Chapter 23: The Great Depression

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What percent of black women were employed during the 1930s? What percent of white women were employed in the 1930s?

38%, 24% ( more black women than white women had jobs )

How many American banks either went bankrupt or closed their doors to avoid bankruptcy between 1930 and 1933


Act that established the first major government program to help farmers maintain prices. A federally sponsored farm board would make loans to national marketing cooperatives or establish corporations to buy surplus and thus raise prices

Agricultural marketing act

In addition to the agricultural marketing act, Hoover attempted to protect American farmers from international competition by raising___________

Agricultural tariffs

Some of the writings from the depression were frankly and openly challenging to the dominant values of__________

American popular culture

_________ was a powerful force in the 1930s, just as it had been after World War I and would be again in the 1940s and 1950s


What was the staple broadcasting of radios during this time period?

Comedies such as Amos 'n Andy. Entertainment programs

Which party was active in organizing the unemployed in the early 1930s and staged a hunger march in Washington DC in 1931

Communist party

The NAACP supported the formation of ____________________to help break down racial barriers within labor unions

Congress of industrial organizations

A league formed by Japanese people in 1930 to promote their goals of overcoming discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities, and also becoming more assimilated

Japanese American citizens league

In California, younger men and women organized_____________________________In several cities, which worked for, among other things, laws protecting racial and ethnic minorities from discrimination

Japanese American democratic clubs

American writer and one of the major novelists of the post-World War I "lost generation." He is most notable for his USA Trilogy, a series of 3 novels that cover the historical development of the United States over the first 3 decades of the 20th century.

John Dos Passos

Which successful novelist chronicled the social conditions of the 1930s, particularly in his most celebrated novel "the grapes of wrath" published in 1939?

John Steinbeck

What are the factors that account for the severity of the depression

Lack of diversification in the American economy in the 1920s maldistribution of purchasing power and, as a result, a weakness in consumer demand the problematic credit structure of the economy America's position in international trade (unstable international debt structure) The international debt structure

What did American banks begin doing for European governments since America refused to forgive or reduce the debts from the war

Made loans to European governments, with which they paid off their earlier loans

Throughout the nation, problems resulting from______________&________________Grew at an alarming rate, and hospitals pointed to a striking increase in deaths

Malnutrition and homelessness

What rates declined simultaneously for the first time since the early 19th century due to the great depression

Marriage and birth rates

Like African-American farmworkers, many_________________Began to migrate to cities such as Los Angeles, where they lived in a poverty comparable to that of urban blacks in the south & Northeast


There were signs of organized resistance by Mexican Americans, most notably in California, where some formed a union of___________________

Migrant farm workers

Which organization began to work diligently to win a position for blacks within the emerging labor movement, supporting the formation of the Congress of industrial organizations and helping to break down racial barriers within labor unions


What did the federal reserve system, concerned about protecting its own solvency in a dangerous economic environment, do, which contracted the money supply even further?

Raised interest rates in 1931

Which filmmaker, with funding from new deal agencies, made a series of powerful and political documentaries "The plow that broke the plains" "the river" that combined a celebration of new deal programs with a heart critique of the exploitation of people and the environment that industrial capitalism had produced

Pare Lorentz

What new industries were emerging to take up the slack of the construction and automobile industries as they begin to decline

Petroleum, chemicals, plastics, other consumer goods

What disease did Franklin Delano Roosevelt suffer from


Books such as king Vidor's our daily bread and John Ford's adaptation of John Steinbeck's novel the grapes of wrath explored what kind of Themes?

Political themes

Leading magazines focused more on fashions, stunts, scenery, and the arts rather than______________________ of the nation.

Social conditions

Which union attempted to create a biracial coalition of sharecroppers, tenant farmers, and others to demand economic reform

Southern tenant farmers union (STFU)

The American communist party was always under close and rigid supervision of...

