Chapter 4: Faith

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-A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. -Yahweh was responsible for the world and everything within it. -They preserved their early history in the Old Testament. -continues to change and evolve as scholars debate -c. 2000 BCE in Eastern Mediterranean -chosen people waiting for Messiah (savior)


-Recognizes no founder of the religion -"religion of the indians" because surrounded Indus River -believed in reincarnation -constant cycle of birth, death, and rebirth - Three main branches that revere to one of 3 gods - Shiva: The Destroyer + God of Reincarnation (destroy in order to reincarnate it) -Vishnu: Preserver of Universe. Descended to Earth to restore balance when there is too much evil -Brahma: Benevolent Creator of Universe -It was more than religion --> way of life -Vedas provides rules governing rituals, worship, pilgrimage, daily activities -Moksha/Nirvana = end goal that can be achieved through living a charitable life with good deeds - 3 paths to salvation: way of knowledge, way of devotion to God, wayof appropriate actions or deeds -Detach feels and perceptions that tie you to world leading to unity of soul (atman) with universal (Brahman) -God is also Buddha -Temples have womb chambers and concentric shapes


-founded in 1 CE in Rome by Jesus Christ -wasn't until 2 CE that it was truly distinguished from Judaism -Rejection of Roman Emperors' Polytheism for Monotheism -Jesus = son of God and Messiah -Jesus was champion of underdog and crucified for upsetting social order and challenging Roman and Jewish authorities --> crucified -Jesus's followers claimed he resurrected after 3 days and later ascended to heaven -Followers were martyrs that went around and spread his beliefs and teachings -Began as persecuted and underground religion -bury dead to resemble burial of Jesus Christ -Earliest works found in sarcophagi or catacombs -People were looking for personal salvation -Early Christian Art = Late Antiquity/Late Roman -Roman Emperor Constantine was first to tolerate Christianity after winning west in Battle of Milvian Bridge and Theodosius made it main religion of empire


-founded in c. 448 BCE in India by Prince Siddartha Gautama -the teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth - Has many very different sects (buddhisms) -All have worship of Buddha in common -created because life in early India was so bad (Nepal) -rivers flooding and destroying crops, famine, droughts, disease -Several levels of world (gods = deva, demigods = asura, 8 levels of hell) -Karma is way to move through levels and lives/ determines how someone is reborn -All is impermanent, cyclical, and painful (even gods suffer) until you reach nirvana = extinction -Building/visiting Stupas gives one good Karma because helps them to understand the Buddha's teachings (4 noble truths) -Samsara = endless cycle of birth and death -Four Noble Truths = (1) Life is suffering, suffering is rebirth (2) The cause of suffering is desire (3) The cause of desire must be overcome (4) when desire is overcome, there is no more suffering -When complete noble truths, become Enlightened One


-founded in c. 622 CE in Mecca and Medina by Muhammad -believed Jesus was prophet like Muhammad, not a messiah -Sunni sect only believed Muhammad -Shia- family members of Muhammad too -Sects split on who should become ruler after Muhammad dies -patrons were religious and royal figures -contains no figures, but uses tessellations, calligraphy, and arabesques -figural art and very 2D -excel in ceramics, book illuminations, textiles, metalwork -follow Quran and believe Allah to be universal creator - 5 pillars to live by... (1) confess Shanodah (2) kneel in prayer toward Mecca five times a day (3) fast during one month a year (Ramadan) (4) give money to poor (5) make pilgrimage to Mecca in life

Taj Mahal

Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India. Masons, marble workers, mosaicists, and decorators working under the supervision of Ustad Ahmad Lahori, architect of the emperor. 1632-1653 C.E. Stone masonry and marble with inlay of precious and semiprecious stones; gardens. -Shah Jahan was 5th rule of Mughal Dynasty -during his 3rd year, his favorite wife died from child birth -he started planning construction of this resting place for his wife -her tomb lays underneath -Luminous tomb in Mughal texts AKA Taj Mahal -Sunni Muslims favor simple burial under open sky but Taj Mahal was not unique, there were previous -Exceptional for monumental scale, stunning gardens, lavish ornamentation, and its over use of white marble -8 halls with side rooms for 8 levels of islamic paradise -onion shaped dome -funerary garden (like in heaven) -also commemorated power of Shah Jahan and his kingdom -Taj Mahal = "Crown Palace"

