Chapter 5

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Two of the Jones brothers are arguing over what to watch on television. Antoine, the oldest of the Jones brothers, enters the room. Match each type of political relation within a triad to the appropriate response. 1. Antoine notices his brothers are getting angry and takes advantage of the commotion to sneak out the house, behind their mother's back 2. Antoine notices his brothers getting angry and suggests they take turns watching their favorite shows. 3. Antoine tells one brother that the other has been making fun of his favorite show, and the two brothers begin to fight. a. Terius gaudens b. divide et impera c. mediator

1. a 2. c 3. b

Match each Latin phrase to the correct definition 1. Tertius gaudens 2. divide et impera a. the third that rejoices b. Separate and thus unequal c. three make a crowd d. divide and conquer

1. a 2. d

Identify each hypothetical tie as either uniplex or multiplex 1. Your lab partner at school who isn't doing very well in class 2. Your best friend who you met in peewee soccer, whose sibling you had a crush on, and who now occasionally gives you financial advice 3. Your neighbor whose dog you walk for extra income 4. Your mother's boss who you saw every year at the company holiday party a. multiplex b. uniplex

1. b 2. a 3.a 4.b

Classify the neighborhood characteristics as wither indicative of dense or sparse social ties 1. Neighborhood services are not responsive to needs 2. Neighbors trust one another 3. Neighbors do not ask one another for assistance 4. Neighbors help one another when needed 5. Neighbors from a neighborhood watch group a. Dense Social ties b. Sparse social ties

1. b 2.a 3. b 4.a 5.a

According to Simmel's theory of groups, what is the difference between a party and a large group?

A party has no formal structure

Identify the examples of conflicts of interest that can arise as a consequence of interlocking directorates a. A board member at company A asks her co-board member at company B to provide inside information on a small startup that company A is considering acquiring b. Two board members for company X discuss how they can guide their company's operations to be more favorable toward other companies whose boards they sit on c. Two board members discuss how they could steep company decisions in a direction they approved of d. Two board members knew each other from service on another board

Conflict of Interest a,b

In the real world, when all people in a social network are linked by a just a few intermediaries, this generally depends on the presence of a small number of widely connected individuals (superconnectors) through whom most connections run. True or False


A student in a large lecture class discovers that some of his classmates have formed a secret online group in which they are passing around a copy of an upcoming exam. The group invites the student to join. Identify the likely and unlikely responses to this invitation, according to Solomon Asch's study of group norms. a. He is more likely to join the group of he has cheated in the past b. He will definitely join the group only if the majority of the class is involved, but not otherwise c. He will be more likely to join the group if it is quite large or if many of his friends are involved

Likely response: c

Identify the jobs for which an applicant's weak ties would be most useful useful in landing an interview a. public utility meter reader b. substitute teacher in a public school district c. senior project manager at large software development company d. junior associate at a small law firm

Most useful: c,d

Identify the similarities and differences between dyads and triads, according to Simmel a. The group would survive the departure of any one member b. Membership is voluntary c. Secret actions are possible d. Politics is a factor in interactions

Similarities: b Differences: a,c,d

According to Gaddis, describe the relationship between social capital and cultural capital in his study.

Social capital provided acess to cultural capital

What is the iron law of a triad?

Triad contains 3 actual relationships

Identify the true and false statements about Wade and Bogle's findings about the sex lives of college students in recent decades. a. College students show little sexual interest in their peers b. Fewer college students are having sex now than in the recent past c. College students prefer having girlfriends or boyfriends over "friends with benefits." d. Many college students try to avoid long-term commitments

True b, d

Identify the true and false statements about the "romantic leftovers" rule that Bearman and colleagues discovered when studying the dating lives of teens. a. Students never directly described the romantic leftovers rule b. Bearman's discovery was based on teens' interpretation of their dating lives c. Only some students followed the romantic leftovers ruse d. Students did not date the ex of their ex's current boyfriend or girlfriend.

True: a,d False: b,c

Watts talks about his own investigation of the extent to which every person in a social network is connected to every other person, directly or through intermediaries. What did Watts discover? a. Connection through a small number of steps is a general characteristics of networks b. Connection through a small number of steps is theoretically demonstrable but cannot be confirmed empirically. c. Connection through a small number of steps depends on a number of fairly strong assumptions d. Everyone in the population of the world is connected to each other through about six steps


Identify the defining characteristics that distinguish a small group from a party or large group, according to Simmel. a. A small group has no formal structure or roles b. A group is unifocal c. A small group is formed around a common purpose d. A small group comes together on a regular basis.


Identify the features of cryptocurrency that are different from standard forms of currency, such as the dollar or the euro a. Users are able to remain entirely anonymous b. The social network supporting it is decentralized among all users c. Its value can fluctuate greatly in response to world events d. Its value depends on trust in the system


Identify the true statements about what sociologist Stacy Torres calls "elastic ties" a. They involve maintaining a degree of social distance b. They involve the exchange of money or goods and services c. They involve sharing intimate information about ones' lives d. They are neither strong nor weak ties e. They occur among people who have frequent contact.


What is the central claim of new institutionalism? a. the behavior of an organization is largely determined by the networks of connections between itself and other institutions b. the behavior of organizations is driven mostly by a desire for profits, not by moral or social norms. c. The key to understanding an organization is understanding the social network connecting its internal parts. d. the key to understanding an organization is understanding its formal structure.


Identify the examples of social capital a. A wealthy Tampa sports fan watches every game in his private box b. A steelworker knows a lot of people in the Chicago construction trade c. A college graduate knows a lot about interesting places to see in Los Angeles d. An artist who vacations in a Colorado town has a few very close friends among the locals


Place in order, form first to last, the steps describing how a litter in Stanley Miligram's late-1960s experiment reached its destination. a. Someone recognizes the final recipient as an acquaintance and sends or delivers the letter to him b. The Lincoln resident sends the letter to someone who might have a direct or indirect connection to the Boston recipient c. A person in Lincoln, Nebraska, is given a letter and a description of the intended recipient in Boston, but no address. d. Each intermediate recipient repeats the process of the Lincoln resident


Quinn is on a high-school volleyball team, and has chemistry during first period. Identify the reference groups Quinn could use to assess the team's performance. a. the chess club at quinn's school b. Quinn's first period chemistry class c. The lacross team at Quinn's school d. Another school's volleyball team


Identify the true and false statements about what sociologists consider to be "the strength of weak ties" a. People tend to have more weak ties than strong ones b. Weak ties eventually turn into strong ones c. Weak ties provide benefits strong ties do not d. Weak ties reinforce strong ties e. Weak ties provide access to valuable information


Which sociological theorist first placed great emphasis on the innate difference between dyads and triads? a. Stanley Milgram b. Solomon Asch c. Charles H. Cooley d. Georg Simmel


According to Simmel, dyads are the most _______ of all types of groups because both people must remain ________ to the group for it to exist. Because of this trait, dyads have inherent ________, although they can still be _______. intimate, symmetry, committed, symmetric, unequal, asymmetry

intimate, committed, symmetry, unequal

What is the definition of interlocking directorates?

the phenomenon whereby the members of multiple corporate boards often sit on the board of directors for multiple companies

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