Chapter 24

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8) Houston Stewart Chamberlain

A propagandist for German racism (volk) who published his "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" in 1899 to describe pure Germans as Aryans.

43) Indian National Congress

After the British were being racist to the Indians, it led to the rise of an Indian nationalist movement; by1883, the Indian National Congress was formed, and the moderate, educated Indians wanted self-government , and in 1919.

31) "Blood Sunday"

After the Russo-Japenese War, workers went to Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg on January 9, 1905 to present a petition, then they were brutally massacred.

40) Commodore Mathew Perry

American naval forces under him forced the Japanese to grant the US trading and diplomatic privileges.

7) Social Darwinism and Hebert Spencer

Application of Darwin's principle of organic evolution to social order is Social Darwinism. British philosopher Spencer argued societies were organisms that evolved through time from struggle with environment. 1896 "Social Statics" described progress coming from " struggle of survival" as strong survived while weak did not.

42) Meiji Restoration

Before 1868, the shogun, a powerful military governor assisted by samurais, exercised power in Japan; emperor's functions were religious.

44) Bismarckian System

Bismarck made an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Russia in 1873 called the "Three Emperor's League, which didn't really work too well because Russia and Austria both wanted territory in the Ottoman Empire.

41) Boxer Rebellion

Boxers: popular name given to Chinese who belonged in a secret organization called the Society of Harmonious Fists; who wanted to push the foreigners out of China. They had murdered foreign missionaries, Chinese who converted to Christianity, railroad workers, foreign businessmen, ad German envoy to Beijing.

48) Britain's "splendid isolation"

Britain had pursued a policy of splendid isolation toward the Continent. When they found out they were condemned for their actions in the Boer War, they were afraid of an anti-British Continental alliance, so they sought an alliance with a Continental power

39) "open door" policy

Britain, France, Germany, Russia, US, and Japan establish spheres of influence and long term leases of Chinese territory. In 1899, they agreed to an open door policy where one country would not restrict the commerce of other countries.

35) Cecil Rhodes

British policy in South Africa was largely determined by Cecil Rhodes; he founded diamond and gold companies that monopolized production of them, and enabled him to gain control to a territory north of Transvaal that he Rhodesia after himself.

10) Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors

Catholic church too rigid stand against modern ideas and published "Syllabus of Errors" in 1864 in which he condemned nationalism , socialism, religious toleration, and freedom of speech and press.

18) George Eastman

Created the first Kodak cameras for the mass in 1888. Cameras mirror reality while artist created reality.

14) Impressionism

Described as the changing effects of light on objects in nature.

16) Post-Impressionism

Emphasis on light and color but paid more attention on structure and form.

47) Emperor William II

Ended the Reinsurance treaty that Bismarck had created with Russia in 1887; France and Russia created an alliance in 1894, which Britain joined

34) " white's man burden"

Europeans believed that they had a moral responsibility to civilize ignorant peoples; this was their way of rationalizing imperialism.

33) New Imperialism

Europeans carved up Asia and Africa. It was tied to social Darwinism and racism. Late 1800s imperialism was due to nationalism.

20) Abstract Expressionism

Expressed the feeling of poems through musical composition.

9) Ernst Renan's Life of Jesus

French Catholic scholar who questioned historical accuracy of the Bible and presented different pictures of Jesus that he was human whose value lied in his life and teachings.

4) Henri Bergson's "life force"

French philosopher, one of the most important influences in French thought. Accepted rational, scientific thought as practical instruments but incapable of arriving at truth or reality.

1) Max Planck and quanta

French scientist Marie Curie and Pierre discovered the radium given off from rays of radiation from atoms. Berlin physicist Planck believed energy radiated in irregular patterns called quanta. Theory raised questions on subatomic realm of atom.

6) the ego, the id, and superego

Freud believed inner life was a battle of three forces. Id was center of unconscious drives and ruled by pleasure. Ego was seat of reason and conscience and represented moral values that society imposed and also served to force ego curb unsatisfactory drives of id.

2) Albert Einstein's E = mc 2

German physicist spurred new theories of thermodynamics. His theory of relativity in " The Electro-dynamics of Moving Bodies" insisted space and time not to be absolute but relative. Concluded matter was nothing but form of energy. E=mc^2 states that each particle of matter equivalent to its mass times square of the velocity of light.

49) Triple Entente

Great Britain and France made the Entente Cordiale in 1904 which settled all their disputes; the Germans tried to drive a wedge between them with the First Moroccan Crisis in 1905. Russia agreed to sign an agreement in 1907 with Britain, and the 3 countries made up the Triple Entente.

