Chapter 4 & 5 Dual U.S.

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(Q003) Which of the following series of events is listed in proper sequence?

Boston Tea Party; Olive Branch Petition; publication of Common Sense; Declaration of Independence

Trade with the West Indies was central to which of the following colonial economies?

British New England

(Q022) Following the Boston Tea Party, Parliament imposed a series of restrictions on Massachusetts that were called the

Coercive or Intolerable Acts.

Who was considered "the first martyr" of the American Revolution?

Crispus Attucks

(Q049) As tensions between Britain and the colonies mounted, social conflict within the colonies faded.


Before leaving New York, the British, under the command of Lord Charles Cornwallis, cut down the original Liberty Tree.


By the middle of the eighteenth century, most elections were fiercely contested throughout the American colonies.


One of the unique aspects of Thomas Paine's writing was his addressing of the upper elite, as they were the men who had voting power.


The eighteenth century was the height of the Atlantic slave trade, a commerce increasingly dominated by Spanish merchants and ships.


The financial strains of the Seven Years' War would later help to spark the

French Revolution.

The ruler of Great Britain during the time of the American Revolution was

George III

Like white Americans during the American Revolution, Native Americans experienced

political divisions.

(Q039) The military outposts established by the Spanish in California and New Mexico were called


(Q053) Colonial political offices frequently passed from generation to generation within the same family.


Possibly more than any other individual, Theodore Frelinghuysen, who declared "the whole world his parish," sparked the Great Awakening.


The Coercive Acts were known as the Abominable Acts in the colonies.


(Q012) While many white men in the colonies lacked the right to vote, they influenced public life by

protesting the kidnapping of poor men for maritime service.

(Q018) Benjamin Franklin is credited with

purchasing the Pennsylvania Gazette.

(Q013) The idea that only property-owning citizens possessed "virtue" is related to what political idea?


On October 17, 1777, the Americans scored an important victory against British forces at


Which of these groups were ineligible to vote in eighteenth century colonial America because they lacked a "will of their own"?

slaves and servants

(Q003) By the mid-eighteenth century, distinct slave systems were entrenched in the New World. The oldest and largest was the

tobacco plantation system.

(Q009) Some slaves came to the colonies familiar with Christianity, but most North American slaves practiced

traditional African religions.

(Q048) A few African societies were able to opt out of the Atlantic slave trade.


(Q049) By 1750, the Virginian population recognized "white" and "free" as virtually identical.


(Q050) By substituting "pursuit of happiness" for "property," Jefferson's Declaration of Independence significantly broadened the American conception of freedom.


(Q051) By late 1774, colonial Committees of Safety had begun transferring effective power from established colonial governments (under British control) to grassroots bodies.


(Q051) Slaves who seldom interacted with whites, as on rice plantations, enjoyed more autonomy than elsewhere in the colonies.


(Q060) The American Declaration of Independence has been an inspirational political document for peoples around the world.


(Q062) At the beginning of the war, George Washington refused to accept black recruits.


(Q066) England and Scotland were united in 1707 by the Act of Union to create Great Britain.


(Q066) Patriot leaders ignored traditional rules of warfare in dealing with Indian tribes in South Carolina.


(Q072) Mexico won independence from Spain in 1821.


(Q073) In response to the colonists forming a Continental army, Britain declared the colonies in a state of rebellion and ordered the closing of all colonial ports.


(Q074) As a result of British victory in the Seven Years' War, Britain not only won control of Canada but also gained control of India.


(Q030) The final decisive victory in the War for Independence was

Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown.

Which of the "founding fathers" argued that Parliament had no right to authorize the Writs of Assistance to combat smuggling?

James Otis

(Q037) Who was a member of the American delegation that negotiated the Treaty of Paris?

John Adams

(Q026) The idea that the United States has a special mission to serve as a symbol of freedom, a refuge from tyranny, and a model for the world is called by historians

American exceptionalism.

