Chapter 25, Chapter 25 Nuclear Energy, Chapter 25-Nuclear Chemistry, Chapter 25 - Nuclear Chemistry, Chapter 25; Nuclear Chemistry

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symbol for beta symbol

+0/-1 B (really add)

charge of an alpha particle?


what is the charge of a alpha particle


symbol for alpha symbol

+4/2 alpha (really subtract)

charge of a beta particle?


what is the charge of a beta particle


Each gamma ray carries an electric charge of ___________


When a radioactive nucleus gives off a gamma ray, its atomic number increases by _____


charge of gamma radiation?


what is the charge of a gamma ray


The decay of 162/69Tm yields 162/68Er and ______________________________

0/+1 B

Beta Particle

0/-1 e

Below about 23 ratio of neutronstwo protons for stability is about


Each beta particle carries an electric charge of ______


Of the more than 15,000 different nuclear either known to exist about what portion are stable


list three methods for detecting or measuring radiation

1. Geiger counter 2. scintillation 3. film ID badge

What is The radioactive decay process

1.)The present of too many or few neutrons relative to protons it leads to an unstable nucleus 2.)At some point in time and unstable nucleus will undergo a reaction and lose energy by Emitting radiation 3.) during the process of radioactive decay and unstable radio isotope of one element is transform eventually into's a stable isotope of A different element

The neutron to proton ratio for the isotope sodium-23 is ____________________________________


The isotope formed by the alpha decay of 154/66Dy is _______________________


Ernest Rutherford

1911, led to the discovery of the proton

James Chadwick

1932, discovered the neutron

atomic #s below 18 have a __:__ stability ratio


Each alpha particle carries an electric charge of ______


penetrating power of the 3 main types of radiation:

A > | B > | > | C > | > | > |

the film badge, the Geiger counter, the scintillation counter

A device that is used primarily for the detection of beta radiation is

Geiger counter

A device that uses a gas-filled metal tube to detect radiation

Describe the current limitations of fusion as a power source.

A lot of energy is required to initiate the reaction. Currently no materials are capable of withstanding the very high temperature reached during reactions.

Describe the process that occurs during a nuclear chain reaction and explain how to monitor a chain reaction in a nuclear teactir

A neutron strikes a target nucleus such as u-235, which then splits into multiple fission fragments and releases several neutrons. These neutrons collide with other nuclei, causing additional fissions and sustaining the reaction. To control the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor, control rods if cadmium and boron are used to absorb some of the neutrons released during the reaction.

neutrons, protons

A nuclei is unstable if there are too many or too few _____________ relative to the number of ___________ present

Alpha Particle

A particle that contains two protons, two neutrons, and has 2+ charge


A particle with the mass of an electron, but with a positive charge

During positron emission

A proton changes to a neutron


A radioisotope commonly used to detect thyroid problems is

The structure is labeled ______________ in this diagram and called _____________________________________________________________

A, the contaminant shell

The isotope formed by the alpha decay of 238/92U has a mass number of __________


The number of stable isotopes that exist compared to the number of unstable isotopes is _______________

A-Much Less

During electron capture, a proton in the nucleus of an atom is converted into a(n) ____________________


A procedure that uses positrons to detect many different medical disorders.


Alpha decay

All nuclei with more than 82 protons are radioactive and decay spontaneous. These very heavy nuclei often decay by emitting alpha particles

Three main types of nuclear radiation

Alpha Beta and Gamma

4/2 He

Alpha Decay is written with

neutron to proton ratio

Alpha emission results in an increase in the


Alpha particles contain two neutrons (T/F)


Alpha particles have a mass of __ amu


Alpha radiation charge

helium nucleus

Alpha radiation is composed of alpha particles and

The uranium is found at location ____________________________.

B in the diagram

A lightweight isotope is likely to be stable if the ratio of protons to neutrons in its nucleus is ___________________


Uses a gas-filled metal tube to detect and measure radiation

B-Geiger Counter

Atoms are located above the band of stability on a graph of numbers of neutrons versus number of protons are usually unstable because they contain too many ________________________


The positron produced during positron emission comes from a(n) ___________________


who discovered radioactivity?