Soviet union

A war in Spain that pitted the fascists of Francisco Franco (nationalist leader who was receiving support from Hitler and Mussolini) against the existing Republican government. It attracted a substantial group of young Americans— more than 3,000— Who formed the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (directed in part by the American Communist Party) and traveled to Spain to join the fight against the fascists. About a third of its members died in combat.

Spanish Civil War

An increasing number of families were turning to ____________________, Just to be able to eat

State and local public relief systems

Mickey Mouse made his debut in the 1928 cartoon ____________

Steamboat Willie

In which union did African Americans constitute about 20% of the membership

Steelworkers Union

Why did the tariff act of 1930 harm the agricultural economy

Stifled exports of food

A system through which a few large movie companies exercised iron control over actors, writers, and directors, and through which directors could single-handedly decide the fate of most projects

Studio system

What did Herbert Hoover propose in 1932 at the depth of the depression to help the government avoid deficit

Tax increase

In February, only a month before the inauguration of FDR, a new crisis developed when the collapse of_________________Suddenly and rapidly accelerated

The American banking system

__________Was important to many American intellectuals, especially those on the left. It help to give meaning and purpose to individual lives

The Spanish civil war

What organization in the south demanded that all blacks be dismissed from their jobs until all white men had a job

The black shirts

Historian John Maynard Keynes compared the great depression to what other historical era

The dark ages, which lasted 400 years

Some argue that a severe depression could have been avoided if________________Acted more responsibly

The federal reserve system

True or false, most release programs excluded Mexicans from their rolls or offered them benefits far below those available to whites


True or false, much literature and journalism in the 1930s dealt directly or indirectly with the tremendous disillusionment, and the increasing radicalism of the Era


True or false, neither the STFU nor the socialist party itself made real progress towards establishing Socialism as a major force in American politics, and socialist party membership had fallen


True or false, radio programs were broadcast live, and as a result, radio spawned an eNormous number of public performances


True or false, since the collapse of prices for cotton and other staple crops left some black Americans with no income, some migrated to southern cities. But unemployed whites in the urban south believed they had first claim to all the work and began to take all the positions that African-Americans would have formerly occupied


True or false, some Mexicans were, in effect of the unemployment problem, were forced to leave the country by officials who arbitrarily removed them from relief rolls or simply round them up and transported them across the border


True or false, some men deserted their families bent on escaping the humiliation of being an able to earn a living


True or false, some of the most dramatic moments of the 1930s were a result of radio coverage of celebrated events


True or false, some of the most significant depression literature offered corrosive portraits of the harshness and emptiness of American life. Such was displayed in Nathaniel West's "miss Lonelyhearts" and "the disheartened"


True or false, state and local governments harried and sometimes imprisoned communist organizers


True or false, tax revenues were declining along with everything else, so state governments could not expand their assistance to the unemployed


True or false, the American communist party began to praise the new deal, and it even supported John L Lewis, a powerful, and strongly anti-communist, labor leader


True or false, the RFC did not have enough money to make any real impact on the depression, and did not even spend all the money it had


True or false, the Reconstruction finance corporation lent funds only to financial institutions with sufficient collateral; much of its money went to large banks and corporations


True or false, the cultural products of the 1930s that attracted the widest popular audiences were those that diverted attention away from the depression. They came through radios and the movie


True or false, the demand for relief was so high that many of the state and local public relief systems began to collapse


True or false, the depression produced powerful confirmations of traditional values and reinforced many traditional goals


True or false, the depression was a time of important changes in the role and behavior of leading black organizations


True or false, the economic hardships of the depression years placed great strains on families, many of whom had been used to a steadily rising standard of living


Japanese American businessmen and professionals tried to overcome obstacles by encouraging other Japanese to become more assimilated, more "________________"


The day that the stock market crashed was given the name_______________

"Black Tuesday"

What was the slogan adopted by the American communist party

"Communism is 20th Century Americanism"

The enormously popular new photographic journal, which began publication in 1936 and quickly became one of the most successful magazines in American history. It had one of the largest readerships of any publication in the US


