Chapter 7

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The cognitive processes in _____ conditioning involve the organism developing an expectation that a response will be reinforced or punished with or without reinforcement.


In the United States, where 9 in 10 teens watch TV daily, someone who lives to age 75 will have spent _____ years watching television.


Conditioning seldom occurs when a(n) _____ comes after a(n) _____.


_____ is the researcher who discovered mirror neurons through his experiments with monkeys.

Giacomo Rizzolatti

Tyler has just been released from a drug rehabilitation center where he was treated for heroin addiction. His therapist recommended that he stay away from old drug-related associates and places where he used the drug. Studies show this is a wise recommendation. Why?

He will experience the craving for drugs when in these situations due to classical conditioning.

The idea that an animal's natural behavior patterns did not matter and had little or no effect on the effectiveness of operant conditioning principles was challenged by research conducted by _____.

Keller and Marian Breland

According to operant conditioning principles, which of the following would NOT be recommended when dealing with a young girl who is resistant to going to school every morning?

Parents should express their anger by yelling at the girl.

_____ involves any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.

Positive reinforcement

What happened after "Little Albert" was classically conditioned to fear a tame, white rat?

Stimulus generalization occurred; Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects.

In Pavlov's experiment with dogs, salivating in response to the bell after associating the bell with food is called a(n):

conditioned response.

Your psychology assignment is to observe and list any behaviors of your relatives that indicate learning. Which of the following should be included on your list?

Your little brother whines whenever he wants something.

In his experiments, Pavlov found that spontaneous recovery often occurred after a conditioned response was extinguished if:

after a few hours without the CS or the US, the tone was presented again.

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the negative behaviors they see around them. When children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.

antisocial; prosocial

Conditioning is the process of learning _____.


Repeated exposure to graphic violence in movies, television, and violent video games may increase the likelihood of imitation of violent behavior and also tends to:

cause desensitization to observed violence.

Lightning is associated with thunder and regularly precedes it. Thus, when we see lightning, we often anticipate that we will hear thunder soon afterward. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


While 5-year-old Martha was looking at one of the balloons her mother set out for her birthday, Martha's brother Timmy took a pin and popped the balloon, causing Martha to flinch and blink quickly. Later during the party Martha's mother approached her with a balloon and she blinked and flinched. This is an example of _____ conditioning.


Five-year-old Destiny is frightened by the noise thunder makes. Destiny associates lightning with thunder because lightning regularly precedes thunder. Thus, when Destiny sees lightning, she often cries in anticipation that she will hear thunder soon afterward. This is an example of:

classical conditioning

John has been a coffee drinker since he started college three years ago. He finds that anytime he smells coffee when he enters a nearby Starbucks he starts to feel more alert and awake even before he takes his first sip of coffee. This is an example o

classical conditioning.

When Juan was a child he was attacked by a swarm of hornets in his back yard. Now every time he hears the sound of hornets he immediately becomes frightened. This is an example of:

classical conditioning.

In their dismissal of "mentalistic" concepts such as consciousness, Pavlov and Watson underestimated the importance of _____ processes and biological constraints on an organism's learning capacity.


In classical conditioning, the _____ is an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response after its association with an unconditioned stimulus.

conditioned stimulus

In classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus, which after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response, is called a(n):

conditioned stimulus (CS).

Repeated exposure to graphic violence in movies, television, and violent video games may increase the likelihood of imitation of violent behavior and also tends to cause _____ to observed violence.


Four-year-old Tommy developed a fear of going down steps after falling down the steps in his house several times. When he was at his grandmother's house he demonstrated no fear of climbing the steps to her front door. Unlike Little Albert's fear of white rats and other white items, Tommy was demonstrating _____.


Pavlov's dog stopped salivating to the bell when the food was no longer paired with the bell. This is:


After Watson classically conditioned "Little Albert" to fear a tame white rat, _____ occurred and Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects.


Clive was mugged at gunpoint in a parking garage. His attacker was wearing strong cologne, and he now hates to go through the male fragrance department at the department store, will not be alone by himself with any man, and will not park in any garages. This reaction best illustrates _____.


Four-year-old Tommy developed a fear of going down steps after falling down the steps in his house several times. When he was at his grandmother's house he was fearful of climbing the steps to her front door. Much like Little Albert's fear of white rats and other white items, Tommy was demonstrating _____.


John just started his vacation from work and scheduled a tee time with friends to play golf Monday morning. On Monday morning he started driving his car to work instead of the golf course. Driving his car to work instead of the golf course is an example of:

habitual behavior.

Critics of B. F. Skinner were concerned that:

he dehumanized people because he ignored the existence of personal freedom and dignity.

Classical and operant conditioning involves learning through association whereas observational learning involves learning through _____.


Juan easily taught his cat to jump through a hoop for the reward of food, but could not get his cat to fetch a ball and return the ball to him. The cat would chase the ball but use his paws to roll the ball so he could chase the ball again. The reason the cat had difficulties with fetching the ball was because of:

instinctive drift.

Keller Breland and Marian Breland trained pigs to pick up large wooden "dollars" and deposit them in a piggy bank. Later, the pigs would revert to their natural behavior: dropping the coin, pushing it with their snouts as pigs are prone to do, picking it up again, and then repeating the sequence—delaying their food reinforcer. The Brelands referred to the reason for this behavior as:

instinctive drift.

