Chapter 18: Metabolism Nutrition and Body Temperature

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Which of these BMI measurements is considered healthy?

A) 13 B) 20 C) 27 D) 34 B

How many ATP are produced by the complete catabolism of one glucose molecule?

A) 2 B) 20 C) 30 D) 32 D

Glycolytic breakdown of glucose first results in

A) 2 pyruvate molecules B) 4 NADH molecules C) 4 ATP molecules D) 2 CO2 molecules A

The normal body temperature is approximately

A) 25°C B) 37°C C) 37°F D) 97°C B

The area of the brain that regulates body temperature is the

A) hypothalamus B) pineal gland C) medulla oblongata D) cerebral cortex A

When glucose stores are low, the brain can use _____for energy.

A) ketone bodies B) amino acids C) free fatty acids D) cholesterol A

Which of the following is not a complete protein but can become one if eaten in combination with certain grains?

A) kidney beans B) fish C) chicken D) beef A

Which of these is a complex carbohydrate?

A) lactose, found in milk B) starch, found in potatoes C) sucrose, also called table sugar D) fructose, known as fruit sugar B

What are current dietary recommendations in regards to what percentage of total caloric intake should be saturated fat?

A) less than 10% B) less than 30% C) more than 10% D) more than 30% A

Most body heat is lost through the

A) lungs B) urine C) feces D) skin D

Which situation describes the best set-up for Dr. Ward to measure her new patient's basal metabolic rate?

A) measure Ms. B's energy output while she is jogging on a treadmill B) measure Ms. B's energy requirements while she is supine in Treatment Room A C) measure Ms. B's heart rate and respirations during her physical exam in air-conditioned Exam Room B D) have Ms. B wear a heart rate monitor for 24 hours and record the result B

The amount of energy exerted to simply stay alive is the

A) metabolic rate B) basal metabolic rate C) total energy expenditure D) daily caloric intake B

are inorganic elements that play important roles in physiologic systems.

A) minerals B) vitamins C) essential fatty acids D) essential amino acids A

Where do the aerobic reactions of nutrient catabolism occur?

A) mitochondria B) cytoplasm C) extracellular fluid D) nucleus A

Where does glycolysis occur?

A) mitochondria B) cytoplasm C) extracellular fluid D) nucleus B

The cell organelles that generate large amounts of energy in the form of ATP are the

A) mitochondria B) lysosomes C) Golgi apparatus D) ribosomes A

Which type of nutrient are glucose and fructose?

A) monosaccharides B) polysaccharides C) disaccharides D) saturated fats E) unsaturated fats

Which type of nutrient are glucose and fructose?

A) monosaccharides B) polysaccharides C) disaccharides D) saturated fats E) unsaturated fats A

Oleic acid is a fatty acid containing a single double bond. How should oleic be classified?

A) monounsaturated B)polyunsaturated C)saturated D)trans-saturated A

Brian's body mass index is 34. This BMI indicates that Brian i

A) overweight B) obese C) underweight D) at a healthy weight B

Which of the following is NOT a process by which heat can be lost from the body?

A) oxidation B) conduction C) radiation D) evaporation A

Ketones are

A) partially metabolized fatty acids B) produced by muscle tissue C) the only nutrient source of brain cells D) produced from lactate A

Which of these types of fat is the healthiest?

A) polyunsaturated fat B) saturated fat C) trans-fats D) cholesterol A

During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into what chemical?

A) pyruvate B) ATP C) lactate D) glycogen A

Which of these substances enter the mitochondria to be broken down into carbon dioxide and water?

A) pyruvate B) glucose C) lactate D) glycogen A

What are the end products of glycolysis?

A) pyruvate and 2 ATP B) carbon dioxide, water, and 32 ATP C) pyruvate and 32 ATP D) carbon dioxide, water, and 2 ATP A

Which heat transfer process is increased by profuse sweating?

A) radiation B) evaporation C) convection D) conduction B

The basal metabolic rate can be measured when a person is:

A) resting B) eating C) running on a treadmill D) All of these A

Another name for vitamin A is

A) retinol B) beta-carotene C) thiamine D) ascorbic acid A

Denmark was one of the first countries to ban a certain type of fat that is artificially saturated to prevent rancidity. What kind of fat was banned?

A) saturated fatty acids B) unsaturated fatty acids C) trans-fatty acids D) cholesterol C

A body temperature of 99°F would most likely induce

A) shivering B) sweating C) constriction of skin arterioles D) none of the answers are correct B

A mineral found in hemoglobin is

A) sodium B) iron C) zinc D) calcium B

What are dietary trace elements?

