Chapter 3 Napa Valley :)

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2) The smallest living things are A) proteins. B) cells. C) tissues. D) organs. E) organ systems.


1) Which of the following is a concept of the cell theory? A) Cells are the basic structural unit of life. B) Tissues are the site of control. C) Organelles are the basic functional unit of life. D) Cells are produced by meiosis. E) All of the above are correct.

Cells are the basic structural unit of life

Paired structures made of microtubules that are at right angles to each other are called the _________________________.


In cells that are not dividing, chromosomes form a loose network of fibers known as _________________________


Uncondensed genetic material is known as _________________________.


The proper distribution of a cell's genetic material to two daughter cells is accomplished by the process of _________________________.


11) Which of the following is a function of the membrane proteins called transport proteins? A) They bind to specific extracellular molecules to trigger a cellular change. B) They regulate the passage of ions. C) They are enzymes. D) They serve as anchors or stabilizers for the cell membrane. E) They are used as a source of energy

They regulate the passage of ions.

The DNA contains the nucleotide thymine, but RNA contains _________________________ instead


49) The peroxisome A) is a vesicle containing enzymes. B) catabolizes fats. C) catabolizes cellular toxins. D) may catabolize organic compounds that are not fats. E) all of the above

all of the above

9) Structurally, the plasma membrane A) contains some imbedded proteins. B) is composed of a bilayer of lipids. C) contains some carbohydrate molecules. D) contains some small holes, or pores. E) all of the above

all of the above

21) When ions are moved across the cell membrane, A) a concentration gradient may be established. B) an electrical gradient may be established. C) an osmotic gradient may be established. D) both A and B occur. E) all of the above may occur.

all of the above may occur

66) During the process of mitosis, chromatids separate during A) prophase. B) metaphase. C) interphase. D) telophase. E) anaphase.


18) A solution with a lower-than-normal osmotic pressure is referred to as a(n) A) isotonic solution. B) hypertonic solution. C) .hypotonic solution D) holotonic solution. E) none of the above

hypotonic solution

67) During this phase of cell division, the nuclear membrane dissolves, the chromatin coils, and centrioles begin to move to the poles of the cell. A) anaphase B) prophase C) interphase D) telophase E) metaphase


6) The cell membrane A) is a watery gel in which structures are suspended. B) contains the powerhouse of the cell. C) is the central government of the cell. D) protects the cell and acts as a filter. E) carries the cell's hereditary information.

protects the cell and acts as a filter.

54) The nucleus controls the synthesis of which of the following molecules? A) carbohydrates B) lipids C) proteins D) phospholipids E) none of the above


45) The cellular organelle responsible for recycling intracellular proteins is called the A) mitochondrion. B) nucleus. C) nucleolus. D) Golgi body. E) proteosome.


8) The classes of membrane proteins that recognize extracellular structures are called A) receptor proteins. B) channel proteins. C) carrier proteins. D) anchor proteins. E) identifier proteins

receptor proteins

27) The process of binding a specific molecule then bringing it into the cell in a vesicle is called A) exocytosis. B) transcytosis. C) phagocytosis. D) receptor-mediated endocytosis. E) pinocytosis.

receptor-mediated endocytosis

71) Before a cell can divide by mitosis, which of the following must occur? A) division of cytoplasm B) synthesis of a new cell membrane C) replication of the DNA D) protein synthesis E) sugar metabolism

replication of the DNA

40) Protein production is a function of the A) microtubules. B) mitochondria. C) rough ER. D) ribosomes. E) Golgi apparatus.


5) Cell membranes allow certain molecules to pass, while blocking others. This property is called A) impermeable. B) freely permeable. C) selectively permeable. D) actively permeable. E) none of the above

selectively permeable

10) Which of the following is a function of the cell membrane? A) continuation of the cytoplasm with the extracellular fluid B) a free passageway for materials to the environment C) sensitivity to changes in the extracellular fluid D) enzyme production E) controlling movement into the nucleus

sensitivity to changes in the extracellular fluid

56) As each codon binds at the active site of a ribosome, it interacts with another molecule. This molecule is called A) DNA. B) mRNA. C) ribosomal RNA. D) tRNA. E) rough ER.


59) Which molecule carries an amino acid to the site of protein synthesis? A) tRNA B) rRNA C) mRNA D) zRNA E) microRNA


Amino acids are carried to the ribosomes to be incorporated into polypeptide chains by_________________________.


65) The stage in a cell's life cycle in which the chromosomes are at opposite poles of the cell and the cellular cleavage is nearly complete is called A) prophase. B) interphase. C) metaphase. D) telophase. E) anaphase.


38) Most intracellular vesicles are formed by A) the endoplasmic reticulum. B) the Golgi apparatus. C) lysosomes. D) mitochondria. E) nucleoli.

the Golgi apparatus

41) When activated, lysosomes may function in A) the formation of new cell membranes. B) the synthesis of proteins. C) apoptosis. D) the synthesis of lipids. E) cell division.

the synthesis of lipids

58) The process of synthesizing an mRNA chain through the use of DNA molecules is called A) transcription. B) replication. C) RNA matching. D) differentiation. E) translation.


