Chapter 19

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+ count of lymphocytes vs - =?

+= viral infections, some leukemias, infectious mononucleosis..-=prolonged illness, HIV infection, immunosuppression, treatment with cortisol

+/- count of eosinophils=?

+=allergic reactions, parasitic infections autoimmune diseases..-=drug toxicity, stress, acute allergic reactions

High count of neutrophils vs low count may indicate?

+=bacterial infection, burns, stress,inflammation..-=radiation exposure, drug toxicity,vit B defiency,systemic lupus, erythematosus (SLE)

Monocytes +/- count =?

+monocytes count = viral or fungal infections, tuberculosis, some leukemias, other chronic diseas,,,-= bone marrow suppression, treatment with cortisol

B. Blood plasma) 1. Principal solutes include proteins

(albumins, globulins, fibrinogen), nutrients, enzymes, hormones, respiratory gases, electrolytes, and waste products.

RBCs Reticulocytes?

(immature rbcs that enter the circulation early and mature in 1-2 days..normally 2% of total RBC

RBc) erythropoiesis? Erythropoietin (EPO)?

(production of red blood cells) begins in the red bone marrow ..EPO is a hormone released by the kidneys in respomse to hypoxia (lowered oxygen concentration) stimulates differentiation of hematopoeitic stem cells into RBC

Basophils +/-=?

+= allergic reactions, leaukemias,cancers,hypothyroidsm -=pregnancy,ovulation,stress, hypothyroidism

in blood, red blood cells are __% of cells in apperance of centrifuged blood blood


Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn:

At birth, small amounts of fetal blood leak into the maternal circulation


leave capillaries and release granules containing heparin, histamine and serotonin, at sites of inflammation....they intensify inflammatory reaction.. and are involved in type 1 hypersensitivity reactions (allergies)

the process of hemostasis involves?

-vascular spasm: smooth muscle in the walls of the arteries, arterioles contracts -platelet plug formation -Blood clotting (coagulation) of proteins in the plasma that glue the platelet plug

2. The percentage of total blood volume occupied by red blood cells is called

. A hematocrit; measures the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood

Blood Groups and Blood Types: Rh) In the Rh system, an individual will only have Rh antibodies if:

1) they are Rh (-) AND 2) they were immunized with Rh antigens (typically from a blood transfusion or a previous pregnancy with an Rh(+) fetus

Red blood cells live for only about ..

120 days

Formation of blood cells: Pluripotent stem cells can give rise to .... and definition

2 lineages: Myeloid stem cells: which give rise to RBC,platelets,monocytes,neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils Lymphoid stem cells: which give rise to lymphocytes (T cells, B cells, and NK cells) whch complete development in lymphatic tissues

in blood, blood plasma is __% of centrifuged blood


within the compostiion of blood.. % of blood plasms? % formed elements?

55% blood plasama; 45% formed elemetns

Blood Groups and Blood Types)An additional key antigen, Rh, is present in

85% of humans: role in pregnancy

Blood Groups and Blood Types) General classification is based on the ABO antigens labeled:

: A, B, or AB, with O being the absence of the antigens: role in transfusions

Blood Groups and Blood Types)~ 24 blood groups but

> 100 RBC antigens

(RBCs) glycolpipds in the surface of the plasma membrane are responsible for ..

ABO and Rh blood groups (mediate transfusion rejections)

Within the composostion of blood plasma we find that water makes up 91.5%, plasma proteins make up 7% and other solutes make up 1.5% of other solutes there is electrolytes, nutrients, regulatory substances, waste products, and gases..what is the description and function of regulatory substances?

Description are enzymes(function:catalyze chemical reactions), hormones(function regulation of growth, development, and metabolism), and vitamins...function are cofactors for enzymatic reactions) ..

Within composition of blood plasma, we find 7% of it is plasma protein, we find subcomponents to be fibrinogen, globulins, and albumins, what is the descriiption and function albumins?

Description of albumins is that they are the smallest and most numerous plasma proteins; Function: is that they help maintain osmotic pressure and are an important factor in the exchange of fluids across blood capillary walls

In blood plasma composition we find that 91.5% of it is water, 7% are plasma proteins, (fibrinogens, albumins, globulins) and other solutes are 1.5%..we know that these other solutes include electrolytes, nutrients, gases, regulatory substances and waste products..what is the description and function of electrolytes

Electrolytes description are inorganic salts; positively charged (cations) Na+,K+, Ca+2, Mg2+; negatively charged (anions) Cl-, HPO4-2, SO4-2,HCO3-..Function is to help maintain osmotic pressure and play essential roles in cell functions

What are the distinct formed elements of stem cells in the hematopoietic growth factors when regulating differentiation and proliferation

Erythropoietin (EPO)- Forms RBCs Thrombopoietin (TPO) forms platelets Cytokines -colony stimulationg factors (CSFs) and interleukins- form various WBCs

In blood we find that it is composed of 91.5% water, 7%plasma proteins and 1.5% of other solutes. (electrolyes, nutreints, gases, regulatory substances and waste products) what is the description and function of nutrients?

