Chapter 6 & 7

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(arterio = artery), a condition commonly called "hardening of the arteries." contributes to hypertension.


(athero = lipid containing; sclerosis [skleh-ro′-sis] = hardening), a chronic process that negatively affects the functioning of arteries.


(phobic = fearing) portion that avoids watery substances and attracts oily ones

what are essential fatty acids?

- alpha-linolenic acid - linoleic acid must be supplied by the diet

Fatty acids

A fatty acid is comprised of a hydrocarbon chain. The omega end contains the first carbon in the molecule; the last carbon in the molecule forms an acid group.


According to the Nutrition Facts panel, a serving of potato chips supplies 150 kcal, and there are 9 g of total fat in the serving of chips. Calculate the number of kcal from fat in a serving of the chips.

-cholesterol -animal

Although triglycerides are widespread in foods, _____ is found only in ____ foods.

ammonia is converted to urea and excreted in the urine

Amino acids have a nitrogen-containing component as part of their chemical makeup. When amino acids are deaminated, the nitrogen-containing component is removed and converted into ammonia. What happens to the ammonia?


Bile salts have hydrophilic "heads" and hydrophobic "tails". The tails are oriented inward, so they surround the lipid particle, while the heads face outward and toward the watery components of chyme.

58-201 grams of protein per day

Cleveland, a 24-year-old male, wants to estimate his protein needs based on the AMDR. The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that 10-35% of calories come from protein. If Cleveland follows a 2,300-kilocalorie diet, approximately how many grams of protein per day should he consume?

What is the difference between fats and oils?

Compared to foods that contain high amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, foods that are rich sources of long-chain saturated fatty acids tend to be more solid at room temperature.

converted to glucose or fat

When a person eats more protein than his or her body needs, the extra protein is _______.

trans fat

____ ___ intake should be as low as possible

hydrocarbon chain

a chain of carbon atoms bonded to each other and to hydrogen atoms. The first carbon in the molecule has three hydrogen atoms attached to it.


a substance that keeps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds mixed together


a water-soluble compound that nerves use to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine

myocardial infarction

aka heart attack

lipoprotein lipase

an enzyme in the walls of capillaries, breaks down chylomicrons' load of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Nearby cells can then pick up the fatty acids and glycerol molecules to Page 181use for energy.

pancreatic lipase

digests triglycerides by removing two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule. This action converts most triglycerides into monoglycerides.

What is a statin?

drugs that lower blood cholesterol

saturated fatty acid

each carbon within the chain is saturated, that is, completely filled with hydrogen atoms.

trans fatty acid

elaidic acid, has the two hydrogen atoms of the double-bonded carbons on the opposite sides of the molecule


phospholipids are partially water soluble because the phosphorus-containing portion of the molecule is (hydro=water, philic= loving)

less than 10 %

According to the Dietary Guidelines, what is the recommendation for saturated fat intake (percentage of total calories)?

very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)

may also contribute to atherosclerosis. VLDL carries a larger amount of triglycerides than cholesterol (see Fig. 6.19). A high level of triglycerides in the bloodstream may stimulate the production of small, dense LDL-cholesterol particles that are prone to becoming oxidized.


has a single fatty acid attached to the glycerol backbone of the molecule.

mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)

has only one double bond linking two carbon atoms;


has three fatty acids attached to glycerol (glis′-er-ol), a three-carbon compound that is often referred to as the "backbone" of the triglyceride

high density lipoprotein (HDL)

is the smallest and densest kind of lipoprotein because it transports more protein and less lipids than the other lipoproteins

arterial plaque

lipid filled deposits that form under the lining of certain arteries

What is the AMDR for fat?

20-35 % of total calories

On average, fat contributes about ______ % of the energy in an adult American's diet.

35 percent

List three kinds of fish that often contain high amounts of methylmercury.

-marlan -sword fish -shark -king mackerel

amino group - contains the nitrogen atom R group - differs with each amino acid Carbon Skeleton - can be converted to glucose and used for energy

Each amino acid contains three different groups of atoms. Match the group with its role or defining characteristic.

coronary artery disease (CAD)

Heart disease (coronary artery disease, or CAD) and stroke, the most common forms of CVD, are among the top five leading causes of death in the United States

- providing and storing energy (fat) -maintaining cell membranes - producing certain hormones - insulating the body against the cold temperatures -cushioning the body against bumps and blows -contributing to body contours - absorbing fat soluble vitamins and phytochemicals

Major functions of Lipids in the body


Most _____ have fatty acids in their chemical structures

High Phenylalanine food - diet cola sweetened with aspartame -meat -milk -egg Low Phenylalanine food - regular cola - french fries - green bean - apple

People with PKU must limit their intake of phenylalanine. Classify each food as either a high- or low-phenylalanine food.