In some respects, the economic crisis worked to undermine the traditional__________________ in America. On the whole, the depression did not seriously erode this

"Success ethic"

What was the budget of the RFC (reconstruction finance corporation) For Public works alone in 1932

$1.5 billion

How much money the depositors lose in deposits

$2.5 billion

How many shares of stock were traded on Black Tuesday

16 million

Who organized the southern tenant farmers union

HL Mitchell, a young socialist

True or false, most Mexican Americans lived in urban areas


1930 saw the beginning of_____________Asvthe champion of animation and children's entertainment

Walt disney

Secretary of the NAACP, who once made a personal appearance at an auto plant to implore African Americans not to work as strike breakers

Walter White

The actor/director Orson Welles created another memorable event in 1938 when he broadcast "______________", Which created panic among millions of People who believed for a while that the fictional events described were real

War of the worlds

What resulted from the maldistribution of purchasing power, contributing to the severity of the great depression

Weakness in consumer demand (which was too small to create an adequate market for goods the economy produced)

Hollywood continue to exercise tight control over its products in the 1930s through its resilient censor_______________,Who insured that most movies carried no sensational or controversial messages

Will Hayes

The new deal sponsored artistic work through the_________________That was frankly challenging to the capitalist norms of the 1920s

Works projects administration

President Hoover proposed to Congress an increase of $_________________ million of government spending——— A significant sum by the standards of the time——in federal public works programs, and he exhorted state and local governments to fund public construction

$423 million

What fraction of black women lost their jobs in the 1930s


As the depression began, what fraction of all black Americans still lived in the south?What was their primary occupation?

1/2 ; farmers

What was the average summer temperature in the states that were affected by the dust bowl

100 degrees

Formal membership of the American communist party grew to about________In the mid-1930s


How many African-Americans were on some form of relief by 1932

2 million

How many people, most of them young, took to the roads and rode freight trains between cities, living as nomads during the depression

2 million

What was the population of Mexicans in Mexican Americans in the 1930s

2 million

By the end of the great depression,___________%More women were working than had been doing so at the beginning


How much did the consumer price index decline between 1929 and 1933?


The American gross national product plummeted from more than $104 billion to $76.4 billion in 1929 -1932, a ___________% decline


What was the unemployment rate during the Great Depression?


How much did the wholesale price index decline between 1929 and 1933


For how many years did the stock market remain greatly depressed

4 years

The price of stocks began a steady rise that continued for a year and a half before the great crash. What percent did the average price of stocks increase


How many black Southerners left the south in the 1930s and journeyed to the cities of the north


In New York and many other cities, black unemployment was_______% or more


How many members did the Japanese American citizens league have by 1940


How much did farm income decline by between 1929 in 1932

60% (1/3 American farmers lost their land)

What was Hoovers first response to the depression

Attempt to restore public confidence in the economy

In May 1931, one of the largest banks in which European country collapsed due to the fact that many European nations could not rely on loans from American banks because they could no longer get them


A collapse of much of the_________________Followed the stock market crash

Banking system

Great dust storms that swept across the plains, blocking out the sun and suffocating livestock as well as people unfortunate or foolish enough to stay outside

Black blizzards

A group of demonstrators made up of 20,000 US WWI veterans who gathered in Washington DC. They held a strike in response to the rejection by President Hoover of payments for their service in WWI. Their appeal was rejected due to the economic circumstances of the time, and strikers remained in Washington for about a month until they were dispersed by forces led by General Douglas MacArthur.

