Chapter 6 | Civil Rights

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(T/F) Until 1967, 16 states outlawed marriages between whites and nonwhites.


Today, about __________ of aliens who seek citizenship are successful in meeting the statutory requirements to become naturalized citizens.


An example of a difference in treatment toward certain groups that qualifies as reasonable is

taxing different classes at different rates

One factor helping to break the deadlock that developed in the civil rights movement during the early 1960s was the (2)

Democratic landslide of 1964

(T/F) A 1992 Supreme Court decision reaffirmed the necessity of busing to achieve full school integration regardless of housing patterns.


(T/F) De jure segregation refers to segregation that is the result of residential patterns as oppsed to deliberate government policy.


(T/F) In 1883, the Supreme Court ruled that racial discrimination in public accommodations (such as hotels) was unconstitutional.


(T/F) In Lawrence v. Texas, gay couples married in state where same-sex marriage is legal must receive the same federal health, tax, and other benefits that heterosexual married couples receive.


(T/F) In the immediate aftermath of Brown v. Board of Education, southern resistance to school integration quickly collapsed.


(T/F) Laws cannot treat people differently


(T/F) Privacy is mentioned only once in the Constitution.


(T/F) The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Virginia Military Institute when its tradition of admitting only male cadets was challenged.


Which of the following statements concerning the "right to privacy" is CORRECT?

It is not mentioned in the Constitution

In this seminal decision, the Supreme Court held that a "right to privacy" is "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy."

Roe v. Wade

Which of the following are statutory requirements for naturalization?

Five year's residency, good moral character, attachment to constitutional principles, and a disposition to the good order of the US are all true

The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution appeared to guarantee equal rights for blacks.


The Supreme Court first found a "right to privacy" in the __________ case.


Since the 1970s, the Supreme Court has tended to apply this judicial standard to cases of gender discrimination.

Intermediate scrutiny

In this seminal Supreme Court decision, the Court overturned its decision in Bowers by ruling that state laws may not ban sexual relations between same-sex partners.

Lawrence v. Texas

Which statement best summarizes the pertinent question of civil rights?

Laws can treat different people differently, but such differences must be reasonable

The following is an example of a law that would only have to pass the reasonable standard where the government argues for the distinction on a rational basis.

Laws requiring somebody to be 21 legally purchase alcohol

The ________ Amendment made clear that non state may deny the right to vote on the basis of sex.


The Supreme Court's ruling in Bowers v. Hardwick suggested that the right to privacy does not protect

None of these choices is true

In its decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court overruled __________ and the "separate but equal" doctrine.

Plessy v. Ferguson

In the ________ decision, the Supreme Court ruled that "separate-but-equal" facilities were constitutional.

Plessy v. Ferguson

The Supreme Court's decision in Casey was notable because

Republican appointees joined in an opinion that refused to overturn Roe

The origin of the movement to give more rights to women was probabably the

Seneca Falls Convention

The practive of mandating busing plans to remedy school segregation pattens was approved in the case of

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

(T/F) Findings from social science studies on the impact of segregation on black children influenced the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown.


(T/F) In 1989, the Webster case upheld some state restrictions on abortion.


(T/F) In 2012, Tammy Baldwin became the first openly gay politician elected to the US Senate.


(T/F) In Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed political equality but not social equality.


(T/F) In the late 1800s, the Supreme Court struck down a law that required that juries consist only of white males


(T/F) It is illegal for an employee to experience a work environment that has been made hostile or intimidating by a steady pattern of offensive sexual teasing, jokes, or obscenity.


(T/F) The NAACP was formed by a group consisting of both whites and blacks.


(T/F) The courts have so far declined to submit laws that treat men an women differently to the strict scrutiny test.


(T/F) The decision of the Supreme Court in Brown was unanimous.


(T/F) The federal government withholding federal aid to segregated schools in the 1970s led many schools to integrate.


(T/F) The outcome of the 1964 election helped the civil rights forces.


In 1963, the publication of __________by Betty Friedan strengthened the feminist movement.