Nutrients description are products of digestion, such as amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, glycerol, vitamens, and minerals...function is that they have an essential role in cell functions, growth, and development

Within the composition of blood plasma, we find that 91.5% of it is water, 7% are plasma proteins and 1.5% are other solutes..other solutes include.

Other solutes(1.5%) of blood composition include, electrolytes, nutrients, gases, regulatory substances, and waste products

Composition of blood plasma: description and function of plasma proteins and three subcomponents. & %?`

Plasma protein is most produced by liver; function is responsible for colloid osmotic pressure. Major contributors to blood viscosity. transport hormones (steriod), fatty acids, and calcium. Help regulate blood ph...Albumins..Globulins...Fibrinogen...7%

megakaryocytes in red bone marrow splinter into 2000-3000 fragments to create the

Platelets aka thrombocytes (contain many vesicles but no nucleus

Eosinophils leave capillaries and enter interstitial fluid and...

Release histamines, phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes and effective against parasitic worms and schistosomes

neutrophils ..

Respond most quickly to tissue damage by bacteria..attracted by chemicals released by bacteria or inflamed tissue (chemotaxis) uses lysozymes, strong oxidants, defensins to kill bacterial pathogens once they have ingested them

in functions of the blood we find it transports, regulates, and protects, how is it protecting?

The blood protects against excessive loss by clotting (homeostasis) and it protects against infections and cancer using white blood cells (immunity)

RBCs are anucleate what does that mean?

They lack other organelles and have biconcave discs morphology (allows them to carry oxygen more efficiently through the torturous microvasculature

Functions of blood include?

Transports Regulation Protects

In functions of blood we find, transportation, regulation, and protection...what specifically is transported

Transports: oxygen, CO2, nutrients, hormones, heat, and waste products

stochastic production:; induced production

When negative feedback systems regulate the number of RBCs, WBC, and platelets in circulation under steady state conditions (however, the total # of white blood cells and platelets can vary depending on invading pathogens etc; termed induced production

neutrophils and monocytes/macrogphages are

active phagocytes

Blood Groups and Blood Types)A drop of blood is mixed with an antiserum that will

agglutinate blood cells that possess antigens on the surface that react with it, causing a crosslinking reaction

formation of formed elements..Pluripotent stem cells differentiate into each of...

all the different types of blood cells

Lymphocytes ..

are major defenders of the immune system..B cells(produce antibodies (plasma cells); (memory b cells); destroy bacteria and inactive their toxins by the release of antibodies.........T cells attack viruses, fungi, trasnplated cells, cancer cells, and some bacteria, also produce memory cells and cytokines....Natural killer (NK) cells attack a wide variety of infectious microbes and certain tumor cells

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn)During her next pregnancy with an Rh+ baby, when she transfers antibodies to the fetus (a normal occurrence), transferred anti Rh antibodies will

attack some of the fetus' red blood cells causing agglutination and hemolysis

Blood Groups and Blood Types: Because these antigens are genetically controlled

blood types vary among different populations

During an invasion, many white blood cells are able to leave the..

bloodstream and enter into the tissues to sites of invasion..(this is called emigration=diapedesis=extravasation

2. Interstitial fluid bathes

body cells.

B. Blood constitutes about 8% of

body weight; volume ranges from 4 to 6 liters.

Disorders: Homeostatic Imbalances)Aplastic Anemia:

bone marrow failure

RBC contain NO and also contain...

carbonic anhydrase which cataluzes the conversion of CO2 and water to form carbonic acid

B. To obtain nutrients and remove wastes

cells must be serviced by blood and interstitial fluid.

Blood is a connective tissue consisting of...

cells surrounded by a liquid matrix (plasma)

WBC) Leukocytes..

contain a nucleus and organelles but no hemoglobin

WBC may live for.. their main function is to..

days to several months or years; their main function is to combat invading microbes

Leukopenia is the

deficiency in circulating WBC

Within the composition of blood plasma we find water (91.5%) plasma proteins (7%) and other solutes (1.5%) within plasma proteins there are fibrinogens, albumins, globulins. What are fibrinogens

description is a large protein while function is that they play an essential role in blood clotting

Other solutes that make up 1.5% of blood plasma composition include, electrolytes, nutrients, gases, regulatory substances, and waste products, what are description and function of gases?

description of gases is oxygen( function: are important in many cellular functions, nitrogen,(function:no known functions) and CO2..( involved in regulation of blood ph )

In blood plasma composition, we find that (91.5) of it is water, 7% of it is plasma proteins, and other solutes are 1.5%;electrolytes, nutrients, gases, and regulation substances, waste products...what is the description and function of waste products

description, urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, bilirubin, ammonia; function is that most are breakdown products of protein metabolism that are carried bu the vlood to organs of excertion

Composition of blood plasma: What is the desription and function of water & %?

description: liquid portion of blood; function:solvent and suspending medium. Absorbs, transports, and releases heat. 91.5%

