Chapter 31 & 32

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Mexican artists hired by the government to create murals favored naturalism because the new government thought

Abstract art was incomprehensible to the public at large

Pablo Picasso's painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon) was influenced by art from


Jacob Lawrence's Migration Series uses forms that recall

African art

Nineteenth-century avant-garde artists believed their work was

Ahead of bourgeois tastes

The "primitivism" of early Modernist art has a negative connotation because he artists

Viewed non-European peoples as uncivilized

Modernist art is frequently

Visually radical

The tactile emphasis in Art Informel, exemplified by Wol's (Wolfgang Schulze's) Painting, find it's closest parallel in the Abstract Expressionist work of

Willem de Kooning

What distinguishes Frank Lloyd Wright's Praire School style of architecture from European Modernist architecture?

Wright integrated the building with its environment

What pictorial device did Barnett Newman invent to divide the solid field of color in his paintings?


The principal goal of Impressionist painting was to

Capture a fleeting moment

What did Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre first patent in 1839?

A fixed photographic process

What helped to spread artists' fame in the nineteenth century?

Annual exhibitions

The nineteenth-century newspaper was a major vehicle for the publication of

Art criticism

Tom Thomson's rugged landscape paintings of Canada participate in the broader movement in the Americas to

Assert artistic independence from Europe

This artist is known for capturing the essence of his subjects in his semi-abstracted works.


The three political ideologies that struggled for world supremacy in the first half of the twentieth century were

Communism, fascism, and capitalism

Mark Rothko's paintings are best described as


Which movement challenged the role of the artist in the creative process with its "ready made" objects and photomontages?


The two earliest types of fixed photography are the

Daguerreotype and the calotype

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis called Modernist art degenerate because they believed it to be

Degraded and politically subversive

Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux's The Dance departed from academic conventions by

Depicting the figures as spontaneous and real rather than idealized

What does your text mean when it says of Garner's photograph The Sharpshooter, "the staging f this photograph raises questions about visual fact and fiction"?

Despite seeming to capture reality, photographs are composed to create a picture

Van Gogh's Starry Night is best described as depicting

Expression more than physical description

The art of Die Brücke is best known for its

Expressionistic stylization

The art of the Fauves treats color


The visual culture of the twentieth century was focused on


Fauvist expressive color and brushwork emphasize the

Flatness of the canvas

Sullivan's Wainwright Building illustrates which principle of his architecture?

Form ever follows function

Clement Greenberg is a critic associated with the movement known as


Cubism fractured shapes and represented incoherent space as if seen

From multiple perspectives

What event from history led to Lange's Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California?

Great Depression

One of the hallmarks of academic taste in French art is


Post-Impressionist painting used Impressionism as a springboard to develop

Individual styles

Oswald de Andrade's Anthropophagic Manifesto suggested that Brazilian artists should

Ingest European culture, let it strengthen their Brazilianness, then get rid of it.

Paxton's Crystal Palace was innovative in its use of

Iron-and-glass frame

Symbolist art is known for its interest in the

Irrational aspects of the human mind

In what way does Courbet's The Burial at Ornans reject academic practice?

It is a monumental painting

How is Labrouste's Bibliotheque Nationale an example of historicism?

It is topped with domes

The composition of Degas's The Rehearsal on Stage reflects the influence of

Japanese prints

The main themes of Impressionist painting are

Landscape, leisure, and modern life

Monet's Impression: Sunrise emphasizes

Light and color over form

Latin American postwar art merged modernism with

Local history and politics

One hallmark of nineteenth-century academic art seen in Cabanel's Birth of Venus is its

Mythological theme

For his book The Pencil of Nature, Henry Fox Talbot

Photographed idyllic rural scenery and carefully arranged still lifes

To what new technology did artists respond in the second half of the nineteenth century?


Orientalist imagery depicts the East as

Primitive and exotic

In Analytic Cubism, artists

Rearranged objects broken into parts.

Pollock's paintings are called Action paintings because they

Record his movement in applying the painting

De Kooning's paintings, though not fully abstract, are included in the Abstract Expressionist style because they

Record how he manipulates paint

What was the source of artistic inspiration for Dante Gabriel Rossetti and other Pre-Raphaelites?

The Middle Ages and Early Renaissance

James Abbott McNiell Whistler believed that art did not need to

Refer to observed reality

Garnier's Paris Opera exemplifies historicism because it

References the Baroque style

Grant Wood is an American artist associated with


Which artist developed an individual style exploring the science of color?


The spatial ambiguities in Cézanne's still life painting includes

Shifting viewpoints

The Chicago School is best known for its


Easily understood political image is typical of the style known as

Socialist Realism

Futurism was inspired by the

Speed of modern urban life

Cassatt was interested in Japanese prints for their

Style and themes

Which movement produced paintings of flat, assembled, geometric shapes that promoted pure feeling?


The Great Depression was ended by

The military build-up of World War II

A hallmark of Realism is to paint

The modern world honestly

The favorite motifs of the German artistic Die Brücke group were the

The natural world and the nude body

Kandinsky aspired to make paintings that made no reference to

The visible world

Why did Julia Margaret Cameron prefer slightly out-of-focus photographic portraits?

They communicate inner character

What was the primary concern of the Photo-Secessionists?

To establish photography as a form of fine art

Harlem Renaissance artist James Van Der Zee created photographs of

Upper-middle class African Americans

Brandt's Tea Service represents the Bauhaus's promotion of the

collaboration of design and production

Art nouveau can be identified by

intricate series of long, graceful curves

In his photographs, Alfred Stieglitz attempted to compose images of

romanticized urban scenes

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