Chapter 4 - Learning & Transfer of Training

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Identify an assumption of Malcolm Knowles's model of adult learning.

Adults need to know the reasons behind learning something

In the context of transfer of training, the process of trainees continuing to use what they learned over time is known as _____.


Winlife Hospital plans to train its emergency medical professionals to handle road accident cases. It decides to use the identical elements theory in its training. The training would involve _____.

A simulation of the road accident scenario

Which of the following learning theories suggests that learning and transfer of training are enhanced when they are linked to outcomes and that learning is most likely to occur when employees believe that they can learn the content of a program?

Expectancy theory

In the context of reinforcement theory, the process of withdrawing positive or negative reinforcers to eliminate a behavior is known as _____.


Trainees' ability to apply general principles learned in training to the work situation even though the work situation is not identical to that of the training session is known as

Far transfer


It refers to beliefs about the link between attempting to perform a behavior and actually performing well


It refers to the belief that performing a particular behavior is associated with a particular outcome

Identify an accurate statement about the information processing theory of learning.

It suggests that information in the human brain undergoes several transformations

Motivational processes (social learning theory)

Learners tend to adopt a modeled behavior with positive outcomes

Which of the following theories suggests that transfer of training is easy when the training environment and the job environment are similar?

The theory of identical elements

From a training perspective, what do need theories suggest to motivate learning among trainees?

Trainers should relate the content of the training program with trainees' needs

Distinguish between Abraham Maslow's and Clayton Alderfer's need theories.

Unlike Maslow, Alderfer believed that individuals tend to refocus on lower-level needs if higher-level needs are not satisfied

Learning Cycle

concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation

The theory that suggests that individuals' conscious objectives and intentions lead to a desired behavior is _____ theory.

goal setting

Which of the following learning outcomes of an effective training is concerned with names or labels, facts, and bodies of knowledge?

Verbal information

Identify the situations when transfer of training is more likely to be easy

When tasks included in a training are similar to the work environment

Identify the learning theory that is the basis for the cognitive theory of transfer.

Information processing theory

According to the information processing model, identify the external events that influence an individual's learning. (Check all that apply.)

-Variations in the frequency or intensity of a stimulus that impact attention -Informing the learner of the objectives to establish an expectation -Enhancing perceptual features of a stimulus, drawing the learners' attention to certain features

Arrange the processes involved in learning as suggested by social learning theory in ascending order

Attention —> Retention —> Motor Reproduction —> Motivational Processes

Cognitive strategies

Determine the processes of learning

According to the stimulus generalization approach, the likelihood of transfer of training depends upon the _____. Multiple choice question.

Emphasis on broad principles

Identify the learning process that includes willingness to attend a training and an ability to interpret the purpose and likely benefits of the instruction on the job.


True or false: Managers should avoid using learning benefits to reinforce employee behavior.

False, according to the reinforcement theory, trainers can withhold or provide learning benefits to learners who master program content. The effectiveness of learning depends on the pattern or schedule for providing the identified reinforcers or benefits.

In the context of transfer of training, _____ is the ability of trainees to apply the knowledge gained in training to on-the job work problems and situations that are not exactly the same as the problems and situations faced during the training program.


According to goal setting theory, identify an accurate statement about goals.

Goals affect individuals behavior and motivate them to develop strategies for the attainment of goals

Goal orientation

Goals held by a trainee in a learning situation

Which of the following theories is relevant to ensure the occurrence of near transfer of training?

Identical elements theory


Include beliefs and feelings that cause an individual to behave in a particular manner

Intellectual skills

Include concepts and rules that are used to solve problems, create products, and serve customers

Motor skills

Include coordination of physical movements

Social learning theory holds that _____.

Individuals learn by observing the behavior of their role models

______ refers to the manipulation of the environment by a trainer to facilitate learning among trainees.



It refers to the importance that the individual places on a particular outcome

Attention (social learning theory)

Learners must focus on the skills or behaviors they should observe

Motor reproduction (social learning theory)

Learners must have the capability of performing the observed behaviors

Retention (social learning theory)

Learners must not forget the observed skills or behaviors

The ability of trainees to apply learned capabilities exactly to the work environment is known as _____.

Near transfer

Open skills

Objectives of a training that focus on general learning principles

Closed Skills

Objectives of a training that focus on specific skills that are identical to the skills required on the job

Medidoc Co., a pharmaceutical company, intends to incorporate the adult learning theory in their training program for their sales representatives. The training program developed would _____.

Provide the trainees case studies of previously successful products to review

The cognitive theory of transfer suggests that transfer of training depends upon the ability of trainees to _____.

Recall learned capabilities

Learning Orientation

Refers to attempting to increase one's ability or competence in a task

Performance Orientation

Refers to individuals who concentrate on task execution and how they compare to others

Which of the following is the simplest learning strategy that influences how training content is coded?


In the context of employee training, _____ emphasizes that trainers should identify outcomes that learners find most positive (and negative) and then should link the outcomes to acquiring knowledge, skills, or changing behaviors of the learners.

Reinforcement theory

Which of the following theories of learning emphasizes that individuals are motivated to perform or avoid certain behaviors because of past outcomes that have resulted from those behaviors?

Reinforcement theory

Identify the theory which suggests that individuals learn new behaviors or skills either by experiencing the outcomes of their own behavior or by observing the outcomes of others' behavior.

Social learning theory

From a training perspective, goal setting theory suggests that _____.

Specific, challenging goals should be provided to facilitate learning among trainees

Which of the following theories of learning emphasizes that individuals are motivated to perform or avoid certain behaviors because of past outcomes that have resulted from those behaviors?

The reinforcement theory

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