26) Theodore Herzl and Zionism

Herzl published "Jewish State" (State of the Jews) to advocate yishuv settlements in Palestine. Zionism was a nationalist movement to bring Jews to Palestine since it was believed to be land of their reams.

37) Battle of Omdurman

In 1898, Sundanese tribesmen tried to defend their independence from the British, but they were massacred by the British; it was 28 British deaths to 11,000 Sudanese

17) Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh

Influenced from Impressionism but rejected the work later in life. "You must see in nature the cylinder, the sphere, and the cone." Van Gogh was tortured with depression, his artwork could be a spiritual experience.

27) Fabian Socialists

Intellectuals who stressed the need for workers to vote in order to catch the House of Commons and pass legislation that eod benefit the laboring class.

45) Congress of Berlin

Met in the summer of 1878, and was dominated by Bismarck, and demolished the Treaty of San Stefano; the Bulgarian state was reduced, and which the rest f the territory was given back to the Ottomans.

28) David Lloyd George

Public speaker from Wales who wanted social reforms due to misery of Welsh coal miners.

24) Maria Montessori

Put her medical background to work in a school for mentally retarded children. She created new teaching materials that enabled children to read and write by letting students learn on their own pace.

46) Triple Alliance

Russians terminated the 3 Emperor's League because they were mad at Germany's actions at the congress. Bismarck made an alliance with Austria in 1879 and Italy in 1882; they wanted to support the existing political order and provided a defensive alliance against France or "2 or more great powers not members of the alliance"

32) Peter Stoypin

Served as the Tsar's chief advisor 1906-11 who made constitutional monarchy short. Dissolved village ownership of land and opened to private ownership.

29) transformismo

Transformism was mastered by Italian leader Giovanna Giolitti where old political groups were transformed into new coalitions by political/economical bribery. Made Italian politics unmanageable when workers got violent.

5) Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis

Viennese doctor undermined optimism about rational human mind. Published "The Interpretation of Dreams" which contained basic foundation of psychoanalysis.

36) Boer War

Went from 1899-02 when the Boers were overwhelmed by Britain military, however Transvaal and the Orange Free State had representative governments by 1907, and in 1910 the Union of South Africa was created and became a fully self governing dominion.

13) the Symbolists

Writers that proposed that an objective knowledge of the world was impossible. The external world was not real but only a collection of symbols that reflected the true reality of man.

12) Emile Zola and Leo Tolstoy

Zola - Provided how alcoholism and different environments affected people's lives. Wrote Rougon-Macquart ( a twenty volume book) based off Charles Darwin's ideals of struggle of for survival and importance of heredity. Tolstoy - Wrote War and Peace, a lengthy novel, based of the psychologically descriptive lives of soldier during Napoleon's reign.

30) Pan-German League

conflict between modernization and traditionism in Germany created right wing groups such as the PGL which stressed strong German nationalism and developed imperialism to unite all classes.

25) Alfred Dreyfus

A Jewish captain in French general staff. Early 1985 a secret military court saw him guilty of selling army secrets, condemned him to imprisonment on Devil's Island.

3) Friedrich Nietzsche's "slave morality"

One of the intellectuals to glorify the irrational. Western bourgeois was incapable of real cultural creativity, reason played little role in human life because humans were at mercy of irrational life forces. "Slave morality" of Christianity crushed human will.

21) Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring

One of three of his biggest compositions which was also based on Russian folk tales.

22) the Pankhursts and the "suffragettes"

Pankhurst's organization realized the value of the media and used unusual publicity stunts to call attention. Suffreagettes threw eggs as politicians., chained themselves to lampposts, smashed windows, and were wild.

19) Pablo Picasso and Cubism

Picasso was very flexible and painted in a remarkable variety of styles. Cubism use geometric designs as visual stimuli to re-create reality in the viewer's mind.

15) Camille Pissarro and Claude Monet

Pissaro stated "paint what observe and feel". Monet artwork displays Pissaro words through his ark. Monet art Impression, Sunrise.

11) Leo XIII's De Rerum Novarum

Pope Leo permitted teaching evolution in Catholic churches. His encyclopedia "De Rerum Novarum", 1891, condemned Marxist socialism for anti-religious foundations.

23) the "new woman"

Sought new freedom outside the household and new roles other than wives and mothers.

50) Balkan's Crises

The Balkan League made up of Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece defeated the Ottomans in the First Balkan War. When they didn't know how to divide up the Ottoman provinces of Macedonia and Albania, the Second Balkan War started, with Greece, Serbia, Romania, and the Ottoman Empire attacking and defeating Bulgaria; Bulgaria only received a small part of Macedonia

38) Hong Kong

The British had obtained Hong Kong in 1842, along with trading rights in other cities

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