Becquerel, Marie Curie, Pierre Curie

0/-1 e

Beta Decay is written with


Beta radiation charge

a neutron breaking apart

Beta radiation is an electron created by


Beta radiation is composed of beta particles or


Both sides of a nuclear equation will be

There are at least two ways transmutation occurs

By radioactive decay transmutation can also occur when particles been barred the nucleus of an Adam

The annual amount of radiation to which a person is normally exposed.

C-100-300 mrem

The isotope formed by the beta decay of 40/19K has an atomic number of ______________


The isotope least likely to be found in the band of stability among the following is _________________________________

C-32/13 Al

These bars of metal are found at location ____________________________


How long can a half lives be

Can be a short as a fraction of a second or as long as billions of years

losing or sharing electrons

Chemical reactions attain stable electron configurations by


Consist of two protons and two neutrons mass is 4 penetrating power low minimum shielding paper


Consists of electron mass is 1/1837-amu penetrating power is moderate and minimum shielding is foil


Consists of high energy electromagnetic radiation mass is zero penetrating power is high and the minimum shielding is lead or concrete

speed of the fission reaction

Control rods control the

leukemia caused by long term exposure to radiation

Curies died from

When the isotope 238/91Pa decays by beta emission comes from a(n) _______________


Radiation energetic enough to break apart atoms

D-Ionizing Radiation

The only nucleon among the following is the ______________________


naturally occurring, unstable nuclei decay to become stable, change into different elements that are stable and do not undergo decay

Decay Reactions are

When are GammaRay's emitted

During radioactive decay along with alpha or beta particles

gamma rays and x-rays

Electromagnetic radiation includes...

0/-1 e, but it is on the left side, added to the number given (Ex. 89/36 Kr + 0/-1 e —-> 89/35 Br)

Electron Capture is written with

a positron how's the same mass of an _____ but the charge is _________

Electron but charge is positive


Electrons have a 0 over -1 ratio (T/F)

emitting radiation

Energy is released by ____________________ during radioactive decay

nuclear fusion

Energy released from the sun comes from

It then leaves the core at point ___________________.


Used to detect disorders of the thyroid gland


A nuclear reactor produces energy from the fuel rods containing uranium-238


After an organism dies, its ratio of Carbon-14 to Carbon-12 and Carbon-13 increases.


All nuclear reactions involve some type of nuclear transmutation.


Radioisotopes with very long half-lives are seldom found in Earth's crust


Scientists currently believe that all of the possible transuranium elements have been discovered.


T/F The amount of U-235 in a nuclear reactor should always be kept subcritical


Temperature is the only factor that affects the half-life of a radioisotope


The amount of energy produced for each kilogram of uranium is about the same as the amount of energy from a kilogram of coal.


The first induced nuclear transmutations was carried out by Marie and Pierre in 1897.


The fission products produced in nuclear power plants are not radioactive


The half-life of a radioisotope is the time it takes for the isotope to decay


The nuclear formula for a neutron is n


The purpose of the control rods in a nuclear reactor can be stopped by pulling out all control rods.



Film badge is worn by anyone in an area of radiation exposure (T/F)

How can nuclear fission be used to generate electric power?

Fission reactions heat water and form steam. The steam spins turbines that produce electric power.


Fusion reactions release ______ energy than fission reactions

A unit used to measure the amount of damage done to a body


mass, charge

Gamma radiation has niether a _______ or a _______

photon emitted by a radioisotope

Gamma radiation is a high energy

High-energy electromagnetic radiation

Gamma radiation is composed of

mass number, atomic number

Gamma radiation, neither the _________ nor ___________ changes

alpha, beta, gamma

Geiger Counter can detect

Radiation damage that can affect chromosomes and offspring

H-Genetic Damage

After each half-life what happens

Half of the existing radioactive Adams have the keyed into Adams of a new element

rate of decay

Half-life measures the ____________ of a radioisotope

A method used to detect very small amounts of a element in a sample

I-Neutron Activation Analysis


If there is a number in front of a mass number/atomic number ratio, you

speeds up

If you remove the rod from reactor core, reaction


In nuclear fission, a chain reaction can/can not occur


In nuclear fission, certain atoms break into ____________ when struck by..


