chapter 6 ap world history

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- ceremonial centers dating back to 2000 BC -cultural achievements include calendars, math system, writing system, and architecture -cultural achievements occurred later than other civs (250-900 CE) -engineering tech included terracing, draining swamps, water management -never had one unified empire -frequent warfare between city states -rapid collapse in 840 CE due to longterm drought -600s CE pop. was pushing 5 million and stripped resources (deforestation, climate change, erosion)


-250 mile stretch of coast of Peru -floroushed 100-800 CE -economy was rooted in complex irrigation system that supported the harming of maize, beans, squash, and acres of cotton -fisherman harvest from pacific anchovies -moche was governed by warrior priests that lived in huge pyramids -shamans were on the drugs and conducted rituals for supernatural - natural -human sacrifice of prisoners of war -for the rulers, moche world was of war, ceremony, and diplomacy -elaborate burials -no written texts -craftspeople had suberb skills - much of what scholars know is from the metalworkers, potters, weavers, and painters -less is known about daily life of farmers and fisherman and craftspeople who made elite life possible -rested on a fragile environment foundation region had lots of droughts, earthquakes, and lots of rain -these forces led to ecological disturb and moche were undermined to neighbors -800 CE were gone

wari and tiwakaku

-400-1000 CE was flouish -large urban capitals -gov collected surplus food and warehouses -neither state controlled a place -established colonies vertically to fit environment -seeked resources like seafood, maize, chili peppers, cocoa, drugs, obsidian, and featehrs -llama caravans linked them to nearby places allowing trade -religion was andean staff god also found in norte chico, chavin, and moche -wari and tiwakaku were different however -wari had agriculture system of terracing and irrigation using snowmelt -tiwakaku had farming economy and became famous for elaborate fitted stone walls and buildings -wari had tombs and temples made of fieldstone set in mud and covered w plaster -wari was more controlled from the center -little warfare between the two and did not mingle much -different languages, different clothing, different goods and looked @ their own capitals -1000 CE both collapsed and cities were abandoned -smaller kingdoms one that evolved into Inca - Inca had similar imperial models, statecraft, built on Wari highway system, and similar dress and artistic


-Axum was Christian for about 1000 years then Islamic -ag based economy using a plow -generated wheat, barely, millet, and teff -50 CE - a substantial state emerged growing from Red Sea and Indian Ocean commerce -capital city was also Axum - lots of architecture and art -rise of axum was connected to trade -language was Ge'ez -introducted to Christianity in 400 CE from King Ezana -600 CE was decline of Axum due to environmental changes like soil exhaustion, erosion, and deforestation from intense farming -Adulus was their port to trade w Red Sea and Indian Ocean -collected tribute -paralleled Eurasian development -imperial expansion to Meroe and Yemen reached the gates of Mecca by 571 CE - wasnt successful

Bantu Africa

-Bantu people originally started around 3000 BCE, was about 400 different languages known as Bantu, -100 CE ag people speaking Bantu language and ironworking tech occupied forest regions -bantu expansion was not conquest or invasion, it was a slow movement of people -bantu expansion was more diffusing in new patterns of living like language and cattle -interaction w hunter gatherers of Africa -some cultures like the Pygmy, became Bantu by language but still stayed hunter gatherers -Bantu societies were less patriarchal -religion was less about a higher god and focused more on ancestral spirits -belief in witches and diviners (who could see into unseen worlds and dreams)

North America: Ancestral Pueblo and Mound Builders

-East US and Central America was sustained by village based ag, losely connected small villages -less politics, maize depended society -600-800 CE permanent village life took hold -900 CE - ceremonial structures called kivas -Chaco canyon - 860-1130 CE 5 major pueblos emerged -Chaco encompasssed 25000 square miles -pop was 5k -largest was called Pueblo Bonito -no wheel carts and no large domesticated animals -elaborate road system -Chaco elite was astronomers -1200 CE great houses were abanonded -the people scattered around and became the pubelo people of recent times -ag rev in MS river valley independantly -domesticated local plants by 2000 BCE -mound builders - hopewell culture - most elaborate mounds built 200 BCE -400 CE -corn based ag in MS river valley 800 CE allowed for larger pop and more complex society -dominant center was Cahokia - flourished 900 to 1250 CE -two distinct classes - principle men or honored peoples and commoners or stinkards -principle men had to marry stinkards -military capacity was impressive to europeans

