chapter 5

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what is the correct temperature for receiving cold TCS food

41 f or lower

Due to an operation's space limits, ready-to-eat and uncooked food must be stored in the same cooler. How should food be stored, in top-to-bottom order?

according to minimum intenal cooking tempture with ready to eat foods on the top shelf and poulty on the bottem

how many inches from the floor should food be stored

at least 6 inches

what is the problem with storing raw ground turkey above raw ground pork

cross contamination

whole potato were coated with olive oil and salt, baked in house, and stored in the cooler for several days. what must be included on the label for the baked potatoes

date that the food should be discarded

what is the most important factor in choosing a food supplier

it has been inspected and complies with local, state and federal law

Milk can be received at 45°F (7°C) under what condition?

it is cooled to 41 or lower in 4 hours

when must you discard tuna salad the was prepared on july 19

july 25

what is the best method of checking the temperature of vacuum-packed meat

place the thermometer stem or probe between to packages of product

what causes large ice crystals to form on frozen foods and its packaging

time-temperature abuse

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