Chapter 23 APUSH Key terms

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Roosevelt Recession

A 1937 economic downturn caused by sound fiscal policy due to cut spending and higher taxes

Emergency Banking Relief Act

A government legislation passed during the depression that dealt with the bank problem. The plan would close down failing banks and reorganize and reopen those banks strong enough to survive.

Brain Trust

A group of university professors whom Roosevelt turned to for advice on economic matters

Bonus March

A march of 1000 unemployed veterans who were soon joined by many others to demand immediate payment of the bonuses promised them at a later date.

"Soak the Rich" Tax

A tax reform bill that increased estate and corporate taxes and instituted higher personal income tax rates in the top brackets, very controversial.


Agricultural Adjustment Administration: attempted to regulate agricultural production through farm subsidies; ruled unconstitutional in 1936; disbanded after World War II

Economic Bill of Rights

Also known as the Second Bill of Rights. It was the idea of FDR's 1944 State of the Union address in which every citizen has the right to a job, food, shelter, clothing, financial security in unemployment, illness, or old age.

21st Amendment

Amendment which ended the Prohibition of alcohol in the US, repealing the 18th amendment .

Francis Townsend

Attracted the trusting support of perhaps 5 million "senior citizens" with his fantastic plan of each senior receiving $200 month, provided that all of it would be spent within the month. Precursor to Social security act of 1935.

Marian Anderson

Black contralto opera singer; Daughters of American Revolution (DAR) denied her use of Constitution Hall in Wash. DC because she was black; Eleanor Roosevelt resigned from DAR; Interior Secretary Harold Ickes arranged for a concert at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial drew 75,000, first modern rights demonstration

Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States

Declared unconstitutional parts of the NIRA that gave the president some of congress's right to regulate commerce; part of why FDR tried court-packing


Employed about 3 million men (between 18-25) to work on projects that benefited the public, planting trees to reforest areas, building levees for flood control, and improving national parks, etc.

Bank Holiday

FDR closes all American banks for 4 days (Congress meets to discuss legislation); Creates a great sense of relief for the public

Fair Employment Practices Commission

FDR issued this committee in 1941 to enforce the policy of prohibiting employment-related discrimination practices by federal agencies, unions, and companies involved in war-related work It guaranteed the employment of 2 million black workers in the war factories.

Social-Welfare Liberalism

Idea of government being partly responsible to the social welfare of citizens.

New Deal Coalition

President Franklin Roosevelt's precursor of the modern welfare state (1933-1939); programs to combat economic depression enacted a number of social insurance measures and used government spending to stimulate the economy; increased power of the state and the state's intervention in U.S. social and economic life.

Court Packing

Roosevelt's proposal in 1937 to "reform" the Supreme Court by appointing an additional justice for every justice over age of 70; following the Court's actions in striking down major New Deal laws, FDR came to believe that some justices were out of touch with the nation's needs. Congress believed Roosevelt's proposal endangered the Court's independence and said no.

Social Security Act

Social Security Act of 1935 created a federal insurance program based on the automatic collection of taxes from employees and employers throughout people's working careers. They would receive this money in a monthly pension when they reached the age of 65. The unemployed, disabled, and mothers with dependent children would also receive this money.


Tennessee Valley Authority. Built dams for flood control and hydroelectric power in the Tennessee valley, created projects to combat erosion and deforestation.

Frances Perkins

The U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, and the first woman ever appointed to the US Cabinet. As a loyal supporter of her friend Franklin D. Roosevelt, she helped pull the labor movement into the New Deal coalition. She and Interior Secretary Harold Ickes were the only original members of Roosevelt's cabinet who remained in offices for his entire Presidency.


The chief measure to promote recovery was the NIRA. It set up the National Recovery Administration and set prices, wages, work hours, and production for each industry. Based on theory that regulation of the economy would allow industries to return to full production, thereby leading to full employment and a return of prosperity.

Dust Bowl

The drought-stricken plains areas from which hundreds of thousands of "Okies" were driven during the Great Depression

Hoover Dam

The gigantic Colorado River project voted by Congress under Coolidge, begun under Hoover, and completed under FDR. It was used for irrigation, flood control, and electricity

Keynesian Economics

Theory based on the principles of John Maynard Keynes, stating that government spending should increase during business slumps and be curbed during booms.

Relief/Recovery/ Reform

These were the categories into which the New Deal was split. Relief defined by the acts implemented in the area of aid to the unemployment. Recovery put forth measures that would help aid in the speedy recovery of areas hit hardest by the depression. Reform tried to recreate areas that seemed faulty

First Hundred Days

This is the term applied to President Roosevelt's first three months in taking office. During this time, FDR had managed to get Congress to pass an unprecedented amount of new legislation that would revolutionize the role of the federal government from that point on. This era saw the passage of bills aimed at repairing the banking system and restoring American's faith in the economy, starting government works projects to employ those out of work, offering subsidies for farmers, and devising a plan to aid in the recovery of the nation's industrial sector.

Treaty of Relations (Cuba/1934)

Treaty with Cuba that completed the Platt Amendment. Said that Cuba would not go into mass debt, will not let foreign countries use their land, will allow the US to have naval bases on the land (Guantanamo Bay), allow US to intervene on its government if the US thinks it needs help, get US approval of all military acts, and a few others.


Works Progress Administration. Built roads, bridges, buildings, even provided money for art projects; by 1936 7% of the American work force was employed by the WPA.

Father Coughlin

catholic priest- preached idea of"social justice."He was an anti-deal/anti-semitic and fascist. He did radio broadcasts until shut down by govt.

Wagner Act

guaranteed the right of unions to organize and to collectively bargain with management.

Huey Long

popular for his "Share the Wealth" program, which stated that "every man was a king," each family was to receive $5000, allegedly from the rich.

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