A) sugars with a high glycemic effect B) vitamins needed in very small amounts C) minerals needed in large quantity D) minerals needed in very small amounts D

Based on your knowledge of word parts, the term glycogenolysis most likely means

A) the synthesis of glycogen B) the breakdown of glycogen C) an anabolic reaction involving glucose D) a catabolic reaction involving proteins B

Which of the following takes place during a prolonged fast?

A) tissues use amino acids to synthesize needed proteins B) liver converts glucose to glycogen C) fatty acids are assembled into triglycerides D) liver converts fatty acids into ketones D

Which of these substances are complex organic compounds required in small amounts for metabolic reactions?

A) vitamins B) minerals C) trace elements D) nonessential fatty acids A

Which of these substances is a vitamin?

A)arginine B) niacin C)chromium D) tryptophan B

Linoleic acid has two double bonds. Is it a "healthy" fat or an "unhealthy" fat?

A)healthy B)unhealthy A

Conventional nutritional guidelines suggest that daily caloric intake should be divided between the three nutrient types as follows

A) 60% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbohydrate B) 33% fat, 33% carbohydrate, 33% protein C) 55% carbohydrate, 15% protein, 30% fat D) 55% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 15% fat C

26 The energy currency of cells is

A) ATP B) ADP C) Ca2+ D) NAD A

Which of the following statements about alcohol is true?

A) Alcohol is a nutrient. B) Alcohol metabolism does not yield energy. C) Alcohol interferes with the activity of liver enzymes. D) All of the statements are true. C

Which of the following is an example of a catabolic reaction?

A) Free fatty acids and glycerol are converted into triglycerides. B) Starches and glycogen are converted into glucose. C) Tryptophan and histidine are converted into a peptide. D) Two glucose molecules are converted into maltose. B

Which of these statements about ketones is false?

A) They are partially metabolized fatty acids. B) They increase blood pH when present in large amounts. C) They can be used by the brain to generate ATP. D) Their production increases when the diet is low in carbohydrates. B

Juanita lost 10 lbs of adipose tissue, consisting largely of triglycerides. What happened to the atoms making up these molecules?

A) They were converted into heat. B) They were exhaled or excreted. B

A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.

A) True B) False A

An alternative name for vitamin C is ascorbic acid.

A) True B) False A

Lactate can be converted into pyruvate.

A) True B) False A

People who consume vegetarian diets can get their daily requirement of amino acids just by combining grains and legumes.

A) True B) False A

BMI is not a good indicator of being overweight in children or elderly adults.

A) True B) False AQ

A very low BMI is a sign of good health.

A) True B) False B

Catabolism involves the synthesis of complex molecules from simple ones.

A) True B) False B

Essential amino acids are those that can be synthesized by internal metabolic reactions.

A) True B) False B

Fruit contains lots of sugar, so it has a high glycemic effect.

A) True B) False B

Good sources of fiber include apple juice, mashed potatoes, spaghetti, white rice, and potato chips.

A) True B) False B

Lactate harms muscle cells.

A) True B) False B

Lactate must be converted back into glucose before it can be used to generate ATP.

A) True B) False B

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is called "good cholesterol."

A) True B) False B

Solid fats are healthier than liquid fats.

A) True B) False B

The brain can utilize free fatty acids for energy.

A) True B) False B

The glycemic effect of a particular food depends on whether it contains saturated fats or unsaturated fats.

A) True B) False B

When glucose supplies are low, muscle glycogen is converted into glucose and released into the blood stream.

A) True B) False B

Your friend is on a low-fat, high-calorie diet, consisting almost entirely of carbohydrates and protein shakes. She claims that she'll lose weight on this diet, because "fat comes from eating fat." Is she right?

A) Yes B) No B

The lowest glycemic effect would most likely result from the consumption of

A) a slice of white toast B) six hard candies C) one sweet potato D) one half-cup of white rice C

Dietary fiber is an important component of a healthy diet. Why?

A) all of the answers are correct B) fiber retains water and adds bulk to feces C) fiber binds intestinal fats, preventing their absorption D) fiber bulk makes you feel "full," thereby reducing hunger A

What does a complete protein contain?

A) all the amino acids B) all the essential fatty acids C) a variety of minerals D) all the essential amino acids D

Which of these nutrient types must undergo deamination before it can be used to generate ATP?

A) amino acids B) glucose C) lactate D) fatty acids A

What is deamination?

A) an anabolic reaction B) the conversion of proteins into amino acids C) the conversion of glucose into glycogen D) the removal of a nitrogen group from an amino acid D

The amount of energy consumed while the body is at rest is called the

A) basal metabolic rate B) static metabolism C) stasis reserve D) glycemic index A

Your physician has advised you to lose weight. She encourages you to add fiber and complex carbohydrates to your diet and gives you a list of nutritious foods to look for at the grocery store. You stop at the prepared food section of the grocery store pick up a healthy dinner. Which of these is the best choice to get you started on your "complex-carb" diet?

