Chapter 8

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Perforated States

A state that completely surrounds another one. Encompassed state is dependent on the surrounding state for interactions beyond its boundary.

multi-ethnic state

A state that contains more than one ethnicity


A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being completely independent

Prorupted States

Access or Disruption, Otherwise compact state with a large projecting extension.

Ethnic Boundaries

Boundary coincides with differences in ethnicity, especially language and religion

Five permanent members of the United Nations are

China, France, Russia (formerly the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, and the United States

Territorial Waters

Coastal states can stake their claims to the sea up to 12 nautical miles from shore. Ships from other countries have the right to pass through these waters

Countries have one of five basic shapes

Compact States, Elongated States, Prorupted States, Perforated States, Fragmented States

NATO and the Warsaw Pact were designed to

Contain a balance of power in Europe and serve as a buffer between the US and the USSR

Shapes of States

Controls the length of its boundaries with other states. Affects the potential for communication and conflict with neighbors. Shape is part of a country's unique identity. Shape also influences the ease or difficulty of internal administration and can affect social unity.

Types of Boundaries

Cultural Boundaries, Geometric Boundaries, Ethnic Boundaries

Five Central Asian States

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan


the enforcement by a government or people of the boundary that has been created

Definition Boundary

the phase in which the exact location of a boundary is legally described and negotiated

Delimitation Boundary

the step when the boundary's definition is drawn onto a map

The governments of states are organized according to one of two approaches:

the unitary system or the federal system


the visible marking of a boundary on the landscape with a fence, line, sign, wall, or other means. Not all boundaries are demarcated, because it can be an expensive process


which is a zone where no state exercises complete political control

Colonialism began in


_____ African and Asian states were members of U.N. in 1945, today ____

15, 106

Independence declared by U.S. in _____, and by most Latin American states between ______

1776, 1800 and 1824

The UN now has ____ states


The Cuban missile crisis happened in


U.S.S.R broke up in


There are approximately _____ states in the world today


UN forces have completed ____ peacekeeping missions and are currently deployed on ____ missions

47, 16

The UN originally has ____ states


Russia encompasses...

6.6 million square miles (or 11% of the Earth's land surface)

Russia's ethnic makeup

81% ethnic Russians, government officially recognizes the existence of 39 ethnic groups among the remaining 19 %

Korea: One State or Two?

A colony of Japan for many years, it was divided by the US and USSR following World War II. Each side now has an independent government and fits the definition of a state. Both were admitted to the United Nations in 1992 as separate countries.

Multitude of ethnicities in some cases all contribute cultural features to the formation of

a single nationality


a sovereign state that is comprised of a town and the surrounding countryside


a state this territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity

Mesopotamia was organized into

a succession of empires by the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians

Most Asian and African colonies became independent

after WWII

federal state

allocates strong power to units of local government within the country


an area of conflict. - population is 60% Russian. Russia took control of Crimea-1783 and in 1921 it became an autonomous republic within the Soviet Union. 1954, Soviet govt. transferred responsibility for Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which was then part of Soviet Union. With break up in 1991, Crimea became an autonomous republic in newly independent Ukraine. Russian invaded and annexed Crimea claiming the majority of populaiton supported the action.

Antarctica boundaries

largest landmass on Earth's surface not part of a state. Seven states claim portions of South Pole region. The U.S., Russia, and a number of other states do not recognize the claims of any country (state) to Antarctica.

Stacked vote

links distant areas of like-minded voters through oddly shaped boundaries

unitary state

places most power in the hands of central government officials

The concept of dividing the world into a collection of independent states is


Water Boundary

rivers, lakes, and oceans. Less permanent overall than mountain boundaries because of tendencies of water levels to change in bodies of water and river channels to move over time.

