Chapter 3 Firearms

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What's an extraction

"pulling" the spent cartridge from the chamber

Identify rife slug

A single, hollow lead bullet that weighs from 7/8 to 1 1/8 ounce.

What's a crane(revolver)

Attaches the cylinder to the frame so the cylinder can swing in and out of the frame opening; Colt uses the term crane; Smith & Wesson uses the term yoke( internal part)

Identify loading port (shot gun)

Bottom opening on the receiver that live rounds are fed into or removed from the magazine tube

Identify round

Complete ammunition cartridge that contains all parts of ammunition ; a military term meaning one single cartridge

Identify receiver group(rife)

Contains the magazine release, magazine well, trigger housing, and trigger components

To fire the handgun from the standing barricade position

Do not let your firearm or hands rest on or touch the barricade. Keep them behind the lateral line of the barricade

Identify charging handle(rife)

Enables manipulation of the bolt to chamber a round

Identify double action only

Every round fires double action with the hammer at rest against the rear of the slide

Identify bolt carrier(shot gun)

Flat steel part that fits onto the action bars and on which the bolt sits

What's a slide(pistol)

Houses the firing pin, safety, drop safety, sights, and extractor

Identify barricade position

Is a position behind cover

Identify the types of semiautomatic pistol malfunction that may occur

Phase 1 Clearance: Immediate action drill. Use Phase 1 clearance to fix failure to feed, failure to fire, stovepipe, and failure to extra malfunctions. The easiest way to remember this method is learn the phrase Tap, Rack, Ready, fire( if necessary). Phase 2 Clearance, if phase 1 Clearance does not clear the malfunction or the malfunction is a double feed, use Phase 2 Clearance. A phase 2 clearance is more detailed and time consuming

To reload a revolver using only your left or right hand

Place the barrel behind the gun belt inside the front of your pants with its cylinder facing out

Identify bullet

Portion of the cartridge that becomes a projectile when in flight

Identify failure to feed

The cartridge fails to feed into the chamber. This occurs when the magazine is not fully seated. Use the Phase 1 clearance method-tap, Rack, and Ready- to correct this malfunction, or insert a new magazine

Identify double/single pistol

The first round fires double action. (The trigger being pulled to the rear manually clocks the hammer and release it.)

Identify the shooting hand

The hand used to shoot the firearm

Identify 00 buckshot(double-aught buckshot)

The standard 2 3/4 inch shell contains nine. 33 caliber lead pellets.

Identify Ayoob technique

This technique is thumb to thumb; it uses the "watchman" grip. It provides some support for firearm control and good illumination in relationship to the weapon.

Identify shell latches(stops) shot gun

Two pieces of steel mounted on each side of the inside of the receiver at the magazine's rear; they help hold the cartridges in the magazine and release them on at a time when the action operates. they are also used to manually unload the shotgun

Identify Malfunction

is a condition that prevents a weapon from operating normally.

Identify Cover

is any object or obstacle that creates a bullet-resistant barrier between you and a threat. It includes, but is not limited to, such things as a solid concrete wall, a vehicle's engine block, or a concrete telephone pole

Identify failure to fire

occurs when the trigger is pulled, but the round fails to detonate.

Identify handgun

refers to either the revolver or the semiautomatic pistol

Identify the general rules of safety that should be applied to all firearms.

1. Always treat every firearm as if it were loaded whether you think it is or not. 2. Each time you pick up put down or hand a firearm to another open the firearm's action and physically and visually inspect it to make sure that it is not loaded. this call a safety check. 3. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction 4. Never point a firearm at anyone or anything that you do not intend to shoot. 5. Keep your trigger finger off the trigger and against the frame when drawing the firearm from or returning it to your holster. 6. Never leave a loaded firearm unattended. 7. Clean the firearm each time it is fired and fully inspect the firearm once a week. Safety check the firearm each time you use it.

Identify what safety rules to follow on the range

1. Immediately obey all directions and commands from the range instructor. 2 Care for and respect all firearms. a. Never abuse firearms b. Perform a safety check each time you are issued or return a firearm c. If loose screws and/or lose sights are discovered, report this to the range instructed.