The Feminine Mystique

In United States v. Windsor the Supreme Court held that

gay couples in states with legal same sex marriage must receive the same federal benefits that heterosexual married couple receive

On June 10, 1964, the Senate voted to invoke cloture and end a filibuster of the Civil Rights Act. This was

a victory for the civil rights movement

In a 2003 case involving admissions practices at the University of Michigan, the Supreme Court reaffirmed its decision in Bakke by rejecting the use of

an exact numerical advantage

In the Virginia Military Institute case, the Supreme Court required _______ for single-sex schools.

an exceedingly persuasive justification

Supporters of equality of opportunity tend to

have orthodox beliefs on many issues

In their struggle for equal treatment, women, unlike blacks, had to deal with a legal tradition that

claimed to be protecting them

A supporter of equality of opportunity as a way of redressing past civil rights inequities would be most likely to advocate

color-blind administration of the laws.

One reason the NAACP's strategy of using the courts to further black civil rights worked was that it

did not require a broad legislative alliance

Lloyd Gains had a tremendous impact on the interpretation of the Constitution when he attempted to

enter law school

The Hyde Amendment barred the use of federal funds for abortions

except when the life of the mother was in danger

The Supreme Court ruled in the Bakke case that

explicit numerical quotas are illegal

In 1955, the Supreme Court ruled that desegregation should be

implemented "with all deliberate speed"

The National Urban League has credited civil rights laws for

improving the number of blacks enrolled in college; decreasing the white-black poverty gap; increasing the number of black homeowners; failing to decrease the black-white unemployment ratio

Women were first given the right to vote in states that were

in the West

Based on the Supreme Court's decision in Roe, a woman has an unfettered right to an abortion

in the first trimester

Under the Supreme Court's decision in Roe, states may ban abortions

in the third trimester

Drawing on rulings by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, the Supreme Court has tried to define sexual harassment by ruling that

it is illegal for someone to request sexual favors as a condition of employment or promotion and it is illegal for an employee to experience a work environment that has been made hostile or intimidating by a pattern of offensive sexual teasing, jokes, or obscenity

Since its decision in Roe, the Supreme Court struck down a state law requiring

mandatory consent of husbands

One factor helping to break the deadlock that developed in the civil rights movement during the early 1960s was the

media coverage of violence by white segregaitionists

A great change in the status of women took place when

millions were hired in defense plants during WWII

The textbook discusses how the growing political strength of southern blacks is evident because

more that 10500 blacks hold elective office in the south

Under the Defense of Marriage Act, signed by President Clinton,

no state would be forced to recognize a same-sex marriage performed in another state

Starting with its decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the Court has treated race as a suspect classification such that any law making racial distinctions must

pass a test of strict scrutiny

The philosophy of civil disobedience suggests that there is value to

peacefully violating the law

The Supreme Court has argued that the right to privacy can be found in _______ of the provisions in the Bill of Rights.


Laws that address public order and the safety and morals of citizens have traditionally been considered the focus of

police powers

Congress responded to the feminist movement by passing laws that

prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender in employment and among students in any school receiving federal funds

The 1987 Immigration Reform and Control Act granted amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens who

resided continuously in this country since January 1, 1982.

In Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court

ruled that racially separate schools were inherently unequal and therefore unconstitutional

In Reed v. Reed, the Supreme Court ruled that

sex discrimination violates the equal protection clause of the Constitution

As its rationale for the decision in Brown, the Supreme Court relied primarily on

social science evidence

Rosa Parks had a tremendous impact on the civil rights movement when she refused to

surrender her seat on a bus

In the Dred Scott Case (Scott v. Sanford), the Supreme Court ruled

that Congress had no authority to ban slavery in a territory and that a slave was considered a piece of property

In the Slaughter-House Cases (1873), the Supreme Court ruled

that the "privileges and immunities" clause of the Fourteenth Amendment did not protect citizens from discriminatory actions by state governments

The origins of the movement to give women the right to vote date back to

the 1840s

Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech was given in front of

the Lincoln Memorial

The difference between de facto and de jure segregation is that

the former results from private choices, the latter from public law

In 1998, the Supreme Court ruled that a school system was not liable for the conduct of a teacher who seduced a female student becayse

the student never reported the actions

Unlike the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) considers

undue hardships

In order to discourage segregation, federal laws began to

withhold federal funds from segregated schools

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