A) broccoli & lentil salad B) macaroni & cheese C) grilled salmon D) ham & cheese on rye bread A

This type of fat generates heat in response to hormonal signals.

A) brown B) white C) pink D) yellow A

Which of these substances is a mineral?

A) calciferol B) fluoride C) asparagine D) biotin B

The essential amino acids

A) can be synthesized by the liver from other amino acids B) are found only in animal proteins C) are found in both animal and plant proteins D) number 20 in total C

An essential amino acid

A) can be synthesized in the body B) cannot be used for energy C) must be ingested in the diet D) all of the answers are correct C

Which nutrient undergoes glycolysis in the preliminary stage of ATP generation?

A) carbohydrate B) fat C) amino acid D) protein A

Lauren gets cold feet, but she is fortunate to have a large furry dog who likes to sleep under the covers. She places her cold feet on the snuggly dog and gains heat by the mechanism o

A) conduction B) convection C) radiation D) evaporation A

Makena is sitting on a warm rock at the beach, watching the dolphins frolic. Which of these mechanisms is most responsible for the transmission of heat from the rock directly to her body?

A) conduction B) convection C) radiation D) evaporation A

Luka is sitting by the pool on a hot day. He starts to fan himself with his surfing magazine. Which heat transfer mechanism does fanning promote?

A) conduction B) convection C) radiation D) evaporation B

It's a hot day, and your giant furry dog insists on sitting very near (but not touching) you. The dog is losing heat (and you are gaining heat) by the mechanism of

A) conduction B) convection C) radiation D) evaporation C

Which of these terms describes heat that travels from its source as heat waves?

A) conduction B) convection C) radiation D) evaporation C

Body heat can be lost through convection, radiation, evaporation, an

A) conduction B) shivering C) circumduction D) denaturation A

Which of these changes would be stimulated by the hypothalamus when the body is excessively cold?

A) constriction of the skin's blood vessels B) increased sweat gland activity C) dilation of the skin's blood vessels D) none of these changes would be stimulated, because they are either too dangerous or increase heat loss A

Trans fatty acids

A) contain double bonds between some of the carbons B) are also called unsaturated fatty acids C) are abundant in natural sources of fat D) contain only single bonds between the carbons D

In the My Plate guidelines, which of these categories should be consumed in the smallest amount?

A) dairy B) fruits C) vegetables D) protein A

Linoleic acid is an example of this type of dietary component.

A) essential fatty acid B) essential amino acid C) trace element D) fiber A

Which of these is a class of substances that stabilizes free radicals?

A) essential fatty acids B) essential amino acids C) antioxidants D) minerals C

Which of these are protein components that must be consumed in the diet?

A) essential fatty acids B) essential amino acids C) minerals D) trace elements B

The category of nutrients that exist in saturated and unsaturated forms is

A) fats B) sugars C) proteins D) grains A

Which of these produces the most ATP per gram?

A) fatty acids B) glucose C) amino acids D) glycogen A

Which of these substances can be directly metabolized by mitochondria to generate ATP?

A) fatty acids B) glucose C) fructose D) lactate A

Which of these vitamins is also known as vitamin D?

A) folate B) calciferol C) tocopherol D) ascorbic acid B

Yolanda is trying to get pregnant. Her midwife advises her to take supplements of a particular vitamin to protect against neural tube defects in the embryo. Which vitamin has this protective effect?

A) folate B) riboflavin C) vitamin A D) vitamin C A

Vitamin B2 is also called

A) folate B) thiamin C) riboflavin D) retinol C

Which of these phrases describes unsaturated fats?

A) generally healthier than saturated fats B) can be converted into trans-fats C) contain double bonds between the carbon atoms D) All of these D

Which of these nutrients can be used for energy?

A) glucose B) fatty acids C) amino acids D) All of these D

Which of these substances is the end product of glycolysis?

A) glucose B) pyruvate C) carbon dioxide and water D) glycogen B

Which of these nutrients undergoes glycolysis?

A) glucose B) pyruvate C) fatty acids D) amino acids E) All of these A

The carbohydrate that is the main source of energy for the cells iSZ

A) glucose B) sucrose C) fructose D) cysteine A

Which of the following is an example of an anabolic reaction?

A) glycerol and fatty acids are used to form a fat B) starches and glycogen are converted into glucose C) a short peptide is converted into arginine and cysteine D) glucose is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water A

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscle in the form of

A) glycogen B) glucose C) fructose D) starch A

Which region of the brain is involved in temperature regulation?

A) hypothalamus B) cerebral cortex C) hippocampus D) thalamus A

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