Chapter 5 The Integumentary System

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ing Outcome: 5-3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 29) The most severe type of skin cancer is most likely to develop from A) nonpigmented epithelial cells. B) melanocytes. C) pigmented basal cells. D) nonpigmented dermal cells. E) keratinocytes.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 38) The subcutaneous layer consists of A) epithelial and adipose tissues. B) areolar and adipose tissues. C) dense connective and loose connective tissues. D) epithelium and loose connective tissues. E) skeletal muscles and adipose tissue.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 33) The ________ layer of the skin contains bundles of collagen fibers and elastin, and is responsible for the mechanical strength and flexibility of the skin. A) germinative B) reticular C) subcutaneous D) papillary E) corneal

: B

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Photo Credit: Robert B. Tallitsch Figure 5-2 The Strata of the Epidermis in Thick Skin Use Figure 5-2 to identify the labeled part. 83) Label A: ________

: Stratum corneum

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 85) Label C: ________

: Stratum granulosum

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 84) Label B: ________

: Stratum lucidum

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 86) Label D: ________

: Stratum spinosum

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 68) Label C: ________

: Subcutaneous layer (or Hypodermis)

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 71) Label F: ________

: Sweat gland

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 76) Label K: ________

: Sweat gland duct

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 97) Label C: ________

: Sweat pore (or Pore of sweat gland)

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 104) Two patients are brought to the emergency room. One has cut his finger with a knife; the other has stepped on a nail. Which wound has a greater chance of becoming infected? Why?

: The puncture wound has a greater chance of becoming infected than the knife cut because the cut from the knife will bleed freely, washing away many of the bacteria from the wound site. In a puncture wound, bacteria can be forced beneath the surface of the skin and past the skin's protective barriers, thus increasing the possibility of infection.

1) Which of the following is the correct order of the layers of the cutaneous membrane? A) epidermis, hypodermis, dermis B) dermis, epidermis, hypodermis C) epidermis, dermis, hypodermis D) hypodermis, dermis, epidermis E) dermis, hypodermis, dermis

: C

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 17) In albinism, ________ is lacking. A) melanin B) keratin C) carotene D) keratinocytes E) collagen

: A

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 4) The layer of the epidermis at the exposed surface is the A) stratum corneum. B) stratum lucidum. C) stratum basale. D) stratum granulosum. E) stratum spinosum.

: A

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 60) A thickened area of scar tissue that is covered by a shiny, smooth epidermal surface is called a(n) ________. A) granulation tissue B) scab C) keloid D) callus E) abrasion

: C

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 27) Which of the following conditions is the most common form of skin cancer? A) melanoma B) cyanosis C) squamous cell carcinoma D) albinism E) basal cell carcinoma

: E

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 2) The deepest layer of cells in the epidermis is the cells of the ________. A) stratum corneum B) stratum lucidum C) stratum basale D) stratum granulosum E) stratum spinosum

: C

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 8) Epidermal cells are supplied with nutrients from blood vessels in the A) dermis. B) epidermis. C) hypodermis. D) epidermis and dermis E) subcutaneous layer

: A

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 22) The observed differences in skin color reflect the levels of ________ production. A) melanin B) keratinocyte C) carotene D) keratin E) melanocyte

: A

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 46) Glands that are located in the passageway of the external ear are called ________ glands. A) ceruminous B) apocrine sweat C) sebaceous D) merocrine sweat E) mammary

: A

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 45) When the arrector pili muscles contract, A) "goose bumps" are formed. B) hairs are shed. C) sweat is released from sweat glands. D) shivering occurs. E) the skin changes color.

: A

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 98) Label D: ________

: Apocrine sweat gland

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 79) Label N: ________

: Dermal papilla

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 75) Label J: ________

: Touch and pressure receptors

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 80) Label O: ________

: Epidermal ridge

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 67) Label B: ________

: Dermis

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 63) During skin repair, most of the scab consists of an insoluble network of ________, a protein that forms from blood proteins during the clotting response. A) keratin B) dermicidin C) melanin D) collagen E) fibrin

: E

ing Outcome: 5-10 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Labeling Exercises Figure 5-1 The General Structure of the Integumentary System Use Figure 5-1 to identify the labeled part. 66) Label A: ________

: Epidermis

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Essay Questions 102) Many medications can be administered transdermally by applying patches that contain the medication to the surface of the skin. These patches can be attached anywhere on the skin except the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Why?

