Chapter 3 World Geography

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How frequently does Earth complete one rotation on its axis?

Earth rotates every 24 hours on its axis.

Why are temperatures cooler in Quito, Ecuador, than in most other places located near the Equator?

It is on a mountain, at a high elevation

When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere?


Which area experiences the midnight sun?

The poles/ Arctic

According to scientists, in what climate do more than half of all plant and animal species exist?

Tropical wet climate

When does the shortest day of the year occur?

winter solstice

What is the average daily temperature of a tropical wet climate?

80°F (27°C)

The ------- occur(s) because Earth's rotation causes prevailing winds to move diagonally.

Coriolis Effect

What is the term for the generally windless area near the Equator?


What causes solar radiation to warm Earth?

Greenhouse gasses

Because of ---------- some solar radiation is absorbed by Earth's atmosphere and some is reflected back into space.

The Greenhouse Effect

Where do the most dramatic variations in the amount of sunlight occur?

The equator

What is the midnight sun and how might it affect people who live in areas that experience it?

The midnight sun is when the Arctic Circle has continuous daylight on March 20 - Sept 23. This might affect the people who live in areas that experience it because they have to adjust to a new lifestyle. For example, they have to sleep even when it's still daylight. They also have to plan their lives around the change. The midnight Sun most likely affects the wildlife there as well.

What effect do large bodies of water tend to have on coastal areas?

Uniform and moderate temperatures

How does the Coriolis effect influence winds?

Winds move diagonally because of Earth's rotation and it causes winds to blow clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

When it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, what season is it in the Northern Hemisphere?


Describe what the equinox is?

a day on which the sun is directly over the Equator

What is an oasis?

a small fertile or green area in a desert region, usually having a spring or well

Burning fossil fuels releases gases that cause-----.

acid rain.

Why do different places on Earth receive different amounts of direct sunlight at the same time?

because of earth's tilt on its axis

What effect does cool temperature have on air?

causes it to rise

In marine west coast climates, ocean winds cause:

cool summers, cold/damp winters

Temperatures at higher elevations are -----------compared to temperatures at lower elevations.


What effect does cool temperature have on air?

creates high air pressure

What kind of trees change color and drop their leaves in autumn?

deciduous trees

How is smog created?

exhaust from burning fossil fuels heat in the atmosphere by solar radiation

High latitude climates support only limited plant and animal life because of?

no direct sunlight

Describe what the term permafrost refers to.

permanently frozen soil beneath the ground's surface

What are the prevailing winds of the latitudes near the equator called?

trade winds

Describe the effects caused by a rain shadow?

warm dry air onto the leeward side of the mountain

What does the rain shadow effect cause?

warm dry air onto the leeward side of the mountain

Describe what the equinox is?

when the number of hours in the day and night are the same

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