In nuclear fission, certain atoms break into fragments when struck by ___________.


In nuclear fission, is energy absorbed?

Beta emission

Increases the number of protons while decreasing the number of neutrons

beta radiation

Ionizing radiation that is negatively charged is


Is a particle with the mass of an electron but a positive charge


Isotopes that emit radiation because they have unstable nuclei

Contains phosphors that detect radiation

J-Scintillation Counter

A radioisotope used to indicate the presence of an element in a sample.


This type of radiation easily penetrates human tissue.

L-Gamma Ray

Damage caused by radiation that affects a person, but not their offspring.

M-Somatic Damage

what detects the body's absorption of radio waves



Marie curie name the process by which materials give off such rays


Mass is not conserved, but converted to _______ in radioactive decay

A material that gives off light when struck by radiation



Neutrons have a 1 over 0 ratio (T/F)

In a chemical reaction is the nucleus of an Atom am changed


In a nuclear reaction is a reaction affected by temperature pressure catalyst


T/F Nuclear power plants do not contribute to pollution

T-air pollution F-nuclear waste

Relate binding energy per nucleon to mass number.

The binding energy per nucleon reaches a maximum value fir mass numbers around 69amu.


The combination of two nuclei to produce a nucleus of heavier mass

Trans mutation

The conversion of an Atom Of one element to Atoms of another

Transuranium elements

The elements in the periodic table with atomic numbers above 92 yet atomic number of uranium

Describe what is meant by subcritical mass and supercritical mass.

The mass is subcritical if most of the neutrons escape the material instead of hitting other material. The mass is supercritical if most neutrons hit other material.

If more the critical mass is present in a sample, that sample is said to have supercritical mass.


Mass number and atomic number are conserved in all nuclear reactions.


Most induced nuclear transmutation reactions are produced in high energy particle accelerators


Neptunium and Plutonium were the first transuranium elements discovered.


Nuclear Power Plants usually produce electricity


Scientists induce transmutations by bombarding stable nuclei with high-energy alpha, beta, or gamma rays.


T/F Great amounts of energy can be liberated from small amounts of matter in nuclear reactions.


T/F Inserting boron or cadmium rids into the reactor core can control a fission reaction


The mass of a 25.0g piece of 238/96Cm (Half-life 2.4 hr) will be reduced to 3.1g after 7.2hr


The only elements that can be used as fuel in a nuclear power plant are those in which a chain reaction can occur.


Transmutation is the conversion of an atom of one element to an atom of another element.


Water is the most common coolant used in a nuclear reactor.


When an atom of 125/52Te is bombarded with protons, the products are 125/53I and neutrons


Beta decay

Type of decay that decreases the number of neutrons in the nucleus

How do radioisotopes gain Stability

Undergoing changes


Water is used to ____________ (slows down) neutrons in a nuclear reactor

Nuclear forces

What holds nuclear particles together?

Paper or Skin

What stops alpha?

Aluminum foil or thin pieces of wood

What stops beta?

Concrete or Lead (Several Meters, Several Centimeters)

What stops gamma?

an alpha particle

When Rn-222 undergoes decay to become Po-218, it emits


When U-238 undergoes radioactive decay by losing an alpha particle, the other product is

18/9 F

When an atom of N-14 is bombarded by an alpha particle, the single product is

When are radioisotopes that meant alpha particles dangerous to soft tissue

When ingested

it must be initiated by bombardment with neutrons

When nuclear fission occurs,


When the nuclei of certain isotopes are bombarded with neutrons they undergo fusion


Which radioisotope would be most useful in dating objects thought to be millions of years old?

alpha particle

Which type of ionizing radiation can be blocked by clothing?

Marie Curie and Pierre Curie

Who won Nobel Prize in physics for their work on radioactivity? (alongside Antoine Henri Becquerel)

How is it possible that both the splitting of nuclei (fission) and the combining of nuclei (fusion) release tremendous amounts of energy?

