chapter 21

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Which of the following is correct regarding the inflammatory phase of healing?

a. Histamine and bradykinin are released. b. A noxious stimulation of nerve fibers causes pain. d. Growth factors stimulate healing.

Which of the following is correct regarding osteoarthritis?

a. Mechanical stresses can result in microfractures. b. Osteoarthritis is characterized by deterioration of the cartilaginous weight-bearing surfaces of articular joints. c. The proliferation of new bone can manifest itself as spurs.

Which of the following is correct regarding intervertebral discs?

a. The bodies of each vertebra are connected to each other by intervertebral discs. c. They absorb shock and stabilize the vertebral column by preventing excessive shear. d. Posterolateral disc herniations are the most common type of disc herniation.

Which of the following terms is correct regarding the remodeling phase of healing?

a. The change from repair to remodeling is gradual. b. Production of collagen fibers has decreased significantly. d. The collagen fibers of the newly formed scar tissue begin to hypertrophy.

Which of the following is recommended for rotator cuff exercises?

a. shoulder below 90 degrees elevation c. high repetitions d. arm forward of the body

Which of the following exercises is contraindicated for a client following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?

c. end range of leg extension

Which of the following exercises is not either precautions or contraindications for individuals with a herniated disc injury? a. standing toe touch b. full sit-up c. plank d. deadlift

c. plank

Which of the following terms describes the composition of scar tissue?

collagen cross-links

Which of the following exercises is recommended to be used with caution if a client is experiencing anterior knee pain?

full lunge

Which of the following exercises is contraindicated for a client following knee arthroplasty?

full squat

Excessive forward flexion of the lumbar area due to the posterior pull on the pelvis, especially during movement, can result in low back pain. If this is the case, which of the following interventions would be recommended?

hamstrings stretching

what type of exercises should you prescribe to someone with rheumatoid arthritis?

improve function, isometric and resistance training, flexibility is important

What type of ankle sprain is the most common?

inversion (lateral ligament)

Which of the following activities is specifically recommended during periods of exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis?


what exercises should you do for runners knee?

leg press, partial squats

what type of volume should you prescribe to someone with osteoarthritis?

low load, high reps

what movement should you avoid if you have a disc dysfunction?

lumbar flexion/rotation (sit up)

what is the remodel phase of the tissue healing process?

new tissue gets stronger

Which of the following is the most common indication for a knee replacement?


what exercises should you do after knee replacement?

partial lunge, leg extension and curl

what movement should you avoid if you have a muscle strain in low back?

passive lumbar flexion/active lumbar extension (knee to chest stretch)

how can you correct impingement?

posture, scapular control, reduce overhead movements, strengthen rotator cuff, external rotation exercises

what is the inflammation phase of the tissue healing process?

prepares for new tissue

what is the repair phase of the tissue healing process?

prevents muscle atrophy, promotes collagen resynthesis, avoid disruption of new fibers

In which of the phases of healing are functional strengthening exercises advised?

remodeling phase only

In which of the phases of healing are range of motion exercises advised?

repair and remodeling phases only

fracture of lumbar spine; flexion is good and extension should be avoided

spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis

Which of the following is a closed kinetic chain exercise?


Which of the following is an open kinetic chain exercise?

straight leg raise

Which of the following terms is used to describe a stretching or tearing of muscle fibers?


what is macrotrauma?

sudden and obvious episode of tissue overload and subsequent damage

Which of the following terms is used to exclusively refer to the inflammation of a tendon?


what should you avoid after total hip replacement?

- hip flexion, adduction, internal rotation - high impact activities

what is a microtrauma?

- results from the accumulation of tissue damage across time - often referred to as an overuse injury - not always caused by repeated physical activity

T/F: Hip dysfunction is more common than shoulder dysfunction.


what are the 5 symptoms of metabolic disorder?

1. waist > 40 (m), waist > 35 (w) 2. hypertriglyceridemia > 150mg/dl 3. reduced HDL: <40 mm/dl (m) <50 mm/dl (w) 4. elevated BP: >130/85 mm/Hg 5. elevated fasting glucose: >100 mg/dl

Which of the following is correct regarding spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis?

b. Clients with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis may experience paresthesia. c. Complaints most often increase with lumbar extension. d. Complaints most often improve with lumbar flexion.

Which of the following is correct regarding the repair phase of healing?

b. Damaged tissue is regenerated. c. New capillaries and connective tissue form. d. Collagen fibers are randomly laid down.

Which of the following is correct regarding muscle strains?

b. Exercises and movements that rely on the strained muscle should be avoided. c. Muscle strains require completion of the various phases of tissue healing. d. Exercise restriction after muscle strain is highly dependent on the muscle that has been strained.

Which of the following is correct regarding low back pain?

b. It can be caused by a strain, a sprain, disc herniation, osteoarthritis, or tight muscles. c. If pain decreases, muscles may still be weak because their return to normal function is not automatic. d. The muscles become weak and function improperly.

Which of the following is correct regarding edema?

b. It is preceded by increased blood flow and capillary permeability. c. It refers to the escape of fluid into the surrounding tissues. d. It limits the injured client's activity level.

Which of the following is correct regarding rheumatoid arthritis (RA)?

b. The joint capsule is weakened. c. It is an autoimmune disease. d. Presentation of RA is variable, with cycles of exacerbation and remission.

Which of the following exercises is not contraindicated for spondylolysis and acute or subacute spondylolisthesis? a. squat b. abdominal crunch c. shoulder press d. push press

b. abdominal crunch

Which of the following is an exercise contraindication for shoulder instability? a. rotator cuff strengthening exercises b. behind the neck shoulder press c. scapular strengthening d. stabilization: static to dynamic

b. behind the neck shoulder press

Which of the following exercises is contraindicated for a client following hip arthroscopy?

ballistic stretching

Which of the following swimming strokes is considered safe to perform for a client who has completed treatment for an unstable shoulder?


Which of the following is a correct shoulder exercise modification for a client who requires reduced shoulder stress during traditional resistance exercises? a. For the shoulder press, the client should lower the barbell behind the head. b. For the lat pulldown, the client should lower the bar behind the head. c. For the bench press, the client should keep the upper arms far from the body to maximize horizontal abduction. d. For the pec deck, during the eccentric phase, the client should not allow the pads to pass behind the body at their most posterior position.

d. For the pec deck, during the eccentric phase, the client should not allow the pads to pass behind the body at their most posterior position.

Which of the following causative factors of subacromial impingement syndrome cannot be altered by exercise prescription? a. poor posture b. muscle imbalances c. scapular control d. acromion that compresses the subacromial structures

d. acromion that compresses the subacromial structures

Weakness or failure of the _______________ muscle to properly function does not contribute to subacromial impingement. a. upper and lower trapezius b. serratus anterior c. levator scapulae d. anterior deltoid

d. anterior deltoid

what exercises should you do after acl?

elliptical, step ups, leg curls

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