Chapter 19 Global Change

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Define carbon sequestration

An approach to stabilizing greenhouse gases by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Define greenhouse warming potential

An estimate of how much a molecule of any compound can contribute to global warming over a period of 100 years relative to a molecule of CO2.

The __________ reflects incoming solar radiation back out into space, which has a cooling effect on Earth.


Both __________ and __________ have very high greenhouse warming potentials.


Effects of climate change on organisms include all of the following except (a) increased growing seasons. (b) disruption of animal life cycles. (c) coral bleaching. (d) decreased species range in temperate areas. (e) increased dispersal of plants and animals.

(d) decreased species range in temperate areas.

How my night climate change increase the range of pests? (a) Higher intensity weather events (b) Changing precipitation patterns (c) Increasing number of heat waves (d) Disruption of oceanic currents (e) Decreased duration of cold spells

(e) Decreased duration of cold spells

Which is an example of a negative feedback? (a) Higher air temperatures cause increased ocean evaporation. (b) Higher air temperatures cause increased decomposition in soils. (c) Lower concentrations of CO2 cause increased absorption of oceanic CO2. (d) Low albedo causes decreased reflection of sunlight. (e) Higher CO2 concentrations cause increased photosynthesis.

(e) Higher CO2 concentrations cause increased photosynthesis.

Define greenhouse effect

Absorption of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases and reradiation of the energy back toward Earth.

__________ practices can produce a variety of greenhouse gases.


The major contributor of nitrous oxide is __________ __________.

Agricultural soil

Define global change

Change that occurs in chemical, biological, and physical properties of the planet.

Define global climate change

Changes in the average weather that occurs in an area over a period of years or decades.

Although __________ __________ cannot forecast future climate with total accuracy, as the models improve scientists have been able to place more confidence in their predictions of temperature change.

Climate models

For a given amount of energy, burning __________ produces the most CO2.


The most significant anthropogenic sources of the greenhouse gases are the burning of __________ __________, __________ practices, __________, __________, and __________ production of new greenhouse chemicals.

Fossil fuels; agricultural; deforestation; landfills; industrial

The rise in global temperatures affects sea levels in two ways. First, the water from melting __________ and __________ __________ on land add to the total volume of ocean water. Second, as the water of the oceans becomes __________, it expands.

Glaciers; ice sheets; warmer

With global temperatures rising, minimum land temperatures are expected to __________ over most land areas, with fewer extremely __________ days and fewer days below __________.

Increase; cold; freezing

What are heat waves?

Long periods of hot weather.

As __________ become warmer, glaciers are melting faster than they can grow back in the __________, which will eventually leave us with no glaciers.

Summers; winter

By examining thousands of sediment layer samples with foraminifera in it, we can gain insights into __________ changes over millions of years.


What is the evidence that solar radiation is less important to global warming than the increase in greenhouse gases? (a) Temperatures have increased more in the summer than the winter. (b) Temperatures have increased more in the winter than in the summer. (c) Temperature increases have been uneven across the globe. (d) There is an historic correlation of CO2 and temperature. (e) There is a lack of temperature change in some areas.

(a) Temperatures have increased more in the summer than the winter.

Methane is naturally produced by (a) decomposition. (b) volcanic eruptions. (c) denitrification. (d) evapotranspiration. (e) forest fires.

(a) decomposition.

Global warming might limit the availability of freshwater in many areas because of (a) melting glaciers. (b) increased sea level. (c) thawing permafrost. (d) more frequent heat waves. (e) changes in storm intensity.

(a) melting glaciers.

The greenhouse effect is due to (a) the absorption and reradiation of infrared by the atmosphere. (b) the reflection of ultraviolet radiation by the atmosphere. (c) the absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the atmosphere. (d) the reflection of infrared radiation from Earth's surface. (e) the absorption of ultraviolet radiation by Earth.

(a) the absorption and reradiation of infrared by the atmosphere.

Which data are used to estimate is Storico temperatures and carbon dioxide concentrations? I. Marine organisms fossils II. Air trapped in ice III. Glacier depth (a) I only (b) I and II only (c) I and III only (d) II and III only (e) I, II, and III

(b) I and II only

Most nitrous oxide emissions are from (a) fossil fuel combustion. (b) agricultural practices. (c) refrigerants. (d) deforestation. (e) industrial processes.