With fission, A large nucleus splits into smaller nuclei.the binding energy of the large nucleus is greater than the sum of the binding energies of the smaller nuclei. That difference in energy is released. With fusion, two smaller nuclei combine to form a larger nuclei.the sum of the binding energies of the smaller nuclei is greater than the binding energy of the larger nucleus. Again the difference in energy is released.

And a chemical reaction is a reaction affected by temperature pressure or catalyst


In a nuclear reaction is the nucleus of an Atom change


Is Radio active Decay spontaneous

Yes not require any input of energy

Can all of the transuraium elements undergo transmutation


place of the possible storage space for radioactive waste

Yucca Mountain

beta particle

a fast-moving electron formed by the decomposition of a neutron

alpha particle

a particle that has two protons and two neutrons

which particle will be stopped by paper


4/2 He is what decay?

alpha decay

The form of radiation containing the heavier particle is made up of helium nuclei called _______________________________.

alpha particles

what kind of particles are in smoke detectors

alpha particles

beta particle

an electron resulting from breaking apart a neutron in an atom

transuranium element

an element that has an atomic number above 92

which particle will be stopped by aluminum foil


0/-1 e is what decay?

beta decay

how to get a proton from a neutron:

beta decay

The form of radiation containing the lighter particle consists of electrons called _________________________.

beta particles

induced transmutation is caused by what...?

bombarding a nucleus with high-velocity particles

what do plants and animals all contain


what element isn't found in living things


what does induced transmutation do?

changes it to a new element

beta particle

composed of fast-moving electrons

purpose of control rods

control rate of nuclear reaction

The rate at which the nuclear reaction takes place is controlled by other bars called ____________________________________

control rods.

Heat produced by nuclear fission is carried away by ________________, which enters at core point________________ in this diagram.


trans uranium elements

elements with atomic numbers greater than 93 and have been produced in the laboratory by induced transmutaion and are radioactive

O > o o is an example of what process?


fusion or fission produces hazardous waste?


when a heavy nucleus splits into 2 and is man made


strong force

force that acts between protons and neutrons of atoms


form of an atom that is unstable & loses particles from the nucleus

In a nuclear power plant, energy is produced in the reactor core by fission reactions that occur in uranium-containing bars called __________________________.

fuel rods

o o > O is an example of what process


which particle will be stopped by lead


One type is a form of energy known as __________________.

gamma ray

The form of nuclear radiation that has the greatest penetrating power is the _____________________________

gamma ray

what does a PET measure

gamma rays

1/0 n -> 1/1 p + 0/-1 e + anti neutrino is what process?

going from neutron -> proton (+ beta particle)

what is the moderator

heavy water that prevents melting of the core

what does fusion produce?


gamma radiation

high energy electromagnetic radiation given off as PART of a decay

gamma ray

high energy photon emitted by a radioisotope

how do you know whether the reaction is chemical or nuclear when an atom undergoes a reaction and attains a more-stable form.

if the new, more stable form of the atom has an identitiy different from the original atom or gamma radiation has been released, a nuclear process has occurred

ionizing radiation

knocks electrons off some atoms of the bombarded substance to produce ions

purpose of fuel rods in a nuclear reactor

located in the reactor core with U-238 pellets

what is a dosimeter

measures radiation in people

what is a geiger counter

measures radiation of objects

what is radiation measured in units of


what do all unstable nuclei have

more neutrons than protons

what happened in Fukushima, Japan

most recent meltdown affecting 3 reactors post tsunami

above the atomic number 20, there are more _______ than protons


in fission, what is the large nuclei split by?


what kind of reaction is thermonuclear and requires high temperatures

nuclear fusion

compare and contrast chemical reactions and nuclear reactions in terms of energy changes and the particles involved.

nuclear reactions release more energy per mole. nuclear reactions involve neutrons and protons, wehreas chemical reactions involve electrons

nuclear fusion

nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass

nuclear fission

nuclei of isotopes are bombarded with neutrons, the nuclei splits into small fragments

protons and neutrons are referred to as:


electron capture

ocurs when the nucleus of an atom draws in a surrounding electron, usually one ferom the loswet energy level. this captured eledtron combines with a proton to form a neutron the atomic number of the nuclues decreases by 1 as a resoult of electron capture


penetrating rays & particles given off by unstable nuclei

1/1 p -> 0/-1 e + 1/0 n + neutrino is what process?

