Chapter 21 Checkpoints

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This blood sample was taken from the umbilical vein, which carries oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood from the placenta to the fetus.

A blood sample taken from the umbilical cord contains high levels of oxygen and nutrients, and low levels of carbon dioxide and waste products. Is this sample from an umbilical artery or from the umbilical vein? Explain?

A blockage of the left subclavian artery would interfere with blood flow to the left arm.

A blockage of which branch from the aortic arch would interfere with blood flow to the left arm?

A blockage of the popliteal vein would interfere with blood flow in the tibial and fibular veins (which form the popliteal vein) and the small saphenous vein (which joins the popliteal vein).

A thrombus that blocks the popliteal vein would interfere with blood flow in which other veins?

The ballooning out of a weakened arterial wall resulting from sudden pressure increases.

Define Aneurysm?

A stationary blood clot within the lumen of a blood vessel.

Define Thrombus?

Vasodilators promote the dilation of precapillary sphincters. Local vasodilators, such as decreased O2 levels or increased CO2 levels, act at the tissue level to accelerate blood flow through their tissue of origin

Describe the actions of vasodilators and local vasodilators?

Provides other body systems with oxygen, hormones, nutrients, and white blood cells in blood, while removing carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes; It also transfers heat to body tissues.

Describe what the cardiovascular system provides for all other body systems?

Both aldosterone and ADH promote fluid retention and reabsorption at the kidneys, preventing further reductions in blood volume.

Explain the role of aldosterone and ADH in long-term restoration blood volume?

Rupture of the celiac trunk would most directly affect the stomach, spleen, liver, and pancreas.

Grace is in an automobile accident, and her celiac trunk is ruptured. Which organ will be affected most directly by this injury?

Pressure on the common carotid artery would decrease blood pressure at the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus. This decrease would cause a decreased frequency of action potentials along the glossopharyngeal cranial nerve (IX) to the medulla oblongata, and more sympathetic impulses would be sent to the heart. The net result would be an increase in heart rate.

How would applying slight pressure to the common carotid artery affect your heart rate?

The blood, heart, and blood vessels.

Identify components of the cardiovascular system that are affected by age?

1. Pulmonary circuit 2. Systemic circuit

Identify the 2 circuits of the cardiovascular system?

1. The peripheral distributions of arteries and veins on the body's left and right sides are generally identical, except near the heart, where the largest vessels connect to the atria and ventricles 2. A single vessel may have several names as it crossed specific anatomical boundaries, making accurate anatomical descriptions possible 3. Tissues and organs are usually serviced by several arteries and veins.

Identify the 3 major patterns of blood vessel organization seen in the pulmonary and systemic circuits of the cardiovascular system?

1. Vascular resistance 2. Vessel length 3. Vessel diameter 4. Blood viscosity 5. Turbulence

Identify the 5 factors that contribute to total peripheral resistance?

In a healthy person, blood pressure is greater at the aorta than at the inferior vena cava. Blood, like other fluids, moves along a pressure gradient from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. If the pressure were higher in the inferior vena cava than in the aorta, the blood would flow backward.

In a healthy person, where is blood pressure greater: At the aorta or at the inferior vena cava? Explain?

1. Arteries 2. Arterioles 3. Capillaries 4. Venules 5. Veins

List the 5 general classes of blood vessels?

Mike's mean arterial pressure is approximately 88.3 mm Hg; 70 + (125-70)/3 = 70 + 18.3 = 88.3

Mike's blood pressure is 125/70. What is his mean arterial pressure?

2 umbilical arteries supply blood to the placenta. The umbilical vein then drains into the ductus venosus within the fetal liver. (Remember, arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry blood to the heart.)

Name the 3 vessels that carry blood to and from the placenta?

The pulmonary arteries enter the lungs carrying deoxygenated blood, and the pulmonary veins leave the lungs carrying oxygenated blood.

Name the blood vessels that enter and exit the lungs, and whether they contain primarily oxygenated or deoxygenated blood?

The immediate problem during hemorrhaging is maintaining adequate blood pressure and peripheral blood flow; the long-term problem is restoring normal blood volume.

Name the immediate and long-term problems related to the cardiovascular response to hemorrhaging?

Structures specific to the fetal circulation include two umbilical arteries, an umbilical vein, the ductus venosus, the foramen ovale, and the ductus arteriosus. In the newborn, the foramen ovale closes and persists as the fossa ovalis, a shallow depression; the ductus arteriosus persists as the ligamentum arteriosum, a fibrous cord; and the umbilical vessels and ductus venosus persist throughout life as fibrous cords.

Name the structures in the fetal circulation that stop functioning at birth. What becomes of these structures?

Right ventricle -> Pulmonary Trunk -> Left and Right pulmonary arteries -> Pulmonary arterioles -> Alveoli -> Pulmonary venules -> Pulmonary veins -> Left atrium

Trace the path of a drop of blood through the lungs beginning at the right ventricle and ending at the left ventricle?

Vasoconstriction of the renal artery would decrease both blood flow and blood pressure at the kidney. In response, the kidney would increase the amount of renin it releases, which in turn would lead to an increase in the level of angiotensin II. Th angiotensin II would bring increased blood pressure and increased blood volume.

What effect would the vasoconstriction of the renal artery have on blood pressure and blood volume?

The skeletal system provides calcium needed for normal cardiac muscle contraction, and it protects developing blood cells in the red bone marrow. The cardiovascular system provides calcium and phosphate for bone deposition, delivers erythropoietin to red bone marrow, and transports parathyroid hormone and calcitonin to osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

What is the relationship between the skeletal system and the cardiovascular system?

The vein that is bulging in Tim's neck is the external jugular vein.

Whenever Tim gets angry, a large vein bulges in the lateral region of his neck. Which vein is this?

Fenestrated capillaries are located where fluids and small solutes move freely, into and out of the blood, including endocrine glands, the choroid plexus of the brain, absorptive areas of the intestine, and filtration areas of the kidneys.

Where in the body would you find fenestrated capillaries?


Which type of vessel is characterized by thin walls with very little smooth muscle tissue in the tunica media?

While Sally was standing for a period of time, blood pooled in her lower limbs, which decreased venous return to her heart. In turn, cardiac output decreased, so less blood reached her brain, causing light-headedness and fainting . A hot day adds to this effect, because the loss of body water through sweating reduces blood volume.

While standing in the hot sun, Sally begins to feel light-headed and faints. Explain what happened?

In the arterial system, pressures are high enough to keep the blood moving forward. In the venous system, blood pressure is too low to keep the blood moving toward the heart. Valves in veins prevent blood from flowing backward whenever the venous pressure drops.

Why are valves located in veins but not in arteries?

1. Cardiac output increases 2. Resistance in visceral tissues increases

Why does blood pressure increase during exercise?

Compression of the common carotid arteries would decrease blood pressure at the carotid sinus and cause a reduction in blood flow to the brain, resulting in a loss of consciousness. An immediate reflexive increase in heart rate and blood pressure would follow.

Why would compression of the common carotid arteries cause a person to lose consciousness?

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