To attain the proper grip on a handgun, you should perform the following steps

1. Keep your hand high on the backstrap. 2. wrap your fingers around the grip. 3. Draw the handgun in an upward motion, keeping your trigger finger outside the trigger guard and off the trigger. 4. lift the handgun upward so its muzzle clears the top of your holster. 5. Thrust the muzzle straight toward the target as the support hand joins the shooting hand and firearm to form the proper two-handed shooting grip. If no threat is present, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction

Identify shooting stances to use when shooting a hand gun

1. Kneeling position 2. Isosceles stance 3. Weaver stance

Identify the steps to safety handle a semiautomatic pistol

1. Locate the Manual safety on the semiautomatic pistol( if applicable). Put the safety in the on position 2. Press the magazine release button and remove the magazine from the magazine well 3. Secure the magazine 4. Point the weapon in a safe direction, and pull the slide to the rear to extract and eject the live round from the chamber. 5. Lock the slide to the rear using the slide stop on the weapon's frame. 6. Visually and inspect the chamber and magazine is empty 7. Slide locked to the rear and the magazine well empty, hand the semiautomatic pistol to the other person, grip first

Identify any abnormalities or defects on ammunition

1. Scrape 2. Dent 3. Corrosion- layering of the case with oxidation or foreign material, such as mold, fungi layers, congealed oil and lubricants 4. Puncture- actual tear, detachment, or rip that looks like an opening in the case body

What are the steps to load a shotgun

1. grip the shotgun by the stock with your shooting hand 2. ensure the safety is engaged 3. while gripping the shotgun, keep your trigger finger alongside the frame and keep the barrel pointed in a safe direction 4. with your support hand, grasp the fore-end/slide and move it forward forcefully until the action locks into place

To load a revolver, follow these steps

1. keep your finger outside the trigger guard 2. always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. 3. open the cylinder 4. locate and operate the cylinder release latch 5. place the revolver frame in your support hand, and then push/press the cylinder out of the frame with the ring and middle fingers of your support hand. 6. Cradle the revolver in your support hand just above your waistline, close to your body

Identify types of flashlight grips .

1." Watchman grip"- The flashlight is held in the support hand with the illuminating end projecting from the index finger side of the hand. The thumb controls the on/off switch with a side-mounted switch near the front of the flashlight; the little or ring finger controls it with a side-mounted switch near the back of the flashlight. 2." Law enforcement" or " tactical" grip- the flashlight is held in the support hand with the illuminating end projecting from the little finger on the side of the hand. The thumb controls a rear mounted switch; the index finger controls a side mounted switch near the back of the flashlight; the little or ring finger controls a side mounted switch near the back of the flashlight. 3."Syringe" grip- This grip is used with a small (4-6 inch) flashlight with a rear switch and a ring around the grip to give the index and middle fingers a hold. The flashlight is held in the support hand between the index and the middle fingers. The switch is pulled back against the base of the hand or the knuckles of the shooting hand, depending on the technique used.

What are some factors to determine appropriate cover

1.size- ideally, the object should be large enough to fully conceal your body( for example, a vehicle or concrete wall). However, any cover is better than no cover. 2.Density- the cover should be capable of stopping a projectile.3. Location- choose cover that is tactically sounds and positions you to engage a threat. 4. Versatility- choose cover that gives you the most options, such as cover that positions you to use your shooting hand rather than your support hand or cover that enables you to change heights or shooting stances.

Identify muzzle flash suppressor(rife)

Attachment on the barrel forward end that reduces the flash as burning powder escapes when the bullet exists the barrel

Identify handling ammunition safely

Do not use reloads for duty ammunition. Reloads are cartridges that have been prepared using previously fired brass cases. They are not reliable as new ammunition. Also, using reloaded ammunition may void the warranties of many firearms

Identify follow through

Involves maintaining sight alignment before, during, and after firing a round.

