Chapter 7: Religion

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Geographers study religion because religion and language are the foundation of our culture along and reflects identity. They ask where the hearth of the religion is and what founded it.

Explain why Geographers study Religion. What Questions do they ask and why?

Religion is seen in the cultural landscape by ways such as houses of worship. Such as churches, mosques, and temples. Cemeteries also have a lot of religious symbols and icons. There are also specific stores that sell only religious goods. Services also provided to religious adherents who travel to sacred sites. Woman who are Muslim should also dress a certain way. Priests should dress a certain way. Jewish men also have facial hair and some religions don't allow facial hair.

How is religion seen in the cultural landscape?

Before reading this section I didn't know the difference between ethnic and universal religion. I also found it surprising how different yet the same each main religion is.

List and discuss 2 things you learned in the section that either A) you didn't know before or B) you found surprising or C)Both

Religion in the United states is all catholic concentrations up the north east side and only there. It identified spread out throughout the US. Im really surprised that religions are all chunked together. That each same religion isn't spread out from each other. Especially with how much people travel. You would they they would be spreading their religion to other people and causing a bigger influence.

Looking at the map on pg 203 what do you see about religion in the United States? What surprises you?

Peace is so exclusive in this region because the Islam government wanted to keep out the Palestinians away from this region and away from the Jews. The Islam government put up fences to try and keep the region safe from any harm that could come to the Palestinians.

Review "The West Bank" map on pg 209, explain why peace is so elusive in this region (information from the book can be used to support your answer as well)

There has been so much conflict between each religion because each religion thinks they're right. Which cause fights because each religion wants to be right and prove their religion is better and above every other. Which leads to war.

Since most religions espouse peace and tolerance, why has religion been used as the reason for so much conflict in the world, both currently and historically?

Africa, and Parts of Asia, South America, and Australia all practice Ethnic Religions. I think this because culture has been apart of their community for generations.

What Region or Continents of the World seem to practice Ethnic Religions? Why do you think this is so?

Some branches of Christianity are the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox. The Roman Catholic Church is located in Rome because they are able to teach the doctrines and teachings of the (never wrong) pope in interpreting Jesus's teachings and in navigating through the modern world. The Eastern Orthodox is located in Eastern Europe (Turkey) because it thrived there and was able to radiate into other areas such as Balkan Peninsula (Western Europe).

What are some Branches of Christianity and where are they located? Why do you think they chose to locate there?

Actively seeking new members, viewing themselves as offering belief systems of universal appeal, and seeing their religion as the only true religion.

What are the characteristics of Universalizing Religions?

Universalizing religion is a religion who actively seeks converts to their religion. Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are all religions who actively seek out new people to convert to their religion. Christianity is a religion that was founded by Jesus the son of god who was placed on earth to teach the people the way. Islam was founded by Muhammad who was a profit of Alla who says to follow the Karan. Buddhism is known as Buddha the enlightened one. Salvation could come to anyone no matter what and enlightenment would come through knowledge (self-knowledge), elimination of self greed, craving, desire, complete honesty, and never hurting a human or animal.

What is a Universalizing Religion? Summarize 3 religions mentioned.

1. Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that attempts to order life in terms of how people "should" behave based on their religious beliefs. Religion plays a role in culture because based off of what you believe in comes a certain set of standards to follow with things such as the ideas you have, the buildings around us (churches, cemeteries, shrines, statues, symbols), personal habits (beards, ritual scars), and the clothes you wear (mostly based off your religion)m what society you come from, what you eat, when you work, when you shop, and what you're allowed to do are influenced by religion.

What is religion and what role does it play in culture?

The worlds 3rd universalizing religion is Buddhism. It's 4 main beliefs are that salvation can be attained by anyone who never hurts another human or animal, eliminating things such as greed, cravings, desire, and being completely honest.

What is the Worlds 3rd Universalizing religion and what are it's 4 main beliefs?

Religions tend to be spatially concentrated. Religion shows up in political conflict when 2 religions are forced to live in close proximity to each other in a country. Religion plays a big role because there is a huge split with people with different religions battling it out over what they believe.

What role does religion play in ethnic conflict?

Hinduism came from South Asia. It was diffused by attaching itself to traditional faiths and then slowly replaced them. Judaism came from the eastern Mediterranean. It was diffused by the scattering of Jews after the roman destruction. Buddhism is from India. It was very slowly getting diffused until the middle of the third century when emperor Asoka became a convert and set out to rule his country with the teachings of Buddha. He also sent missionaries to carry buddhas teachings to distant people. Christianity is from the eastern Mediterranean. It diffused as a result of expansion combined with relocation diffusion. It was spread intentionally. Islam is from eastern Mediterranean. It is diffused by believers going across the world and sharing their faith with everyone else which is how it got so popular. It's actively seeking new members.

Where did the worlds major religions ordinate and how do they diffuse?

Hinduism is the 3rd largest religion. They do not have a single founder, a single theology, or any agreement on its origin. They practice ritual bathing and believe in reincarnation or at the least a long journey of death. They also believe in Karma. For instance if you mistreat an animal you will come back as that animal after death.

Which religion is the 3rd largest? Where is it practiced and what does it believe?

Judaism is an ethnic religion because an in a universalizing religion they are actively seeking new members whereas Judaism does not do that. They do not actively seek out new members, most the time you are born into it.

Why is Judaism an Ethnic Religion? Explain

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