Chapter 19 Vocabulary

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shakespeare's plays, a priceless ___ from the 16th and 17th centuries have been enjoyed by generation after generation.


something handed down from people who have come before


rather than go to court, mr. hillman and the owner of the gas station agreed to have a lawyer ___ their disagreement


to settle (a conflict) by acting as a go-between


in the bible, king solomon ___s a dispute between two women...... this thought ___s horror in one of the women. the king then knows she is the real mother.

mediate; evoke

part of the charm of spring is that it's ___. it comes and goes so quickly that we can't wait for its return


temporary; passing soon or quickly


My father refused to MEDIATE quarrels between my sister and me. He would say, "Settle your own fights." Each of the farmers claimed the stream was part of his property. Finally, they agreed to let the town council MEDIATE their conflict.

to Settle

When Mr. Bauer retired after coaching basketball for thirty years, his admiring students gave him a gold whistle as a sign of their ESTEEM. the critics had such ESTEEM for the play that they voted it "Best Drama of the Year."


Music can EVOKE powerful feelings. A sweet violin solo often moves its listeners to tears. The smells of cider and pumpkin pie EVOKE thoughts of autumn.

Bring out

As the number of leaves on the tree DWINDLED, the number on the ground increased. By episode five in the tv show's first season, my interest began to DWINDLE. I never did watch the last episodes.


Suki, an AVID reader, enjoys nothing more than a good science fiction novel. Artie is such an AVID sports fan that he has two televisions tuned to different sporting events so he doesn't miss any action.


When i put in my earplugs, the yelling from the next apartment becomes MUTED enough so that it no longer disturbs me. The artist used MUTED rather than bright colors, giving the painting a quiet, peaceful tone.


high regard; respect; favorable opinion


to show his ___ for her singing, the talent agent sent mary flowers after she performed in a local theater.


becky's ___ for gerald turned out to be ___. She discovered that he used drugs and could not condone his habit, so she broke up with him.

esteem; transient

the photo in my album ___ many fond memories of my high-school friends


to draw forth, as a mental image or a feeling


to make calm or peaceful


when my newborn nephew starts to scream, his parents ___ him by rocking him and singing softly.


When i'm feeling nervous or upset, I often PACIFY myself with a soothing cup of mint tea. Not only did I anger Roberta by calling her boyfriend "a creep", but i failed to PACIFY her with my note of apology: "i'm sorry i called Mel a creep. It's not always wise to tell the truth."


Although i often forget to water or feed my plants, my sister carefully NURTURES her many ferns and violets. Many animals feed and protect their babies, but female fish, in general, do not NURTURE their young. The female only lays eggs, which are guarded by the male until they hatch.

Care for

Ana's great-grandfather, grandmother, and mother were all musicians. She must have inherited their LEGACY of musical talent because she's an excellent piano and guitar player. One of the richest LEGACIES that y mother handed down to me is the love of nature. I've inherited her interests in growing flowers and in hiking.

Inherited gift

Softened; toned down; made less intense


the drug's dangers include both permanent brain damage and TRANSIENT side effects, such as temporarily blurred vision. Julia wants a lasting relationship, but Rico seems interested in only a TRANSIENT one.


enthusiastic, devoted; eager


my cousin bobby is the most ___ collector i know. he collects almost anything, from baseball cards to beer cans.


Leo is such a(n) ___ chef that his enthusiasm for cooking never ___s. he's been known to cook with great enthusiasm for ten straight hours.

avid; dwindle

If you study too long at one sitting, your concentration will eventually begin to ___


to gradually lessen or shrink


at the party, cara and I kept our conversation ___ so that no one would overhear us.


loud music upsets our canary, but ___ tones ___ her.

muted; pacify

to promote development by providing nourishment, support, and protection


you must ___ a child with love and respect as well as with food and shelter


it is necessary to ___ a human infant because it is the biological ___ of newborn mammals to be unable to survive on their own.

nurture; legacy

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