Chapter 24 & 20 genetics

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Which of the following are common uses of gene cloning?

- Cloned genes can be used in trials of gene therapy. - Cloned genes can be introduced into bacteria to make medicines - The expression of a cloned gene can be used to discover its cellular function

What are the necessary components of a plasmid used in cloning? ( Check all that apply.)

-An origin of replication -A selectable marker -Unique restriction sites

Select the human disorders that are inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion

-Cystic fibrosis -Phenylketonuria -Sickle cell disease

After Cas9 makes a double strand break, which characteristics are observed for repair of the break by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ)?

-Frameshift mutation may occur in the coding sequence of the gene. -The break region may incur a small deletion.

After Cas9 makes a double strand break, which characteristics are observed for repair of the break by homologous recombination repair (HRR)?

-Researcher includes donor DNA that is homologous to the region where the break occurs. -Can be used to make a specific point mutation

When the CRISPR-Cas system is used for gene mutagenesiswhich two components are combined in the single guide (sgRNA)

-crRNA -tracrRNA

CRISPR-Cas technology has been used to mutate genes in

-human cell lines -roundworms -adult mice -plant cells -mouse embryos

Place the steps by a cloned gene is transferred into human cells using a retroviral technique in order, with the first step at the top

1. A gene of interest is placed into a viral vector. 2. The virus is taken up by cells via endocytosis. 3. The viral coat disassembles, releasing the viral genome into the cytosol. 4. The genome is reverse-transcribed into DNA 5. The viral DNA is imported into the nucleus 6. The gene of interest is integrated into a chromosome of the target cell by recombination

Order the following steps in cloning a gene, putting the first step at the top

1. Chromosomal DNA and cut with a restriction enzyme; the plasmid DNA cut with the same enzyme 2. The digested chromosomal DNA and plasmid DNA are incubated together. 3. Ligation by DNA ligase.

Haplotypes 5 individuals are shown below. Individual #1 and #3 have a particular disease. Which haplotypes are associated with the disease? 1: 1A 2B 3C 4B/1A 2B 3A 4C 2: 1A 2C 3B 4B/1B 2A 3B 4A 3: 1B 2A 3A 4B/1C 2B 3A 4A 4: 1B 2C 3B 4B/1A 2C 3A 4C 5: 1A 2A 3A 4C/1B 2A 3B 4A

2B and 3A

Which best describes a haplotype

A haploid genotype showing linkage of alleles or molecular markers along a single chromosome

In gene cloning, what is the vector?

A small DNA molecule that can replicate independently within a host cell

Which choice is NOT a feature of an autosomal recessive inherited trait

Any affected offspring will always have two affected parents

Site-directed mutagenesis allow a researcher to make a mutation

At a specific sequence of DNA

You wish to introduce a specific missense mutation into a specific cell type in live adult mice. What is the best way to achieve this goal?

CRISPR-Cas technology with donor DNA

Suppose a disease-causing allele shows autosomal recessive inheritance. How could a carrier of this disease-causing allele be Identified?

Carriers often show reduced activity for the enzyme encoded by the allele

Which method can identify genes that are active in cancer cells but inactive in normal cells?

DNA microarray analysis

Regions of only DNA that are bound by a specific protein.

DNase I Footpringing

Determine if a protein binds to a specific RNA or DNA segment

Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA)

Genetic diseases are spread by shared environmental conditions


Genetic testing is used to determine whether a(n) _________has a disease causing gene, while genetic screening is used determine how frequently the gene is found in a(n) _______

Individual; population

What types of human diseases are the most straightforward targets for gene therapy?

Inherited diseases involving a single gene abnormality

Which of the following is pharmaceutical product that is produced by bacteria expressing the human gene?


What does the enzyme DNA ligase do?

It covalently links the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA

The most common nonvirol technique to transfer a cloned gene into human cells involves lipid vesicles called


____________ PCR allows one to assess the amount of DNA produced during a PCR amplification as it is happening

Real time

What is the technique that allows one to determine the amount of template DNA present when the PCR cycles began?

