Chapter 6

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Consider how we might teach a rat to press a lever in a maze. Using the concept of shaping, put the below steps in order from start to finish.

1. The rat receives a food pellet he goes near the lever. 2. The rat receives a food pellet when he touches the lever. 3. The rat receives a food pellet when he presses the lever.

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?

A child learns to behave while in the grocery store with her parents, because when she behaves her parents buy her a treat.

Which of the following describes a situation in which shaping occurs?

A dog learns to rolls over onto its side for a milk bone.

Which of the following does not describe a process affected by operant conditioning?

A dog salivating at the sound of a dinner bell

Which of the following illustrates stimulus generalization?

A driver stops at a red flashing light and stops at a red stop sign.

What is operant conditioning?

A form of associative learning in which the consequences of a behavior change the probability of the behavior's occurrence

Which of the following illustrates stimulus discrimination?

A person goes to the door when the doorbell rings, but not when their alarm clock rings.

What is a conditioned stimulus?

A previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits a learned response

______ occurs when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly paired with the unconditioned stimulus, and it occurs without awareness or effort.


_______ is the initial learning of the connection between the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired.


What is an unconditioned response?

An unlearned response that is automatically elicited by an unconditioned stimulus

______ learning occurs when an organism makes a connection between two events.


_______ learning occurs when an organism makes a connection between two events.


Justine can't figure out how to work the complicated new machine at her office, because she didn't notice that a representative from the company was showing everyone how to use it. Justine can't learn how to use the machine via observational learning because she didn't engage in which process of observational learning?


______ learning occurs when the organism learns that by making a particular response, a negative stimulus can be altogether avoided.


A student who receives one bad grade might thereafter always study hard in order to avoid the negative outcome of bad grades in the future. This is an example of

Avoidance learning

In the Pavlovian experiment, ringing the bell was only a neutral stimulus

Before Pavlov began feeding the dog the meat powder

In the field of psychology, _____ is a theory of learning that focuses solely on observable actions, discounting the importance of mental activities such as thinking, wishing, and hoping.


____ _____ is a learning process in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an innately meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response.

Classical Conditioning

______ means that the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are presented very close together in time.


______ means that the conditioned stimulus must precede the unconditioned stimulus, and it must be a reliable indicator that the unconditioned stimulus is on its way.


_______ means that the conditioned stimulus must precede the unconditioned stimulus, and it must be a reliable indicator that the unconditioned stimulus is on its way.


In ______ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented every time; whereas in ________ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented some of the time.

Continuous; Partial

During a lecture class the professor says: "You are now about to take a surprise test on yesterday's learning." She notices that all of her students begin to turn the pages to filter through the previous day's content. The response of the students to the professor's quick announcement best exemplifies:


Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through


While using the computer at the library, you notice that it does not seem to be connecting properly to the internet. After a few minutes, you give up trying to use that computer and move to a different one. Several weeks later, you are back at the library. You attempt to use the same computer that wasn't working last time, in hopes that it is now working. This behavior exemplifies


Robert stopped drinking soda and lost three pounds this week. He was so excited by his results, he decided to stop having snacks before bedtime, too. This change in Robert's eating habits because he had a weight loss success when he changed his drinking habits is an example of


_____ in classical conditioning is the tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response.


Secondary Reinforcer

It is because of experoences this reinforcer makes you satisfied or happy

______ is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.


Keith is watching his preschool teacher paint smiling animal faces on each child's art project. Keith gets a paint brush and tries to draw one, too, but in spite of his best efforts, his animal face doesn't look like the one his teacher could draw. Keith is having trouble with which step in the observational learning process?

Motor reproduction

Positive Reinforcement

Occur when something is provided or given to increase the likelihood of a behavior

Negative Reinforcement

Occurs when something is removed or avoided in order for the behavior to increase

Classical conditioning and ____ _____ are both types of associative learning.