Wasted vote

spreads opposition supporters across many districts but in the minority.


states with very small land areas

A frontier is _______, whereas a border is _______

tangible, invisible

The development of states can be traced back to

the Fertile Crescent

Puerto Rico

A commonwealth of the U.S. They are citizens of the U.S., but do not participate in U.S. elections or have a voting member in Congress

Allocational Boundary Dispute

A fight over resources that may not be divided by the border, such as natural gas reserves beneath the soil

After Latin American and American independence, European states then turned their attention to

Africa and Asia


After WWI, leaders of the victorious countries met at the Versailles Peace Conference to redraw the map of Europe

History of Cyprus' ethnicity issues

After a coup by Greeks in 1974, Turkey invaded the island to protect the Turkish population. Even though everything was restored, the Turkish army remained. After the coup, the two nationalities became geographically isolated. A buffer state patrolled by U.N. soldiers stretches across the island with only one crossing point today.

The United Nations terms as a form where, for the first time in history...

All the countries of the world can meet and vote on issues without resorting to war

Notes on Al Qaeda

Arabic word for "the foundation" or "the base", founded by Osama bin Laden around 1990, bin Laden called the anti-Soviet fight for a holy war

Notes on Boko-Haram

Arabic word for "western education is for bidden", founded in 2002 in north eastern Nigeria, opposes adoption of Western cultural practices, especially by Christians in the south of the country, peacefully ran a religious complex and school that attracted poor Muslim countries for its first seven years, had a violent uprising in 2009 that resulted in the rest of several hundred followers and the death of its founder, 600 broke out of prison in the following year. Since then has resorted to terrorist tactics in 2014 I lied with Isys. It now cause it's self Islam make state Western African province. Uses social media to promote its view

Three Caucasus States

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia

Hong Kong and Macao

Attached to mainland China as a special administrative region with the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong was a British colony until it returned to China in 1997. A year later Portugal returned its colony Macao to China. China controls the foreign affairs and defense of Hong Kong and Macao.


Autonomous unit within the Kingdom of Denmark. Greenland runs its internal affairs, but Denmark controls foreign affairs

The Cuban missile crisis came after

Bay of Pigs invasion

Three European States

Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine

Characteristics of terrorism

Believeing in objectives to organize acts of terror, viewing violence as a means to bring widespread publicity to their cause, believing in the cause so strongly that they attack despite knowing that they will probably die in the act

Contiguous Zone

Between 12 and 24 nautical miles from shore a state may enforce laws concerning pollution, taxation, customs, and immigration

Exclusive Economic Zone

Between 24 and 200 nautical miles, a state has the sole right to the fish and other marine life

Checks and Balances (democratic vs. autocratic)

Democracies guarantee civil liberties to all citizens. Autocracies have leaders who exercise power with no meaningful checks from legislative, judicial, or civil society institutions.

Citizen Participation (democratic vs. autocratic)

Democracies have institutionalized constraints on the exercise of power by the executive. Autocracies have citizens' participation restricted or suppressed.

Selection of Leaders (democratic vs. autocratic)

Democracies have institutions and procedures through which citizens can express effective preferences about alternative policies and leaders. Autocracies have leaders who are selected according to clearly defined (usually hereditary) rules of succession from within the political elite.

Three types of physical elements serve as boundaries between states:

Desert Boundary, Mountain Boundary, Water Boundary

_____ critical to states because it facilitates international trade

Direct access to an ocean

Most states joined the UN...

During the Cold War

Desert Boundary

Effectively divide two states, because deserts are hard to cross and sparsely inhabited

Mountain Boundary

Effectively divide two states, if the mountains are difficult to cross. Useful boundaries because of their permanent quality and tendency to be sparsely populated

Compact States

Efficient, Distance from center of state to any boundary does not vary significantly. Ideal theoretical example would be circle-shaped with the capital in the center.

UN members can vote too...

Establish a peacekeeping force and request states to contribute military forces

U.S. -Canada Border

Established through series of treaties between 1783 and 1903. Settled at 49° north latitude

Three Baltic States

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

The modern movement to divide the world into states originated in


The numbers of united nations members increased rapidly in from 1955-1990s because...

European countries were liberated from the Nazis, African colonies gain independence, and the Soviet union broke up

NATO now includes

European states, US, and Canada

Superimposed Boundary

Forcibly put on a landscape by outsiders, such as invaders or organizations like the United Nations

The organization for African unity

Founded in 1963, promotes the end of colonialism in Africa

Two kinds of fragmented states

Fragmented states separated by water and Fragmented states separated by an intervening state.

