Chapter 6: Leadership Attributes

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Psychological typologies

1. Tend to emphasize the difference between people of dominate and submissive types. 2. They tend to emphasize the similarities among all people in the same category. 3. Tend to put people into discrete psychological categories 4. They are often expressed as polar opposites

The four abilities comprising the ability model are:

1. Using emotions 2. Understanding emotions 3. Perceiving emotions 4. Regulate emotions

Leaders highers in neuroticism

1. Usually are passionate, intense, thin-skinned, moody, and anxious 2. Lose their tempers when stressed or criticized

Leaders lower in neuroticism

1. Usually are thick-skinned, calm, and optimistic 2. Tend not to take mistakes or failures personally, and hide their emotions

Which of the following is the definition of emotional intelligence given by Peter Salovey and John Mayer>

A group of mental abilities that help people to recognize their own feelings and those of others.


According to Robert Hogan, is fairly ambiguous and has at least two quite different meanings.

INFJ (1%)

Anxious, cautious, creative, smart, private, values solitude, does not like to be looked at, easily offended, moody, prone to feelings of sadness and loneliness, fears rejection Favored Careers: Therapist, Editor, Painter Disfavored Careers: Pilot, Business Owner

Analytic intelligence

Are leaders that are quick learners, do well in school, see the connections between issues, and have the ability to make accurate deductions, assumptions, and inferences with relatively unfamiliar information.

Experience is helpful when one is under stress but

Can hinder performance in the absence of stress.

Sensing-intuition dimension is

Concerned with how people look at data. Leaders who prefer this sense mode like facts and details. Leaders are practical, orderly, and down-to-earth decision makers.

According to the OCEAN model, which personality trait is more important to manufacturing jobs?


The ability to produce work that is both novel and useful uses which type of intelligence?


The inventor of Velcro had a high level of which type of intelligence?


ENTJ (22%)

Decisive, adventurous, fearless, engaged, self-centered, image conscious, opinionated, ambitious, hates to be bored, narcissistic, arrogant, driven, critical, orderly Favored Careers: Consultant, Lawyer, Spy Disfavored Careers: Chef, Singer, Artist


Describes a person's self all-around effectiveness in activities directed by thought.

ISFP (1%)

Disorganized, easily distracted and disturbed, self-doubting and not self-confident, indecisive, prone to discouragement, does not like leading, private, modest, prone to laziness Favored Careers: Teacher, Singer, Carpenter Disfavored Careers: Marketer, Judge, Lawyer

Testing of _______ thinking can be difficult because of the many answers that are possible.


The tendency for many leaders to react to failure by blaming external factors reflects poor

Double-loop learning.

Which of the following is true regarding the measurement and development of emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence can be developed.

ENFJ (4%)

Emotional, loving, social, positive, affectionate, image conscious, considerate, easily hurt, religious, neat, perfectionistic, ambitious, hard working, touchy, seductive Favored Careers: Critic, News Anchor, Dancer Disfavored Careers: Scientist, Truck Driver

ESTP (2%)

Emotionally stable, content, thick skinned, decisive, adjusts easily, likes crowds, outgoing, disorganized, messy, risk taker, fearless, enjoys sports, likes to lead, good presenter Favored Careers: CEO, Pilot, Spy, Bar Owner Disfavored Careers: Novelist, Librarian, Florist

Cognitive Resources Theory is used to

Explain the interesting relationships between leader intelligence and experience levels, and group performance in stressful versus nonstressful conditions.

The Great Man Theory

Explained leadership by examining the traits and characteristics of individuals considered to be historically great leaders.

Which dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test would be relevant to a description of an individual as being reserved and deliberate?


Which of the following is NOT part of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test?


As compared to the OCEAN model, the mixed model of emotional intelligence is significantly better at predicting performance.


Which of the following is NOT a good way to boost creativity in an organization?

Focusing on extrinsic motivation rather than focusing on intrinsic motivation.

ISTP (2%)

Hidden, private, loner, insensitive to others, dislikes sharing feelings, lower energy, messy, avoidant, submissive, dislikes being in charge, prefers intellectual pursuits over relationships Favored Careers: Engineer, Programmer Disfavored Careers: Artist, Florist, Teacher

Which of the following types if least likely to be a leader?