positron emission

proton to neutron process is called:

positron emission

chain reaction

process yielding products that initiate further processes of the same kind, self-sustaining sequence

what is the generator

produces electricity by turning a steam turbine from boiling water

describe the forces acting on the particles within a nucleus and explain why neutrons are the glue holding the nucleus together

protons are positively charged and repel each other. neutrons do not repel easch other or protons. the sterong nuclear force is an attractive force that acts on both protons and neutrons in the nucleus. the greater the number of neutrons in the nucleus, the greater the ftrong nuclear force.

compare the subatomic particles involved in nuclear and chemical reactions

protons, electrons, and neutrons can be invloved in cuclear change; only electrons are involved in chemical change

The Curies discovered that some forms of matter give off _________________________, a combination of particles and energy


alpha particle

radiation composed of 2 protons and 2 neutrons

Another term used to describe the process by which one element spontaneously changes into another element is _________________________.

radioactive decay

positron emission

radioactive decay process that involves the emission of a positron from a nucleus. a positron is a particle with the same mass as an electron but opposite charge, thus, it is represented by the symbol e^+ or beta^+ during positron emission, a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron and a positron and then position is emitted

what is contained in spent fuel rods

radioactive waste

Marie Curie named this process _________________________.


Any isotope that undergoes such changes is called a(n) _________________________


film badge

several layers of photographic film covered with black light-proof paper encased in a plastic or metal holder

critical mass

smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction


spontaneous emission of rays or particles from certain elements, such as uranium


the amount of time for 1/2 the radioactive nucleus to decay

the area of a nuclear stability graph plotted with stable nuclei is called...?

the band of stability


the conversion of one atom to another type by changing the nucleus The atomic number is altered Whether an atom spontaneously decays and what type if radiation it emits depends on its neutron to proton ratio

mass defect

the difference in mass between a nucleus and its component nucleons the mass of the nucleus is always less than the sum of the masses of the indivieual protons and neutrons that comprise it.

einstein's equation

the equation relates mass and energy. it states that any reaction produces or consumes energy due to a loss or gain in mass. energy and mass are equivalent.

critical mass

the minimum mass of a sample of fissionable material necessary to sustain a nuclear chain reaction.


the penetrating rays emitted by a radioactive source

nuclear FUSION

the process of binding smaller atomic nuclei into a single larger and more stable nucleus.

nuclear FISSION

the splitting of a nucleus into smaller, more stable fragments the fission of a nucleus is accompanied by a very large release of energy


the time required for 1/2 of the nuclei in a radioisotope sample to decay


the time required for one-half of the atoms of a radioisotope to emit radiation and to decay to products

describe what happens to an unstable nucleus

unstable nuclei decay by emnitting alpha or beta radiation until they form a stable element

what are tracers

used to follow a particular isotope through its normal path in the body

scintillation counter

uses a phosphor to detect radiation

Geiger counter

uses gas filled metal tube to detect radiation

what does the cooling system do

water is used to cool steam

what is 3-mile island

worst nuclear accident in the USA

what happened at Chernobyl, Ukraine

worst nuclear accident in the world, full core meltdown

The discovery of the ___________________ in 1895 by Wilhelm Roentgen opened a whole new field of research.


Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the form of energy known as _____________________


what is used to analyze the body in a CAT SCAN


what is the difference between x-rays and gamma rays?

x-rays are produced by materials that are in an excited electron state. gamma rays are produced by radioactive sources.

The conversion of an Atom of one element to an atom. Of another element is called


occur mainly in a lab, nuclei are bombarded with alpha particles, change into different elements that are unstable

Transmutation Reactions are

A breeder reactor produces more fuel than it uses


A radioisotope that decays very rapidly has a short half-life


An uncontrolled chain reaction led to the nuclear accident in Chernobyl Ukraine.


Carbon dating is not used to measure the age of rocks because the half-life of Carbon-14 is too short


neutron-proton ratio

Stability depends on the


Nuclear fusion releases more heat than nuclear fission (T/F)

occurs when large nuclei fuse together, take place in the sun, generally produce hydrogen nuclei

Nuclear fusion...