Bonus Army

In what place did the largest Japanese American and Chinese American populations reside


Norman Thomas, leader of the Socialist party of America cited the economic crisis as evidence of the failure of_________________


Perhaps half a million_____________ Left the United States for Mexico in the years of the depression


What were the few basic industries that prosperity had depended excessively on, contributing to the lack of diversification in the American economy

Construction and automobiles (those industries began to decline)

Herbert Hoover's goal was to complete a stable system of___________________ and sustain a____________________________

Cooperative individualism, successful economy

Writer and lecturer who Wrote the self-help manual "how to Win friends and influence people". It was one of the best selling books of the decade.The message was not only that personal initiative was the route to success; it was also that the best way for people to get ahead was to fit in and make other people feel important

Dale Carnegie

Declining money supply meant a decline in purchasing power, and thus____________


Who were Louis B Mayer and Jack Warner

Director of movie companies in the studio system

Among those who were most effective in conveying the dimensions of rural poverty was a group of__________________________, Many of them employed by the federal farm security administration

Documentary photographers

Black women suffered massive unemployment because of a great reduction of_________________\

Domestic service jobs

One of the worst droughts in the history of the nation. Beginning in 1930, a large area of the nation, stretching North from Texas into the Dakotas, experienced the drought. This region had a steady decline in rainfall and an accompanying increase in heat. The drought continued for a decade, turning what had once been fertile farm regions into deserts

Dust bowl

Widespread speculative fever grew in the stock market, particularly once brokerage firms began encouraging the mania by recklessly offering__________________________

Easy credit

Which famous American novelist spent time as a correspondent in Spain during the Spanish Civil War, and wrote his novel "for whom the Bell tolls" of how the war provided those Americans who fought in it with "a part in something which you could believe in wholly and completely and in which you felt an absolute brotherhood with others who were engaged in it

Ernest Hemingway

An exposé of poverty in the rural South, which later became a long running Broadway play

Erskine Caldwel's "tobacco road"

Relating to Americas position in international trade, America experienced a decline in the demand for their goods coming from which region of the world?


An association formed by a group of unhappy farm owners in Des Moines Iowa, which endorsed the withholding of farm products from the market-In effect a farmers strike

Farmers holiday association

What was the issue with the credit structure of the economy, which contributed to the severity of the great depression

Farmers were deeply in debt, (their land was mortgaged and they could not pay what they owed) banks Often failed (as customers defaulted on loans, and as they invested recklessly in the stock market making unwise loans)

Which Director provided a muted social message in several of his comedies such as, "Mr. deeds goes to town", "Mr. Smith goes to Washington," and "meet John Doe"

Frank Capra

A Hudson Valley aristocrat and distant cousin of Theodore Roosevelt, and a handsome, charming young man, who progressed rapidly in politics from a seat in the New York State legislatureTo a position as assistant secretary of the Navy during World War I to his parties vice presidential nomination in 1920 on the ill-fated ticket with James M Cox

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Democratic candidate of the election of 1932

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Who said the words "I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people"

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

What kind of film genre portrayed a dark, greedy, violent world with which few Americans were familiar

Gangster movies

What was the name of the Army Chief of Staff Who carried out the mission to clear out the bonus army from Washington? They pursued them with the third cavalry, two infantry Regiments, a machine gun detachment, and six tanks down Pennsylvania Avenue, where the veterans were ordered to burn down their tent city

General Douglas MacArthur

Hoover also attempted to use___________ Spending as a tool for fighting the depression


A novel written by the famous writer John Steinbeck who chronicled the social conditions in the 1930s. This was his most celebrated novel, published in 1939. It told of the story of a migrant family from the Dust Bowl to California, who encountered an unending string of calamities and failures. He offered not only a harsh portrait of the exploitive features of agrarian life in the west, but also a tribute to the endurance of his main characters-and to the spirit of community they represent.

Grapes of Wrath

As a result of Walter White's efforts in imploring African-Americans not to work as strikebreakers, more than_________________ Blacks were able to join the labor movement

Half a million

Congressional committees chaired by_____________&________________Investigated communist influence wherever they could find it

Hamilton fish (NY) & Martin Dies

Republican candidate of the election of 1932

Herbert Hoover

Who proposed the agricultural marketing act

Herbert Hoover

Why did European demand for American goods decline

High American tariffs, European industry and agriculture was becoming more productive, some European nations had financial difficulties and could not afford it, European economy was destabilized by the international debt structure

What kind of American tariffs were making it difficult for Europeans to sell their goods in American markets?

