Chapter 26

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how many people were out of work in early 1933

13 million

In the 1928 presidential election, Democrats nominated:

Al Smith

The rise of the automobile

All the above statements are true.

The Democrats lost the presidential election of 1928 because

American were pleased with the Republican prosperity of the 1920's.

In 1931, just as economic indicators were beginning to rise.

Austria's largest bank closed, triggering a panic that led European investors to dump their American securities.

In the election of 1928,

B. the Republican and the Democrats ran on similar platforms.

Of the following presidents, which tied government and businesses closer together than at any other time in the twentieth century?

Calvin Coolidge

In the 1924 presidential election,

Calvin Coolidge swept both the popular and electoral votes by decisive majorities.

In the elections of 1930,

Democrats won a majority in the House of Representatives.

In 1926 on warning sign for the economy surfaced when a real estate boom collapsed in


Whose campaign song was "happy days are here again"

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following is NOT true of the "American plan" concept of employment?

It promised a more democratic work environment than most other shops

The budget and Accounting Act of 1912 created:

a new Bureau of the budget to streamline the process of preparing an annual federal budget

Hoover's early efforts to end the depression included

a request to business men to maintain wages and avoid layoffs, in order to keep purchasing power strong.

The uneven distribution of wealth in America helped cause the Depression because

as production increased, demand declined.

during World War 1, Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as:

assistant secretary of the navy

the emergency relief Act:

avoided a direct dole to individuals

Part of the reason for the stock market crash was the

buying a great amounts of stock "on margin."

The McNary-Haugen bill

called for dumping surplus crops on the world market in order to raise domestic prices.

despite the many well-found criticisms of Warren Harding as president, he was a visionary for his era in the field of:

civil rights

Herbert Hoover, while attempting to shore up the economy through economic policy, considered to be the best thing American's needed most at the time


in november 1930

democrats won a majority in the house of Representatives

Harding's secretary of the treasury

favored a reduction of the high wartime level of taxation, but mainly for the benefit of the rich.

In the 1920's, farm prices

fell sharply.

In "yellow-dog" contracts, employers

forced workers to agree to stay out of unions.

Which of the following is NOT true about Robert La Follette's 1924 presidential campaign?

he tried to unite the fractured Democratic party

All the following were governmental policies that contributed to the crash except

increased taxes on upper levels of income.

the biggest scandal of the Harding administration:

involved the leasing of government-owned oil deposits to private companies

The biggest scandal of the Harding administration

involved the leasing of government-owned oil deposits to private companies.

In the 1920s, labor unions

lost about 1.5 million members.

The tariff policy of the 1920s

made it harder for other nations to sell in the United States.

The progressive coalition that had elected Woodrow Wilson president dissolved by 1920 for all the following reasons except

many of the major progressive reforms still seemed unattainable.

The "Bonus Expeditionary Force"

marched on Washington in an attempt to get immediate payment of a veterans' bonus that Congress had voted in 1924.

On the issue of regulating big business, President Harding

named conservative advocates of big business of head the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Federal Trade Commissions.

In his 1920 campaign for president, Warren Harding said the country needed a return to:


The Reconstruction Finance Corporation

offered emergency loans to banks. farm mortgage associations, building and loan societies, and other such businesses to prevent bankruptcies.

In the early years of the depression, farmers

often lost their farms as their income continued to fall.

The growing consumerism of the 1920s manifested itself in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

passenger rail service

Coolidge's administration was marked by


Between 1921 and 1928, the wages of non-farm workers

rose by about 20 percent.

In the 1920's, the Supreme Court

seemed to favor the interests of business over those of labor.

In response to the Bonus Army marchers, Herbert Hoover

sent the U.S army to evict them

As secretary of commerce under Coolidge, Herbert Hoover's priority was the trade-association movement, about which all of the following are true EXCEPT that it:

successfully blocked all monopolistis practices

President Herbert Hoover's progressive and humanitarian reforms included all the following except

support for the bill to provide federal financial assistance to lower-income families.

As secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover

supported the trade-association movement.

Which of the following was NOT part of Warren Harding's presidency?

supporting progressive legislation

The result in the presidential election of 1920 might be attributed to

the fact that Americans in the 1920's were "tired of issues, sick at heart of ideals, and weary of being noble.

which of the following was NOT a cause of the Depression?

the gold standard caused a tightening of currency supplies worldwide.

Harding's administration is most remembered for:

the scandals that plagued it

The "Ohio gang"

was a group of President Harding's friends who were named to political office.

Franklin D. Roosevelt:

was permanently disabled after contracting polio

John W. Davis

was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1924.

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