- reducing intakes of meats - foods made with whole milk - high fat processed foods

Suggest at least four ways people can reduce their intakes of saturated and trans fats and increase their intakes of unsaturated fats.


are a class of macronutrients that includes fatty acids, triglycerides (try-glis′-er-eyeds), phospholipids (fos-foe-lip′-ids), and cholesterol. In general, lipids are insoluble in water, but they are soluble in organic solvents such as alcohol and acetone.


are too large to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream. These lipoproteins must pass through the larger openings of lacteals (lak′-te-als), lymphatic system vessels in each villus


are water-soluble structures that transport lipids through the bloodstream.

adipose cells

commonly called fat cells, remove fatty acids and glycerol from circulation and reassemble them into triglycerides for storage.

bile salts

components of bile that enhance lipid digestion and absorption

unsaturated fatty acid

has two neighboring carbons within the chain that are missing two hydrogen atoms, and a double bond holds those particular carbons together (Fig. 6.1b). Unsaturated fatty acids can have one or more double bonds within the chain of carbons.


have carbons arranged in rings, which makes them a more chemically complex type of lipid than a triglyceride or a phospholipid


hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile and pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes

Foods rich in Poly-unsaturated Fat

include corn, soybean, and cottonseed oils, as well as some types of sunflower and safflower seed oils

Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

includes diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


is a chemical that transmits messages between the nerve cells.


is a fixed bunch of clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow


is chemically similar to a triglyceride, except that one of the fatty acids is replaced by chemical groups that contain phosphorus and, often, nitrogen. Phospholipids are naturally found in plant and animal foods.


is the major phospholipid in food; egg yolks, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soybeans are rich sources of lecithin.


is the most well-known sterol. Many people think that cholesterol is unhealthy and foods that contain the lipid should be avoided, but it is a very important nutrient. Cholesterol is a component of every cell membrane in your body

poly unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)

that has two or more double bonds between carbons

low density lipo protein

transports more cholesterol than HDL in the bloodstream. LDL is needed to transport lipids to tissues, where the nutrients are used to make cell structures and vital compounds

omega 3 fatty acid

type of polyunsaturated fatty acid

partial hydrogenation

was a food manufacturing process that added hydrogen atoms to some unsaturated fatty acids in liquid vegetable oil. The partial hydrogenation process converted many of the oil's naturally occurring cis fatty acids into trans fatty acids. Oils that contained these artificial fats were called partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs)

high-quality (complete) - chicken, egg, whey (milk protein), Quinoa, soybeans low-quality (incomplete) - gelatin, rice, garbanzo beans

Dietary proteins can be classified as being high-quality (complete) or low-quality (incomplete). Drag the food to its appropriate protein quality classification.


A thrombus or part of a plaque that breaks free from where it formed and travels through the bloodstream is an

- low risk of CVD - because his HDL cholesterol level is high

Bernard's HDL cholesterol level is 62 mg/dl. Based on this information, does Bernard have a high risk or low risk of CVD? Explain your answer.


a chronic condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure levels that persist even when the person is relaxed. Hypertension is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Annie - Needed to make body components. Charlie - Needed to make certain hormones. Melissa - Contributes to immune function. Louisa - Maintains fluid balance. Bill - Provides satiety

Proteins play many roles in the body. Drag the case study situation to its corresponding protein function classification.

- soft, wheat flour tortilla filled with black beans, salsa, and rice -toasted white bread spread with peanut butter and grape jelly -whole grain (brown) rice sprinkled with split peas and sunflower seeds

Select the menu items that contain complementary proteins and can substitute for dishes made with animal foods.

omega (or methyl) end

The last carbon in the fatty acid molecule forms an acid group.

enterohepatic circulation

The process of recycling bile (cholesterol) from the intestinal tract is called

1. a gene is transcribed, producing messenger RNA 2. messenger RNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of the cell 3. Messenger RNA travels to the ribosomes where the mRNA code is translated to produce a specific protein 4.during translation, ribosomes and tRNA link amino acids together to produce a polypeptide chain

The synthesis of a specific protein is the end product of a number of intermediate steps. Place the protein synthesis steps in the order in which they occur to create a specific protein.


This puzzling observation led to the discovery that the amino acid homocysteine (ho′-mo-sis′-teen) may be associated with CVD.


Triglycerides and phospholipids need to be broken down by special enzymes before they can be absorbed

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