Medieval States

Gained military dominance of individual city-states led to the formation of empires. e.g. Roman Empire Roman Empire collapse in 5th century led to its land being parceled up and controlled by various monarchies.

Cyprus, the 3rd largest island in the Mediterranean, contains two nationalities (and percents):

Greek (78%) and Turkish

Subesequent Boundaries

Grow to divide space as a result of human interaction and negotiation after significant settlement has occurred

Organization of American states

Includes 35 states in the western hemisphere, Cuba is a member but was suspended in 1962

The Commonwealth of Nations

Includes the UK and 53 other states that were once British colonies, members seek economic and cultural cooperation

States which supply Terrorists

Iraq and Iran have both been accused of providing material and financial support

most important criterion to create new European states and to adjust existing boundaries


the world's smallest state

Monaco (0.6 square miles)

Western Sahara (Sahrawi Republic)

Most African countries consider Western Sahara a sovereign state. Morocco claims the territory. Built a 2,700 km. (1,700 mi) wall around it to keep rebels out.

China and Taiwan

Most other countries consider China (People's Republic of China) and Taiwan (Republic of China) as separate and sovereign states. China's government considers Taiwan part of China.

Osama bin Laden's history

Move to ask you to stand during the mid-1980s to support the fight against Soviet union, after Soviet union with Drew troops from Afghanistan in 1989, return to Saudi Arabia, but was expelled in 1991 for opposing the Saudi governments decision permitting US troops to be stationed in Saudi Arabia during the 1991 gulf war against Iraq. He later moved to Sudan but was expelled in 1994 for instigating attacks against US troops and Yemen and Somalia, so we return to Afghanistan, where he lived as a guest of a Taliban controlled government. Issued a declaration of war against the US in 1996 because of the United States support for Saudi Arabia and Israel, in 1998 he argued that Muslims have a duty to wait holy war against the US citizens because the US is responsible for maintaining the Saudi royal family as rulers of Saudi Arabia in the state of Israel

Two regional military alliances following World War II

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

Relict Boundary

No longer functions as a boundary but only as reminders of a line that once divided space

Notes on ISIS

Originated in 1999, became an affiliate of Al Qaeda in 2004, split in 2014, known as Islamic state, is Lemic state of Iraq and Syria, and the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant

The purpose of the UN is

Political and military cooperation

Elongated States

Potential Isolation, Long and narrow shape. May suffer from poor internal communications.

The international and regional organizations were created to..

Prevent a Third World War and to prevent countries from attack

Fragmented States

Problematic, A state that includes several discontinuous pieces of territory.


Process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefits the party in power

Proruptions created for two principal reasons

Provide a state with access to a resource, such as water and Separate two states that other would share a boundary.

Terrorists can be supported in three ways

Providing sanctuary, supplying weapons, and giving state support

the Berlin Wall is an example of a

Relict Boundary

The largest state


the world's largest multinational state


Five Groups of USSR

Russia, Three Baltic States, Three European States, Five Central Asian States, Three Caucasus States

NATO now offers its members

Security against Russia and fights against the Taliban and al' Qaeda in Afghanistan

Democracies and autocracies differ in three essential elements:

Selection of Leaders, Citizen Participation, Checks and Balances

The OAS ( The organization of American states) promotes...

Social cultural political and economic links among member states

Geometric Boundaries

Straight lines drawn on a map

Members of ISIS

Sunni muslims who seek to impose strict religious laws throughout southwest Asia. Have maintain control of territory through human rights violations, such as beheadings, massacres, and torture. Claim to worry Muslims around the world, recruited through social media and the Internet


Systematic use of violence by a group in order to intimidate a population or coerce a government into granting it's demands

How does terrorism differ from political violence

Terrorism is aimed at civilians rather than military or political leaders

small islands which are uninhabited in the East China Sea

The Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan, and Japan all claim sovereignty, Japan has controlled these islands since 1895, except between 1945 and 1972, when the U.S. administered them after Japan was defeated in World War II. China and Taiwan claim that the islands historically belonged to China until the Japanese government illegally seized them in 1895. Japan's position is that China did not state that it had sovereignty over the uninhabited islands in 1895 when Japan claimed them. China and Japan have both established air zones in the East China Sea with conflicting boundaries.

