Chapter 20 section 3

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Haiti's independence class notes why did the french surrender to haiti

January 1804 French army surrendered why? 1. Yellow fever 2. Haitian's guerilla tactics 3. Napoleon no longer support effects

What did toussaint join

Joined insurrection when he realized the Haitians weren't organized

Based on what you read, how could the class system play a role in the struggles in Latin America

Lower classes had less rights, were poor, and didn't have good jobs. Slaves and native Indians had less opportunities. No other classes opinions in government. Majority of the population were poor and unhappy

In summary how could Latin americas class system spark revolution

Lower classes wanted freedom, job opportunities, a role in the government


Rebellion;organized opposition to authority.

Who did Haiti borrow loans from to pay for debt to france

Take high interest loans from the US

when did wars of independence end and what was bolivar trying to do

ended by 1824 he worked tirelessly to unite the lands he had liberated into a single nation, called the Gran Colombia. bitter rivalries however made that dream impossible. before long, gran columbia split into four independent countries: Columbia, panama, venezuela, and ecuador.


european-descended latin americans who owned the haciendas, ranches, and mines-bitterly resented their second-class status

what creole priest in mexico raised his voice for freedom

father miguel hidalgo. he presided over the poor rural parish of Dolores.

who was dreaming of independence in ealry 1800s

discontent spread across south america. educated creoles like Simón Bolívar admired the french and american revolutions. they dreamed of winning their own independence from Spain.

who started reading the works of enlightenment thinkers in 1700s

educated creoles. they watched colonists in north america throw off british rule. translations of the declaration of independence and the constituiton of the US circulated among the creole elite.

why did slaves rise up in revolt in 1791

embittered by suffering and inspired by the talk of liberty and equality.

was morelos captured

for four years, morelos led rebel forces before he, too, was captured and shot in 1815. spanish forces, backed by conservative creoles, hunted down the suriving guerrillas. they had almost succeeded in ending the rebel movement when events in spain had unexpected effects.

war of the first coalition outside

france declared itself a republic and abolished monarchy. Several countries gather their armies to contain the revolution in france.treaty of Basel between Spain, France. Spain gives its colony Sd to France. France now has all of it

french revolution outside

france has 3 constitutions and continous changes in government. fought many international wars and a civil war.

Ar in sd

free men of color from sd fought with Americna rebels in GA. they gained military skills and experience. strenthened desire for independence.

nine years war in saint d

french claim sd

what did merchants fret over

fretted under mercantilist policies that tied the colonies to spain.

what is hispanolia now called

haiti, french planters owned very profitable sugar plantations worked by nearly a half million enslaved africans. sugar plantations were labor-intensive. the slaves were overworked and underfed.

whwere did martin go to fight

he too led an army across the andes, from argentina to chile. he defeated the spanish in chile before moving into peru to strike further blows against colonial rule. san martín turned his command over to bolívar in 1822, allowing bolivar's forces to win the final victories against spain.

what other victories did bolívar have

succeeded in freeing Carcas, Venezuela. "The Liberator", as he was now called, then moved south into ecuador, peru, and bolivia. there he joined forces with another great leader José de san martin

what did native americans suffer from

suffered economic misery under the spanish, who had conquered the lands of their ancestors

what happened outside of sd in thirty years war (1618-1648)

the thirty years war provided the opportunity to colonize on places like havana, cuba, sd. included spain, france, britain, netherlands, others fighting for power and colonies.

nine years war outside of sd

the treaty of Ryswick is signed. spain cedes western third of Hispanola to france

what happened in SD for thirty years war

their economy and population decreased, which allowed the french to settle on the island.

what did rebels achieve by 1798

their goal: slavery was abolished, and toussaint's forces controlled most of the island


to announce publicly or formally

what did young creoles travels during french revolution

traveled in europe and were inspired by the ideals of "liberty, equality, and fraternity." yet despite their admiration for enlightenment ideas and revolution in other lands, most creoloes were reluctant to act.

what did toussaint do in response to napoleon bonaparte

urged his countrymen to take up arms once again to resist the invaders.

AR outside

us declared independence from england

Father José Morelos

was a mestizo who called wide-ranging social and poltical reform.

what is the class system based on

wealth, job, and title -way in which society is organized

class system

when citizens of a country are born to a certain position in life, with little opportunity to change that classification.

what is domintant language in latin america

spanish except for brazil which is portugeese


spanish-born and members of the highest social class, dominanted latin american politcal and social life.

was the struggle for freedom happening after toussaints left

struggle for freedom continued, but in 1803 with yellow fever destroying their army, the french surrendered. in january 1804 the island declared itself an independent country under the name haiti. in the following years, rival haitian leaders fought for power. finally, in 1820, haiti became a republic.

what did father hidalgo's speech become known as

"el Grito de Dolores"- the cry of Dolores. it called Mexicans to fight for independence.

what was the spark that finally ignited widespread rebellion in latin america?