Real-time PCR

__________ DNA technology uses in vitro molecular techniques that combine DNA fragments to produce novel arrangements .


How is site-directed mutagenesis useful in the study of genes and proteins?

The mutated gene can be introduced into a living organism to see how the mutation affects the organism

The major disadvantage to using viral vectors to transfer cloned genes is _______

The potential for immune response

What is recombinant DNA technology?

The production of new arrangements of DNA

Gene ______ is the introduction of cloned genes into somatic cells to treat disease


The polymerases used for PCR function at very high temperatures


In dideoxyribonucleotides, ______ oxygens are removed from the sugar compared with ribose.


The autosomal recessive human disorder albinism (type I) is caused by a mutation in the gene for _______


A small DNA molecule that can replicate Independently within a host cell and thus make many copies of an inserted gene is called a


Scientists have been working on reducing the Inflammatory response evoked by ______vectors, to improve the safety of gene therapy

Virus, viral, adenovirus, adenoviral, retrovirus, or retroviral

Transformation occurs when

competent cells take up DNA from the medium

Restriction endonucleases are used in gene cloning to

cut the DNA backbone prior to inserting the DNA to be cloned

Molecular profiling is

identification of the genes that play a role in the development of a specific type of cancer

The use of information about a patient's genotype in order to select a medication or therapy that is specifically suited to the patient is called

personalized medicine

Pharmacogenetics is the

study of genetic variations that cause differing responses to drugs

The natural function of the CRISPR -Cas system in bacteria is to

to provide defense against bacteriophages

Place the steps by which a cloned gene is transfered into human cells via liposomes in order, with the first step at the top

1. The DNA containing the gene of interest is complexed with liposomes. 2. DNA liposome complexes are taken into cells via endocytosis. 3. DNA is released into the cytosol 4. DNA is imported into the nucleus. 5. DNA is integrated into a chromosome of the target cell by recombination

Which component in the CRISPR-Cas9 system makes a double-strand break in DNA?


DNA microarrays can be used to _______

Compare gene activity in cancer cells and normal cells

DNA sequencing enables researchers to determine the order of __________ in a gene

DNA nucleotides

This technique enables researchers to determine the DNA bases in genes and other chromosomal regions

DNA sequencing

In a DNase footprinting experiment, why does the experimental design only allow DNase I to make a single cut in the DNA fragments?

DNase I cuts the DNA fragment to generate fragments of various sizes

A disease with a genetic origin in a mouse is unlikely to be an inherited disease in humans


Both members of identical and fraternal twin have the same likelihood of expressing the same genetic disease.


Genetic diseases occur at the same rate in all human populations.


PCR stands for primer chain reaction


Match the life stage on the left to the type of screening on the right that would be used to detect a genetic disease

Fetus= Amniocentesis and karyotyping to detect chromosomal abnormalities Newborn baby= Test for excess phenylalanine demonstrating phenylketonuria (PKU) Adult= Test for carrier status if one belongs to a family with a history of a specific disease

A single individual who first had disease-causing allele is called a


The linkage of alleles or molecular markers along a single chromosome is called a


When cloning gene into a vector, the sugar-phosphate backbone of each DNA molecule is covalently linked by the enzyme DNA


A major advantage of CRISPR-Cas technology over site-directed mutagenesis is that it can be used directly on _____ cells


A situation where a disease may be caused by mutations in two or more different genes is called

Locus heterogeneity

The disease hemophilia is caused by a deficiency in any one of three blood factors. Two of these factors are encoded by genes the X chromosome and the other foctor gene is located on an autosome. Since mutations in more than one gene can cause hemophilia, this represents

Locus heterogeneity

A major disadvantage of using liposomes as vectors to transfer cloned genes is

Low gene transfer efficiency

The process of identifying genes that play a role in the development of specific type of cancer is called

Molecular profiling

In gene mutagenesis by CRISPR-Cas, a DNA break can be repaired by ________ end _________ or homologous ___________

Nonhomologous, joining, recombination repair

Detect specific types of RNA within a mixture of RNA's

Northern blotting

What tool do scientists use to follow a human pattern of inheritance from generation to generation?