Blood Groups and Blood Types)Typing and cross-matching are performed in order to

determine blood type

Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn)If the baby is Rh+ and the mother is Rh-, she will

develop antibodies to the Rh factor

Formation of Blood Cells; Hematopoietic growth factors regulate ...

differentiation and proliferation of stem cells into the distinct formed elements:

In hemostasis, small, unwanted clots are usually ...

dissolved by plasmin, an enzyme that is part of the fibrinolytic system

formation of formed elements..Stem cells in bone marrow proliferate themselves to..differentiate into the..

establish a pool; distinct blood cell lineage

Platelets have a life span of only 5 to 9 days; aged and dead platelets are removed by

fixed macrophages in the spleen and liver

platelets survive

for only 5-9 days

A. Blood cells are formed from

from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells

within the composition of blood plasma, we find that 7% of it is plasma proteins, plasma proteins have subcomponents that are fibrinogen, albumins and globulins. what are globulins description and function.

globulins description are that they are large proteins (plasma cells produce immunoglobulins). Function: immunogloblins help attack viruses and bacteria. Alpha and beta globulins transport iron, lipids, and fat soluable vitamens.

what are leukocutes classified as

granular(containing vesicales that become visible when the cells are stained with Wright stain) agranular(normally lack a granules) ---------monocytes: (phagocytes that are precursors to macrophage)---lymphocytes:t cells, b cells, and NK cells

C. The branch of science concerned with the study of blood, blood-forming tissues, and the disorders associated with them is called


The process of producing blood cells is ....and typically occurs in the...

hematopoiesis; red marrow in adults

b. In polycythemia, the percentage of RBC is abnormally

high with a higher than normal hematocrit.

platelets help

in clot formation

a. A significant drop in hematocrit indicates

indicates anemia, due to a lower than normal number of RBCs.


is a sequence of responses that stop bleeding ..

Blood clot formation: Clotting?

is a series of chemical reaction -> formation of fibrin threads which tether the rbc together

Blood clot formation) Serum?

is blood plasma minus clotting proteins

many of the breakdown products from rbc, are recyled and reused, though some ..

is released into the feces:amino acids from globin reused, iron reused in the bone marrow, and non-iron portion of heme->bile->ends up as yellow pigment urobilin in urine or brown pigment stercobilin in feces

what does carbonic acid formation allow

it allows for the indirect transport 70% of CO2 in the plasma

in hemostasis, once the clot forms?

it retracts (tightens) to pull the edges of the damaged vessel together...vit K is needed for normal clot formation bc it is used in the synthesis of 4 clotting factors

in rbc, dead cells are removed from the circulation by

macrophages in the liver and spleen

what occurs in emigration of WBC

many wbc leave the bloodstream, roll along endothelium, stick to and then squeeze between endothelial cells, precise signals vary for different types of wbcs, lymphocytes can return to the blood, other wbcs cant

RBC) regulation of blood flow and blood pressure occurs in part by the release of ...

nitric oxide (NO) by the walls of the arteries, in turn Hb present in the RBC can bind to NO and transport it in the blood

platelets are cells?

not cells, rather fragements

A. Blood inside blood vessels, interstitial fluid around body cells, and lymph inside lymph vessels constitute

one's internal environment.


over abundance of circulating WBC

II. FUNCTIONS OF BLOODC. It prevents blood loss through clotting and combats toxins and microbes through certain

phagocytic white blood cells or specialized plasma proteins.

Blood Groups and Blood Types: ABO)Blood plasma usually contains antibodies (agglutinins) that

react with A or B antigens

Blood Groups and Blood Types: Rh) Blood plasma does not typically contain antibodies (agglutinins) that

react with Rh antigens

The cellular components (formed elements) of blood include...

red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (cell fragments)


take longer to arrive but also destroy bacteria by phagocytosis..monocytes differentiate into macrogphages once they leave the blood and enter the tissues

A. Blood has a viscosity greater than

that of water, a temperature of 38°C (100.4°), and a pH of 7.35 to 7.45.

In functions of blood we find, transportations, protection, and regulation, what is being regulated?

the blood regulates homeostasis of all all body fluids, PH, body temperature, and water content of cells

platelets are under the influence of ..

the hormone thrombopoietin, hematopoietic stem cells differentiate into platelets..

Blood Groups and Blood Types) blood is characterized into different groups based on..

the presence or absense of glycoprotein and glycolipid antigens (aggulatinogens) on the surface of RBC

(RBC) red blood cells contain the protein hemaglobin (Hb) that ..

transports O2 to tissues and carries (23%) of CO2 to lungs (each Hb molecule contains an 4X iron ions which allows each molecule to bind 4XO2

NO causes...

vasodilation which improves blood flow and enhances oxygen delivery

C. Blood samples for laboratory testing may be obtained by

venipuncture, finger-stick, or arterial stick (Clinical Connection).

The plasma portion of blood consists of

water, proteins, and solutes (salts,hormones etc)

in blood cenetrigufe, the buffy coat compsed of..

white blood cells and platelts

Blood Groups and Blood Types: ABO)In the ABO system, an individual will not have antibodies against his own blood type antigen but

will spontaneously have them directed against the missing antigens

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