Chapter 8

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Action information, including deadline dates, should be placed in the body of a routine request message.


Business letters remain a powerful tool to promote services and products, boost online and retail traffic, and enhance customer relations .

Thanks for returning your completed survey before October 15, when we will start compiling the results.

Choose the best closing for a routine request message that asks the receiver to complete a survey.

I would be delighted to speak at your meeting on February 1.

Choose the best opening for a response to a routine request e-mail .


Claim letters are taken more seriously than telephone calls or e-mails.


During the third phase of the 3-x-3 writing process, Stephen asks himself the following questions about his message: Are the ideas understandable? Have I used plain English and familiar words? If the message is passed on to others, will they need further explanation? In asking these questions, he is evaluating his message for ________.

Include specific incidents or characteristics of the receiver

Goodwill messages should __________.


In the body of a claim letter, explain the problem and justify your request.

Begin each step with an action verb using the imperative mood

Instruction messages will be most readable if you divide the instructions into steps, list the steps in the order in which they are to be performed, arrange the items vertically with numbers, and ______.


It gives me great pleasure to extend my congratulations is an effective way to begin a goodwill message.


Jorge is writing an adjustment letter granting the customer's claim request; Jorge should use the indirect strategy to deliver this message.


Mark just got off the phone with a prospective client and wants a permanent record of the conversation. To create a formal record that confirms the conversation and continues to build the relationship, Mark should prepare a(n) ______ and send it to his client .


Most messages in the workplace are positive or neutral.

The main idea

Natalia is writing the opening for a business message that makes a routine request. She believes her request will be received positively; therefore, she should begin with __________.


Social media have drastically shortened business response times to claims.


The final step in Phase 3 of the 3-x-3 writing process is proofreading the product.

Respond in a friendly, upbeat, yet professional tone.

What is the best advice to follow when responding to customers online?

Keep your review or complaint clean, polite, and succinct.

What is the best advice to follow when writing an online review or complaint?

To encourage future correspondence with the customer

Which of the following is not a goal in writing adjustment letters?

Please send a contractor to repaint our office conference room.

Which of the following is the best opening for a routine claim letter?

Enclosed is a check for $35 as reimbursement for the two broken espresso cups you received.

Which of the following is the best opening for an adjustment letter?

Warmest congratulations on earning your MBA. Your hard work will certainly pay off for you.

Which of the following is the best statement to include in a goodwill message?

Shines a close light on your writing skills and can affect your career

Writing for social media ________.


You should wait at least a week after an event or incident to send a goodwill message to seem most sincere.

Policies and procedures

________ establish rules of conduct to be followed within an organization .

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