The view that reason alone could establish the essentials of religion was called


(Q013) What did the Sugar Act of 1764 do that escalated colonial American anger regarding an existing tax on molasses imported from the French West Indies?

It strengthened courts where accused molasses smugglers could be tried without a jury.

What did the Sugar Act of 1764 do that escalated colonial American anger regarding an existing tax on molasses imported from the French West Indies?

It strengthened courts where accused molasses smugglers could be tried without a jury.

What happened to the Iroquois Confederacy during the American Revolutionary War?

Its members fought for both England and America.

(Q061) Britons and colonists tended to regard themselves as the freest people in the world.


At Trenton, Washington staged a surprise attack on Hessian soldiers in the service of the British.


During the Seven Years' War Great Britain treated the colonists as allies, yet only a few years later the colonists were treated as subordinates again.


During the War for Independence, 5 percent of U.S. males aged sixteen to forty-five died.


In the Ohio Valley (the "middle ground"), the Iroquois were known for their ability to play the French and British empires against each other.


Russian traders established a series of forts from Alaska to California in order to challenge the Spanish for North American territory.


The American Declaration of Independence has been an inspirational political document for peoples around the world.


The reason John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence in such large script was because he wanted to make sure King George III could read his signature without the assistance of his glasses.


(Q036) In Jonathan Edwards's view, what was a sinner's only hope in life?

a "new birth" in which they became devout Christians

(Q042) What factor tended to sway the Cherokee decision to support England or the American colonies in the American Revolutionary War?


(Q020) In 1773, American colonists disguised as Indians boarded three ships and created a civil protest in

boston harbor

(Q040) Which word emerged as the foremost rallying cry for popular discontent in the New World in the mid-1700s?


(Q048) The 1764 Sugar Act provoked the colonists by increasing the tax on molasses imported into North America.


The Tea Act raised the price of Chinese tea in the colonies.


Under the ____ system, individual slaves were able to cultivate crops of their own after their daily jobs.


British success in the Seven Years' War contributed to the making of the American Revolution because

the British government raised taxes to pay for the debt it incurred during the war.

The movement that sought to apply the scientific method of careful investigation based on research and experiment to politics and social life was called

the Enlightenment

(Q028) The agreement that ended the Seven Years' War was called

the Peace of Paris.

(Q076) In Thomas Jefferson's draft of the Declaration of Independence, he berated the king regarding the continued inhumanity of the slave trade.


(Q079) The brutal treatment of civilians by British forces under Col. Banastre Tarleton persuaded many Americans to join the patriot cause.


An early skirmish between the colonists and British soldiers was over the seizure of arms stockpiled in Concord.


By the 1700s, the population of Spanish North America was small, consisting of a few, isolated urban clusters in Florida, Texas, and New Mexico.


Colonial political offices frequently passed from generation to generation within the same family.


Every European empire in the New World utilized slave labor and battled for control of the slave trade. Correct!


George Washington, a British soldier, was forced to surrender at Fort Necessity in Pennsylvania after he lost a third of his men in an ill-conceived effort to fight a larger French and Indian force.


(Q029) In September 1780, the American commander ____________ turned traitor to the American cause and almost turned West Point over to the British.

Benedict Arnold

White planters in the Chesapeake created which of the following rules for free blacks?

Blacks were not allowed to legally carry guns.

(Q034) Who was appointed the military commander of the army during the Second Continental Congress?

George Washington

Which of the following was a part of the balance of power between British and American forces during the Revolution?

In the end, aid from Britain's rivals--especially France--was essential to American victory.

(Q032) During Pontiac's Rebellion, Neolin, the prophet, asserted which of the following ideas?

Indians must drive the British from their territory.

(Q027) In 1762, the Indians of the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes launched a revolt against British rule called

Pontiac's Rebellion.

(Q002) During the 1760s, backcountry protesters in the Carolinas were known as


Father Junípero Serra founded the first Catholic mission in 1769 at

San Diego

(Q033) Which of the following is true regarding the Middle Passage?

Ship captains sometimes threw slaves overboard, especially when they were sick.