: The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet have an extra layer in the epidermis, the stratum lucidum. The presence of this extra layer slows down the rate of diffusion of the medication and significantly decreases its effectiveness.

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 72) Label G: ________

: Vein

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 100) Label F: ________

: Vein

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 103) In a condition known as sunstroke, the patient appears flushed, the skin is warm and dry, and the body temperature rises dramatically. Explain these observations based on what is known concerning the role of the skin in thermoregulation.

: When the body temperature increases, more blood flow is directed to the vessels of the skin. The red pigment in the blood gives the skin a redder than usual color and accounts for the victim's flushed appearance. The skin is dry because the sweat glands are not producing sweat (to avoid further dehydration). Without evaporative cooling, not enough heat is dissipated from the skin, the skin is warm, and the body temperature rises.

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 81) Label P: ________

: Pore of sweat gland duct

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 78) Label M: ________

: Sebaceous gland

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 7) Functions of the skin include A) regulating body temperature. B) synthesizing antibodies. C) producing adipose tissue. D) synthesizing digestive enzymes. E) release of large amounts of hormones.

: A

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 19) ________ is a pigment found in vegetables that can make skin appear orange or yellow. A) Carotene B) Melanin C) Sebum D) Cerumen E) Cyanosis

: A

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 34) Which of the following is the function of hair associated with a nerve fiber? A) provides an early-warning system that may help prevent injury B) helps cushion a light blow to the head C) protects the scalp from UV light D) helps prevent the entry of foreign particles E) provides protection for the surface of the eye

: A

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 35) The reticular layer's collagen fibers directly provide which function? A) prevent damage to the tissue B) nourish the epidermis C) provide flexibility D) provide sensory information E) increase surface area of the dermis

: A

ing Outcome: 5-8 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 58) A burn that destroys only the superficial cells of the epidermis, such as a mild sunburn, is classified as A) first-degree. B) second-degree. C) third-degree. D) fourth-degree. E) full-thickness.

: A

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 64) A "rug burn," which scrapes the skin, is an example of a(n) A) abrasion. B) laceration. C) puncture. D) incision. E) contusion.

: A

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 59) Which type of burn appears inflamed and feels tender but has no blisters? A) first-degree B) second-degree C) third-degree D) full-thickness E) fourth-degree

: A

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Figure 5-4 Glands and Associated Structures Use Figure 5-4 to identify the labeled part. 95) Label A: ________

: Apocrine duct

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 77) Label L: ________

: Arrector pili muscle

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 92) Label E: ________

: Arrector pili muscle

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 73) Label H: ________

: Artery

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 99) Label E: ________

: Artery

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 11) As cells are pushed from the deeper portion of the epidermis toward the surface, A) they divide. B) they die. C) their nutrient supply increases. D) they enter the dermis. E) they produce daughter cells.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 12) Thin skin is defined by the thickness of the A) dermis. B) epidermis. C) hypodermis. D) subcutaneous layer. E) integument as a whole.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 10) The protein that contributes to many of the skin's protective qualities is called ________. A) melanin B) keratin C) carotene D) dermicidin E) calcitriol

: B

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 5) Thick skin can be found on the A) back. B) palms. C) legs. D) arms. E) chest.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 9) Which of the following is the function of the combination of epidermal ridges and dermal papillae? A) increase storage of nutrients in the digestive tract B) increase surface area for diffusion between the dermis and epidermis C) increase sensory reception D) increase secretion of milk in specialized integumentary glands E) increase large reserves of lipids in adipose tissue

: B

ing Outcome: 5-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 40) The hypodermis A) provides mechanical strength to the skin. B) is quite elastic. C) is highly vascular. D) is composed of strata with various functions. E) contains a variety of sensory receptors.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 53) Through which mechanism does perspiration function in cooling the body? A) conduction B) evaporation C) convection D) radiation E) diffusion

: B

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 52) Merocrine sweat glands A) are most common in the axillary and inguinal regions of the body. B) respond primarily to elevated body temperature. C) respond only in times of stress. D) are active only in areas of dense hair. E) are absent in the palms and soles.