Researchers discovered that the neuronal activity in the brain of a monkey who simply watched another monkey pick up and eat a peanut was the same as the brain activity of the monkey actually performing these actions. These researchers are investigating _____.

mirror neurons

In a study conducted by Singer et al. (2004) that utilized an fMRI, the pain imagined by an empathic romantic partner triggered some of the same brain activity experienced by the loved one actually having the pain. This study demonstrated that empathy is a function of:

mirror neurons.

In Bandura's experiment, compared to children not exposed to the adult model, those who observed the model's aggressive outburst were _____ to lash out at the doll.

much more likely

_____ reinforcement involves the removal of an aversive stimulus after a response. It serves to strengthen the response.


Michael is busy with the work project that he brought home. His son wants him to put a movie in the DVD player. Michael tells him to wait 10 minutes; however, his son whines and complains so much that Michael decides to put the movie in right now. This best illustrates the value of:

negative reinforcement.

Pavlov's success suggested a scientific model for how the young discipline of psychology might proceed: by isolating the basic building blocks of complex behaviors and studying them with _____ laboratory procedures.


Jill is learning how to play tennis. For her first lesson, her instructor models serving and backhand returns while Jill patiently watches. Jill then tries to imitate the sequence of swings and motions made by her instructor. Which of the following concepts best describes how Jill is learning to play tennis?

observational learning

Animals and humans learn about the consequences of behavior through:

operant conditioning.

The famous Bobo doll study showed that:

performance of a behavior was affected by the cognitive expectation of reinforcement or punishment.

According to observational learning theory, when children have _____ models, they imitate the helpful and positive behaviors they observe.


The famous Bobo doll study demonstrated that children are less likely to imitate the actions of someone who has been _____ for his or her actions.


Watson and Rayner taught "Little Albert" to fear white rats by:

repeatedly pairing a loud noise with the presentation of a white rat.

Whenever Tamika tries to talk on the telephone, her 10-year-old son Jamal repeatedly interrupts her. If Tamika wanted to use operant conditioning principles to successfully alleviate the behavior, the most efficient response would be to:

reward Jamal for not interrupting her during a phone call.

Angela's parents are often inconsistent in terms of their behaviors and what they say. For example, they often tell Angela how important it is to be polite, but are not very polite themselves when it comes to letting other people off airplanes or giving up seats in public buses. Given what we know about how children learn, you would expect that she would act _____ but talk about how important it is to be polite.


According to Darwin's principle of natural selection and Garcia's later work, taste aversions increase the likelihood of _____ in humans and other animals.


In Pavlov's original experiments, dogs were classically conditioned to associate a bell with the presentation of food and responded with increased salivation. According to Robert Rescorla, what had the dogs learned?

that the bell was a signal that reliably predicted that food would follow

You are conducting a research study with a group of men on the effects of movies and sexual violence. You will have the men watch three violent films over the next two days and then assess their attitudes toward women and violent sexual acts by reading actual cases of rape victims. You find that:

the men expressed less sympathy for the rape victims.

Ever since she foolishly drank too much tequila at a rock concert and vomited all over her best friend, Erin becomes nauseous at the smell or taste of tequila. In this example, the conditioned stimulus is _____ and the conditioned response is _____.

the smell or taste of tequila; nausea

Mirror neurons help give rise to children's empathy and to their ability to infer another's mental state, an ability known as:

the theory of mind.

B.F. Skinner believed that external influences, not _____, shape animal and human behavior.


In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response is called a(n):

unconditioned stimulus (US).

Researchers conditioned a flatworm to contract when exposed to light by repeatedly pairing the light with an electric shock. The electric shock is a(n):

unconditioned stimulus (US).

Gamblers and fishermen have a difficult time controlling their need to gamble and fish because of the _____ schedule of reinforcement.


Pop quizzes and random checks of quality help to produce slow, steady responding and are examples of the _____ schedule of reinforcement.


Which pioneering learning researcher highlighted the antisocial effects of aggressive models on children's behavior?


Today's learning theorists recognize that our learning results not only from environmental influences but from an interaction of _____ influences.


_____ occurs when an animal's inborn behavior patterns interfere with the operant conditioning of new behaviors.

instinctive drift

Marcus is taking advanced placement chemistry in high school because he loves science and is fascinated by chemistry experimentation. Wade is taking advanced placement chemistry because his guidance counselor told him he had to if he intended to apply to a pre-med program at a competitive university. Unlike Wade, Marcus is motivated by _____ motivation.


Marcus is taking advanced placement chemistry in high school because he loves science and is fascinated by chemistry experimentation. Wade is taking advanced placement chemistry because his guidance counselor told him he had to if he intended to apply to a pre-med program at a competitive university. Marcus is motivated by _____, while Wade is motivated by _____.

intrinsic motivation; extrinsic motivation

Four-year-old Mia watched her mother sing while she was brushing her hair. The next day Mia's mother saw Mia singing while brushing her dog. Mia was _____ her mother's behavior that she acquired through observational learning.


In Bandura's experiment, compared to children not exposed to the adult model, those who observed the model's aggressive outburst were _____ likely to lash out at the doll.


Learning by imitating the behavior of others is called _____ learning. The researcher best known for studying this type of learning is _____.

observational; Bandura

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