- napoleon's invasion of spain in 1808. napoleon ousted the spanish king and placed his brother joseph bonaparte on the spanish throne. - in latin america, leaders saw spain's weakness as an opportunity to reject foreign domination and demand independence from colonial rule.

What was France doing that made it harder for them to maintain control

-France was too preoccupied with its own revolution - France and America on bad terms

Haiti after independence Class notes

-Isolated from international powers -not recognized as independent country 1825 when France recognized their independence and in 1864 when US recognized

who did iturbide spend years fighting?

-Mexican revolutionaries - suddenly in 1821 he reached out to them. -backed by creoles, mestizos, and native americans, he overthrew the Spanish viceroy.

What factor does he list as important contributors to the successful revolution in saint-domingue

-Unified population -clarity of leadership which included well organized/resource army -refusal to accept the status quo-can't take this anymore something has to change

what did pedro accept in brazil

-a consttituion that provided for freedom of press, freedom of religion, and an elected legislature. -brazil remained a monarchy until 1889 when social and polticial turmoil led it to become a republic.

san martin

-a creole born in argenitna but went to europe for military training

how was saint domingue under french rule

-economically prosperous -successful trade after depleted gold with resources growing goods like sugar, coffee, cotton exported out made france and island money -used human slavery-made a lot of moolah -oppressed natives -many natives died from disease

in 1630, france occupies saint domingue

-land at the island of tortuga -raid any passing spanish ship -eventually take control of haiti by way of Treaty of Ryswick (1697) (on map left part was france right part was DR)

Jean Jacques dessalines

-leader of revolution after toussaint -anger of slavery and mistreatment -lead a blood war against the French

who declared independence in early 1820s and what did iturbide try to do

-spanish-ruled lands in Central America. -iturbide tried to add these areas to his mexican empire

What percents of creoles in Latin America


who did san martin help win freedom for

1816 helped argentina win freedom from spain he then joined the independence struggle in other areas.

What percent of spaniards in Latin america


What percent of mestizos in Latin America


What percent of native Indians in Latin america


What percent of slaves in Latin America


what did itudrbide take the title of once mexico was independent

Emperor Agustín I. soon however, liberal mexicans toppled the would-be monarch and set up a Republic of Mexico

What did toussaint become really good at

Finding openings for his army. This was a testament for his army and military skills. This included trenches, control, advantages

What were some of the causes of he American revolution?

Prices were surging Lower classes paying all taxes Wanted a say in government

New French constitution outside

Napoleon Bonaparte in power passes new constitution.

France abolishes slavery outside

National convention abolish slavery in France and territories

How could each of theses revolutions have inspired the people of Latin America to try and gain their independence

News spread to other countries and they were inspired by the two revolutions fighting for independence. Ideas that people should be equal and free

What explains why Haiti was so poor

Poor economy -infrastructure destroyed from burnt and destroyed during revolution - they were in debt to franc until 1947. They had to pay 22 billion dollars a year

War of the first coalition inside

Sd is invaded by Spain and Britain. SD is now controlled by France and Britain occupies parts of Sd until 1798

simon bolivar

Simon Bolivar who was also known as the Libertador and George Washington. He was attracted to enlightenment ideas. He united the Spanish colonies into Gran Columbia. Bolivar liberated Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and Peru which is today known as Bolivia. He united the countries he liberated but it did not last long

France abolished slavery inside

Slavery is abolished in sd

who did the slave rovlt frighten in spanish america

creoles. although they wanted power themselves, most had no desire for economic or social change that might threaten their way of life.