Folio from a Qu'ran

Arab, North Africa, or Near East. Abbasid. c. eighth to 9th century C.E. Ink, color, and gold on parchment Arabic is read right to left --> Kufic script -strong uprights and long horizontals -great clarity and size of text was important because many people trying to read it at one time -Consonants scripted, vowels are dots or markings -Qu'ran is the sacred text of Islam consisting of the divine relation to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic -Qu'ran means "recitation" indicating it meant less than oral tradition - chapters = suras (114) -Text of each sura is divided by gold triangles made up of 5 gold circles located at the end/left of each verse -Sura title is written in gold ink and is surrounded by rectangle, filled with gold vine -geometirc decoration for text and architecture because human and animal forms inappropriate for ornementation of sacred monuments and objects


Bamiyan, Afghanistan Gandharan, c. 400-800 CE (Destroyed in 2001) Cut rock with plaster and polychrome paint -Bamiyan is at the Western end of the silk road -Bamiyan Valley opens out to large basin bordered by rocky cliffs -Carved into Cliffs are 2 niches of the giant Buddha statues -175 (universal Buddha) and 115 feet (historical buddha) tall -First colossal Buddhas -Numerous caves forming large ensemble of buddhist monasteries, chapels, sanctuaries along foothills of valley -testify to interchange of Indian, Hellenistic, Roman, Sasanian and Islamic influences -originally brightly painted with gold -place of pilgrimage - Site is testimony to theme with art (taliban destroyed) -more about symbolic message than person -iconoclasm: the rejection or destruction of religious images as heretical; the doctrine of iconoclasts.

Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat, and the city of Angkor Thom

Cambodia Hindu, Angkor Dynasty. c. 800-1400 C.E. Stone masonry, sandstone -Not a place for congregation, home of God named Vishnu - 4 centuries of Khmer kings contributed to it as Kings had to gain acceptance and appointace from God -King Suryavarman II = King -Has womb chamber in middle and only priests could enter -in womb chamber is statue of Vishnu that would be taken out occasionally and paraded around in processions -North: beehive roof South: pillared buildings with flat roofs -1200 feat of stories praising Vishnu -sits along canal but abandoned when canal dried up -east to west gets more sacred -Churning of the Ocean of Milk: story about beginning of time where asuras and divas were tugging naga to fight for elixer of life (amrita) that needs to be released from earth. Vishnu mediating - Temple must be organized in coordinance with earth (central axis aligned with planets and rising of sun and moon) -Political, spiritual, astronomical center -Javayarman VII: shown as Buddha, most powerful Khmer monarch, son of original builder of Angkor and was the one to convert it to Buddhist -Each King would add own mountain with God atop

Borobudur Temple

Central Java, Indonesia. Sailendra Dynasty. c. 750-842 C.E. Volcanic-stone masonry -Buddhist Temple -Built in three tiers (1) pyramidal base with 5 concentric square terraces (2) trunk of a cone with 3 circular platforms (3) monumental stupa atop -Walls and balustrades decorated with fine low reliefs -Around circular platforms are72 openwork stupas, each with Buddha -restored by UNESCO -vertical division into base, body, and superstructure perfectly accords with conception of universe in Buddhist cosmology -Universe split into three spheres that represent spheres of desire (1) spheres of desire - base (2) sphere of abandoning desires but still bound in name and form - 5 concentric squares (3) Formlessness ( no more desire) - 3 concentric circles and stupa -Nature and attaining Nirvana

Great Mosque of Cordoba

Cordoba, Spain Umayyad c. 785-786 CE Stone masonry -Cordoba=site of Visigothic Church -Historians believe there had first been a temple to the Roman god, Janus, on this site -Temple converted into a church by invading Visigoths who seized Cordoba in 572 -Church was then converted into a mosque and completely rebuilt by descendants of exiled Umayyads (first Islamic dynasty) -Umayyads fled bloody war between sects and Prince of Umayyads was crowned as new leader Mosque Architecture: -Hypostyle hall filled with columns -Southern wall (gibla) must face Mecca (directions Muslims face when they pray) -Large, square coutryard to house all worshippers during Friday Noon Muslim Sabbath -Southern side has a double row of trunks or columns -Stepped pulpit at the south side for preaching -Minarets = towers to call the faithful to worship -Arab scholars laid foundation of arithmetic, algebra, astronomy, natural science, medicine -514 columns with unique double tiered arches - horse shoe shaped arches became islams although originally from Visigoths -Key hole doors and windows

Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob Wrestling the Angel, from the Vienna Genesis