Nuclear reaction rates can NOT be

The nuclei or unstable isotopes gain stability by undergoing changes

Nuclear reactions

the compounds the unstable isotopes are present it

Nuclear reactions are also not affected by

unstable nuclei

Nuclear reactions are dependent on

change in temperature, pressure, or presence of catalysts

Nuclear reactions are not affected by


Nuclear reactions cannot be


Nuclear reactions give off large amounts of


Nuclear reactions nuclei of unstable isotopes

use controlled fission to produce energy, use neutron moderation and absorption to control the chain reaction, cannot produce a nuclear explosion

Nuclear reactors

neutrons and protons

Nuclei contain

Worn by workers to monitor radiation exposure

O-Film Badge

Atomic Number

On the periodic table, the numbers (for example, hydrogen's would be one) are known as

0/1 e

Positron Emission is written with

For nuclei with low n/p what are two common radioactive decay processes?

Positron emission and electron capture These 2 processes tend to increase the n/p ratio bringing the atom closer to the band if stability


Protons and neutrons are referred to as

Them barding particles maybe

Protons neutrons our alpha particles

Alpha emission

Too many neutrons and too many protons =

An isotope that has an unstable nucleus is called

Radio isotope

is a spontaneous process, occurs when an unstable nucleus loses energy, does not require any input of energy

Radioactive decay

What are two ways trans mutation can occur

Radioactive decay and when particles been bar the nucleus of Atoms

What name did Marie Currie give to the process by which materials get off freeze compatible a fogging photographic plates


by which materials give off rays

Radioactivity is the process

can be used as tracers, can diagnose certain diseases, can treat certain forms of cancer


Unstable nuclei

Radioisotopes have an

should have a short half-life

Radioisotopes taken internally for medical reasons



What happens if a nucleus is unstable

Releases energy by admitting radiation during the process of radioactive decay

The three types of radiation were first identified by _______________________________


All kinds of ionizing radiation

Scintillation Counter can detect

Explain how gamma radiation is similar to visible light and how different it is

Similar; energize particles

In the chain reaction what happens

Some of the neutrons produce react with other fusion of all Adams producing more neutrons which reactant with Stillmore fusion of all Adams


Splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments

A nucleus may be unstable and undergo

Spontaneous radioactive DECAY for several reasons

gamma radiation

The most penetrating radiation

Gamma radiation

The most penetrating type of radiation

The reasons why nucleus is may be unstable and undergo spontaneous radioactive decay

The neutron to proton ratio determines the type of decay that occurs some nuclei have too many neutrons relative to the number of protons Other nuclei are unstable because they have too few neutrons relative to the number of protons these nuclei increase their stability by converting a proton to a neutron

Atomic Mass

The number you use to find molar mass is known as


The penetrating raise and particles admitted by a radioactive source

radioactive decay

The process whereby a stable nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation

upper atmosphere

The production of carbon-14 takes place in the

The stability of a nucleus depends on

The ratio of neutrons and protons in the nucleus and the overall size of the nucleus


The rays and particles emitted by a radioactive source are called

For small atomic number stable nuclei have roughly_______Numbers of neutrons and protons

The same

Nuclear fission

The spitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments

Neutron to proton ratio

The stability of a nucleus can be correlated to its neutron to proton (n/p) ratio For atoms with low atomic numbers (<20), the most stable nuclei are those with 1:1 n/p As atomic numbers increase more and more neutrons are needed to produce a strong nuclear force that is sufficient to balance the electrostatic repulsion force between protons. The n/p will gradually increase to 1.5:1

Band of stability

The stable nuclei are in the region called band of stability

Half life

The time required for one half of the Nucli of a radio isotope sample to decay to products

Greater than 92

The transuranium elements are

In the stable nucli what is the difference between neutrons and protons

They are roughly equal or similar

What is half life

Time required for half of Nikolai of radio isotope to decay to products

Electron Capture or Positron Emission

Too Few Neutrons =

Beta emission

Too many neutrons =

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