Chapter 20 Final Review

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6000 V/m

A battery mainains the electrical potential difference of 6.0 V between two large parallel metal plates separated by 1.0 mm. What is the strength of the electric field between the plates?


A hydrogen atom consists of a proton and an electron. If the orbital radius of the electron increases, the electric potential energy of the electron due to the proton

The potential at points A and B are equal, and the potential at point C is lower than the potential at point A.

A region of space contains a uniform electric field, directed toward the right, as shown in the figure. Which statement about this situation is correct?

320 micro Joules

An air-filled capacitor has a potential difference between the plates of 80 V. If the charge on each of the plates of the capacitor has magnitude 8.0 microculoubs, what is the electrical energy stored by this capacitor?

Positively Charged

A negatively charged plastic rod is brought close to (but does not touch) a neutral metal sphere that is connected to the ground. After waiting a few seconds, the ground connection is removed (Without touching the sphere), and after that the rod is also removed. The sphere is now ___________________.

The sphere near the charged rod becomes positive and the other one becomes negative

A negatively charged rod is brought close to (but does not touch) two neutral spheres that are in contact with each other but insulated from the gound. If the two spheres are then separated, what kind of charge will be on the spheres?

2.0 N/C

A small object with a 5.0 microculomb charge is accelerating horizontally on a friction-free surface at .0050 m/s2 due only to an electric field. If the object has a mass of 2.0g, what is the magnitude of the electric field?

-196 nC

A small styrofoam ball of mass 0.120 g is placed in an electric field of 6000N/C pointing downward. What excess charge must be placed on the ball for it to remain suspended in the field

Trajectory Z

An electron is initially moving to the right when it enters a uniform electric field directed upwards, as shown in the figure. Which trajectory (X, Y, Z, or W) will the electron follow in the field?

it is moving from high potential to low potential and losing electric potential energy.

As a proton moves in the direction the electric field lines


Charges with opposite charges do what


Electric field lines will flow from positive charge to negative


Four point charges of magnitude 6.00 micro cuolombs and are at the corners of a square 2.00 m on each side. Two of the charges are positive, and two are negative. What is the electric potential at the center of this square, relative to infinity, due to these charges?

14.4 x 10^-19 J

How mych work is needed to carry an electron from the positive terminal of a 9.0 V battery. (e = 1.60 x 10^-19 C)

C (down and left)

THree equal negative point charges -q are placed at three of the corners of the square of side d shown in the figure. Which one of the arrows shown represents the direction of the net electric field at the center of the square?

Double the charge to 2Q

The electric field at point P due to a point charge Q a distance R away from P has magnitude E. In order to double the magnitude of the field at P, you could

400 V

The electric potential at a distance of 4 m from a certain point charge is 200 V relative to infinity. What is the potential at a distance of 2 m from the same charge?

B (down and left)

Three equal nevagive point charges -q are placed at three of the coners of a square of side d ans shown in the figure. Which one of the arrows shown represents the direction of the net elecric field at the vacant corner of the square?

A (up and to the right)

Three equal positive point charges +q are placed at the corners of a square of side d as shown in the figure. Which of the arrows shown represents the direction of the net electric field at the center of the square?


True or false: like charges will attract

Sphere #1 carries positive charge and #2 carries negative charge.

Two uncharged metal spheres, #1 and #2, are mounted on insulating support rods. A third metal sphere,carrying a positive charge, is then placed near #2. Now a copper wire is momentarily connected between #1 and #2 and then removed. Finally, sphere #3 is removed. In this final state,

200 micro Coulombs

What charge accumulates on the plates of a 2.0 micro F air-fille capacitor when it is charged until the potential difference across its plates is 100 V

50 micro F

When the magnitude of the charge on each plate of an air-filled capacitor is 4 micro coulombs, the potential difference between the plates is 80 V. What is the capacitance of this capacitor?

A (straight down)

Which of the arrows shown in the figure best represents the direction of the electric field between the two uniformly charged metal plates?

X is negative and Y is positive

X and Y are two initially uncharged metal spheres on insulating stands, and they are in contact with each other. A positively charged rod R is brought close to X as sshown in part (a) of the figure. Sphere Y is now moved away from X, as shown in part (b). What are the final charge states of X and Y?

It is moving from high potential to low potential and gaining electric potential energy

as an electron moves in the direction the electric field lines

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