: B

ing Outcome: 5-8 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 56) The nail ________ covers the nail bed. A) root B) body C) lunula D) cuticle E) eponychium

: B

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 62) During the regeneration process of the skin after an injury, what is the combination of blood clot, fibroblasts, and an extensive capillary network called? A) keloid B) granulation tissue C) scar tissue D) scab E) sebum

: B

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 18) The skin may turn orange as a result of ________ buildup. A) biliverdin B) keratin C) carotene D) melanin E) bilirubin

: C

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 36) Nerve fibers in the dermis most likely function in A) defending of local tissues after infection. B) providing nutrients and oxygen to the skin. C) controlling blood flow to the dermis and epidermis. D) repairing tissue after injury. E) removing carbon dioxide and waste products.

: C

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 32) The dermis is composed largely of ________. A) adipose B) fluid connective C) dense irregular connective D) muscle E) neural

: C

ing Outcome: 5-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 41) Why are injections administered in the hypodermis when administering drugs using a hypodermic needle? A) There is an abundance of capillaries in the hypodermis. B) The hypodermis is highly innervated. C) There are no vital organs in the region. D) Both elastic fibers and collagen fibers are present. E) The presence of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels help local tissues defend and repair themselves.

: C

ing Outcome: 5-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 39) The loose connective tissue that separates the integument from deeper tissues and organs is called the A) epidermis or dermis. B) epidermis or subcutaneous layer. C) hypodermis or subcutaneous layer. D) integument or dermis. E) epidermis or superficial fascia.

: C

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Analysis 55) The pale crescent area of the nail is called the A) nail root. B) nail bed. C) lunula. D) free edge. E) cuticle.

: C

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 47) The condition that results from clogged sebaceous glands is A) a boil. B) a carbuncle. C) acne. D) a blister. E) a freckle.

: C

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 51) In other mammals, the ________ glands function as scent glands, providing an important form of communication. A) eccrine B) sebaceous C) apocrine D) mammary E) merocrine

: C

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 48) The glands that begin discharging a sticky, cloudy, and potentially odorous secretion at puberty are called ________ glands. A) ceruminous B) mucous C) apocrine D) sebaceous E) merocrine

: C

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 61) The type of burn that injures the hypodermis, deeper tissues, and organs is a(n) A) first-degree burn. B) second-degree burn. C) third-degree burn. D) partial-thickness burn. E) semi-partial-thickness burn.

: C

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 90) Label C: ________

: Connective tissue sheath

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 16) Drugs suspended in ________ or ________ can be carried across the plasma membranes of the epidermal cells. A) water; blood B) water; lipids C) oils; alcohol D) oils; lipid-soluble solvents E) sebum; water

: D

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 13) The epidermal layer whose cells have stopped dividing and started to produce large amounts of keratin is the A) stratum corneum. B) stratum lucidum. C) stratum basale. D) stratum granulosum. E) stratum spinosum.

: D

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 6) The skin is also called the ________ membrane. A) serous B) mucous C) synovial D) cutaneous E) peritoneal

: D

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 23) Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light A) can result in increased numbers of melanocytes forming in the skin. B) can result in decreased melanin production by melanocytes. C) can cause destruction of vitamin D3. D) can slowly increase melanocyte activity. E) has no effect on the skin cells.

: D

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 25) When a person becomes "pale," what is the physiologic basis? A) The blood supply to the skin increases. B) The number of red melanocytes in the skin increases. C) Melanocytes increase production of red pigments. D) The blood supply to the skin decreases. E) Increased heat causes the skin to turn red.

: D

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 24) When the body is overheated, the skin responds by A) decreasing melanin production. B) losing oxygen to surrounding tissues. C) constricting blood vessels. D) dilating blood vessels. E) increasing keratin production.

: D

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 21) Melanin serves to protect cells in the deeper layers of the epidermis from ________. A) discoloration B) melanocyte activity C) albinism D) ultraviolet radiation E) keratin production

: D

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 20) A small amount of ultraviolet radiation is beneficial because it ________. A) increases blood flow in the dermis B) stimulates the synthesis of photoreceptor pigments in the eye C) constricts blood vessels in the dermis D) stimulates vitamin D3 synthesis in the epidermis E) adjusts overall gland secretion rates in the body

: D

ing Outcome: 5-3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 30) What is the composition of the papillary layer of the dermis? A) dense, regular connective tissue B) stratified squamous epithelium C) reticular connective tissue D) areolar connective tissue E) dense, irregular connective tissue

: D

ing Outcome: 5-3 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 28) Epidermal cells synthesize this vitamin when exposed to sunlight. A) vitamin D2 B) vitamin C C) vitamin E D) vitamin D3 E) vitamin A

: D

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 43) The walls of each hair follicle contain all the cell layers found in which of the following? A) hypodermis B) dermis C) subcutaneous layer D) epidermis E) basement membrane

: D

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 54) Perspiration that is produced by apocrine sweat glands A) is more than 99 percent water. B) contains electrolytes and waste products, such as urea. C) helps to cool the surface of the skin when it evaporates. D) is limited to the hair follicles of the axilla, nipples, and groin. E) contain astringent compounds that contract the skin and its sweat gland pores.

