Chapter 2: Europeans and Africans Reach the Americas

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what three countries were involved in piracy (for Spanish gold)?

Dutch, France, *England*

Dutch v. England

English capture New Amsterdam in 1664

Spain v. England

English defeats the Spanish Armada in 1588

to whom did the "Colombian Exchange" benefit the most?


this country had the best relationship with Natives.


leading an expedition deep into the homelands of Creek Indians from 1539 to 1542, this explorer attempted to bring the Gulf of Mexico region under Spanish control.

Hernando de Soto

Spanish conquistador, Pizarro, captured Cuzco, the capital city of the _____________.

Inca Empire

who aggressively tried to reverse the 'English Reformation?'

Queen Mary

who was the only major European power to enslave Natives?


these people were the first to created an empire in the new world:

Spanish conquistadors

what did King Henry VII call himself?

defender of the faith

what was France most interested in trading?


what did Luther "do" to the bible?

he mass produced it and translated it into the local language (German)

why did England have the worst relationship with natives?

most likely to fight natives & intentionally spread small pox

So horrifying was the prospect of slavery and the conditions on board ship, that some Africans refused to eat during th "________________" across the Atlantic.

"Middle Passage"

these two countries allowed intermarriage.

*Spain* & France

what kinds of food did the Europeans introduce to the Native American diet?

- grains (including wheat and rye) -fruit (including peaches and citrus) -domesticated animals

Areas of Concentration: Portugal

-Africa, India, SE Asia -Brazil

what are 6 ways that England's drive for Exploration/Colonization was different than Spain's?

-England is more business-oriented -created colonies funded by joint-stock companies -overpopulation/unemployment in England pushed people to the Americas -Inflation from the Spanish Gold/Silver -Religion was more complicated in England (Protestantism & Catholicism) -didn't colonize for a while, just went to Canada for Fish

what were the two reasons that England hated the Dutch city of New Amsterdam?

-English hated multicultural (don't like mixing) -the city was in the middle of their own settlements (Jamestown & Massachusetts)

what are three reasons that the Native Americans were forced to be dominated by the Spanish?

-European Diseases -brutal treatment of Native Americans -enslavement

what provided the Europeans with a moral justification for taking land from the Native Americans?

-Negative image of Indians -Native Americans rejected the "superior" culture and religion of the Englishmen

Areas of Concentration: France

-North America (Canada) -Caribbean

Areas of Concentration: England

-North America (Jamestown & Plymouth) -Caribbean

Areas of Concentration: Dutch

-North America (NY State) -Islands of SE Asia -Caribbean

Areas of Concentration: Spain

-South & Central America -Western North America -Caribbean

what were the English goals?

-creation of European communities separate from Natives -domination of other European colonial powers

what were Martin Luther's main arguments?

-ethnic groups were tired of preaching to an Italian faith -wants to read bible in a known language

what advantages led to the Spanish taking over the Native American tribes?

-horses -guns -exploited internal divisions among the Indian tribes to overthrow native empires

what was the Dutch relationship with the Natives?

-ignored natives when possible -made money in trade with them -grade of "c"

Spain was the only country to have changed its goals. what were its goals in order?

1. Spices 2. Gold, Silver 3. Conversion to Christianity

who built a model community & who didn't for Protestantism?

Calvin made a model community Luther did NOT make a model community

what was the religion based around John Calvin called?


thinking he had landed on some outpost of Asia, this man explored the islands of Hispaniola and Cuba.

Christopher Columbus

From 1540 to 2542, the Spanish explorer, ____________, in search of the Seven Cities of Cibola, led an expedition through the SW region of what would later become the United States.


what part of the world did Portugal get in the Treaty of Tordesillas?

Eastern Hemisphere & Brazil

who was the "Cinderella" team?


how did England "defeat" the Spanish?

England defeated the (amazing) Spanish Armada in 1588 (during a storm)

T/F: there was absolutely NO doubt that Columbus reached Asia by the Spanish.

FALSE: it was doubted, but the Spanish were willing to invest in any possibility of new land.

T/F: Puritans DO NOT believe in predestination.

FALSE: Puritans wholly believe in predestination -Salem Witch Trials

T/F: it was really easy to read and get a copy of the bible before the protestant reformation.

FALSE: it was really hard to get a copy because books were really expensive for the working class and they weren't in German (their language)

noted as a colorful sea dog, this man led smaller English ships in the defeat of the lumbering galleons of the Spanish Armada in 1588.

Francis Drake

marching from Panama through the jungles of Ecuador and into the towering mountains of Peru with a mere 168 men, this Spanish conquistador toppled the Inca Empire.

Francisco Pizarro

French v. England

French & Indian War of 1664

the doctrines of Calvin were first put into practice in the 1550s in the city-state of ____________ which quickly became a haven for refugee Protestant leaders.

Geneva, Switzerland

Refused permission for a divorce by the pope, this man declared himself head of a Protestant (Anglican) church.

Henry VIII

attacking the capital of Montezuma's empire, this man used horses, guns, and dissident native allies to overthrow the Aztec ruler.