Mayan cities

-Tikal (100,000 pop by 750 CE) in surrounding area -city-states had imperial ambition but none suceeded


-below Egypt in Nile Val ley, land of Nubia -Meroe was a city flourished 300 BC - 100 BC -kingdom of Meroe governed by a monarch could be female -many specialities - merchants, artisans, servants, laborers, and slaves -metallurgy was popular trade -wealth in Meroe was from trading iron, cotton, gold, ivory and they had reputation of great riches -less influenced by Egypt, own distinct place -100 CE Meroe declined, bc of deforestation and less resources due to new trade routes and ironworking took its toll and conquered by rising state of Axum -farmers had to give tribute either for paying for protection -actual end was in 300s CE -long distance trade possible by camel caravans

Mayan political system

-ceremonial centers ruled by kings or queens -divine rulers (state shamans) were between supernatural and natural -more closely resembled city states of ancient Mesopotamia or Greece than China

Pacific Oceania

-communties w/o large city states or empires -new guinea had been settled for 50k years -Oceania was the last part the WORLD to be settled with only 3500 years ago -settlers arrival had a huge environmental impact -new zealand settled much later 1200 CE -ppl of oceania spoke many langs even tho small pop -tonga islands had social complex bc powerful rulers were the head of the court w wives and concubines -practiced the art of body decorating -the political and social life were organized as chiefdoms but varied between societies -frequent warfare between chiefdoms and prevented political unity -women were considered dangerous isolated during menstruation and childbirth -gender roles differed place to place -religious life in oceania was pragmatic designed to protect against harm and manipulate spirits to favor u -mana was spiritual energy associated w chiefs and tapu (taboo in english) ritual restrictions and prohibitions -violating a tapu could result in death -religion provided supernatural sanctions for political authority and social elites -some interaction from networks of talking -1400-800 BCE spread of pottery known as lapita -polynesian networks of exchange flourished in the centuries following 100 CE


-norther than Mayan- in the Valley of Mexico -began 150 BCE -built to a plan rather than randomly -occupied about 8 sq miles -largest urban complex in the Americas -pop 100k-200k by 550 CE -original name, language, gov, and religion is unknown -city was really big w big plazas, temples, slums, resoivers, drainage systems, murals, marketplaces -human sacrifice to accompany elite into afterlife -grid like pattern of streets -specialists - masons, leatherworks, potters, marchants, -lots of art -2 sections reserved for foreigners -cast a huge shadow on mesoamerica 300-600 CE -powerful army and conquered mayan cities -mysterious collapse 650 CE -valued food products because of trade or tribute


-present day peru in 900 BCE became center for religious movement -local ceremonial centers 2000-1000 BCE -750 BCE became small town of 3k -clear elite class and ordinary class -stone houses -extensive temple complex included galleries, staricases, draingage canals -deities were jaguars and crocodiles and snakes - all native to amazon basin -shamans - priests - prob used san pedro cactus for its hallucigenc properties to penetrate the supernatural world -warfare and violence but no empire emerged -chavin cult faded by 200 BCE

Niger River Valley

-urbanization -500 to 1 BCE - dry period brought people into Middle Niger with domesticated cattle and metallurgy and ag skills -300-900 CE ppl created a city based civ -Jenne-jeno - major city, pop. 40k -cities had no state structure, operated w/o coercive authority of a state -little evidence of inequality and warfare -smiths were feared and revered -many specialties -cotton weavers, potters, leatherworkers, -graudally formed occupational castes and could only marry within your group and pass skills to children -shared authority -growing commerce -decline?

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