High protective tariffs

As in the south, unemployed white Anglos in the southwest demanded jobs held by______


What kind of businesses did many families engage in during the depression years , including laundry, selling baked goods, excepting borders, etc.

Home businesses

Implored businessman not to cut production or lay off workers, urged labor leaders into foregoing demands for higher wages or better hours, the system ultimately collapsed

Hoover's voluntary cooperation system

Many people responded to hard times by re-doubling their commitment to familiar_________&_______

Ideas & goals

Radio provided Americans with their first direct access to_______________________, And radio news and sports divisions grew rapidly to meet the demand

Important public events

An organization associated with the communist party, which came to the aid of the accused youths from the Scottsboro case and began to publicize it.

International labor defense

Which two organizations provided assistance to the publication of the Scottsboro case to bring attention to the accused youth

International labor defense, NAACP (National Association for the advancement of colored people)

As a result of the banking closures, what happened to the total money supply of the nation?

It fell by more than a third between 1930 and 1933

Why do historians think that the economic crisis was so remarkable?

It was so severe and it lasted for so long (The actual occurrence was not remarkable; Recessions are a normal feature of capitalist economies)

What kind of jobs that women traditionally held were less likely to disappear than the predominantly male jobs in heavy industry

Non-professional jobs, such as sales clerks and stenographers

Who led the Socialist party of America

Norman Thomas

When did the stock market crash

October 29, 1929

Families that traveled to other states due to the dust bowl that devastated the country. Through their migration, they found conditions that were better than those they had left. Many worked as agricultural migrants, traveling from farm to farm picking fruit and other crops at low wages


A bill passed in January 1932 established the_______________, A government agency whose purpose was to provide federal loans to troubled banks, railroads, and other businesses. It also made funds available to local governments to support public works projects and assist relief efforts. It operated on a large scale and had a budget of $1.5 billion

Reconstruction finance corporation

In national politics, FDR avoided such divisive cultural issues as___________________&____________________And emphasized the economic grievances that most democrats shared

Religion and prohibition

Due to the large debt experienced by many European nations, the allies had insisted on _________________________Payments from Germany and Austria


What did the allies believe would provide them with a way to pay off their own debt


Which African American novelist exposed the plight of residents of the urban ghetto in "native son"

Richard Wright

Sociologists who had published a celebrated study of Muncie, Indiana, "Middletown," in 1929, who returned there in the mid-1930s to see how the city had changed. They concluded in their in 1937 book, "Middletown in transition", that in some respects, the city's culture did not change

Robert Lynd & Helen Merrell Lynd

What were the two best selling novels of the decade

Romantic sagas from "gone with the wind" and Hervey Allen's "Anthony Adverse"

Many Americans were shocked during the 1930s at their discovery of debilitating____________ poverty


Documentary photographers such as Roy striker, Walker Evans, Arthur Rothstein, And Dorothy Lange produced memorable studies of___________________During the great depression to reveal their situation

Rural/ farm families

One of the few particularly notorious examples of racism that attracted national attention. In March 1931, nine black teenagers were taken off a freight train in Alabama and arrested for vagrancy and disorder. Later, two white women who had also been riding the train accused them of rape. In fact, there was no overwhelming evidence, medical and otherwise, that the women had not been raped—-that they May have made their accusations out of fear of being arrested themselves. Nevertheless, an all white jury in Alabama quickly convicted all nine of the "Scottsboro boys" and sentenced eight of them to death

Scottsboro case

Radio was important for the way it drew the nation together by creating the possibility of....