Cuban missile crisis was between

The Soviet union and the United States


The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves

The UN was created... (when and by who)

The end of World War II by the allies

Operational Boundary Dispute

a conflict over the way a boundary should operate or function. Two states might disagree about allowing migration across their respective borders.

The UN replaced

The league of Nations


The most dramatic step towards integrating Europe's nationstates into a regional organization. The European Central Bank was given responsibility of setting interest rates and minimizing inflation

Territorial Morphology

The relationship between a state's geographic shape, size, relative location, and political situation. Factors like shape, size, relative location affect the political issues facing its people internally and internationally.

describe the Cuban missle crisis

The soviet union secretly built missile launching sites in Cuba, less than 90 miles from US territory. President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade for Cuba. Aerial photographs of missile sites were revealed in the UN after Sophia and Bassettaire said they have not build muscle sites in Cuba

Purpose of the European Union

To promote development within member states to economic and political cooperation


a country in which citizens elect leaders and can run for office

multinational state

a country that contains more than one ethnicity with traditions of self-determination


a country that is not fully democratic or fully autocratic, but rather a mix of the two


a country that is run according to the interests of the ruler rather than the people

Definitional Boundary Dispute

a fight over the language of the border agreement in a treaty or boundary contract

"non self-governing territories"

U.N. identifies 17 places in world, Western Sahara is the most extensive and most populous. Least populated is Pitcairn Island, possession of the United Kingdom

the most favorable to become a nation-state


Every country in world recognizes

Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea, but no one has found a way to remove Russia and restore Crimean to Ukraine


United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Signed by 165 countries. U.S. recognizes it , but has not ratified it. Sets claims a country can make on the waters that touch its borders.

One of the five permanent members of the Security Council can

Veto any motion

Walls in city-states

Walls clearly marked the boundaries of the city. Outside the walls, the city controlled agricultural land to produce food for urban residents

Gerrymandering takes three forms:

Wasted vote, Excess vote, Stacked vote

France had the second largest overseas territory mainly in

West Africa and Southeast Asia

The era of bipolar balance of power formally ended...

Wheb the Soviet union was disbanded in 1992

Median-line principle

When there is not enough water for each country on opposite sides of the sea to have 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zone, the two or more countries involved will divide up the water evenly

Other terrorist states

Yemen (base), Sudan (shelter), Iran (uranium), Syria (support), North Korea (nuclear weapons)

Locational Boundary Dispute

a conflict over the location of a boundary, not the definition. The conflicting parties agree on the definition but not on where it exists on the earth or the map


an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs. A state occupies a defined territory and contains a permanent population


an invisible line the marks the extent of a state's territory

Pitcairn Island

an island in the South Pacific, the 50 islanders there today sell fish and postage stamps to collectors

Russian minority population started

an uprising in Ukraine in eastern region. Claiming that the Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine was endangered, Russia invaded eastern Ukraine and seized Crimea

To send and receive goods by sea, a landlocked state must

arrange to use another country's seaport


being completely surrounded by only one state, but it shares an important feature with several other states

A frontier provides a __________, whereas a border brings neighbors into ________, increasing the potential for violence.

buffer between states, direct contact

Subsequent Boundary

divides space as a result of human interaction and negotiation after significant settlement has occurred

Prior to the 1800s, Earth's surface was organized in other ways, such as

city-states, empires, and tribes. Much of Earth's surface consisted of unorganized territory

Excess vote

concentrates opposition supported into a few districts

a synonym for state


In general, the world has become more _____ since the turn of the 19th century


National governments can be classified as (3)

democratic, autocratic, or anocratic

Antecedent Boundaries

existed before human cultures developed into their current forms. Many physical boundaries political boundaries grew as antecedent boundaries.

Postcolonial boundaries frequently coincide with

former colonial provinces


independence from control of its internal affairs by other states

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