Chapter 8

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Racial disparities in Education?

- Hispanics have the highest drop out rate. - Asians and whites have the 2 highest percentages for getting a bachelors and masters degree.

Racial disparities in work?

- Management, professional, and related occupations are held primarily by whites since they require higher education. - Hispanics and Blacks do some of the most difficult jobs that don't require many skills b/c of lack of education.

Racial disparities in Health?

- Whites typically fare better than minorities. - Hispanic men and women have the longest life expectancy. - American's have the lowest number of people without insurance while Hispanic's have the highest.


A socially defined category based on a common language, religion, nationality, history, or some other cultural factor.


A socially defined category based on real or perceived biological differences between groups of people.


A term to describe the discriminatory practice of fencing off areas where banks would avoid investments based on community demographics.

The New Jim Crow?

An account of the rebirth of a caste-like system in the United States, that resulted in millions of African locked behind bars and then relegated to permanent second class status, denied the rights supposedly won in the Civil Rights Movement.

Situational ethnicity?

An ethnic identity that can be either displayed or concealed depending on its usefulness in a given situation.

Symbolic ethnicity?

An ethnic identity that is only relevant on specific occasions and does not significantly affect everyday life.


An idea about the characteristics of a group that is applied to all members of that group and is unlikely to change regardless of the evidence against it.

Race consciousness?

An ideology that acknowledges race as a powerful social construct that shapes our individual and social experiences.

Color-blind racism?

An ideology that removes race as an explanation for any form of unequal treatment.

Individual discrimination?

Discrimination carried out by one person against another.

Institutional Discrimination?

Discrimination carried out systematically by institutions [political, economic, educational, and others] that affects all members of a group who come into contact with it.

Population Transfer?

The forcible removal of a group of people from the territory they have occupied.

White privilege?

The idea that one group (whites) in a society enjoys certain unearned advantages not available to others (not white) and that group members are largely unaware of the unequal benefits they possess.


a pattern of relations between ethnic or racial groups in which the minority group is absorbed into the mainstream or dominant group, making society more homogenous.

Internal Colonialism?

the economic and political subjugation of the minority group by the dominant group within a nation.

Racial disparities in income?

- Asians make the highest income while African Americans make the least. - African Americans have the highest poverty %.

Racial disparities in criminal justice?

- Even though blacks and hispanic's make up a minority of the population, they have higher percentages of people in prison. - They are more likely to be stopped and frisked by the police.


A business practice of U.S. real estate agents to convince white property owners to sell their house at low prices by promoting fear in them that racial minorities will soon be moving into the neighborhood.


A cultural pattern of inter group relations that encourages racial and ethnic variation and acceptance within a society.


A set of beliefs about the claimed superiority of one racial or ethnic group, used to justify inequality and often rooted in the assumption that differences among groups are genetic.


Everyday uses of subtle verbal and nonverbal communications that convey denigrating or dismissive messages to members of certain social groups.


Presenting yourself as a member of a different group than the stigmatized group to which you belong.

Race: The Power of an Illusion?

Questions the very idea of race as innate biology, suggesting that a belief in inborn racial difference is no more sound than believing that the sun revolves around the earth.


Romantic, sexual, or marital relationships between people of different races.

Minority group?

Social group that is systematically denied the same access to power and resources available to society's dominant groups though they are not necessarily fewer in number than the dominant groups.

Cultural appropriation?

The adoption of cultural elements belonging to an oppressed group by members of the dominant group, without permission and often for the dominant group's gain.

White nationalism?

The belief that the nation should be built around a white identity that is reflected in religion, politics, economics, and culture.

Reverse Racism?

The claim by whites that they suffer discrimination based upon their race and, therefore, experience social disadvantages.


The deliberate and systematic extermination of a racial, ethnic, national, or cultural.


The physical and legal separation of groups by race or ethnicity.

Racial Assimilation?

The process by which racial minority groups are absorbed into the dominant group through intermarriage.

Cultural Assimilation?

The process by which racial or ethnic groups are absorbed into the dominant group by adopting the dominant group's culture.

Critical race theory?

The study of the relationship between race, racism, and power.

Embodied Identity?

Those elements of identity that are generated through others' perceptions of our physical traits


Unearned advantage accorded to members of dominant social groups [males, whites, heterosexuals, the physically able].


Unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership in a social group; usually motivated by prejudice.


W.E.B. DuBois's term for the divided identity experienced by blacks in the United States.

Antiracist Allies?

Whites and others working toward the goal of ending racial injustice.

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