Chapter 2 Reading Perception, Self and Communication

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How we interpret the behavior of others is largely a function of

Whether we perceive them as similar to or different from ourselves Our own behavior

selective attention

You focus on certain cues and ignore others

Which of the following are among the basis of our perceptions of others

A creative process, an active process, a subjective process

Click on the outgroup in the following scenario

A new social club opens in a middle-class neighborhood. Except applications for all the surrounding neighborhoods, but discard those from applicants with low income. When the club opens, it becomes clear that most of the club offers are for established families in the area, and most of the members are white or African-American Applicants with low income

Which of the following best illustrates the principle of perceptual consistency

A person who grew up in a strongly religious community tends to expect everyone here she needs to have strong religious values

When the mind methodically selects and organizes sensory input, it is engaged in _____ perception


Which of the following statements about personal identity change and growth is not accurate

After a certain point personal identity is difficult if not impossible to change

Which of the following statements about the use of context and interpretation is not accurate

And off to used key to interpretation context is reliable guide that seldom creates confusion

First impression is

Any initial opinion about people upon meeting them. Frequently first impressions are based on other peoples appearance and may form in as little as three seconds

One way of organizing stimuli is _____, the tendency to fill in missing information to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement


Highlight the identity management in the scenario below

David awaits for his blind date: says he was offered a promotion

Apply the symbolic interactionist perspective, Erving Goffman described every day interactions from a _____ viewpoint

Dramaturgical Theater arts

True or false stereotyping is relying on first impressions are the most common errors and perception


Interpretive perception is a blend of which of the following

Perception that involves a blend of internal states an external stimuli

When interpreting stimuli, people often

Rely on the context in which the stimuli are perceived, compare the stimuli to other stimuli

According to the principle of similarity, elements are grouped together because they

Resemble one another in terms of color size shape or other attributes

What are four types of selectivity

Selective exposure, selective attention, selective perception, and selective retention

In making a speech of self introduction it is important to include details about yourself that

Showcase your personal identity

Highlight the stereo type in the following scenario

Thanks they are slow to learn Angela has an interview a new employee for her marketing department. The job candidate is 65, and Angela has always disliked older employees. Based on her last sold or higher, she thinks they're slow to learn, and some clients have expressed a preference of working with younger

perceptual consistency

The idea that your past experiences lead you to see the world in a way that is different to change your initial perceptions persist

Your perception of others are influenced by

The personal identity you have developed until now Your past experiences

As people make their in first impressions they also compare the new person to


Our perceptions of others are


Prejudice opinions are ______ and based on ______

Usually unfavorable, irrational feelings, performed, insufficient knowledge performed, and in accurate stereotypes

Which of the following statements about personal identity and communication between a speaker and audience is not accurate

Even when shared values with the speaker or unexpected a strong identity much will break through any barriers the audience might have

One way to organize stimuli is through _____, or the focal point of your attention, and _____, the backdrop against which you are focused attention occurs.

Figure Ground


Some stimuli are focused on and others are

Two common errors in perception include

Stereotyping and relying on first impressions


Stimuli are arranged in meaningful units for groups


Stimuli are assigned meaning

A process of describing, interpreting, and verifying that helps us understand individual people and their messages more accurately is called

Perception checking

If a friend approaches you and makes a request that confuses or disturbed you, and you respond by restating his request, suggesting possible meanings, and asking questions to get better clarification, then you have engaged in _____

Perception checking

We perceive objects close to each other in space and time as meaningfully related, according to the principle of


Which of the following statements about sex the brain and perceptual differences between males and females is not correct

There is a great deal of conclusive evidence establishing an anatomical difference between male and female brains

Which of the following best explains why first impressions can be an accurate

They must be based on specific situations or circumstances that a person is facing


the act of expressing oneself and behaving in ways designed to create a favorable impression or an impression that corresponds to one's ideals


the way that someone or something looks

subjective perception

uniquely constructed meaning attributed to sensed stimuli


where and when the story takes place

Highlight the process of interpretive perception in the example

Brad emerges from his mountain cabin home to go to work. He looks up at the horizon and focuses on the closest strand of trees, letting the blue sky behind it fade into his peripheral vision. Brad is tired and his fatigue makes the sky seem too bright. Brad pulls out his keys to open the door to his truck and misses the lock the first time because he's rubbing his eyes Fatigue makes this guy seem too bright

The case of a woman who is a daughter and her parents home, a boss at her office, and a wife and mother in her own home would be examples of how rolls can change with


Gender identity refers to

How are you feel about an express your gender

Height weight and gender identity are examples of _____ factors that can affect perception


Differences in perception between two people may be the result of peoples

Identity factors peoples past experiences and rolls their present feelings and circumstances and current social and political events

Which of the following statements about stereotypes is not accurate

If we believe that all boys are bad we explain the behavior of a good boy by saying that he really is good and he's not just putting on an act

An _____ is a group that people belong to that gives them a source of pride self-esteem and sense of belonging to a social world

In group

Highlight the symbolic interactionism in the scenario below

Kesha arrives at her new dorm room a week before classes start and is disappointed to find mirror in the bathroom. When she was little her mother told her to check her reflection so that others would see her best face. She unpacks quickly because she wants to meet some new friends for dinner. Before leaving she draws a big smiley face on the door as a way of greeting her new roommate Told her to check her reflection

Stimuli can be organized in a number of ways including through

Organization Figure and ground Closure Proximity Similarity You engage in three activities during perception; selection, organization and interpretation

A good example of how perceptual consistency and Roll are related is

Parents treatment of their children sometimes even when they grow up your parents still treat them like kids

Do you want to talk to your lab partner after class about your assignments but your partner seems uncommunicative quiet and distracted. She keeps Leaning against the table and even puts her head down on it. You are offended until you learn that your lab partner ran in a marathon the previous day and is exhausted. What affected communication in this example

Present feelings and circumstances influence communication

One of the best ways to learn about yourself

Talk to people who know you

Being cold feeling hungry or being tired are all _____ conditions that can affect your perception


Which of the following is an example of selection in the process of perception

You ignore most of the conversation around you but when you hear your name you suddenly listen closely

selective exposure

You see hear read and otherwise experience information that reinforces rather than contradicts your beliefs and opinions

selective retention

You tend to remember better the things that reinforce your beliefs rather than those that oppose them

selective perception

You tend to see here and believe only what you want to see here and believe


a way of acting or behaving

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