Identify double feed

Is a failure to extract the round in the chamber and a new round being fed from the magazine. Causes include damaged or improperly dimensioned magazine lips or a faulty cartridge interrupted ( in weapons with tubular magazines).

Obtain sight picture with a handgun

Is the relationship between the eye, front sight, rear sight, and target. 1. Look through the notch of the rear sight. 2. Align the top of the front sight with the top of the rear sight with equal space on each side 3. Place the sights on the target 4. Focus on front sight( target will be blurry) 4. Use your dominant eye to align sights.

obtain sight alignment with a hand gun

Is the relationship of the front sight and rear sight with the shooter's eye(s). It occurs when the top of the front sight is level with the rear sight's top edge and centered in the rear sight aperture or notch. Keep your eyes behind the rear and front sights. This is the most important aspect of aiming

Identify action/slide release (shot gun)

Mechanical device that, when activated, releases the slide

Identify single action

Mechanism performs the single action of releasing the hammer or stricker

Identify the common cause of most firearm accidents

Negligence is the most common cause of firearms accidents.

what are some several factors to consider before moving to cover

Never change your cover jus for the sake of change. Select your next position before you move. Move closer only to gain a tactical advantage. Move using concealment- cars, trees, bushes if available. You may need to run, crawl, or "duck walk" to reach cover. Move if you need to reach a safer location. Reload your firearm behind cover when possible.

Identify birdshot

Normally used for bird hunting or practice ; this shell as a load of small diameter lead or steel shots pellets

Identify stacked feed

Occurs when a round is in the chamber and the action is closed

Identify failure to extract

Occurs when the pistol fails to extract a spent casing from its chamber.

Identify double feed

Occurs when the shell stop daily to retain a shell in the magazine tube after one has been moved onto the carrier

Identify failure to eject

Often called a stovepipe, occurs when a fired cartridge case does not completely eject. The most common causes are a weak powder charge(bad ammunition), a dry weapon ( not enough lubrication), and, if while firing, the shooter does not provide enough resistance for the slide to operate( limp wrist). Use the Phase 1 clearance method - Tap, Rack and Ready-to-wear correct this malfunction

What's a hand(revolver)

Part of a revolver that turns the cylinder as the gun is cocked , thus aligning a cartridge with the hammer or firing pin (internal part)

What's a hammer nose(revolver)

Pin or firing pin, part of the hammer or frame that protrudes through the frame and strikes the primer( internal part)

Identify trigger control

Results when the trigger finger pulls the trigger straight back with increasing yet constant and steady pressure until the firearm discharges

Identify shell carrier(shot gun)

Slightly rounded steel part that blocks the loading port; catches rounds releases from the magazine and raises them into alignment with the chamber

During a deadly force encounter

Transaction to a secondary weapon or retreat. Immediately move to cover, if available. If an officer's rifle malfunctions, he or she should immediately switch to a handgun, if available

Identify forestock/hand guard(rife)

Used to support the rife with the support hand ; acts as a heat shield from the barriel

Identify Concealment

is any object or group of objects that creates a visual barrier between you and a threat but may not stop a projectile. Example include bushes, trees, and cars. The purpose of concealment is to hide your exact location. Cover can be concealment, but concealment is not necessarily cover.

Frozen cylinder

is one that does not rotate. Causes include dirt or debris under the extractor that locks the cylinder so it cannot rotate

Identify the support hand

is the hand that assists the shooting hand

Identify Squib load

occurs when there is no powder or a partial burn of powder and the primer ignites. The result is incomplete propulsion of the bullet, which may lodge the projectile in the barrel. THIS IS A MAJOR SAFETY HAZARD.

Identify Cheek Weld

provides firm contact between your cheek and the comb of the stock. To form a cheek weld, raise the stock to your cheek; do not lower your cheek to the stock. Tightly hold the flesh against the cheekbone so it acts as a buffer. The firm contact between the head, hand, and shotgun enables your head and weapon to recoil as one unit. This aids in rapid recovery between rounds. The cheek weld lets you maintain the same distance behind the receiver, further assisting in correct sight alignment.

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