Chapter 4

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Which of the following is not true about coding inner joins?

The join condition must consist of a single comparison.

Which of the following can you not use in a join condition?

arithmetic operators

Unlike a join, a union

combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements

To join each row from the first table with each row from the second table, you use a

cross join

In a cross join, all of the rows in the first table are joined with all of the

rows in the second table

When you use the USING keyword for a join,

the join must be based on a column or columns that have the same name in both tables

A full outer join returns

unmatched rows from both the left and right tables

If you assign an alias to one table in a join, you have to

use that alias to refer to the table throughout your query

In a join, column names need to be qualified only

when the same column names exist in both tables

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