Shared experiences and common access to culture and information

What was the first feature length animated film by Walt Disney, produced in 1937

Snow white

_______________Became a staple of television programming, and were also popular on the radio in the 1930s

Soap operas

________ values seemed to change relatively little in response to the depression


The economic crisis served in many ways to strengthen the widespread belief that a woman's proper place was in_______________

The home

What was one of the reasons the depression spread to Europe and grew much worse in America after 1931

The international credit structure collapsed

Frank Capra's films/comedies celebrated the virtues of________And the decency of the common people in contrast to the selfish, corrupt values of the city and urban rich

The small town

Act that increased protection on 75 farm products

The tariff act of 1930

By how much did the stocks of the major industrials —- stocks that are used to determine the Dow Jones industrial average —- Increase in their value before the great crash

They doubled

Why did more black women work than white women

They had always been more likely to work less out of preference than out of economic necessity

Due to the fact that being part of the left seemed so respectable, the 1930s witnessed a significant, if temporary, widening of the ideological range of main stream art and politics


True of false, for some intellectuals, the popular front offered an escape from the lonely and difficult stance of detachment and alienation they embraced in the 1920s


True or false, Asians, just like Mexicans and blacks, often lost their jobs to whites desperate for work, and suffered from the increase in competition for the low paying jobs


True or false, Herbert Hoover asked Roosevelt to give prompt public assurances that there would be no tinkering with the currency, no heavy borrowing, no un balancing the budget, and Roosevelt refused. Thus, Hoover was convinced that the US was headed for disaster


True or false, Hoover began his presidency believing that the nation faced a bright future. He attempted to expand the policies he had advocated during his eight years as secretary of commerce in order to complete a stable system of cooperative individualism and sustain a successful economy


True or false, In the election of 1932, FDR won by a landslide, and the Democrats won majority in both houses of Congress


True or false, Latinos generally had no access to American schools and many hospitals refused them admission


True or false, Mexican Americans occupied the lower ranks of the unskilled labor force in such industries as steel, automobiles, and meatpacking. They also worked as agricultural migrants, harvesting fruit, lettuce, and other crops


True or false, The great depression eroded the strength of many family units. there was a decline in the divorce rate during the great depression, largely because divorce was now too expensive for some


True or false, Unlike in later times, radio in the 1930s was often a community experience.


True or false, a celebrated protest movement emerged from American veterans who were demanding that a payment bonus be given to them for serving in World War I. When Hoover rejected their appeal due to the economic circumstances of the time, more than 20,000 veterans of the self proclaimed "bonus Expeditionary force"Gathered in Washington to strike


True or false, banks failed prior to the great depression because their customers could not pay off the loans, and American bankers often invested recklessly in the stock market or made unwise loans


True or false, both single and married women worked in the 1930s, despite public condemnation of the practice, because they or their families needed the money


True or false, breadlines stretched for blocks and people hunted in the garbage cansAnd waited outside of restaurants for food scraps


True or false, by the mid-1930s, most Americans resumed their trips to the movies, because they were less expensive and the movies themselves were becoming more appealing


True or false, commercial films of the 1930s were deliberately explicitly escapist


True or false, communist party members were among the most effective union organizers in some industries, and the party was among the few political organizations that took a firm stand in favor of racial justice (their defense of the Scottsboro boys was an example of efforts to ally itself with the aspirations of African-Americans)


True or false, during the dust bowl, swarms of grasshoppers were moving from region to region, devouring what meager crops farmers were able to raise


True or false, during the great depression, household expanded to include distant relatives such as grandparents and grandchildren


True or false, during the worst conditions of the depression, Hoover supported a series of measures designed to keep endangered banks afloat and protect homeowners from foreclosure on their mortgages


True or false, farm prices fell so low that few growers made any profit on their crops. As a result, many had left their homes in search of work


True or false, female industrial workers were more likely to be laid off or to experience wage reductions than their male counterparts


True or false, for Asian Americans, too, the depression reinforced long-standing patterns of discrimination and economic marginalization


True or false, gross farm income dropped from 12 billion to 5 billion in 4 years


True or false, in 1935, under the instructions from the Soviet union, the American communist party softened it's attitude towards Franklin Roosevelt and formed loose alliances with many other "progressive" groups