57) The process of forming a polypeptide from mRNA instructions is called A) replication. B) transcription. C) translation. D) ribolation. E) protein synthesis.


13) Water molecules and small ions enter a cell through A) transport proteins. B) receptor proteins. C) lipid channels. D) anchor proteins. E) all of the above

transport proteins

64) Which of the following sequences is correct? A) triplet - anitcodon - codon - protein B) triplet - ribosome - codon - protein C) triplet - codon - anticodon - protein D) triplet - codon - ribosome - protein E) none of the above

triplet - codon - anticodon - protein

20) Two solutions are separated by a semipermeable membrane with the same properties as a cell membrane. Solution A is 5 percent glucose and solution B is 10 percent glucose. Under these circumstances, A) water will move from solution A to solution B. B) water will move from solution B to solution A. C) glucose will move from solution A to solution B. D) glucose will move from solution B to solution A. E) at equilibrium the concentration of glucose will be higher in solution B.

water will move from solution A to solution B

The structure that allows locomotion in some cells is the _________________________.


48) Which of the following consists of a network of flattened membranes and vesicles? A) rough ER B) smooth ER C) mitochondria D) nucleoli E) Golgi apparatus

Golgi apparatus

26) Which of the following is true of the sodium-potassium exchange pump? A) It is an example of active transport. B) It causes the output of cellular energy in the form of ATP. C) It moves sodium into the cell and potassium out of the cell. D) It is only found in muscle cells. E) It maintains sodium at equal intracellular and extracellular levels.

It is an example of active transport

16) A solution that contains a higher solute concentration than the cytoplasm of a cell is called A) holotonic. B) hypertonic. C) isotonic. D) hypotonic. E) semitonic.


19) If someone sweats profusely and loses large amounts of water, the result will be that the blood plasma becomes ________ to the cells. A) hypertonic B) isotonic C) hypotonic D) osmotic E) none of the above


17) Crenation occurs when a blood cell is placed in a(n) A) isotonic solution. B) hypertonic solution. C) hypotonic solution. D) holotonic solution. E) none of the above

hypertonic solution

42) The cell's RNA is produced by the A) ribosomes. B) nucleolus. C) lysosomes. D) nucleus. E) Golgi apparatus.


52) The control center for gene expression is the A) nucleus. B) nucleolus. C) cell membrane. D) Golgi apparatus. E) none of the above


60) Transcription occurs in the A) mitochondrion. B) cytoplasm. C) vesicles. D) Golgi body. E) nucleus.


12) The movement of water across a membrane from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration is known as A) osmosis. B) active transport. C) diffusion. D) facilitated diffusion. E) filtration.


25) The process by which vesicles containing fluid are formed on the surface of a cell for transport into the cell is called A) pinocytosis. B) phagocytosis. C) exocytosis. D) receptor-mediated endocytosis. E) none of the above


The theory that describes four basic concepts of cells is called _________________________.

Cell Theory

Cellular reproduction is known as _________________________.

Cell division

46) Which of the following is a function or property of the mitochondria? A) ATP production B) physical isolation C) regulation of exchange with the environment D) sensitivity E) structural support

ATP production

62) The mRNA sequence that is complementary to the sequence UAG on a tRNA is A) ATC. B) TUC. C) UAG. D) AUC. E) none of the above


_________________________ processes move substances across a membrane regardless of concentration gradients.

Active Transport

A triplet of nitrogenous bases on a tRNA molecule that interacts with the complementary codon on a mRNA strand is called a(n) _________________________.


The DNA triplet is the same sequence as the _________________________, except that U replaces T.


_________________________ proteins interact with substances by binding to them and changing shape to regulate the passage of materials through the cell membrane.


A substance known to cause cancer is referred to as a(n) _________________________.


The physical process by which a single animal cell separates into two cells is called_________________________.


3) The watery medium inside a cell is known as A) cytosol. B) protoplasm. C) extracellular fluid. D) cytoplasm. E) a colloidal gel.


The process by which cells become specialized is called _________________________.


During active transport, a cell must expend _________________________ to accomplish the movement of a substance.


The nucleus is surrounded by a membrane called the _________________________.

Nuclear Evelope

The _________________________ of a membrane is the property that determines its effectiveness as a barrier


4) Which of the following terms is used to define the structure that separates the contents of a human cell from its surrounding medium? A) cell wall B) cell layer C) plasma membrane D) cell boundary E) All of the above are used.

Plasma Membrane

Membrane-bound proteins that allow recognition of a cell as "self" are called _________________________ proteins.


_________________________ is the process of duplicating DNA prior to cell division.


Translation takes place on the _________________________.


One function of the nucleolus is to produce _________________________.


63) The anticodon for the DNA triplet UCA would be A) AGU. B) AGC. C) TCA. D) TGT. E) none of the above


51) Examination of a sample of cells reveals large numbers of mitochondria compared to most other cells. Which of the following is a likely reason for this? A) The cells produce digestive enzymes. B) The cells produce steroid hormones. C) The cells have very high energy requirements. D) The cells synthesize transport proteins. E) The cells make antibodies.