: D

ing Outcome: 5-8 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 57) The fold of stratum corneum over the base of a nail is called the A) body. B) bed. C) root. D) cuticle. E) free edge.

: D

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 14) Through which cellular interactions are the cells of the stratum basale firmly attached to the plasma membrane? A) gap junctions B) CAMs C) tight junctions D) connexons E) hemidesmosomes

: E

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 15) Choose the correct order of the cell layers, or strata, in a section of thick skin, from the basement membrane toward the free surface (deep to superficial). 1. stratum lucidum 2. stratum basale 3. stratum corneum 4. stratum granulosum 5. stratum spinosum A) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2 B) 3, 4, 1, 5, 2 C) 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 D) 2, 4, 5, 3, 1 E) 2, 5, 4, 1, 3

: E

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 3) Projections of loose connective tissue from the dermis, which extend upward between the adjacent ridges of the epidermis, are called ________. A) epidermal ridges B) strata C) reticular layers D) accessory structures E) dermal papillae

: E

ing Outcome: 5-2 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 26) What is the function of melanin? A) It provides water-resistant properties to the integument. B) It continuously divides to replace cells that are lost or shed at the epithelial surface. C) It is converted by the kidneys into the hormone calcitriol. D) It is required for the normal maintenance of epithelial cells. E) It protects DNA from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

: E

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 37) The highly vascular layer of the skin, which provides thermoregulation via changing blood flow, is the A) epidermis. B) subcutaneous layer. C) stratum basale. D) stratum corneum. E) dermis.

: E

ing Outcome: 5-4 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 31) The blood supply to the skin arises from a network of blood vessels called the ________ plexus in the hypodermis, at its border with the reticular layer of the dermis. A) cervical B) mesenteric C) brachial D) celiac E) cutaneous

: E

ing Outcome: 5-5 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 42) Shafts of hair are comprised of A) living keratinized dermal cells. B) dead keratinized dermal cells. C) keratinized adipose cells. D) living keratinized epidermal cells. E) dead keratinized epidermal cells.

: E

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 44) Hair is formed by the repeated divisions of epithelial stem cells in which structure? A) hair root B) cuticle of the hair C) medulla of the hair D) cortex of the hair E) hair matrix

: E

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 49) Modified and specialized sweat glands that produce milk are called ________ glands. A) ceruminous B) apocrine sweat C) sebaceous D) merocrine sweat E) mammary

: E

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 50) The lipid in oil glands is released through which type of secretion? A) eccrine B) apocrine C) merocrine D) endocrine E) holocrine

: E

ing Outcome: 5-9 Bloom's Taxonomy: Application 65) Which is the most logical reason for an elderly person's higher potential to be prone to skin infections, compared to a younger person? A) The hair is thinner in the elderly. B) There are fewer melanocytes in the skin of a younger person. C) The blood supply to the dermis is reduced in the skin of a young person. D) Bone strength decreases in the elderly. E) Stem cell activity in the epidermis declines in the elderly.

: E

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 69) Label D: ________

: Fat (or Adipose)

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 74) Label I: ________

: Hair follicle

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 89) Label B: ________

: Hair matrix

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Figure 5-3 A Single Hair Follicle and Hair (Longitudinal Section) Use Figure 5-3 to identify the labeled part. 88) Label A: ________

: Hair papilla

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 91) Label D: ________

: Hair root

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 82) Label Q: ________

: Hair shaft

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 94) Label G: ________

: Hair shaft

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 96) Label B: ________

: Merocrine (or Eccrine) duct

ing Outcome: 5-7 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 101) Label G: ________

: Merocrine (or Eccrine) sweat gland

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 70) Label E: ________

: Nerve fibers

ing Outcome: 5-6 Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension 93) Label F: ________

: Sebaceous gland

ing Outcome: 5-1 Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge 87) Label E: ________

: Stratum basale (germinativum)

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