Chapter 6 Speech
Keep the audience in mind at every stage of speech preparation
Most of the work of audience adaptation takes place before the speech as part of the preparation process. A speaker should:
physical circumstances might be different than anticipated. The audience might respond differently than anticipated.
No matter how hard a speaker works ahead of time, things do not always go smoothly on the day of the speech. According to the text, what are some of those challenges
Fixed-Alternative Questions
Question that offers a fixed choice between two or more alternatives.
Scale Questions
Question that require responses at fixed intervals along a scale of answers.
Open-Ended Questions
Questions that allow respondents to answer however they want.
keep the certain questions constantly in mind while preparing a speech_ How is the audience likely to respond to what i will say
a speaker should
make the audience want to pay attention to his or her message
a speaker's task is to
keeping the audience foremost in mind
define audience centerdness
audience analysis that focuses on demographic factors such as age etc.
define demographic audience analysis
self centerdness
define egocentrism
effective speakers seek to create a bond with their listeners by emphasizing common values and experiences. this is called what?
sent by the speaker, received by the audience
every speech contains two messages
informal inquires about their audience
for speeches outside the classroom, speakers often make
audience centered
good speakers are
the psychology of audiences
good speakers understand
examining features of the audience unique to the speaking situation at hand
the second stage of audience analysis is
To whom am i speaking to?, what do i want them to know, believe or do as a result of my speech?, what is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim?
the speaker should keep three questions in mind as they prepare their speech
occupation, economic position, education, intelligence and place of residence
there are a number of other potentially important demographic variables they include
They should be carefully planned to elicit the necessary information. They should use all 3 types of questions to get specific and detailed info. They should be clear and unambiguous. They should be relatively brief.
there are four guidelines for effective audience-analysis questionnaires. what are those guidelines?
listeners will judge a speech on the basis of what they know and believe, speakers must take care to relate their messages to an audiences existing knowledge
these psychological principles have two important implications for speakers
age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, racial, ethnic, cultural background, group membership
what are the categories that demographic audience analysis deals with
when analyzing demographic information about the audience, it is essential to avoid
size, physical setting, disposition toward the topic, disposition toward the speaker, disposition toward the occasion
when dealing with audience analysis there are several factors to keep in mind
situational audience analysis
demographic audience analysis should always be combined with
They may ask the person who invites them to speak to explain the group's history and purpose. They may sound out someone else who has addressed the same group.
name one thing that the speaker may do
year in school, major, extracurricular activities, job aspirations, living arrangements
special demographic variables for classroom speeches might include
identify demographic traits of the audience
the first stage of audience analysis is