Chapter 3 (111-114)

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The —- government recently destroyed more than 6.1 tons of elephant ivory to help stop illegal ivory smuggling that is fueling poaching and decimating elephant populations in Africa.


Governmental agencies in various countries, such as the —in the United States, have adopted ISO standards as part of their regulatory framework, and the standards are the basis of much legislation.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

About 30 million sharks are killed every year solely to cut off (and sell) their fins. T/F

FALSE 50 million

birds of —- are in the greatest peril


—- refers to a series of voluntary standards in the environmental field. —- family of standards concerns the extent to which a firm minimizes harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities and continually monitors and improves its own environmental performance. —- have been adopted by thousands of firms and municipalities worldwide to certify to their constituencies that they are conducting business in an environmentally friendly manner;

ISO 14000

Included in the ISO 14000 series are the —-standards in fields such as environmental auditing, environmental performance evaluation, environmental labeling, and life-cycle assessment.

ISO 14001

The —- is not a technical standard and as such does not in any way replace technical requirements embodied in statutes or regulations.

ISO 14001

— is a set of standards adopted by thousands of firms worldwide to certify to their constituencies that they are conducting business in an environmentally friendly manner. —— offers a universal technical standard for environmental compliance that more and more firms are requiring not only of themselves but also of their suppliers and distributors.

ISO 14001/ ISO 14001 standard

Widely accepted all over the world, —— are voluntary because it has no legal authority to enforce their implementation; the organization itself does not regulate or legislate.

ISO Standards

Businesses and municipalities should consider becoming ——-to help attract business.

ISO certified

—— was outlawed in U.S. waters in 2000, the law does not ban fin imports or serving the fins in food, so about 57 metric tons of fins are imported in the United States annually.


Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the —- is a net- work of the national standards institutes of 147 countries, with one member per country. — world's largest developer of sustainability standards.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

More than 25% of the world's shark species now face extinction, according to the ——- .

International Union for Conservation of Nature

— recently issued permits allowing its whalers to kill up to 935 Antarctica minkes, 50 fin whales, and 50 humpbacks as part of "research into sustainable hunting." — is a member of the International Whaling Commission that has banned commercial whaling in a 31 million square-mile area around Antarctica known as the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.


"These birds are telling us there's a problem, something's out of balance in our environment," says —-, bird conservation director for the —-. "Songbirds are part of our natural heritage. Why should we be willing to watch songbirds destroyed any more than allowing a great work of art to be destroyed?"

Jeff Wells - National Audubon Society

The total area of fully protected marine habitats in the US is only about 35 square miles, compared to some 93 million acres of national wildlife refuges and national parks on the nation's land. T/F

50 square miles

A recent study concludes that —- of the 800 bird species in the United States are endangered, and another 184 species are designated of "—-." .

67 - conservation concern

The ocean covers more than — of the earth.


There are only about —- giraffes left in the wild, down from 140,000 giraffes 15 years ago.


Fewer than 300 West African giraffes remain in —-, and only 700 Rothschild's giraffes remain in — and —- .

Niger - Uganda and Kenya

—- was soundly criticized globally in mid-2015 for launching whale- hunting expeditions, to follow up on their killing 729 whales the prior year, the most annual whale killings by —- in two decades.


Only a few countries—such as —, —- and —-favor and engage in commercial whaling.

Norway, Japan, and Russia

People collect —- paintings and save historic buildings.


— is especially detrimental in eastern and central Africa, partly because some people (in Tanzania) erroneously believe the giraffe's meat and/or bone marrow is an HIV cure.


Many countries are upset with whaling, including Australia, where the Prime Minister ——- asserted, "We are completely opposed to whaling; there's no excuse for scientific whaling."

Prime Minister Julia Gillard

—- are sovereign decisions by the regulatory authorities, governments, or companies concerned.


—— are in danger of becoming extinct due to hunting and poaching in Africa that has decimated the giraffe population.

African giraffes

Many New Zealanders, supported by —— , are outraged about Japan's large-scale whaling operations in the Antarctic.


—— are one of 76 songbird species in the United States that have dramatically declined in numbers in the last two decades.


—- and —— must reinforce that good ethics is good business,"

Social responsibility and environmental sustainability policies, practices, and procedures

— include chickadees, orioles, swallows, mockingbirds, warblers, sparrows, vireos, and the wood thrush. —- may be telling us that their air or water is too dirty or that we are destroying too much of their habitat.


—— recently resumed whaling, despite a 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling.