Operant Conditioning

Classical Conditioning

Organisms learning to anticipate events Association between two stimuli

Operant Conditioning

Organisms learning to increase behaviors that are followed by rewards and to decrease behaviors that are followed by punishment Association between a behavior and a consequence

Within the framework of operant conditioning and punishment types, spanking a child would be considered _______ punishment, whereas taking away a child's toys would be considered ___________ punishment.

Positive Negative

_______ is a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur.


Shasa and Ruby's parents worry that Ruby, the younger sister, will mimic her older sister, Shasa, even when Shasa is behaving badly. Shasa draws on the walls while Ruby watches, but then their parents catch Shasa in the act and then make her clean all of the walls. Even though Ruby watched Shasa's behavior and could copy it, she doesn't do so. Which process in observational learning is most involved in Ruby's choice to not draw on the walls?


______ is the process in operant conditioning by which a stimulus following a particular behavior increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated.


Which of the following is an example of spontaneous recovery?

Remembering a family trip to the movies when visiting the same theater

______ refers to the recovery of the conditioned response when the organism is placed in a novel context.


_______ refers to the recovery of the conditioned response when the organism is placed in a novel context.


____ behavior is involuntary behavior that occurs in automatic response to a stimulus such as a nausea-producing drug, and later to a conditioned stimulus, such as sweet water that was paired with a drug.


Marcus watched the expert fisherman tie the hook onto his fishing line, but when Marcus tries to do it himself, he can't remember how. Marcus is having trouble with which process in observational learning?


Which of the following are components of observational learning according to Bandura?

Retention Reinforcement Attention Motor reproduction

________ reinforcers are reinforcers that are learned through an organism's experience, and, unlike a primary reinforcer, are not innately satisfying.


Which of the following best exemplifies negative reinforcement?

Taking an aspirin when you have a headache

What is generalization?

The tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original CS to elicit a response similar to the CR

Primary Reinforcer

This reinforcer doesn't require any learning to make it pleasurable or satifying to you

Samantha stubs her toe on the coffee table on the way into the kitchen and she cries out in pain. Stubbing her toe on the coffee table in an example of a(n) ______ and her cry of pain is an example of a(n) ______.

Unconditioned stimulus; Unconditioned response

Which of the following are examples of primary reinforcers?

Water Food

What is associative learning?

When an organism makes a connection between two events

negative reinforcement

When you pay your bill on-time, you avoid the high cost of late fees. When you put your seatbelt on in the car to stop the annoying chiming sound of the seatbelt indicator. When you clean out the garage, your dad does not yell at you.

positive reinforcement

When your dog "gives paw" you give him a treat. When someone smiles at you, you say hello and start a conversation. When you drink a coffee, you are productive during the day.

For the dog in Pavlov's experiment, which was the neutral stimulus?

a bell

Shaping is

a process where rewards are given as subjects get closer to approximating each step of the task

Which theorist viewed learning as the process of observing and imitating behavior?

albert bandura

Sean wasn't watching when his older brother figured out how to break the childproof lock on a cabinet full of candy, so now Sean can't imitate his brother and get to the candy. Sean didn't engage in the ______ process of observational learning.


When Ashon comes home from work every day, he opens the garage door and pulls his car into the garage. His dog, Spot, hears the noise of the garage door opening and the car entering the garage before Ashon comes through the garage door. Now, when Spot hears the garage door open, Spot runs to the garage door to greet Ashon. This is an example of

classical conditioning

A(n) ____ stimulus involves a previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits the conditioned response after being associated with the unconditioned stimulus.


The learned response to the conditioned stimulus that occurs after CS-US paring is called the ______ response.

conditioned or CR

By ringing a bell whenever he gave food to his lab dogs, Pavlov eventually got the dogs to salivate to the sound of the bell. In this context the salivation elicited by sound of the bell is called the

conditioned response

________ means that the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are presented very close together in time.


In _____ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented every time; whereas in _____ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented some of the time.

continuous partial

In ______ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented every time; whereas in ______ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented some of the time.

continuous; partial

When people are driving above the speed limit, and then notice a police car is now on the road with them, they change their driving habits to be more cautious and aware of the speed limit. Responding appropriately to the presence of the police car by slowing down to avoid a citation is an example of ______ in operant conditioning.


