chapter 7 & 11 study guide

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Put the following stages of translation into the correct order, beginning with the first stage at the top.

1. initiation, 2. elongation, 3. termination

What disease results when HIV causes such an immense loss of T cells that the body's immune system is defenseless against infections and cancer?


During transcription, the template strand of ______ contains the nucleotide sequence that is transcribed into RNA.


The instructions in ______ encode the information that a cell needs to produce proteins, which are vital to living things.


Stabilization of a protein or the alteration of its structure are examples of controlling gene expression

after translation

A variant of a gene is referred to as a(n)


On a tRNA molecule, the_____ is a three-base sequence that is complementary to and binds to an mRNA codon during translation.


What three-base site of a tRNA molecule is complementary to an mRNA codon?


An animal virus can cause a(n) ______ viral infection, in which disease symptoms are not produced immediately, but the viral information remains inside the cell.


Viral penetration into a host cell may not cause immediate death of the host cell.


The DNA strand that is "read" during transcription is called the _________ strand.


Epigenetics is the study of ______ that affect gene expression but do not change the DNA sequence.

DNA modifications

All viruses contain genetic material, which is either RNA or ______, and a(n) ______ coat that surrounds the genetic material.

DNA, Proteins

Erwin Chargaff

Determined that DNA contains equal amounts of adenine and thymine and of guanine and cytosine

In 1953, James Watson and ______ built a ball-and-stick model of the DNA double helix using two lines of evidence to deduce the structure.

Francis Crick

What virus is responsible for the disease AIDS?


________ provides the raw material for evolution because it can create new alleles, which are alternative forms of the same ______.

Mutation; gene

Select all of the reasons that gene regulation is advantageous in multicellular eukaryotic organisms.

Not all cells need all proteins encoded in the genome. It saves energy.

During transcription, what reads the template strand within a gene and adds complementary bases?

RNA Polymerase

A mutation that causes an mRNA nucleotide to change from GGC to GGA is a ______ mutation.


Cancer can be caused by a latent virus because

The latent virus is signaling the host cell to continue to divide

True or false: Gene regulation allows cells to produce only the proteins that they need.


Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin

Used X-ray diffraction to determine that DNA has a regular, repeating structure of building blocks

James Watson and Francis Crick

Used the known ratios of nucleotides along with the X-ray diffraction data to build a ball-and-stick model of the DNA double helix

Select the true statement about viral infection of a host cell.

Viral penetration into a host cell may not cause immediate death of the host cell.

Select the two characteristics that all viruses share.

a protein coat that surrounds the genetic material genetic material, either RNA or DNA

Two strands of DNA within the double helix are said to be complementary to each other because on one strand always pairs with thymine on the opposite strand, and cytosine on one strand always pairs with on the opposite strand.

adenine, guanine

Viruses that infect bacteria are called


Select all of the following that are true about the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

can cause latent infections contains the enzyme reverse transcriptase has an RNA genome

After a virus attaches to and penetrates a host cell, a virus can enter a phase where symptoms of the infection are delayed or it can

cause immediate cell death.

In an RNA molecule, a(n) ______ is a genetic "code word" that corresponds to one amino acid.


Messenger RNA contains , which are triplets of bases that act as "code-words" corresponding to the acid monomers that make up a polypeptide.

codon, amino

During transcription, a gene's DNA sequence is transcribed into a

complementary RNA molecule.

As RNA is synthesized in transcription, it can curl into a three-dimensional shape that is dictated by ______ within the molecule.

complementary base pairing

What symptom of influenza infection is due to dead and damaged host cells in the airway?

cough and sore throat

During the elongation stage of translation, a _______ bond is formed between the incoming _______ acid and the growing polypeptide chain, and empty tRNAs are released from the ribosome.

covalent; amino

Select all of the bases that can be present in DNA nucleotides.

cytosine adenine thymine guanine

all of the bases that can be present in DNA nucleotides.

cytosine adenine thymine guanine

Select all of the following that are ways to control gene expression after translation.

degrading proteins block modifications or alterations to proteins preventing a protein from reaching its correct destination

A DNA molecule consists of two intertwining strands of nucleotides that form a

double helix.

Transcription, translation, nucleotide synthesis, and modification of mRNA are all processes that require


Modifications to the DNA, such as methylation, that do not change the nucleotide sequence but do affect gene expression are called ______ modifications.


What are coding regions of eukaryotic mRNA that are translated?


_____ are portions of mRNA that get spliced together to form mature mRNA before translation occurs in eukaryotes.


True or false: Complementary base pairing rules state that in DNA, A pairs with G and T pairs with C.


After translation is complete, the newly synthesized protein must ______, as determined by some regions of the amino acid chain.

fold into its functional shape

A(n) ______ is a sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for a specific protein or RNA molecule.