South Korea

International Whaling Commission that has banned commercial whaling in a 31 million square-mile area around Antarctica known as the —-.

Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary

Business ethics, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability are interrelated and key strategic issues facing all organizations. T/F


Not all birds are considered songbirds, and why birds sing is not clear. T/ F


Only 8 U.S. states have laws banning the sale of shark fins in food: Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, California, Maryland, New York, and Delaware. T/F


There are today less than 100,000 elephants in Africa, down from more than 300,000 in 2002, primarily because the demand for ivory remains robust in Asia, particularly China. T/F


Warming of the ocean as a result of carbon dioxide emissions also kills thousands of acres of coral reefs annually. T/F


Whatever message songbirds are singing to us today about their natural environment, the message is becoming less and less heard nationwide. T/ F


Not being certified with ISO 14001 can be a strategic disadvantage for towns, counties, and companies because people today expect organizations to minimize or, even better, to eliminate environmental harm they cause. T/F


—— destroys coral reefs and has been compared to catching squirrels by cutting down forests because bottom nets scour and destroy vast areas of the ocean.

Trawl fishing with nets

numerous food companies, such as —-, largest U.S. meatpacker, are phasing out use of human antibiotics and are "housing" animals more humanely.

Tyson Foods

—- says its suppliers must begin to "raise animals with sufficient space for them to express normal behaviors and freedom from discomfort." —— wants the use of battery cages for chickens, gestation crates for hogs, and veal crates for cows to be eliminated, although such small confined areas are currently used to raise many chickens, pigs, and cows in the US. — is by far the largest grocery in the US, with grocery accounting for 56 percent of the com- pany's $288 billion in sales in 2014.


—— are demanding that food suppliers treat animals better, and consumers are flocking to organic foods.

Walmart, other retailers, and restaurants

—-, CEO of the Humane Society of the US, wants Walmart to set a timeline for compliance.

Wayne Pacelle

— is regarded as a delicacy in Japan and can fetch up to US$38 for 100 grams.

Whale meat

unfortunate consequence of fishing over the last century has been overfishing, with the principal reasons —- and —

being politics and greed.

The great proportion of marine life caught in a trawl is "—-" juvenile fish and other life that are killed and discarded.


Some scientists say they sing when —-, but many scientists now contend that birds sing for —-

calling for mates or warning of danger - sheer pleasure

The destructive effect of —- on ocean habitats coupled with increasing pollution runoff into the ocean and global warming of the ocean have decimated fisheries, marine life, and coral reefs around the world.

commercial fishing

According to the ISO 14001 standard, a —- or —- is required to put in place and implement a series of practices and procedures that, when taken together, result in an environmental management system (EMS).

community or organization

US recently crushed over 6 tons of —- as part of a global effort to combat elephant poaching; one elephant is killed every 16 minutes.

elephant ivory

—- is the foundation for everything we do and say

good ethics

Parents want their children to eat food raised without use of — and —-

growth hormones and antibiotics.

A —— is vital to the economic and social future of the nation and, indeed, all countries of the world.

healthy ocean

Affected businesses range from retailers that sell —- to restaurants that sell —-

ivory chess pieces - whale meat.

One of the best ways to be socially responsible is for the firm to —- and ——.

proactively conserve and preserve the natural environment

1. Show commitments to prevention of pollution, continual improvement in overall environmental performance, and compliance with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. 2. Identify all aspects of the organization's activities, products, and services that could have a significant impact on the environment, including those that are not regulated. 3. Set performance objectives and targets for the management system that link back to three policies: (a) prevention of pollution, (b) continual improvement, and (c) compliance. 4. Meet environmental objectives that include training employees, establishing work instruc- tions and practices, and establishing the actual metrics by which the objectives and targets will be measured. 5. Conduct an audit operation of the EMS. 6. Take corrective actions when deviations from the EMS occur.

six major requirements of an EMS under ISO 14001:

—- is designed to gain and sustain competitive advantages, but all can be lost with ethical violations, ranging from bribery to sexual harassment to selling whale meat.

strategic-management process

—- must set an exemplary example personally and professionally to establish and continually reinforce an organizational culture for "doing the right thing.


Even the legendary football coach Vince Lombardi knew that some things were worth more than winning, and he required his players to have three kinds of loyalty: —, ——, and to the Green Bay Packers, "in that order."

to God, to their families

Consumers globally are becoming increasingly intolerant of any business or nation that directly or indirectly destroys —-, especially —-, such as tigers, elephants, whales, songbirds, and coral reefs.

wildlife - endangered wildlife

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