Chapter 3 - The Organic Molecules of Life

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Select the incorrect association. 1.sucrose - table sugar 2.fructose - a polysaccharide 3.starch - a long chain of glucose 4.cellulose - building block for cell walls in plants 5.glucose - monosaccharide

fructose - a polysaccharide

When you eat a salad, which one of the following components will pass through the body with the least amount of digestion?


ATP is a molecule used for energy transport inside the cell. The components of ATP are a nitrogen-containing base, a pentose sugar, and three phosphate groups. Given this structure, ATP is a(n)

nucleic acid.

The primary structure of a protein refers to the

number and sequence of amino acids

Plants store their sugar in the form of


Which of the following is an organic molecule? 1.H2O 2.C6H12O6 3.NaOH 4.CO2 5.HCl


Which of the following is not associated with proteins? 1.Denaturation destroys proteins' shape and function. 2.Proteins are made up of amino acids bonded together. 3.Proteins are used to produce many types of hormones. 4.Proteins are found in skin, nails, and claws. 5.Proteins are used to produce DNA.

Proteins are used to produce DNA.

What makes saturated triglycerides considerably less healthy than unsaturated ones?

They possess no double bonds between carbon atoms, which makes them more tightly packed together.

Scientists created an enzyme that will break down any type of carbohydrate. If given to humans, they could use which of the following as a new food source?


Wood and cotton cloth are composed of


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