True or false: Discrimination is the weakening of the conditioned response in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus.


Operant conditioning focuses on the association between behaviors and the stimuli that _______ them.


A child learns that they get rewarded for being polite at home, so they start saying "please" and "thank you" more often at school, too. This is an example of ______ in operant conditioning.


A young child gets nipped by a neighbor's dog. After that experience, they're afraid not just of dogs but also of other furry animals like cats and raccoons. This is an example of stimulus _______


A young child gets nipped by a neighbor's dog. After that experience, they're afraid not just of dogs but also of other furry animals like cats and raccoons. This is an example of stimulus _________


________ in classical conditioning is the tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response.


In positive reinforcement, the frequency of a behavior _______ because it is followed by a desirable stimulus.


Thorndike's principle stating that behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened and that behaviors followed by negative outcomes are weakened is called

law of effect.

Observational learning is

learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates another's behavior

Bandura believes that many complex behaviors are the result of exposure to ______, and not trial-and-error learning.


Observational learning is also known as:

modeling and imitation

Dan and Molly are camping in the woods and apply insect repellent to their skin in order to fight mosquitoes. Dan gets fewer mosquito bites because of the repellent, but Molly develops a rash because of the repellent's ingredients. In the future, Dan is very willing to use the repellant, but Molly never wants to use it again. For Dan, the repellent is ____, but for Molly, the repellent is ____.

negative reinforcement; positive punishment

Thorndike's law of effect states that behaviors followed by Blank______ outcomes are strengthened, and that behaviors followed by Blank______ outcomes are weakened.

pleasant; unpleasant

Within the framework of operant conditioning, spanking a child would be considered ______ punishment.


According to Thorndike's law of effect _____.

positive consequences will lead to increased behavior.

Dr. Jones recommends that his patients Jennifer and Steve take Ibuprofen at the first symptom of a headache. The next time they each experience a headache they have very different experiences. When Steve takes Ibuprofen to help his headache, he has an unpleasant allergic reaction to the medication. Steve never wants to take it again. When Jennifer takes Ibuprofen, her headache disappears. She definitely will take more Ibuprofen in the future. For Steve, the medicine served as ______, but for Jennifer, it worked as ______.

positive punishment; negative reinforcement

The frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed by a desirable stimulus in

positive reinforcement

Food and water are examples of

primary reinforcers

In ______, the likelihood of a behavior decreases because of its unpleasant consequences.


Which of the following is NOT a component of observational learning?


The sudden reappearance of an extinguished response is called spontaneous ______


The process by which a stimulus or event after a specific behavior makes it more likely that the behavior will occur again is known as ______


Classical conditioning is a form of ______-behavior, or involuntary behavior that occurs in automatic response to a stimulus such as a nausea-producing drug, and later to a conditioned stimulus, such as sweet water that was paired with the drug.


Giving a rat some food in the same half of the cage as the bar experimenters want it to press is an example of


You try to put a movie in your DVD player, but the disc doesn't work. You don't try to watch that disc again for a while, but later on that month you try to play it again. This behavior illustrates ______ ______ in operant conditioning.

spontaneous recovery

Behaviorism is a theory of learning

that focuses solely on observable behaviors.

In Bandura's famous Bobo Doll study, children who watched _____ were much more likely to engage in aggressive behavior with the Bobo Doll.

the aggressive model

Extinction is

the weakening of the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is absent.

A(n) _____ stimulus produces a response without prior learning.


A stimulus that produces a response without prior learning is a(n) ______ stimulus.


A(n) ______ is an unlearned reaction that is automatically elicited by a stimulus that produces a response without prior learning.

unconditioned response

Extinction occurs in classical conditioning when the conditioned response weakens because the ______ is absent.

unconditioned stimulus

Laura accidentally touched a bare wire on an old light fixture, and she flinched when she was shocked by the electrical current. The electric shock is an example of a(n) ______ and her flinching is an example of a(n) ______.

unconditioned stimulus; unconditioned response

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