Early Byzantine Europe. Early sixth century C.E. Illuminated manuscript -Medieval artists used symbolism and abstraction -oldest surviving illustrated biblical book -Books were luxury items few could afford -Story from Genesis 24 -Abraham wanted to find a wife for his son Isaac and sent his servant Eliezer to find one from among Abraham's extended family -Eliezer took 10 camels with him and stopped at well to give them water -Rebecca helps Eliezer and he knows she is the one for Isaac -Story about God intervening to ensure a sound marriage for Abraham's Son Vellum - Dried animal skin, cut to size, dyed purple, ruled, drawn on calligraphy, painted on silver, illustrated -Jacob crossing bridge with his wives and servants. Meets an Angel blocking his way, and so he wrestles angel. Eventually the Angel blesses him, and Jacob becomes Israel

Mosque of Selim II

Edirne, Turkey. Sinan (architect). 1568-1575 C.E. Brick and stone -Later Mosques: from the Ottoman Empire, Dome on a Square structure that aimed to show superiority over Christian Churches -Edirne was capitol of the Ottoman Empire for a thousand years before this - 4 Minarets, extremely thin -Selim was the son of the Sultan of the Ottomans, Suleyman the Magnificent -Dome is larger than Hagia Sophia, Christina church from Byzantine's so Ottomans declared they had out done Christian Emperors of Byzantine in architecture -Abundant window space to light interior -Decorative displays and tile work, Inspired by Hagia Sophia, but is a centrally planned building -Octagonal interior, with 8 pillars resting on a square set of walls -open airy interior -Part of complex with hospital, school , library, etc -Sinan was court architect -Mini domes in corners to make transition


Granada, Spain. Nasrid Dynasty. 1354-1391 C.E. Whitewashed adobe stucco, wood, tile, paint, and gilding. -Distinct among medieval palaces for its sophisticated planning, complex decorative programs, and many gardens and fountains -Intimate spaces built at a human scale that is elegant and inviting -Alhambra (abbreviation of Arabic Qal'at al-Hambra), or red fort, was built by Nasrid Dynasty - last muslims to rule Spain -3 distinct purposes (1) residence for ruler and close family (2) citadel, Alcabaza - barracks for the elite guard who were responsible for the safety of the complex (3) medina (or city) near the Wine Gate where court officials lived and worked -Palace of Lions, a fountain with a complex hydraulic system consisting of a marble basin on the backs of 12 carved lions situated at the intersection of two water channels that form a cross in the rectilinear courtyard

Shiva as Lord of Dance (Nataraja)

Hindu; Indian (Tamil Nadu), Chola Dynasty. c. 11th century C.E. Cast bronze -Nata = dance/ performance -Raja = king/lord - sacred object that has been taken out of context because it was intended to be movable, with moderate size and size able circular base, ideal for lifting/hoisting to shoulders -Hindu devotees carried these statues in processional parades following chanting prayers and bestowing blessings and people gathered -Shiva is embodying perfect physical qualities as he is frozen in moment of his dance and cosmic circle of fire that is creation and destruction of universe -Ring of fire= encapsulated cosmos of mass, time, space, whose cycle moves in time with Shiva's drum and rhythm of his steps -In right hand, he is holding damaru (drum whose beats syncopate the act of creation and passage of time -One foot = on a dwarf (demon of ignorance) -Extra eye used to burn other god -Cobras for hair

Great Mosque (masjid-e-Jameh) in Iran

Isfahan, Iran Islamic, Persian: Seljuk,Il-Khanid, Timurid, and Safayid Dynasties c. 700 CE, additions and restorations in the 14th, 18th, and 20th centuries CE Stone, brick, wood, plaster, and glazed ceramic tile -Every surface covered in mosaic tile work, both interior and exterior -Even created Islamic calligraphy out of tile (mosaic tesserae) -Glazed and broke tile to the exact colors and shapes they needed - urban integration - connected to other buildings, not its own perimeter -expanded and modified for over a 1000 years

Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great Il-Khanid Shahnama

Islamic; Persian, Il'Khanid. c. 1330-1340 C.E. Ink and opaque watercolor, gold, and silver on paper -greatest epic poem in Persian -written by Firdawski around 1010 -tells story of the pre-Islamic kings and heroes of Iran -depicted in ceramics made in Iran before Mongol Invasions, but only known from 14th century onward -folio is from a celebrated copy of Great Illkhanid production -assumed to have been commissioned by high ranking members of Ilkhanid court and produced at the court scriptorium