(b) agricultural practices.

In 1997 the United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol because (a) it required the same commission reduction's from all signatories. (b) it did not limit the emissions of developing nations. (c) the predictions regarding the severity of climate change were too uncertain. (d) current technology was unable to meet the required goals. (e) the target emission reductions were seen as impossible to achieve.

(b) it did not limit the emissions of developing nations.

How much has the average global temperature increased in the last 120 years? (a) 0.6*F (b) 1.0*F (c) 1.4*F (d) 2.7*F (e) 3.2*F

(c) 1.4*F

If the annual rate of CO2 increase is 1.5 ppm and the concentration in 2010 is 390 ppm, what concentration would you expect in 2100? (a) 420 ppm (b) 480 ppm (c) 505 ppm (d) 525 ppm (e) 540 ppm

(d) 525 ppm

What is NOT a potential negative effect of climate change on agriculture? (a) Increased range of pests (b) Increased risk of droughts (c) Increased damage from severe weather events (d) Increased rates of photosynthesis (e) Decreased growing season in Western Europe

(d) Increased rates of photosynthesis

The greenhouse gas with the highest greenhouse warming potential is (a) carbon dioxide. (b) methane. (c) water vapor. (d) chlorofluorocarbons. (e) nitrous oxide.

(d) chlorofluorocarbons.

Particulate matter can increase global warming by (a) reacting with chlorofluorocarbons. (b) reducing surface absorption of ultraviolet radiation. (c) producing additional nitrous oxide. (d) reflecting radiation. (e) lowering surface albedo.

(e) lowering surface albedo.

__________ __________ contain tiny samples of the atmosphere that existed at the time the ice was formed.

Air bubbles

What remains unclear is the likelihood that other changes in our climate have __________ started to happen.


Define Kyoto Protocol

An international agreement that sets a goal for global emissions of greenhouse gases from all industrialized countries to be reduced by 5.2 percent below their 1990 levels by 2012.

The polar ice caps in the __________, __________, and __________ have experienced melting and are expected to continue.

Artic; Greenland; Antartica

Some regions, including parts of Antartica, have experienced __________ temperatures. Some regions, including areas in the ocean, have experienced __________ temperatures. Finally, some regions, such as those in the extreme northern latitudes, have experienced __________ temperatures.

Cooler; constant; warmer

__________ occurs in the low-oxygen environments of wet soils and at the bottoms of wetlands, lakes, and oceans. In these environments, __________ is converted to __________ __________ gas, which enters the atmosphere as a powerful greenhouse gas.

Denitrification; nitrate; nitrous oxide

The production of carbon dioxide has been greatest in the __________ world.


The three major contributors of methane in the atmosphere are the __________ processes of livestock, __________, and the production of __________ __________ and __________ products.

Digestive; landfills; natural gas; petroleum

Water vapor is produced when liquid water from land and water bodies __________ and by the __________ process of plants.

Evaporation; evapotranspiration

As temperatures increase __________ __________ are likely to become more frequent.

Heat waves

Approximately 94 percent of all CO2 emissions came from __________ processes and the burning of __________ __________.

Industrial; fossil fuels

Although it is impossible to link any single weather event to climate change because of the multiple factors that are always involved, ocean warming may be increasing the __________ of Atlantic storms.


Oxygen atoms occur in two forms, or isotopes, in air bubbles in ancient ice: __________ oxygen, also known as oxygen-__________, and __________ oxygen, also known as oxygen-__________.

Light; 16; heavy; 18

Most of the feedbacks we have discussed are __________ by features of the systems in which they take place.


Global warming and climate change it could also affect many aspects of our __________. Climate change has the potential to affect human __________. Climate changes will also have __________ consequences.

Lives; health; economic

When landfills are not aerated properly, they create a __________-__________ environment in which decomposition causes the production of __________ as a by-product.

Low oxygen; methane

Raising livestock can produce large quantities of __________.


__________ is created when there is not enough oxygen available to produce carbon dioxide.


The production of fossil fuels, such as the mining of coal and the combustion of fossil fuels, can release __________ and, in some cases, __________ __________.

