Chapter 19 and 20 Physical Science Adams CACC Fall 2017

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___________________is the term given to the process of spalling off of layers of rock, somewhat analogous to peeling layers from an onion.


_________________are bends in layered bedrock. This anticline is and example.


______________erosion occurs on the surface during a rainfall and involves the picking up of fragments and dissolved material that are transported to small streams at lower level.

-oxidation -carbonation -hydration

following are examples of chemical weathering


produces a rounded or bowl like depression

dike sill

An intrusion of magma that cuts across a rock body is called a _________________________________, but an intrusion that squeezes in between two layers (in the same plane) is called a _____________________________________


As a stream slows, it begins to develop bends known as____________________________.

elastic rebound

As stress builds along two tightly pressured together plates, some deformation will occur. Eventually, the stress will become too great and an earthquake will happen, snapping the plates into new positions. This process is known as________________.

warm, moist dry climates

Chemical weathering is more dominant in __________________climates, and mechanical weathering is more dominant in_________________________climates.

surface waves p-wave wave

Choose all the types of waves that are detected by seismomater.


Climate, elevation, parent material, and rainfall are influences on the type of __________________produced at a given location

false Evidence for extensive historic glaciation is found on all of Earth's continents

Glaciers have always covered approximately 10 percent of Earth' land surface

Normal Fault

Hanging wall moves down the relative to the footwall


Hanging wall moves up relative to the foot wall


Hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall and does so at a low angle.

joint fault

If there is breaking of rod without relative displacement on either side of the break, the break is a ________________. However, if there is relative displacement on either side of the break it is a ____________.

they are the result of many forces that act differently and at different times on the rocks present.

Mountain ranges tend to have a mixed complex of faults, folds, rock types, and terrain because______________.

the spreading centers of diverging plates

Major volcanic mountain ranges tend to form at_____________.


Mountains are elevated portions of Earth's crust that rise abruptly above the surrounding surface, with most occurring in______________________


A _______________________is a mass of ice on land that moves under its own weight.


A __________________is a generic term used to describe any slow to rapid movement of any type or mass of materials.


A batholith is a large amount of magma that has crystallized below the surface of Earth. If less than 100 square kilometers are exposed at Earth's surface, it is a ______________________________.

dome basin

A brand upward-arching fold where sedimentary rocks dip away from a center point is called_______________________, whereas a broad downward-arching fold where sedimentary beds dip toward a central point is called a __________________

where the stream floods when it spills out of its channel

A flood plain is defined by

graben horst

A huge block of rock that drops between normal faults is a ____________________________. Ad block bounded by normal faults that is uplifted forms a_______________

blocking some of the sun's energy from reaching surface. This can result in lower global temperature

A large single volcanic eruption can affect global climate by putting large quantities of dust and other particles in the stratosphere.

Wind abrasion

A natural sandblasting process

Rock flour

A powdery, silt-sized sediment formed from the grinding of bedrock


A section of rock or part of a plate being pulled apart.


A seismometer is used to detect and record the seismic waves produced by

compress deform

A stress is a force that tends to ______________________-, pull apart, or __________________rock.

extrusion of lava or rock fragments from magma below

A volcano is a hill or mountain formed primarily by the _____________________________


A___________________eruption is one in which the volcanic materials do not come out of the center vent but instead out of the side of the volcano.

Continental Glaciers

Covers a large area

0.25 meters per year 5 meters = 0.25 meters per year ---------- 20 years 1.5 meters per year

Creep has caused an elevation marker placed 20 years ago to move 5 meters directly down slope from its initial position. What is the creep rate of this mass movement?

High amount of pressure

Deformation occurs and the object does not return to its original shape when the force is removed

intermediate amount of pressure

Deformation occurs, but the object springs back to its original shape once the force is removed


Deposits of bulldozed rocks and other materials that remain after the ice melts

bulldozing abrasion plucking

Different ways that glaciers do their erosional work


Earthquake units are the result of a sudden release of energy from_____________________________________

mass movement aka mass wasting

Erosion from the direct action of gravity is called_____________

steepness, direction

Faults are generally described in terms of the ___________________of the fault plane and the ________________of relative movement.