Dome of the Rock

Jerusalem Islamic, Umayyad 691-692 CE with multiple renovations Stone masonry and wooden roof decorated with glazed ceramic tile, mosaics, and gilt aluminum and bronze dome -NOT A MOSQUE -Muhammad in one of his religious visions went on a pilgrimage to the farthest mosque in Jerusalem where he ascended into heaven and came back to Mecca Jerusalem is Christian City in 621 -Muslims captured Jerusalem from Byzantines in 638 and this (the first great Islamic building) was constructed -Site once held the Temple of Solomon before Romans destroyed it in 70 CE -Reputed location of Adam's grave -WhereAbraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac -historical building protecting important geographical location

Lakshmana Temple

Khajuraho, India. Hindu, Chandella Dynasty c. 930-950 C.E. Sandstone -First of several temples built by Chandella Kings in newly-created capital of Khajuraho -patronized art, irrigation systems, artists, poets, temples out of sandstone -Central diety = Vishnu in his 3 headed form known as Vaikuntha who sits in womb chamber -womb designed for dark, intimate, individualized worship of the divine -sculpted friezes and bands along plinth that portray daily life, love, and war, historical evens of Chandella period -Circumambulation: moving around various components of temple to allow devotees to physically experience sacred space and body of divine, see all and meditate, puts mind in state that allows for prayers to God (inner ambulatory) -rays of sunlight placed on high pedestal east/west axis - Erotic poses and nudity to symbolize regeneration and rebirth

Golden Haggadah

Late Medieval Spain c. 1320 CE Illuminated Manuscript (pigments and gold leaf on vellum) -Story of passover, when Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt with a series of miraculous events -The plagues of Egypt: Four plagues (clockwise from top left): (1)painful boils afflict the Egyptians (2) swarms of frogs overrun the land (3) pestilence kills the domestic animals (4) wild animals invade the city -Scenes of Liberation: Death of the first born sons, Jews protected because Moses instructs them to put lamb's blood on their doors --> angel of death pass over them -Passover = escape from slavery -Moses parts Red Sea allowing Jews to escape Egypt -Preparation for Passover: prayers and readings during the meal and images that help to envision it -Haggadah = narration in Hebrew -Cross-cultural borrowing of artistic styles -Didn't have to be literate

Jowo Rinpoche, enshrined in the Jokhang Temple

Lhasa, Tibet. Yarlung Dynasty. Believed to have been brought to Tibet in 641 C.E. Gilt metals with sempirecious stones, pearls, and paint; various offerings -Jowo Rinpoche = "Precious one" in Tibetan" -Buddhism introduced into Tibet from India and China in 600s -Buddhism became prominent in all aspects of Tibet -Tibet Buddhists institute tulku - believe that compassionate teachers who stay behind to teach people how to be good Ex. Dalai Lama -Siddartha = Shakyamuni - Jowo Rinpoche = larger than life size sculpture of Bhudda Shakyamuni with gold and bejeweled throne - seated with elgs in lotus position or padmansa -left hand in motion of meditation -right hand is calling the earth to witness - signify movement of Buddha's enlightenment -Most important because actually sculpted of Jowo Shakyamuni -Meant to be his proxy after he left the world -Chinese princess brought it over as marriage dowry to tibetan emperor -most accurate representation of Buddha Shakyamuni

Longmen Caves

Luoyang, China. Tang Dynasty. 493-1127 C.E. Limestone -Steep limestone cliffs extend for a mile and contain 110,000 buddhist stone statues, 60 stupas, and 2,800 inscriptions carved on steles - originally painted blue, red, ochre, gold - central Buddha, seated on lion throne = Shakyamuni (historical Buddha) or Maitreya (Buddha of future) based on giving mudra (hand motion associated with Maitreya)- Assisted by two disciples/students/bodhisattvas = enlightened beings who have put off enlightenment to help others sustain it - Tang dynasty = age of international buddhism - Buddhism in China invigorated by traveling monks across Asia - The buddha has softer and rounder modeling and serene facial expressions

Great Stupa at Sanchi

Madhya Pradesh, India. Buddhist; Maurya, late Sunga Dynasty. c. 300 B.C.E.-100 C.E. Stone masonry, sandstone on dome - At the top of the stupa is a yasti/spiral that symbolizes a line through the earth's center that universe revolves around -surrounded by harmika/gate or fence that is topped by umbrella-like objects symbolizing royalty and protection -Stupa is so large its almost unbelievable and aimed to climb the mind of the practitioners own mind, ascending to enlightenment -Walk around it instead of go in it to meditate and focus on Buddha's teaching -originally painted white -stupa = place of burial or a receptacle for religious objects, hemispherical structure containing buddhist relics -energy and ashes of Buddha