INFP (1%)

Idealist, daydreamer, smart, creative, impulsive, moody, disorganized, prone to lateness, private, attracted to sad things, prone to regret, submissive, easily discouraged Favored Careers: Cartoonist, Writer, Activist Disfavored Careers: Executive, Administrator

Which of the following is NOT a description of a sensing leader?


Analytic Intelligence

Is important when leaders face new or novel situations.

The amount of information a leader needs before feeling comfortable making a decision is concerned with which dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test?


Which dimension of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test would be concerned with an individual who prefers to have an agenda, stick to it, and make as many decisions as possible in a meeting?


Practical knowledge

Knowing how things get done and how to do them.

Which of the following building blocks is relatively easy to change?


INTP (5%)

Likes the esoteric, likes science fiction, skeptical, rule breaker, unemotional, loner, detached, does not think they are weird but others do, fantasy prone, disorganized Favored Careers: Philosopher, Mortician Disfavored Careers: Social Worker, Supervisor

INTJ (9%)

Loner, detached, values solitude, socially uncomfortable, unhappy, analytical, critical, suspicious, orderly, prepared, clean, punctual, perfectionistic, rarely shows anger Favored Careers: Engineer, Neurosurgeon Disfavored Careers: Performer, Ad Executive

An individual who scores _______ on the agreeableness dimension of the Five Factor Model would be better suited for a job as a judge or quality assurance representative than an individual who scores _______ on the same dimension.

Low, high.

ESTJ (23%)

Organized, group oriented, focused, conventional, planful, realistic, hard working, stiff, content, regular, strict, disciplined, meticulous, strong sense of purpose Favored Careers: Executive, Banker, Lawyer Disfavored Careers: Poet, Artist, Musician

ESFJ (2%)

Outgoing, does not like being alone, open, easy to read, considerate, complimentary, loving, follows the rules, clean, altruistic, values organized religion Favored Careers: Wedding Planner, Nurse Disfavored Careers: Scientist, Astronaut

ENFP (2%)

Outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, pleasure seeking, irresponsible, thrill seeker, unconventional, impulsive, prone to losing things Favored Careers: Actor, Artist, Filmmaker Disfavored Careers: Analyst, Banker, Engineer

ESFP (1%)

Outgoing, social, talkative, modest, emotional, happy, disorganized, spontaneous, touchy feely, suggestible, prone to crying, likes being the center of attention, likes teamwork. Favored Careers: Hair Stylist, DJ, Nurse Disfavored Careers: Researcher, Programmer

As the pace of change in the business world continues to increase we should expect which of the following?

Personality traits to play an increasingly important role in leader behavior.

An INFJ would be good at all of the following careers except


ISFJ (2%)

Polite, rule abiding, dutiful, dislikes competition, frightens easily, timid, socially uncomfortable, not spontaneous, apprehensive, guarded, suspicious, dislikes change. Favored Careers: Homemaker, Librarian Disfavored Careers: Performer, CEO

Which of the following would not be a good career for an ESFP?


One meaning of personality refers to the impression a person makes on others. This view of personality emphasizes a person's

Public reputation.

ISTJ (14%)

Responsible, organized, perfectionistic, detail oriented, private, punctual, dutiful, cautious, would rather be friendless than jobless, insensitive to hardships of others. Favored Careers: Scientists, Engineer Disfavored Careers: Entertainer, Musician

Triarchic theory of intelligence

Robert Sternberg's theory that describes intelligence as having analytic, creative and practical dimensions. Most comprehensive and compelling theories of intelligence developed and tested over the last 30 years.

Reviewing data and facts and identifying the underlying root causes from the information gathered refers to

Single-loop learning.

In comparison to knowledge or experience, ___________ is/are more easy to change.


CRT defines ________ as the result of conflicts with superiors or the apprehension associated with performance evaluation.


ENTP (9%)

Thrill seeker, rule breaker, risk taker, adventurous, life of a party, outgoing, adaptable, not easily offended, emotionally stable, dominant, improviser, carefree Favored Careers: Performer, CEO Disfavored Careers: Homemaker, Librarian

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