Alpine Glaciers

Form at high elevations

cool reflecting

Large volcanic eruptions can _____________________global climate in the following years by ejecting dust and other particles in the atmosphere,_______________some sunlight.


Magma contains dissolved_______________such as water vapor, sulfar dioxide and carbon dioxide

solid rocks melt at high temperature

Magma forms deep within Earth because____________________

-broad features such as Mountain Plain Plateau -minor features hill valley canyon

Name some landforms

Least around of Pressure

No change occurs in the object

Greatest amount of pressure

Object breaks or ruptures when the forces is applied


Once built, mountains are here to stay on Earth.


One scale that measures an earthquake's release of energy is called__________________scale?

1. Steep v shaped valley with boulders and rapids; erosion downward 2. Stream gradient smoothed and lowered; meanders formed over flood plain 3. Very low-gradient stream marked by board meanders and common flooding

Order the development of a stream valley from youth (on top) to maturity.

weathering erosion transportation deposition

Put the terms in the correct order of occurrence with the first step on top. Consider a rock out crop at the start and a thick layer of sand at the end.5 m

-acidic -The acid formed is weak carbonic acid

Rainwater is naturally_______________as it collects co2 from the atmosphere to form H2CO3

-weathering breaks solid rock into fragments -small rocks are eroded and physically picked up by an agent such as a stream or a glacier -The materials are removed by transportation

Rank the steps of erosion process from the first step at the top to the last step at the bottom.

P/lastic Strain

Rock Units are molded or bent under stress and do not recover their original shape after the stress is released

-type of rocks -attitude (if they have disturbed by faulting or folding)

Rock structure refers to __________________________________

Fracture Strain

Rock units crack or break under stress

Elastic Strain

Rock units recover their original shape after the stress is released


Rocks sculpted by wind abrasion are called


Sediment bearing wind encounters an obstacle that reduces the wind velocity. A low mound or ridge of sand or other sediment.

speeds difference in

Seismic S and P waves can be used to determine the distance to the source of the earthquake because they travel at different________________________;therefore, the __________________________their arrival times can be used to calculate the distance they have traveled.

Vibrations that move out from an earthquake's focus

Seismic waves are the _______________________________

-If you are inside, get under a strong structure. -Stay in your car if you are in it

Select all the actions listed below that should be taken during an earthquake

The nature of the rock The confining pressure on the rock The temperature of the rock How slowly or quickly the stress is applied

Select all the factors below that influence how a rock responds to stress

True -climate plays an important role in the type and amount of soil produced

Soil type is influenced by climate


Strain, in geologic terms, is an adjustment to _____________


The Father of modern geology, James -_____________________explained that that the geologic processes occurring today also occur in the past, concluding that the present was the key to understanding the past.

10 30

The Richter Scale, which is just one tool we use to measure and earthquake's magnitude, is a logarithmic scale; going p by a factor of 1 in the scale means that the movement of the ground increases by a factor of _____________________________and the energy released increases by a factory of_______________

Foot Wall

The block of rock on the right side of this fault (indicated by an angled line with an arrow on either side) is the ________________________________


The cause of most earthquakes is _______________

Chemical Weathering

The dissolving or breaking down of minerals in rocks, or decomposition .

youth old age maturity

The following stages are part of the process of the aging and development of a stream valley

the principle uniformity

The geologic past can be explained by extending current geologic, processes backward over long periods of time. This frame of reference is known as _______________________________.

the source

The location where water collects to first form a stream channel is called

hanging wall, footwall

The mass of rock above a fault is the __________________wall, and the mass of rock below the fault is the ______________________

their relative intensity as fell by people, buildings, and other objects

The modified Mercall scale for earthquakes measure_______________________

false The mouth of the river is at its end, even though that terminology isn't intuitive. Making the mouth of a river at a lower elevation than the source of a river.

The mouth of a river would be found at a higher elevation than the source of a river.

Mechanical Weathering

The physical breaking up of rocks, or disintegration


The place within the ground where and earthquake originates is called the______________________. Also called hypocenter.