The cells have very high energy requirements.

23) A process that requires ATP energy to move a substance independently of its concentration gradient is called A) active transport. B) passive transport. C) facilitated transport. D) osmosis. E) diffusion.

active transport

44) Microtubules A) are usually composed of myosin. B) are hollow, filamentous structures. C) anchor the cytoskeleton to integral proteins of the cell membrane. D) interact with filaments composed of tubulin to produce muscle contractions. E) are found in the ribosome.

are hollow, filamentous structures

47) Which of the following contains a double membrane? A) mitochondrion B) nucleus C) Golgi body D) vesicles E) both A and B

both A and B

29) Which of these is an example of carrier-mediated transport? A) active transport B) facilitated diffusion C) endocytosis D) exocytosis E) both A and B are correct

both A and B are correct

7) The phosphate group of a phospholipid is A) hydrophobic. B) hydrophilic. C) polar. D) nonpolar. E) both B and C

both B and C

28) Carrier molecules are located within the A) cytoplasm. B) cell membrane. C) phospholipid bilayer. D) lipid droplets. E) chromosomes.

cell membrane

53) The coils of DNA and protein found in the cell nucleus are called A) nucleoplasms. B) chromatin. C) mitochondria. D) nucleolemmas. E) nucleoli.


34) Which of the following are cylindrical extensions of the plasma membrane? A) microfilaments B) cilia C) thick filaments D) microtubules E) all of the above


55) Three base sequences that indicate a specific amino acid on mRNA are called A) chromosomes. B) triplets. C) codons. D) anticodons. E) none of the above


Osmotic pressure is determined by the _________________________ of solute molecules in a solution.


37) The folds of the internal membrane within mitochondria are called A) cristae. B) cytosol. C) cytoplasm. D) matrix. E) none of the above


73) When genes are turned off to allow a cell to specialize its functions, the process is called A) adaptation. B) differentiation. C) structural integration. D) destabilization. E) cellular activation.


14) The process by which molecules such as oxygen are moved into cells along their concentration gradient directly through the cell membrane is called A) osmosis. B) diffusion. C) active transport. D) osmosis. E) exocytosis


If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to A) move. B) produce DNA. C) divide. D) synthesize proteins. E) metabolize sugars.


72) The term "benign" refers to A) any of various malignant neoplasms. B) neoplasms that have the tendency to metastasize to new sites. C) an illness characterized by malignant cells. D) encapsulated and nonspreading tumors. E) none of the above

encapsulated and nonspreading tumors

36) Most of the proteins located in the plasma membrane are produced in the A) ribosomes. B) endoplasmic reticulum. C) nucleus. D) mitochondria. E) Golgi apparatus.

endoplasmic reticulum

24) The release of intracellular materials by a vesicle at the cell surface is called A) osmosis. B) active transport. C) exocytosis. D) endocytosis. E) an ion exchange pump


22) The movement of substances from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration by interacting with a carrier molecule is an example of A) osmosis. B) active transport. C) diffusion. D) facilitated diffusion. E) filtration.

facilitated diffusion

15) The process that occurs when a physical pressure pushes materials through a barrier is called A) diffusion. B) facilitated diffusion. C) osmosis. D) filtration. E) active transport.


43) Cilia are found A) mostly in muscle cells. B) on the inside of cell membranes. C) in large numbers on cells that secrete hormones. D) in cells that are required to move a fluid medium along their surface. E) only on cells lining the reproductive tract

in cells that are required to move a fluid medium along their surface

69) The stage of the cell cycle at which chromatin is invisible to a light microscope is A) anaphase. B) prophase. C) interphase. D) telophase. E) metaphase.


30) Facilitated diffusion differs from ordinary diffusion in that facilitated diffusion A) expends no ATP. B) moves molecules from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration. C) is dependent on carrier molecules. D) never eliminates the concentration gradient. E) is independent of carrier molecules.

is dependent on carrier molecules

Only _________________________ -soluble substances can pass directly through the cell membrane's lipids.


31) Which of the following is an example of a membranous organelle? A) lysosomes B) cilia C) centrioles D) ribosomes E) cytoskeleton


61) The type of RNA that holds a copy of the genetic information is the A) mRNA. B) tRNA. C) dRNA. D) rRNA. E) microRNA.


68) During the cell cycle, duplicated chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell during A) anaphase. B) prophase. C) interphase. D) telophase. E) metaphase.


70) Identify the phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes align at the equator of the cell. A) prophase B) metaphase C) anaphase D) telophase E) none of the above


33) Tubulin is to microtubules as myosin is to A) ribosomes. B) microfilaments. C) actin. D) flagella. E) microvilli.


32) The largest components of the cytoskeleton are A) microfilaments. B) microtubules. C) proteins. D) myosin. E) all of the above


35) Flagella move a cell through a fluid medium. What moves the flagellum? A) centrioles B) thick filaments C) cilia D) microtubules E) endoplasmic reticula


39) Synthesis of most ATP takes place in the A) ribosomes. B) rough ER. C) smooth ER. D) Golgi apparatus. E) mitochondria.


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