates-General meeting and forming the National Assembly. In it, the members pledged to not stop meeting until a just constitution was drawn up.

To deal with threats to France and enemies. The national convention created this 12-member committee.

The committee of Public safety (head by: Robespierre)

This was Napoleons final defeat

The battle of Waterloo (Belgium)

The Estates-General was created by this leading group

The National Assembly

What was the National Assembly? What group broke away from the Estates- General to form the National Assembly? How did it propose paying off huge government debt?

The National Assembly was an organization/group of people that claimed to be the true representatives of the French people; The men that broke away were from the Third Estate, that broke away from the Estates-General; The National Assembly sought to pay off the huge government debt by selling church lands.

What tactics were used by the Russians to eventually defeat Napoleon? Where was the battle of Napoleon's final defeat and who defeated him?

The Russians used a method referred to as the Scorched-Earth Policy. In it, the Russians retreated eastward while burning crops and villages as they went; Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, in Belgium, by the Duke of Wellington (Britain) and a Prussian army under the control of General Blucher.

Participants in this meeting swore to continue meeting until they were able to bring about a just constituion

The Tennis Court Oath

The women who marched on Versailles refused to leave until..

The king returned to paris

Under this set of rules, men regained complete authority over their wives

The napoleonic code

Urban workers were poorest member of..

The third estate

In 1789 delegates of this group broke away and declared themselves the National Assembly

The third estates

What did the women who marched on Versailles demand?

The women who marched on Versailles demanded that the royal family return to Paris.

Merchants, lawyers, doctors, journalists, and professors were top of the third estate.

Their name was Bourgeoise (middle class)

Largest of three estates was the

Third Estate

when radicals took control of the Legislative Assembly they extended voting rights to ...

all men

To whom (what groups of society) did the radicals in the Legislative Assembly extend suffrage?

to all male citizens

Nobles, clergy, and others who fled France and the revolutionary forces.


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