Pedigree analysis

When a human disease caused by a mutation in a single gene, scientist follow the pattern of inheritance by analyzing charts called human


The study of genetic variations that cause differing responses to drugs is called _____


A small circular DNA molecule that is often used as a vector in gene cloning is called a(n)


Enzymes that bind to a specific DNA sequence and cut the DNA backbone are called

Restriction enzymes

The enzyme _______ is used when PCR is employed to detect and quantify the amount a specific RNA

Reverse Transcriptase

A resistance gene that allows a host cell containing a vector to grow on a toxic substance is called a(n)

Selectable marker

When a defect in a single gene causes a human disease, the mutant gene often follows

Simple Mendelian Inheritance patterns

When the CRISPR-Cas system is used for gene mutagenesis, tractRNA and crRNA are linked together in a molecule called the ________________ RNA

Single guide

Which of these is a common example of widespread genetic screening of newborns to identify certain disorders

Test for excess phenylalanine indicating phenylketonuria (PKU)

Which of these is a common example of widespread genetic screening of newborns to identity certain disorders?

Test for excess phenylalanine indicating phenylketonuria (PKU)

To study the distribution of disease-causing genes, genetic ______ refers to determining if an individual carries the faulty gene, while genetic _______ relates to assessing the presence of the gene throughout a population.

Testing: screening

When cloning a gene, why must the chromosomal DNA and the plasmid DNA be cut with the same restriction enzyme

The sticky ends of the plasmid DNA will be complementary to the sticky ends of the chromosomal DNA.

Why does incorporation of a dideoxynucleotide into a growing DNA polymer terminate strand synthesis?

There is no longer a free 3' hydroxyl to which to add the next nucleotide

Approximately how many human diseases have a genetic basis?


What is the purpose of Northern blotting?

To identify a specific RNA molecule within a mixture of RNA molecules

The natural function of the CRISPR-Cas system in bacteria is to

To provide defense against bacteriophages

The process by which competent cells take up DNA from the extracellutar medium is called


Genetic diseases often show a specific age of onset


Genetic disorders are more common in families with one affected member as compared to the general population.


Many human and animal genetic disorders share similar characteristics.


Most genetic diseases have a specific age of onset


In which way are viruses used for gene transfer different from their wild-type counterparts?

Viruses used in gene transfer cannot replicate within target cells.

Find a certain protein within a mixture of proteins

Western Blotting



Tay Sachs disease is inherited with an autosomal recessive allele that leads to a defect in the enzyme hexosaminidase A. When cells are collected from patients, cells with different genotypes exhibit different amounts of enzymatic activity. Rank the amount of enzymatic activity that would be detected in a blochemical assay on cells from patients of these genotypes, with the genotype producing the LEAST amount of enzymatic activity on top

1. Homozygous recessive 2. Heterozygous 3. Homozygous dominant

An advantage of using liposomes as vectors to transfer cloned genes is that liposomes

Do not elicit an immune response

When CRISPR-Cas is used for gene mutagenesis, what type of change does Cas9 make in the gene of Interest?

Double-strand break

A geneticist cannot make sense of a pedigree he has put together for a newly discovered disease that he suspects is transmitted genetically. One possible explanation is

Locus heterogeneity

If a scientist wanted to determine how a specific mutation in a gene of interest affected an organism, what technique would be most useful?

Site-directed mutagenesis

__________ allows a researcher to produce a mutation at a specific sequence

Site-directed mutagenesis

In the CRISPR-Cas system, what part of the sgRNA is designed to be complementary to the gene to be mutated?

Spacer region

What technique is used to identify a particular protein in a mixture of proteins?

Western Blotting

You wish to determine a protein made at a particular stage of development. What technique would you use?

Western blotting

You can PCR amplify a DNA fragment even if you do not have any idea of the sequence of the fragment.


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