Methane; nitrous oxide

Rapid temperature changes have the potential to cause harm if organisms do not have the option of __________ to more hospitable climates and do not have sufficient __________ to evolve adaptations.

Moving; time

Positive feedback or negative feedback: As CO2 concentrations increase in the atmosphere, more CO2 is absorbed by the oceans. Although this is beneficial because it reduces CO2 in the atmosphere, it causes harmful effects to the oceans. When CO2 dissolves in water, much of it combines with water molecules to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). Since this is an equilibrium reaction, an increase in ocean CO2 causes more CO2 to be converted into carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the water in a process known as ocean acidification.

Negative feedback

Positive feedback or negative feedback: Because carbon dioxide is required for photosynthesis, an increase in CO2 can simulate plant growth. The growth of more plants will cause more CO2 to be removed from the atmosphere. This causes carbon dioxide and temperature increases to be smaller than they otherwise would have been.

Negative feedback

The two most common greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, __________ and __________, compose of 99 percent of the atmosphere.

Nitrogen; oxygen

The shifting agricultural method of clearing forests and burning vegetation to make room for crops is a major source of both __________ and a number of __________ __________.

Particulates; greenhouse gases

As the __________ melts, methane is released into the atmosphere.


What is permafrost?

Permanently frozen ground that exists in the cold regions of high altitudes and high latitudes, which include the tundra and boreal forest biomes.

Positive feedback or negative feedback: As atmospheric concentrations of CO2 from anthropogenic sources increase, the Arctic regions to become substantially warmer and the frozen tundra begins to thaw. As it thaws, the tundra develops areas of standing water with little oxygen available under the water as the thick organic layers of the tundra begin to decompose. As a result, the organic material experiences anaerobic decomposition that produces methane, a stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, which should lead to even more global warming.

Positive feedback

Positive feedback or negative feedback: Global soils contain more than twice as much carbon as the amount currently in the atmosphere. Higher temperatures are expected to increase the biological activity of decomposers in the soils. Because this decomposition leads to the release of additional CO2 from the soil into the atmosphere, the temperature change will be amplified even more.

Positive feedback

Because warmer temperatures should drive increased evapration from the surface of Earth as part of the hydraulic cycle, global warming is projected to alter __________ __________.

Precipitation patterns

Although CO2 concentrations vary between __________, there is a clear trend of __________ CO2 concentrations across the years.

Seasons; rising

One explanation for warming temperatures during the past century is the increase in __________ __________. Another possibility is that warming is caused by increased __________ in addition to warming caused by natural fluctuations in __________ __________.

Solar radiation; CO2; solar radiation

Common indirect measurements include changes in the __________ __________ of organisms that have been preserved over millions of years and chemical analyses of __________ __________ formed in ice long ago.

Species composition; air bubbles

Define ocean acidification

The process by which an increase in ocean CO2 causes more CO2 to be converted into carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the water.

Define global warming

The warming of oceans, land masses, and atmosphere of Earth.

Over the scale of geological time, __________ __________ can add a significant amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Volcanic eruptions

Natural sources of greenhouse gases increase __________ eruptions, __________, __________, __________, __________, and __________.

Volcanic; decomposition; digestion; denitrification; evaporation; evapotranspiration

This circulating water moves the __________ water from the Gulf of Mexico up toward Europe and moves __________ water from the North Atlantic down to the equator.

Warm; cold

Ice formed in a period of __________temperatures contains a higher percentage of heavy oxygen than ice formed during __________ temperatures.

Warmer; colder

The effect of each greenhouse gas depends on both its __________ potential and its __________ in the atmosphere.

Warming; concentration

The most common greenhouse gas is __________ __________.

Water vapor (H2O)

__________ __________ absorbs more infrared radiation from Earth than any other compound, although a molecule of __________ __________ does not persist nearly as long as other greenhouse gases.

Water vapor; water vapor

__________ are the largest natural source of methane.


Animals that consume significant quantities of __________ or __________ require gut bacteria to digest the plant material. Because the digestion occurs in the animal's gut, the bacteria do not have access to __________ and __________ is produced as a by-product.

Wood; grass; oxygen; methane

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