Chapter 23-The Respiratory System (PART ONE)

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Three anatomical regions

"NOL" 1.nasopharynx 2.oropharynx 3.laryngopharynx

Cricoid Cartilage

-most inferior cartilage -connects larynx to trachea

Three epiglottis form the larynx

1. epiglottis 2. thyroid cartilage 3. cricoid cartilage

How long is the pharynx?

5 inches

Where does the nose ends?

internal nares

What does the respiratory mucosa line?

lines the conducting portion of respiratory system (From nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles)

Trachea branches into

right and left bronchi at carina

respiratory mucosa: at bronchioles

simple cuboidal epithelium

respiratory mucosa: at alveoli

simple squamous epithelium

Respiratory bronchioles connect to alveoli

where gas diffusion occurs

Thyroid cartilage

-LARGEST cartilage -forms most of the anterior and lateral walls of larynx

Respiratory Defense System

-a series of filtration mechanisms to remove particles and pathogens

Function of Trachea or "windpipe"

-about 4.33 inches long -passageway for air in and out of the lungs

What occurs to air at the conducting portions of the respiratory system?

-air is filtered,warmed, and moistened

Bronchoconstriction occurs during

-allergic attacks (anaphylaxis) -respiratory infections (bronchitis asthma)


-branch from tertiary bronchi -further branch to form tiny terminal bronchioles

The Respiratory Mucosa

-consists of epithelial layer -an areolar layer called lamina propria

RDS consists of

-goblet cells: produce mucus that bathes exposed surfaces -cilia: sweep debris trapped in mucus toward the pharynx (mucus escalator)


-inferior portion -passes air and food -lined by stratified squamous epithelium (nonkeratinized)

Bronchioles LACK what?

-lack cartilage but are dominated by smooth muscle tissue

What's found in the thyroid cartilage?

-laryngeal prominence or Adam's apple, bigger in males


-middle portion -contains palatine and lingual tonsils -common passage for air,food, and drinks -lined with *stratified squamous epithelium (nonkeratinized)*


-most superior cartilage During swallowing: tongue pushes epiglottis downward, closing larynx and preventing food and fluids from entering the airway

Function of Larynx "voice box"

-passageway for air -keeps food and drinks out of the airway -sound production

Branches of bronchi tree

-primary -secondary -tertiary -bronchioles

Tertiary Bronchi or "segmental" bronchi

-several per lung -covered with cartilage PLATES -give rise to bronchioles


-superior portion passageway for air -90 degrees downward turn traps large particles -lined by *pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium*

Primary (Main) Bronchi: Right

-transport air in and out of right lung -has COMPLETE cartilage rings -larger in diameter than left primary bronchus and at a steeper angle

Primary (Main) Bronchi: Left

-transports air in and out of the left lung -has COMPLETE cartilage rings -smaller diameter and longer than right primary bronchus

Function of the Nose

-warms, filters, and humidifies inhaled air -detects odors in the airstream -serves as a resonating chamber that amplifies the voice

Functions of the Respiratory System

1. provides extensive gas exchange surface area between air and circulating blood 2. moves air to and from exchange surfaces of lungs 3. protects respiratory surfaces from outside environment 4. *produces sounds* 5. participates in detection of *odors*

Trachea is supported by _ to __ C-shaped cartilage rings

15 to 20; C-shaped (hyaline) cartilage rings


150 million/lung

Secondary Bronchi or "Lobar" bronchi

3 Right Secondary Bronchi 2 Left Secondary Bronchi -Secondary bronchi are covered with cartilage PLATES (to keep airline open)

Nose: superior portion of the nasal cavity contains

Olfactory smell: provides sense of smell

respiratory mucosa: from the nasal cavity to the superior portion of the pharynx

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (with goblet cells)

respiratory mucosa: superior part of lower respiratory system

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium (with goblet cells)

Autonomic nervous system controls diameter of bronchioles

Sympathetic stimulation: diameter of bronchioles increases (bronchodilation), more air flows to alveoli Parasympathetic stimulation: diameter of the bronchioles decreases (bronchoconstriction) less air flow to alveoli

Respiratory System Anatomy

Upper respiratory system-above larynx Lower respiratory system- from larynx and below

Function of C-shaped cartilage rings?

cartilage rings protect and prevent collapse or overexpansion of trachea during inhalation of air

Cartilage rings are INCOMPLETE in Trachea

do not connect on the posterior of the trachea

Alveolar macrophages

engulf small particles that reach the alveoli

In the nose air enters through

external nares or nostrils. Nostrils open into the nasal cavity


forms inferior part of nasal septum

Vertical partition dividing nasal cavity into right and left portions

nasal septum

ATP synthesis requires ___ and produces ____

oxygen, carbon dioxide -drives the need to breathe to take in oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide

Trachea is lined with what kind of epithelial tissue?

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

Majority of nasal cavity lined with

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium -contains epithelial cells and goblet cells (secrete mucus)

Filtration in nasal cavity

remove large particles

Terminal Bronchiole branch to form

respiratory bronchioles

respiratory mucosa: inferior part of pharynx

stratified squamous epithelium (non keratinized)

Function of the pharynx

the "throat" passes air and food

Function of mucus

traps -inhaled dust -pollen -bacteria -other foreign matter

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