Great Mosque of Dijenne

Mali Founded c. 1200 CE Rebuilt 1906-1907 Adobe (mixture of clay and straw AKA mudbrick) -Three tall towers, with the middle one being a mihrab on the Qibla wall -Crowning ornaments are symbol of fertility and purity in Malian region -Torons, or wooden beams projecting out from walls that act as permanent ladders for maintenance of the building and re mudding -Have to re mud every year or else building would melt from rain, celebration is held when this happens -Largest mud built structure in world -Probably erected when King Koi Konboro decided to build a place of Muslim worship -Successors added 2 towers and mosque continued to expand - Annual festival in which whole city contributes to replastering using oils near niger and bani rivers -musicians play, women bring water, elders give advice, children play

Ardabil Carpet

Maqsud of Kashan 1539-1540 C.E. Silk and wool -1 of a set of twins -Comes from a funerary mosque -carpet weaving is another popular art form of the ottomans -have an artist who created pattern and then specialty carpet weavers who create the carpet -25 million knits -sunburst represents interior of a dome, surrounded by 2 mosque lamps -leaves and flowers covering background

Basin (Baptistere de St. Louis)

Muhammad ibn al-Zain. c. 1320-1340 C.E. Brass inlaid with gold and silver -signed by artist 6 times -original use was to wash hands at official ceremonies -laster use was for baptisms for french royal family -associations with St. Louis fictional but name stuck -adorned with hunting and battle scenes

Santa Sabina

Rome, Italy. Late Antique Europe. c. 422-432 C.E. Brick and stone, wooden roof. -After legalization of Christianity and his own personal conversion, Constantine began an extensive building campaign to support his new state religion in major cities like Rome, Jerusalem, and Constantinople -Needed space to address the spatial needs of developing Christian liturgy (congregation and procession) -Adapted the Roman basilica which until that point had been exclusively used as a civic building -Basilicas were long rectangular buildings, with a central nave (wide, center aisle) and two side aisles -At least one semicircular apse, often at one end of building, where the magistrates sat and heard their cases Perfect building for church because it did not have pagan associations that temples did and was large enough -Basilican or axial plan architecture

Catacomb of Priscilla

Rome, Italy. Late Antique Europe. c. 200-400 C.E. Excavated tufa and fresco. Good Shepherd Fresco... -story of Jonah from the Old Testament -Sailors throw him off his ship, he gets swallowed by a whale, escapes and once on dry land, he contemplates the miracle of his survival and the mercy of christ -praying figures in circles and christ as a good shepherd in middle, leading people into his religion and believers of salvation -He's holding lost sheep which are sinners who have strayed and been redeemed. Preconstantine Christ is always Shepherd or teacher - medieval art meant to show divine not be realistic Greek Chapel: - Not Greek, found Greek letters, also latin Orant Fresco: -Fresco over a tomb -Jesus standing with his arms outstretched in prayer -Left = Jesus as teacher with children -Right: Mother and child, possible Mary and Jesus

The Courtof Gayumars, folio from Shah Tahmaso's Shahnama

Sultan Muhammad c. 1522-1525 CE Ink, Opaque watercolor, and gold on paper -one of most important works of Iranian painting -from one of greatest manuscripts that was produced for the safavid ruler of Iran, shah Tahmasp I -took over 20 years to complete -almost all iran artists involved -258 illustrations -king is surrounded by son and grandson and addresses the court below him -colors vibrancy and balance indicate Sultan Muhammad's excellency (3 years to do) - fine brushes indicated by detail which were made by squirrel hairs -Shah Tahmasp I = royal patron

Pyxis of Al-Mughira

Umayyad c. 968 CE Ivory -Pyxis = cylindrical box used for cosmetics - placed in center of beautiful room on pillar and kept open with expensive perfumes inside -was a gift to 18 year old Al-Mugira, son of caliph, as coming to age present -Ivory is smooth, durable, elegant, easily carved -highly desirable during byzantine empire -highly portable, pyxis often given as gifts -Royal families as gifts for memorable occassions -new before reign of Umayyad caliph -gifts to important allies such as indigenous people of North America -executed by his older brother because seen as threat

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