Mechanical weathering

The repeating freezing and thawing of water in the pores and cracks of rocks is an example of


The rock formations in an area have an abundance of normal faults. The most likely plate tectonic boundary that caused these normal faults to form is a ___________________________________boundary.


The slow changes that result from the breaking up, crumbing and destruction of any kind of rock are called____________________________

-how effective the processes have been in attacking the rock structure. -the amount of the original surface that remains

The stage of landform development describes_____________

is a slow, gradual process that can occur over millions of years

The transition of a mountain to a mass of smaller loose rocks___________________________

cooing underground to form intrusive igneous rocks

The vast majority of magma ends up______________________

very long wavelength

The very large wave heights are associated with tsunamis in popular culture for good reason. However, the other hazard comes from the __________________of tsunamis, which can bring water up onto the land for a long time.

Wind Deflation

The widespread picking up loose materials from the surface


This feature forms at the mouth of a river, when the river dumps its sediment load in response to a dramatic decrease in energy.

Cinder Cone

This small, steep volcano is created when blobs are lava are quickly ejected from a vent.

Shield Volcano

This volcano is large, broad, and has gently sloping flanks. They exist in Hawaii and Iceland.


Two plates are rock sections sliding past one another.


Two plates or sections of rocks moving together


Up and down, horizontally or sideway and combinations of these are the ways in which rocks can move relative to each other on either side of a _____________________________

tsunamis also called seismic wave

Very large ocean waves caused by water displacement from earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions are ___________________

tsunamis are called Seismic waves

Very large ocean waves caused by water displacement from earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions are____________________________


Volcanoes are common in Hawaii and are created from low-viscosity lava flows.

false Folding and faulting form most cintinental mountain ranges

Volcanoes are the leading cause of continental mountain ranges.


Volcanoes tend to eject lava and blocks of rocks that result in the volcano having a __________________shape.


Volcanoes, such as Mount St. Helens, are tall and composed of layers of lava, ash, and cinders.

folding faulting vocanic activity

We can trace the origins of mountains to three basic causes. Select those three from the list.


We classify earthquakes based on the depth of their ________________shallow are o to 70 kilometers deep, intermediate are 70 to 350 kilometer deep, and deep are greater than 350 kilometers under Earth's surface


Weathering creates rock particles that are separated from their place of origin by ________________before they are transported to a new location.

mixture of unconsolidated weathered earth materials and humus, which is altered, decay-resistant organic matter

What is soil made of


_______________________are hills of resistant rock that exist on regions that are almost plains, or peneplains, dunning the last stages of landform development.


___________________are elevated parts of Earth's crust that rise abruptly above the surrounding surface.

-drains well, but holds enough moisture to sustain plant growth -usually found in the topmost layers of soil -a good soil for gardening

Which of the following are common characteristics of loam?

mechanical and chemical weathering work together in breaking up and decomposing solid rocks.

Which of the following is true regarding mechanical and chemical weathering?

that accumulates more snow in the winter than the amount that melts over the summer A glacier only forms in areas where more snow and ice accumulates in winter than melts over the summer.

Which of the following locations would most likely develop a glacier over the course of many years? The location _______________________

They saw little or no change in the features over a human life time

Why did some people previously believe that major geologic features such as the Grand Canyon ere the result of a catastrophic.

-chemical reactions occur at a faster pace in warmer, wetter soil. -wet and warm climates are more conductive to plant growth, creating more matter for humus formation

Why do soils formed in cold and dry climates have less humus than soils produced in wet and warm climates


Wind and water can both transport larger particles as their velocities____________________

Wind is less dense and has less carrying power Wind lacks the ability to attack rocks chemically like water can

Wind has weaker eroding powers when compared to water because__________________________

less efficient than

Wind is ____________ice or water in modifying the surface of the Earth.


cone volcanoes are small and created from blobs of ejected lava


is a very fine dust, or silt, that has been deposited over a large area.

plastically deform and flow

when strained, rocks at great depth are more likely to _________________than rocks closer to the surface.

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