Explain why creoles could be resentful of the people in Latin America that were Spanish born

They could hold office in the government Had more powerful

Explain how lives of native people and slaves were similar

They were poor Had very little rights Lower classes

who marched the outskirts of mexico city

a ragged army of poor mestizos and native americans rallied to father hidalgo and marched to the outskirtrs of mexico city.

did the revolt/rebels of hidalgo's get what they fought for

after some early successes, the rebels faced growing opposition. less than a year after he issued the "Grito", Hidalgo was captured and executed, and his followers scattered.

what did the french and toussaint agree to

agreed to truce, but then they captured toussaint and carried him in chains to france. he died there in a cold mountain prison a year later.

who did the move of liberals forcing the king to issue a constitution alarm?

alarmed Agustín de Iturbide, a conservative creole in mexico. he feared that the new spanish government might impose liberal reforms on the colonies as well.

why were mestizos and mulattoes angry

angry at being denied the status, wealth, and power that were available to whites.

who continued the fight after hidalgo

another priest picked up the banner of revolution. Father Jose Morelos

did the creoles support the revolt made my hidalgo

at first, some creoles supported the revolt. however, they soon rejcted hidalgo's call for an end to slavery and his plea for reforms to improve conditions for native americans. they felt that these policies would cost them power

slaves revolt lead by Dutty Boukman

august 21, 1791 boukman rebellion -led by dutty boukman - organized a meeting in the northern moutains -burned plantations -grew in strength with freed slaves joinging -boukman eventually captured and beheaded

what was the plan that bolívar conceived that was daring

he would march his army across the andes and attack the spanish at Bogotá, the capital of the viceroyalty of New Granada (present day Columbia). first he cemented an alliance with the hard-riding llañeros, or venezuelan cowboys. then in a grueling caimpaign he led an army through swampy lowlands down to bogota from the surprised spanish.

french revolution in sd

ideas of the fr influenced whites, affranchis gave hope to enslaved. the polticial and social changes in france moved down to its colonies.

what did father jose morelos want to improve

improve conditions for the majority of mexicans, abolish slavery, and give the vote to all men.

what happened to pedro

in 1822 pedro followed is father's advice -a revolution had brought new leaders to portugal who planned to abolish refprms and demanded that dom pedro return -pedro refused to leave brazil -instead he became emperor of an indepedent brazil

what caused a widespread drive for independence in 1800s

in south america, native americans had rebelled against spanish ruleas early as the 1700s, though with limited results. it was not until the 1800s that discontent among the creoles sparked a widesrpead drive for independence.

declaration of the rights of man and citizen sd

it caused further divide in the population between wealthy white colonist, poorer whites, and affranchis.

what was spreading to lating america in late 1700s

liberal ideas. they were tired of 300 years of spanish rule

who fored the king to issue a constitution in Spain 1820


what happened after emperor agustín's I overthrow

local leaders set up a republic called the United Provinces of Central America. the unions soon fragmented into the separate republics of Guatemala, Nicaragua, honduras, el salvador, and costa rica.

what did Toussaint's face

many enemies. some mulatoes joined french planters against rebels. france, spain, and britain all sent armies against them. the fighting took more lives than any other revolution in the americas.

who longed for freedom

masses of enslaved Africans in the caribbean region and parts of south africa who worked on plantations

what population was growing

mestizos and mulattoes

who sent a large army to conquer the former colony haiti in 1802 a few years after controlling most of island

napoleon bonaparte

what did he summon the people to prayer

on september 15, 1810 he rang the church bells summoning the people to prayer. when they gathered, he startled them with an urgent appeal, "My children, will you be free?"

who were the only ones who could top jobs in government and the church



people of african and european descent


people of native american and european descent

what did napoleon's armies conquer and who fled

portugal, the portuguese royal family fled to brazil. when the king returned to portugal, he left his son Dom Pedro to rule brazil. "if brazil demands independence," the king advises pedro, "proclaim it yourself and put the crown on your own head."

what other dissapointment did bolivar face

power struggles among rival leaders triggered destructive civil wars. before his death in 1830, a discouraged bolviar wrote, "we have achieved our independence at the expense of everything else." contrary to his dreams, south americas common people had simply changed one set of masters for another.

who did the rebels find a good leader for revolt in 1791

rebels were fortunate to find an intelligent and skillful leader in Toussaint L'Ouverture- a self-educated former slave. although untrained, Toussaint was a brilliant general and inspiring commander.

when did bolivar and his friends see it as a good time to act

when napoleon bonaparte occupied spain. in 1810 bolívar led an urpising that established a republic in his native Venezuela. bolívar's new republic was quickly toppled by conservative forces, however. for years, civil war raged in venezuela. the revolutinaires suffered many setbacks. twice bolívar was forced into exile on the island of haiti

declaration of the rights of man and citizen outside

written and adopted by french national assembly. FNA excluded french colonies from france new constituiton which included the DRMC.

was revolution erupting in a french-ruled colony on the island of Hispaniola before spanish colonists hoisted the flag of freedom?


was mexico independent and what made them independent

yes mexico was independent because iturbide overthre spanish viceroy.

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