True or false, in the 1930 Congressional election, Democrats won control of the house and made substantial inroads in the Senate by promising increased government assistance to the economy


True or false, in the first years of the depression, movie attendance did drop significantly because people struggling to sustain their lives could easily decide to forgo an evening at the movies


True or false, in the late 1920s, particularly after the American economy began to weeken in 1929, the European nations found it much more difficult to borrow money from the United States


True or false, in the south, whites used intimidation and violence to drive blacks from jobs. By 1932, over half the African-Americans in the south were unemployed


True or false, industrial Northeast and Midwest Cities were becoming paralyzed by unemployment


True or false, journals like "life" devoted some attention to politics and the economic conditions of the depression


True or false, many Asian Americans, even those who graduated college, found themselves working at family fruit stands, where 20% of all Japanese Americans in Los Angeles worked at the end of the 1930s


True or false, many families retreated from the consumer patterns they had developed in the 1920s. Women often returned to sewing clothes for themselves and their families and to preserving their own food rather than buying such products in stores


True or false, many industrial workers were accustomed to periods of unemployment, but no one was prepared for the scale and duration of the joblessness of the 1930s


True or false, many people believed that no woman whose husband was employed should accept a job


True or false, many people felt deeply ashamed about their joblessness because of the believe in personal responsibility. Many believed that every individual was responsible for his or her own fate and that unemployment and poverty were signs of personal failure


True or false, many people seem to blame themselves for being victims of the depression (self blame). They were ashamed of their joblessness


True or false, most Japanese Americans continued to work in Chinese owned laundries and restaurants. Few moved outside the Asian community


True or false, the great engineer, the personification of the optimistic days of the 1920s, had become a symbol of the nations failure to deal effectively with its startling reversal of fortune


True or false, the international financial panic of the spring of 1931 destroyed the illusion that the economic crisis was coming to an end


True or false, the journal "life" was best known for stunning photographs of sporting & theater events. One of its most popular features was "life Goes to a party"


True or false, the stock market crash of 29 did not so much cause the depression, then, as help trigger a chain of events that exposed the long-standing weaknesses in the American economy


True or false, the subordination of the American communist party leaders to the USSR was most clearly demonstrated in 1939, when Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany. Moscow then sent orders to the American communist party to abandon the popular front and return it's old stance of harsh criticism of American liberals; communist party leaders in the US immediately obeyed


True or false, the weakness in consumer demand is partly attributed to by the fact that more than half the families in America lived below the minimum subsistence level (could not afford goods)


True or false, there are multiple factors that contribute to the severity of the great depression


True or false, trading in the stock market went from 2 to 3 million shares a day to over 5 million, and at times, 10 or 12 million.


True or false, when Al Smith received the Democratic nomination for president in 1928, FDR was elected to succeed him as governor of New York


True or false, when the war ended, all the European nations that were allied with the US owee large sums of money to American banks


True or false, white southerners tried to drive communist organizers out of the countryside, just as growers in California and elsewhere tried to keep communists from organizing Mexican Americans and others


True or false, neither censor nor the studio system could prevent films from exploring social questions all together


True or false, the popular front helped mobilize writers, artists, and intellectuals behind a pattern of social criticism


Why did professional opportunities for women decline?

Unemployed men began moving into professions, such as teaching and social work, that had previously been considered women's fields

Helplessness of __________________Was a challenge to traditional notions of masculinity


When discussing the solution to the depression, Hoover urged leaders of business, labor, and agriculture to adopt a program of______________________ for recovery

Voluntary cooperation

A broad coalition of "anti-fascist" groups on the left, of which the most important was the American Communist Party. For some intellectuals, the Popular Front offered an escape from the lonely and difficult stance of detachment and alienation they had embraced in the 1920s.

popular front

In the later 1930s, much of the political literature was a result of the rise of the _________________________, a broad coalition of anti-fascist groups on the left, of which the most important was the American communist party

popular front

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