The first mainland colony to achieve a black majority population was

South Carolina

The destruction of the Indian "middle ground" would not be completed until after the War of 1812.


In 1773, American colonists disguised as Indians boarded three ships and created a civil protest in

boston harbor

During the eighteenth century, more than half the Africans shipped to the New World as slaves were

carried on British vessels.

Thomas Paine's January 1776 pamphlet Common Sense argued that

democracy and a written constitution were more preferable to monarchy.

What did Jefferson in his Declaration of Independence blame England for doing with Indians?

enlisting them to fight with the British against the Americans

South Carolina and Georgia were the two southern colonies that failed to take what action to help win the war?

enroll free blacks and slaves to fight

(Q022) A major reason for Jews to move to Spanish North America was

escape from the Inquisition.

(Q021) A major blow in the relationship between the British and colonists occurred when Lord Dunmore proclaimed

escaped African slaves who took up arms for the king of England would be freed.

(Q052) Throughout the eighteenth century, women were not eligible to vote.


(Q056) Possibly more than any other individual, Theodore Frelinghuysen, who declared "the whole world his parish," sparked the Great Awakening.


(Q056) The Coercive Acts were known as the Abominable Acts in the colonies.


(Q058) The Seven Years' War was also known in the colonies as Queen Anne's War.


(Q058) The first battles of the Revolutionary War were very successful for George Washington.


(Q059) During the Great Awakening, most preachers explicitly condemned slavery.


(Q060) The exchange of goods among Spanish colonists, French colonists, and Indians in North America was known as the "triangular trade."


(Q069) "Give me liberty, or give me death!" was uttered by Samuel Adams at the first Continental Congress.


(Q071) Indians who lived in the Catholic missions established by Father Junípero Serra in California generally lived happy, healthy, free, and long lives.


Almost all African slaves in the eighteenth century came from the same African tribe.


What two European powers allied with the Americans in the War for Independence?

france and spain

The trial of John Peter Zenger involved the issue of

freedom of the press.

(Q029) Following the Proclamation of 1763,

its ordinances were ignored and officials covered their involvement in land grabs.

Following the Proclamation of 1763,

its ordinances were ignored and officials covered their involvement in land grabs.

(Q001) The tactics of American resistance to British colonial policy from the mid-1760s through the mid-1770s included

mass demonstrations in the port towns.

Under the ideals of liberalism, the "social contract" extorted that

men retain their natural rights because these rights predated the establishment of political authority.

As a result of the Seven Years' War, a large number of French residents in Nova Scotia

moved to Louisiana, where their descendants came to be known as Cajuns.

Which of the following did the Stamp Act affect?


Examples of the symbol "liberty" appeared in

outdoor meeting places in the colonies.

(Q042) Prominent theologian Cotton Mather __________ during his lifetime.

owned African slaves

(Q045) Following the Seven Years' War, what factor led to a loss of power for Native American tribes in eastern North America?

the departure of the French

(Q043) What did Patriot victory in the American Revolution foster in the Borderlands?

the power of white settlers

(Q024) Which of the following factors contributed to the devastation of Indian society in the present-day California area?

the resettlement of Indians in villages around the missions

(Q037) In the eighteenth century, the British Constitution--the unwritten groundwork of British freedom--celebrated

the right to jury trial

(Q005) Which of the following was a feature of the 1774 Intolerable Acts?

the suppression of town meetings and local elections

(Q074) The colonial political leader Joseph Galloway predicted that if the colonies were to achieve independence, a war between the northern and southern colonies might later occur.


(Q011) When colonists insisted that because they were not represented in Parliament they could not be taxed by the British government, the British replied that they were represented by

virtual representation.

The Albany Plan of Union

was the attempt to create a council composed of delegates from each colony to levy taxes and settle domestic issues.

Many patriot leaders were involved in what activity in the Borderlands after the Seven Years' War?

western land speculation

(Q019) The Daughters of Liberty were

women who spun and wove cloth during the Townshend Duties boycott.

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