All of the genetic material that is within a cell is called its


In archaea and eukaryotes, a part of an mRNA molecule that is removed before translation is called a(n)


A(n) is a portion of mRNA that is about 1,000 nucleotides long and that is removed before translation.


In the ______ infection cycle, a bacteriophage replicates and then causes the host cell to burst, thus killing it and releasing the new viral particles.


A codon consists of three ______ that correspond to one ______.

mRNA bases; amino acid

What method of gene expression regulation allows one gene to code for multiple proteins due to different combinations of exons spliced together?

mRNA processing

In transcription, the genetic information in DNA is copied into a(n) ______ molecule, and in translation, the "message" in an mRNA molecule is translated into a(n) ______ sequence.

mRNA, amino acid

During the elongation stage of translation, the ribosome exposes codons on the ______ one at a time; each codon determines what ______ will bring its attached amino acid to the ribosome to be added to the polypeptide chain.


A(n) is any external agent, such as X-rays or chemicals, that induces mutations.


UV rays, X-rays, some chemicals found in tobacco, and radioactive fallout are all examples of _____, agents that can damage DNA and cause mutations.


A change in a gene sequence or a regulatory DNA sequence is called a(n) ______.


A(n) is a change in a cell's DNA sequence.


The DNA double helix is made up of two strands of ______ monomers oriented in opposite directions.


Subunits called ______ are the building blocks of DNA.


Where would you find a transcriptional terminator sequence?

on a dna sequence

What describes a substitution mutation?

one DNA base is replaced with another

Select all of the following that are present in a bacterial operon.

operator promoter group of genes

In bacteria, a(n) ______ is a group of genes under control of a single promoter.


Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infects many species of


RNA ______ is the enzyme that builds the RNA chain during transcription.


Splicing of different exons together from the same mRNA molecule can result in

production of different protiens

At the beginning of transcription, RNA polymerase binds to the ______ on the DNA.


The ______ is a sequence of DNA that signals the start of a gene and also which of the two strands of DNA is the template for transcription.


Messenger RNA carries information that specifies the amino acid sequence of a


Enzymes and chaperone proteins assist in ______ that takes place after translation is complete.

protein folding

In the "central dogma," information flows from DNA to RNA to ______.


What is produced during translation?


Select all of the following that can be a direct product of transcription.


Only producing proteins that are needed allows a cell to

save energy.

A substitution mutation is said to be ______ if the mutated gene encodes the same protein as the original gene version.


How does a fever help fight a viral infection?

speeds immune responses

Select all of the following that are methods of gene regulation found in eukaryotes but not prokaryotes.

splicing exons in alternative ways blocking mRNA exit from the nucleus adding methyl groups to silence genes

What role does DNA play in the cell?

store instructions for making proteins

The replacement of one DNA base with another is called a(n)

substitution mutation.

A specific sequence on the DNA called a(n) ______ sequence signals the end of a gene during transcription.


In eukaryotic cells,

the genome is usually divided up into multiple chromosomes.

In prokaryotic cells,

the genome usually consists of just one circular DNA molecule.

A latent viral infection is one in which

the viral genetic information remains inside the cell but does not cause disease symptoms

Eukaryotic cells can compact their DNA or add methyl groups to make their DNA unavailable for


In eukaryotic cells, proteins called ______ factors bind at specific DNA sequences and form a pocket that allows RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.


In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase cannot bind to the promoter and initiate transcription without the presence of regulatory proteins called

transcription factors

Select all of the following that are involved in transcription initiation in eukaryotes.

transcription factors promoter TATA box RNA polymerase

During , the information that is encoded in the DNA base sequence is copied into the complementary language of mRNA. Then, once the mRNA is produced and modified, a process called uses that information to assemble a sequence of amino acids.

transcription, translation

During____ , the information that is encoded in the DNA base sequence is copied into the complementary language of mRNA. Then, once the mRNA is produced and modified, a process called____uses that information to assemble a sequence of amino acids.

transcription, translation

In the "central dogma" describing the flow of genetic information from DNA to protein, DNA is copied to RNA in a process called , and the information in RNA is used to direct the synthesis of a protein in a process called .

transcription, translation

In a process called ______, an RNA copy of a gene sequence on the DNA molecule is made.


In a process called ______, an RNA molecule is used to produce a protein.


Select all of the following that can be components of RNA nucleotides.

uracil ribose adenine guanine

Attachment, penetration, synthesis, assembly, and release are the stages of

viral replication.

A small, infectious agent that is composed of genetic information inside of a protein coat is a called a


A(n) is a noncellular, small, infectious agent that is simply genetic information enclosed in a protein coat.


Bacteriophages are ______ that infect ______ cells.

viruses; bacterial

Select all the ways that cells can make DNA less available for transcription.

wind or fold DNA in a way that makes it unavailable tag DNA with methyl groups

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