Hernando Cortes

what country did England try to colonize before North America?

Ireland failed miserably

allowing England a claim in the New World sweepstakes, this man explored the coasts of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

John Cabot

who was the Frenchman that likes Protestantism, but with one major difference?

John Calvin

charting the southeastern region of North America, this explorer led expeditions to Florida in search of the fountain of youth in 1515 and 1521.

Juan Ponce de Leon

who was branded as a heretic who acted upon selfish political and economic motives over religious motives by Catholics?

King Henry VIII

this king was a die hard Catholic, but the pope did not like him. he wanted a divorce and the pope did not allow it, so he created his "own" religion. what was the name of the king and the church?

King Henry VIII Church of England

why did King Phillip II (of Spain) propose to Queen Elizabeth?

King Phillip was very Catholic and Queen Elizabeth was protestant. He proposed to try to "save her," but Elizabeth rejects.

what was the religion based around Martin Luther called?


2 products that were extremely important to the Europeans.

Maize & Potatoes (became stable crops)

a German monk, ___________, initiated the Reformation in the early 16th century.

Martin Luther

who instigated the protestant reformation? when?

Martin Luther in 1517

what did Martin Luther write?

Ninety-five Theses a list of 95 reasons why he hated the Roman Catholic Church

what country was in charge of the spice trade for a long time?


these two countries made up for their weak military power by making money in trade.

Portugal Dutch

what country was the most common carrier of West African slaves? who was also heavily involved in the slave trade?

Portugal Dutch

Calvin had one major different belief from Luther. what was that difference?

Predestination -god knows everything (past, present, & future) -knows if you're going to heaven or hell -if you live a holy life, god picked you (so be a good person)

After the win against the Spanish Armada, what religion does England mostly affiliate with?


what kind of protestant disliked how catholic the church of England was?

Puritans -pushed them to flee to the Americas -went to America to "make England better"

together with this nephew/cousins? of the same name, this man propagandized English colonization of America in 1580s and 1590s.

Richard Hakluyt

in the late sixteenth century, England entered the effort to establish colonies in the Americas, first in Newfoundland, and then on __________.

Roanoke Island

what religion dominated the western hemisphere in 1492 and had people believe that it would never change?

Roman Catholicism

what's the difference between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism?

Roman Catholicism is "extreme Christianity" -one type -High belief in the church hierarchy Protestantism is belief in exactly the bible -one million types -Lesser belief in the church hierarchy

Spanish v. Portugal

Signed Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 -Pope split the world in half

Organizing Englishmen for a settlement in America, this man planted a colony at Roanoke Island in the 1580s that was apparently wiped out by native attacks.

Sir Walter Raleigh

these two countries had the same "grade" for their relationship with Natives.

Spain & Portugal

what five countries competed for North America?

Spain, Portugal, Dutch, France, & England

what were the rivaling religions between England and Spain?

Spain: Catholic England: Protestant

T/F: Presbyterians DO NOT believe in predestination.


name some of the domesticated animals that the Europeans brought over to the Americas:

cows, pigs, goats, horses, sheep, turkeys, guinea pigs, etc.

the first European to sail around the cape of Africa, __________ allowed the Portuguese to eventually colonize the Indian Ocean and as far east as the Spice Islands and Canton by 1513.

da Gama

because the Native American slaves could not survive with the Europeans, what did the Europeans resort to?

importation of African slaves

where did the African Slaves come from?

most African slaves came from the region of West Africa, particularly from the area between the Senegal and Niger Rivers and the Gulf of Biafra

why were the Africans enslaved?

most had been enslaved as a result of war

who was Francis Drake?

pirate that stole from Spain for England

what invention propelled the advocacy for the protestant reformation? why?

printing press books (i.e. bibles) were easier to print & did not cost as much

what was the Renaissance's effect on the reformation?

renaissance started to get people less connected to Roman Catholicism

what was the cash crop that most African slaves worked on?

sugar plantations

what treaty established a line of demarcation by the pope? what two countries signed this treaty?

the 1493 Treaty of Tordesillas Spain = West Portugal = East

how did the French stay separated from the English for a while?

the French went way north to the present-day Canada to trade fur

who was responsible for the mystery of Roanoke Island?

the Italian Sir Walter Raleigh wanted to impress the Queen

who took control of the African gold trade?

the Portuguese

what was the down side to the European's domesticated animals?

the animals' eating habits proved detrimental to native grasses -stripped the land -led to topsoil & desertification

what are the Catholic church's main beliefs?

the importance of the: sacraments & Church hierarchy (in helping an individual live correctly and gain heavenly salvation)

what caused the inflation in Europe?

the massive flow of Silver & Gold from America to Spain

why did England colonize the Caribbean?

to grow tobacco & sugar

what were the main crops were given to the Western hemisphere from the Eastern hemisphere?

tobacco, potatoes, and maize

what part of the world did Spain get in the Treaty of Tordesillas?

western hemisphere (Americas)

what act of the Roman Catholic church set off Martin Luther?

when the church started selling indulgences "tickets to heaven" the pope used the money from selling to build the St. Peter's Cathedral

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